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Chelle's Ponderings
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mmm had roast beef for dinner, made red potatoes and beans and had yorkshire puddings. *drools*
There is just something so good about comfort food.

I've been feeling pretty shitty the last couple of days, I have this on going headache that starts at my sinuses and goes in behind my eyes. I've come home and crawled into bed in pain two days in a row now. I hope this stops.

Monty goes to get neutered tomorrow and his annual vaccinations. I'm sure he'll be loving us.

Work was slow again today.. 15 fricking minutes between calls. Between calls there is nothing to do that is work related so you chat with your team members, read books, magazines and do word puzzles. Im not complaining but I just wish I had something more interesting to do. I can't bring in knitting or anything like that because its considered a weapon. We can't have scissors either, it's worse than elementary school, they actually trust the little darlings with pointy objects! Odd thing is no one stops us from bringing in knives to cut food?? *shrugs*

see he is angry at me!

Feeling: crazy
Grooving to : On TV: Extreme Makeover Home Edition

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Laundry Cats and the Battle of the Bulge
went to werk, work was slow so we were decorating for halloween between phone calls. I had a fairly relaxing day all together. My contacts were bugging me all day long and when I came home I had a pounding headache. I passed out in bed for a couple hours, Craig was a sweetheart and made dinner, we had bbq chicken salads mmmmm. After I did some school work and now I'm just here updating and drooling over auctions in ebay.

Craig and I are battling the bulge atm.. together we're down 22lbs and down about 35 inches.. I can feel myself starting to feel better. we are eating very clean and drinking about 2.5-4 litres of water a day. No fast food, no salt and no processed foods. So with that being said you might find I post about that a bit more here. Feel free to ignore my posts or give support :)

I miss being on vacation. I get home everyday after work and just want to crawl into bed and watch movies and be lazy. I've been trying not to do that but its been hard, judging by my nap today maybe I need to start getting more sleep.. I really thought eight hours was enough.. hrmmm..

Max and Monty are totally in love with clean laundry baskets, I guess all cats are!

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I got bored, I made a new Icon teehee..

*Update* I changed all but two!

Feeling: Girlie
Grooving to : Digitally Imported - chillout

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*ahem sorry for crossposting to my own journal*

So.. I have this HUGE fear of dentists, it's a phobia, I get scared, I've broken down and started crying at the thought of going or hearing other people's stories. I agree it's a silly fear,I know its completely irrational, but it's come a time where I need to go.. NEED to go. Does anyone have a super friendly, gentle dentist? and one that is accepting patients?

Your input is greatly appreicated :)

Feeling: scared

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So here I am finishing day 17 of my 17 day Vacation. I go back to work tomorrow, face the music, start the grind all over again. I can't say that Im looking forward to it but I am a girl of little hobbies lately and have started to run out of things to occupy myself with, adside from Craig and Craig related activities. I've been watching more TV than I've watched lately and also started to become a healther me, a hobby in which I will definately continue. Down 8 lbs, 11 3/4 inches so far. I have some things ready for scrapbooking and I just need to get some copies of foto's and some more paper to begin. I have lots more to put in here, but this is all I feel like typing out.. longer post later about my trip etc :)

Feeling: cranky

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Ugh I'm sick :( it's my first day of my next 17 days off of work for vacation too!! Grrrr..

Craig and I leave for Edmonton/Calgary on Thursday. Here's hoping I get better soon. Travelling while sick is not the most fun thing in the world.

Feeling: sick

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Birthday Festivities!
Just had birthday festivities for Craig's Dad, it was his 50th so we had Chinese food and homemade cake for desert!..

I think this is the first official dinner we've had over here since we moved in, that's lame.. eight months and only one real event. I plan on having my second on Wednesday, Barb is coming over and we are going to have a "spa" night. She sells a brand called Artistry Cosmetics and spa treats and Wednesday night I will have my Mom and Craig's Mom and Amy and possibly a few others to have treats and try out the products. Fun :)

I've been super busy with work and really trying to get into a spot so I can get the TL position, I'm going to be going into a Team Lead development program where I will get corporate management training and learning the systems I would be using.

Going downtown was a feat.. We (being Craig's Mom and I) were driving back about three blocks from home we were sitting at the red light and there was this younger girl and this older man riding by in a scooter (you know those "rascal" things) at the crosswalk and they got up on the curb and fell right over! We stopped to help them up, I felt bad because the old man was quite inebriated and the girl seemed very out of it herself, not drunk but definitely on something that was slowing her down. Apparently they had already fallen twice since they left and she asked for a ride home, but it was a little too weird of a situation to assist further. Brenda offered to call them an ambulance with her phone, or a cab. I offered the girl bus change but they didn't accept any of those options, so we left them there. We get around the corner and there is another accident two cars hit each other head on, the people seemed okay though. We just kept driving and hoped we made it home in one piece. My anxiety was starting to get to me at that point so when I got home I just went into my bedroom and just sat and took a breath.

