Ah! You're vile; you're foul; you're flawed!
Miss Bella
Monday, October 11th, 2004 12:15 am
Amy and the "Friend" Situation

Hi everyone, Nate here. Just thought I'd clear up what Amy had to say here a little. First off, Flannery did not, i repeat DID NOT ask me to e-mail Amy, that was entirely my own choice, and as it seemed, the only logical course of action under the circumstances.
Two years ago, after I broke up with her (which was definitely the ugliest thing I've ever had to do *shudder*), Amy spent months hounding me and my friends. She would come to parties no one had invited her to, and act as though she was best friends with my friends, even though she only knew them through me (btw Amy carolyn says you owe her $200 for the broken couch). She would show up and listen to private meetings being conducted between my friends and our college advisor. She would call me all the time, acting as though I had some kind of obligation to her, and on one specific occasion left a group of actors and techies stranded, failing to show up to a show for which she was stage manager.
Then, September of last year, she started dating Dan. I didn't see or hear from her again until this summer. She IMed me, and at some point it came out that my girlfriend worked at the Bushnell. Amy asked me to put her in contact with Flannery, and after checking with her, I did so. Flannery was kind enough to forward Amy's resume to HR, and from that action and a couple of IM chats Amy somehow got the impression that she and Flannery were best friends. She even somehow got it into her head that the two of us were interested in going out on a double date with her and Dan. Sounds too strange to be true, I know. But it is.
Once my semester started and i was back in town again, Flannery started seeing a lot more of me. You know how it is when you're in a relatively new relationship, you want to spend as much time together as humanly possible. And we did. When you're hanging out a lot, you don't tend to check your e-mail or AIM for people you don't really talk to much anyway, out of consideration for your guest, everyone knows that. So she didn't. Soon, the e-mails started. "Why are you ignoring me?" "what have i done?" and other such ludicrous questions came, not only to Flannery's work e-mail, but somehow, inexplicably, to her home e-mail. No one knows when or how Amy acquired this e-mail address, but she somehow did.
There, you have the facts. I'm not saying that Amy is a bad person, and I'm certainly not saying that her disorder is not at least partially to blame, but when one is faced with social interaction every day, one must at some point take it upon themselves to figure out how it's done. Thank you and good night.

Current Mood: annoyed

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Miss Bella
Saturday, October 9th, 2004 12:43 am
a day in the life

Work has been nuts. My life is nuts and I love it. See, in my 4 years of school I made some pretty close relationships with people in various organizations and causes, and helped out with events and fundraisers. Now they all seem to need help this month, so for the rest of October I have at least two obligations a week, volunteering and attending galas and speaking and such.

On a side note, uha people, Thursday at 12 in A424 T is putting together a panel discussion of english alums to talk about the things you can do with an english major and I'm one of the alums! There will be pizza and soda and me!

Anyway, on the topic of forging relationships and connections. The (former) MAPL has an exhibit of 75 years of political cartoons up at the bushnell. yesterday was the opening, and they neglected to send a photographer. So today I get a call from Barbara in the OOC asking if I'd be willing to run down and pretend to be looking at the pictures so they could get some shots for university publications. so i ran it by some people to make sure i wasn't stepping on any toes and down i went to meet doug penhall. he took some pictures of me posing with the cartoons and all of that. and all was happy, cause uha got their pics, and brenda didn't have to take the time to go meet doug, cause she's in conference mode.

i also got my caaar today! Tomorrow, there will be pictures. Ohyes. Pictures of teh pretteh. It's white and it's MINE. I drove mom and I to dinner tonight, then home. In the dark! And I wasn't scared even though it's my first time driving in the dark.

It hardly seems real. This has been such a big issue for me for so long. But now I have a license AND a car! I'm frrrreeeeee. It's not gonna sink in for awhile that my bus days are over. If I feel like going grocery shopping at 8pm on a thursday night, i can! and i can get whatever i want!

Current Music: Blue Eyes - Cary Brothers

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Miss Bella
Friday, October 8th, 2004 11:33 pm
hell fuckin yeah! ;)

welcome home jersey kid.
Welcome home. You're SO Jersey. You know Wildwood
and Seaside are the most disgusting places on
earth, and only good for drunken after prom
vacations, you know there's always a
"short-cut" to someplace. Isn't
Jersey great? I mean, where else can you go 80
MPH and STILL be the slowest car on the road?

How JERSEY are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Current Music: She Paints Me Blue - Something Corporate

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Miss Bella
Friday, October 8th, 2004 05:20 pm
The Art of Saying No

Did I mention I bought a datebook? I have so many things to do, so many things I agreed to volunteer for.


Current Mood: excited
Current Music: She Paints Me Blue - Something Corporate

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Miss Bella
Friday, October 8th, 2004 04:53 pm

If you want excitement, go driving a fucking Pontiac.

(paraphrased from the lovely [info]lala)

Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: Joking - Indigo Girls

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, October 6th, 2004 11:56 pm
you guyyyyys *whine*

I should stop watching and get in bed. This hurts.

Current Mood: anxious
Current Music: sox game

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 10:41 pm
What have I been up to in my life?

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Miss Bella
Wednesday, September 29th, 2004 07:29 am
Now that I have a bit more time ...

How did it become that 7 am is when I have more time?? Hehe. Anyway, yes, new ibook. It's so pretty. i swear I had more to say ...

Thank you ALL for your kind thoughts and stuff, it must have worked! I was SO terrified. But let me tell you, CT people, if you need to go to the DMV go to Danbury! It's efficient and the people are nice and the inspectors are awesome and the route was fairly easy. One glitch: They made me take the written test again! But that was more AAA's fault, I think. They didn't have any documentation that I had passed it already. I passed it again, finished it in 10 minutes, only got one wrong.