So without further rambling I'll leave you with some pictures of the evening. There were no pictures of me because I was taking them! The cats got into the fun and tried to hop on the tables every two seconds. Ken was really appreciative of everything and kept thanking us. It was really nice to hear that and have things go well. I'm pooped! .. I'm not used to playing "hostess"

Cut yourself a piece of birthday cake, sit down and check out the pictures.. )

It's Friday tomorrow!! Sooo tired, I think I'll head to bed early

Feeling: full
Grooving to : TV in background - Fearfactor

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Hey Kandymonkey *wink wink* teehee

LJ wedding Meme )

Feeling: goofy

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What is it with cats and going and making a mess as soon as you change the litter.. seriously!?

Im making the hard decision that I am going to start forcing myself to work overtime and I will pay my debt off slowly but surely. My credit line is creeping up and my CC is supposed to be empty.. and its not :) I spent some money getting contacts and paying for Craigs gift for our Aniversary, which was really nice. Now I MUST buckle down. We plan on taking Vacation at the end of September for 2 weeks and just going out on the road.. probably end up in Calgary. We cant do that if we have no money.

My name is Michelle.. and I'm a shopaholic.

I admitt it.. I deny it to the end of the earth, but I'll admit it.. on my livejournal at least anyway, we all confest our deepest darkest secrets on livejournal in the hopes that no one will see or read it, yet we let the entire free world into our lives by having a livejournal, ironic, no?

Futureshop has a 64mb memory card on for 30$ I am trying my very hardest to stay away from it, since it is a web only special and I can't get flash cards that cheap anywhere else in town right now.. must not.. use... credit.. stay away from websites that you can order online!!()@#* GAH!

I'm going to work on the next few weeks on getting my portfolio back up and start hunting around for some freelance work, there has to be someone that needs a website or needs one updated or needs to have some graphics installed on there website. I am working in the interal website at WEST (work) but its not a paying gig its also not my project alone.

I'm really not supposed to be home today but because of my business training I had to take this weekend off, I get this weds/thurs off too so I suppose its a fair trade.
I don't really want to do anything today but I've already done 4 loads of laundry and tidied up the house.

Can I go to bed yet? ..

I'm so missing this (July 2004, road trip through the cascades in Washington State)

Feeling: crazy
Grooving to : U2 - all I want is you

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Ok I look EXACTLY like Monty!! .. weirdness.

If I were a cat.. meme )

Feeling: geeky

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Here is a neat MEME stolen from [info]punkstar

1. Take your livejournal username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (a=1, b=2, etc.). If your name contains numbers, break them up into 2-digit numbers and a 1-digit number, if necessary.

2. Add all of the numbers together.

3. Find the post of this number in your livejournal. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together. Keep doing so until the number is smaller than your pathetic number of posts.
(7/2/00 02:04 am)

4. Take first digit of the number from step 2, and count that many words into the post.

5. Use the resulting word in a google image search, and select the first picture from the results.

Well here are my results!

Feeling: amused

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Meme.. Indeed )

Feeling: geeky
Grooving to : Back To You

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Wednesday Wednesday... Wednesday.. the word has lost all meaning. I'm just babbling, waiting on the line for a customer service rep to answer so I can know if my bill has been paid or not and to cancel this stupid credit card that I signed up for that I don't want. I hate that companies still don't have all there services available online and that you can't just pay online with any way you want, I can only pay with an American checking account.. Grrr.
I pay all my other bills online.. phone bill, cell bill, citi... visa.. car payment.. it just seems silly not to have it available these days. I guess thats just me.

Our aniversary is on Friday, I can't believe 2 years have past, we argue, we poke and prod each other until we are rabbid and crazy but we still love each other and manage to always work things out. I'm glad I get the opportunity to do that, I'm glad we work on things.

Our house is messssy, I've been cleaning it slowly since about 10, one corner of the house is done!

My kitties are happy today.

Feeling: geeky
Grooving to : Maroon 5 - This Love

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soo you know whats fricking sweet?



150$ GIFT CERTIFICATE TO TICKETMASTER!!.. woot! I won it at work, kickass!!!!