Next step is getting my car up here. I have a call in to the insurance agent, then it'll have to be registered, then Mom and Heather are bringing it up October 10! Week and a half, eeee. And this fits in perfectly with my plan to go visiting my old boss Sharon and the office of communication people cause I have Columbus Day off and they don't!

Okay I oughta finish getting ready. I have to wear a jacket today! MMMM fall ...

Current Mood: content
Current Music: the fan, my ibook's clickity new keyboard!

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 11:53 pm

Got my new ibook today!

ibook G4 1GHz 14" 512MB running Panther. mmmmmmmmmm ... so pretty .......

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 01:43 pm
news alert

I passed!!! :D

Now it's off to work, gotta run, eeeeee!

Current Mood: rushed

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 01:42 am
you were always on my mind

i feel a lot better from my earlier post. my amazing one came over and we sat on the back steps for a long time and he made me feel better. now, i sleep for real.

Current Music: stupid levi's commercial

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004 01:40 am
calling all cars, calling all cars

tomorrow at 10:30 EST please think good thoughts for my driving test? i'm really scared ...

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Miss Bella
Friday, September 24th, 2004 04:41 pm
I kissed a drunk girl

Except not. Thanks.

I'm a bit out of sorts today. Due to the wonders of flextime, I got out of work 3 hours early today. Came home to my little housewife, heehee. I'd left nate to sleep in this morning since i was getting out early and he's not slept much, what with taking me to work every morning. He'd slept until 1pm! But then he cooked while I napped, so it was all okay.

Then he left to do work and now I am supersad. Cause I won't see him pretty much all weekend. I'm such a brat, cause I'm with him pretty much every second of the day, it seems.

Right. I'm a big girl now. I'll be driving all weekend anyway. And next weekend, Big E!

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Miss Bella
Tuesday, September 21st, 2004 07:41 pm
this is about as social as i get now

Well it's already Tuesday. So I'm gonna be like [info]knicksyankees and just break it down by day.

Friday I was all alone and watched the Sox game. It was a good game.

Saturday mom came and we drove around uha to give me some practice. stopped in the 3's to get stuff for nate. i think i made poor yale nervous, showing up like that on my own, haha. I did, however, get a spot right in the lot. HA! Score! Then we drove to the mobil station in i think ashford and met him, yay! i'm such a loser i can't go a day without him, haha. mom went back to NJ and he and i continued to Providence. there was no waterfire, pout, but we walked by the non-flaming river and then went to get tickets for SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW. I dunno, that title just seems like it needs to be capitalized. Show wasn't until 9:40, so we walked around the mall. We went imaginary apartment furniture shopping, hee. Socute.

Movie was, in a word, SOFUCKINCOOL. Yes, that's a word. The theater we saw it in was one of those new ones with the fancy schmancy sound systems so you FELT every bump. I think I broke nate's hand with my squeezing and jumping. After we went back to his house and had ice cream and ... sat downstairs ... and talked. Until 2am. Then I went up and slept in his bed cause he's a gentleman ;) he has glow in the dark stars on his ceiling that i only saw when i turned out the light and got in bed. it made me happy.

Sunday we got up and make blueberry pancakes! Well, he did, I just watched and stole blueberries. They were so so so good. Mmm. I can almost taste them now. Then we took the dog for a walk and we went to whole foods and then to church for evensong. he rehearsed for two hours, i sat in a chair and read and napped and text messaged with [info]nolrak where i thoroughly confused him by trying to explain sky captain and why he should see it. I really am liking going to church and the singing. I don't sing. I watch. To clarify. I talked to some people who knew who i was even though i didn't know them. That always startles me, but it's nice. that means i get talked about lots. ;) After church we picked up the Robin Williams DVD and talked to some chick named sarah for awhile. I was cold and cranky, haha.

Got back to Hartford and went over to Carolyn's to watch the DVD, where we got through half of it. Ah Robin Williams, is there anything he doesn't know?

Okay that's enough weekend fun out of me, cause he's here and I, as my away message says, have a double date with a boy and a tv. Gilmore Girls squee!!!!!

Current Mood: content
Current Music: Hands Down, Dashboard Confessional

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Miss Bella
Monday, September 20th, 2004 09:07 pm
i'm not staring, i'm reliving my birth!

Well hello there. I locked down my journal a couple of years ago. I think I might try my hand at unlocking it. So hello!

Don't worry and feel unspecial, people on my friends list, I'll still be posting locked entries!

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Miss Bella
Friday, June 18th, 2004 12:29 am
GMail For the Troops: Coming out of hiding for a worthy cause

Wil posted about a movement to get GMail accounts in the hands of troops in Iraq. I was given a GMail account recently by [info]teferi and have given out two of my invites. I intend to give the rest of mine to this cause. Right now it looks like the only way to go is with the gmail swap site, but a clearinghouse is being worked on. I know many of you have Gmail, so I wanted to give you the opportunity to participate if you so desire.

Gmail gives 1 gig of storage space, which is great for the troops to store pictures from home, and emails from loved ones. But it's invite only, so hopefully this effort will work in raising the morale of troops.

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Miss Bella
Friday, May 28th, 2004 07:05 pm
Still Friends-Only, but these will allegedly give you some insight into the wonder of me ...

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Miss Bella
Thursday, May 13th, 2004 01:54 am

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Miss Bella
Monday, October 27th, 2003 08:05 pm
This is my own Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out

From a tenement window a transistor blasts
Turn around the corner things got real quiet real fast
She hit me with a Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
And I'm all alone, I'm all alone
And kid you better get the picture
And I'm on my own, I'm on my own
And I can't go home

Friends Only.

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