Feeling: bouncy

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Yay today is my Friday. I'm going to be going to the lake to take a nice vacation away from work. I'll be away from today right through until Saturday, hope you all have a good weekend. There was some major craziness in the Victoria_bc community over the last couple of days. I had to be a real biotch and take some moderator type actions. Anyways when I get back I hope the world hasn't exploded.. Maybe I'll make another phone post, if I remember. Later! :)
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Interesting.. I'm not going to "cut" this .. drop me, see if I care ;P if you're going to get pissy about 25 lines I think you're better off my list anyhoo!

And Craig, wtf is up with you and I sharing zero interests huh? dork.

chelle and swornpacifist share 31 interests.
chelle and linzee share 25 interests.
chelle and strawberrygirl share 23 interests.
chelle and melodiouschaos share 23 interests.
chelle and sultry share 21 interests.
chelle and billemon share 20 interests.
chelle and crystaldream share 17 interests.
chelle and kandymonkey share 15 interests.
chelle and suongsa share 14 interests.
chelle and gategypsy share 14 interests.
chelle and sweeeetnezz share 13 interests.
chelle and premonut share 13 interests.
chelle and doogloose share 12 interests.
chelle and shuperstar share 11 interests.
chelle and icerazer share 11 interests.
chelle and ibrad share 11 interests.
chelle and winkles share 10 interests.
chelle and punkstar share 10 interests.
chelle and krazymazy share 7 interests.
chelle and glamurgirlie share 7 interests.
chelle and apriljoy share 7 interests.
chelle and vampirmel share 5 interests.
chelle and ungeekgirl share 5 interests.
chelle and beccydarling share 5 interests.
chelle and thewalkingman share 4 interests.
chelle and nakitasha share 4 interests.
chelle and tinabee share 3 interests.
chelle and sachikam share 3 interests.
chelle and sparkleberry share 2 interests.
chelle and paris_of_priam share 2 interests.
chelle and shada share 1 interest.
chelle and gambit820 share 1 interest.
chelle and billiam share 1 interest.
chelle and viviwivi share 0 interests.
chelle and thall share 0 interests.
chelle and sadisticbanana share 0 interests.
chelle and craigers69 share 0 interests.
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wow guys.. I made my first PHONE POST.. yea.. go listen to it or something. :)

Feeling: amused

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Phone Post
167K 0:47
(Help)(no transcription available)
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My kitty is sick :( We've had Max in the kitty hospital the last few days. Tonight we found out that his condition is worsened and we had to leave him there for more treatments. Kitty has a Urinary tract infection, thats now turned into a blockage.. which may be easily corrected or could require surgery. We've spent 1000$ on him already, It could be up to 3000$ by the time he is better. I don't know what to do. I felt sick to my stomach when the Vet told us Max's condition has gotten serious, I've been holding back tears all evening, I just feel so helpless. The money doesn't matter to me but I don't know how much more I'm going to be able to afford. He's such a good Cat, he's never had a problem ever, everyone in the vet ooh's and ahh's over his colors and says how gentle and friendly he is with everyone, even the nurse that sticks the thermometer up his little kitty bum. I'm so worried we might have to have him put down, I can't do anything but sit here and wait for the vet to call.

If anyone has any web design work they want or graphic design projects for me I'd love you forever, I just want to help my kitty.. I hate money. *sigh*

More news as it comes in....

Feeling: numb

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I fucking hate Tampa Bay... losers.. they didn't deserve the cup!.. does Florida even get snow!?

Canada was so ripped off!

Feeling: angry

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It's funny.. I don't post here a lot but I read my friends list at least once a day. I comment sometimes, if I think its really important, I suppose having this journal for so long I've gotten lazy.. no lazy isn't the word I'm looking for, I'll use selective. :)

Feeling: silly
Grooving to : Holiday - Madonna

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It's been forever and a day since I've made a livejournal post hasn't it? wow..
Nothing too new going on around here. Instead of boring you with details about my doing nothing here are some pictures of my past few weeks, there's quite a few days missing where we've forgotten the camera etc.

My life in pictures )

Feeling: listless
Grooving to : Led Zepplin - Stairway (woot!)

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Today was really tiring.
I got out of bed Early because I had to get the oil changed on the car..

I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy.

I'm so happy. I just found out that I have been accepted into Harvard. And Yale. I don't know which to choose... oh, why is life so hard sometimes?

Last night I had to masturbate twenty times. I'm so horny. Click here to see my website.

I want to tell the world that my girlfriend Amy is the bomb! She made pizza last night, and even though I burnt my lips on the cheese, it was awesome!!!

I am really annoyed with those assholes at _are_you_hotter_than_us_?, because I am so much cuter than them, and those photos don't do me justice. They can't reject me, so I'm starting my own rating community. Click here to join (the first five applicants are automatically accepted).

Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's ten thousand photographs of my cat.

I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.

I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, and a healthy imagination.

You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you what your favourite sexual position is.

I think I might be going crazy.. don't tell me why I am writing this.

That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this thought - sharing your life with strangers on the internet is the cheapest form of therapy available. Leave a comment and tell me I'm beautiful.

Created with the Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updater™. Update your journal today!

Feeling: gloomy
Grooving to : Trance

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Update .. what? I never update anymore *sigh*
Once again I've said nothing in here for ages. Um..yea.. Hi!

I've been living a somewhat routine life lately, not a ton going on just working and living weekend to weekend. I admit that it's rather boring and not what I want to be posting about on livejournal, although I suppose it is my journal and I can say whatever I please (even if it is "Woke up to go to work, went, sucked, did stuff, went to bed, repeat).

So yer..
Did I mention I am a Canadian working for an American company? that certainly has it's interesting moments. "No Sir I'm not from Canada, just north of Seattle."

Just North of Seattle...


Feeling: blah

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I'm not even going to say a whole lot here, I'm just going to put my journal as friends only, so drop a note if you would like to be included in that.

I'm fine, just fine.

Feeling: working
Grooving to : Lead Zepplin - Livin' Lovin'

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Busy busy busy as usual. It's the last day of my weekend and I'm just finishing up some laundry, checking my emails and taking it easy. Getting up at 5:30 is tiring but I'm getting used to it now. There is this new rewards program at work which basically works out to me having a $2.00/Hour raise so I can't complain. My biggest news is my new baby.. I'm so glad/excited to have it! :)

here is my baby.. aside from Craig that is ;) .. of course it's his too.. I guess *grin*
click to see )

Other than that I've been trying to be a lot healthier, which is paying off and it's nice to not have to worry about my job for once!
I'm all excited now because the holidays are fast approaching, I had the best Christmas last year to which I hope I can recreate.
I love Summer but Fall always feels so refreshing. Welp... thats about all thats going on with me right now.

Still enjoying reading what everyone else is up to :)

Feeling: accomplished
Grooving to : Outkast - Hey Ya

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I haven't really said much lately. I'm just sort of in transition with things, it's like I don't feel I have time for anything and yet I have all the time in the world. I think it's more of an energy issue. I'm working full time, have a second job lined up for Christmas, just enjoyed Craig's birthday, almost out of debt, I still feel unhealthy and still struggling to do something about it. Craig and I are still really happy, aside from our differences, but that just makes us stronger and want to work on it instead of just giving up or moving on with out a chance like what’s happened to me so many times before.

Today is just a shut in day, rented the Italian Job and watched that last night, it really makes me want a mini now.
We also bought both 1 and 2 of The Matrix series, I thought I had the first one but turns out I didn't have it in my possession anymore it moved out over a year ago now I guess :P

We added a new addition to our family, a bran new 8 week old orange kitten named Bear, he's more trouble then I remember kittens being and has decided to make our leather couches (which we are still paying for!) into his own personal litter box.. yea so we've blocked the room off until he's old enough to get fixed, we're hoping that he'll settle down then.

Everything else is basically peaceful and I'm just sort of playing catch up on everything atm ..

I hope everyone on my friends list is doing well, I check up on all of you from time to time :)

Feeling: optimistic
Grooving to : Youth Of The Nation - P.O.D

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Ok well all settled in here at the big brother hou.. I mean just the normal house :P There are 6 of us living here right now.. even if "two" of the six are cats ;)

I'm so addicted to big brother it's not even funny, I wish I had the deal at the website where you can watch 24/7 but I think that would make things even worse.

On Monday or some time int he very near future I plan on heading out to West to apply for a job, this is a company that opened up fairly recently and has been hiring thousands of people to work in there call center taking calls from the US. It's full time a decent wage with all the benefits and it doesnt sound like it's too difficult a job or anything.

I still haven't posted the pictures yet from the roadtrip but I will shortly!

I guess on the whole I'm doing ok :)

Feeling: blah
Grooving to : Rockin Robin

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I'm supposed to be packing the house up. We're moving again. Bleh! I can't seem to get the motivation to move anything or pack or clean or anything.

I sort of made more of a post about it here if your interested. Yer just stressed, unsure of what to do about work.. school.. all that junk.

I'll have the pictures up from our roadtrip shortly as well :)

Feeling: restless
Grooving to : DJ Icey - Dreams

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Feeling: dorky
Grooving to : Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

All About Chelle
User: [info]chelle
Name: MalibuChelle
Back October 2004