Inscribed in the Cheese
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Mephistopheles of Pancakes' LiveJournal:

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    Monday, December 6th, 2004
    1:04 am
    Resolution 1
    Although it's only the beginning of December, I hereby make my first New Year's resolution:

    I am going to learn to juggle.

    (8 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Sunday, December 5th, 2004
    2:44 am
    Maybe that's my problem.
    According to a fairly drunk, wildly flaming man who came into B&N; right before closing tonight, I "don't sound straight."


    (14 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Saturday, December 4th, 2004
    1:41 am
    N-DDGP Begins!
    Yes, folks, it's that time of year: Non-Denominational December Gifting Period has begun!

    Tonight, in addition to picking up various things for other people, I bought myself a box of holiday cards, plus three books:
    Bed, Bed, Bed, the They Might Be Giants children's book, largely for the exclusive CD that comes with it
    Sideways by Rex Pickett, alias the source of my third-favorite film of 2004
    Little Me by Patrick Dennis, alias the source for a terrific musical

    They will not be the last.

    In honor of N-DDGP, I'm still willing to pick up books for people who'd like them with my 40% discount (said discount lasts through next Sunday), and still willing to accept more addresses for people who want cards. (For the latter, leave a comment here.)

    (Say something funny)

    Friday, December 3rd, 2004
    12:20 am
    Xanthus Saves
    Saw People Are Wrong! tonight with [info]playingmysong. It rocked my ass.

    I laughed, I cried rocked out, I bought the t-shirt.

    So should you.

    (It's very, very strange, but the music is terrific and the cast is great, and those are more than enough to save it when the going gets sort of incomprehensible. Think of it as a kind of Rocky Horror with the sex replaced by gardening.)

    (15 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Thursday, December 2nd, 2004
    12:34 am
    Yoinked from [info]ladyshrew, written by [info]angevin2:

    The Gashlyspeare Tinies
    A is for Antigonus, lunch for a bear
    B is for Banquo (but not for his heir)
    C is for Cloten, deprived of his head
    D is for Desdemona, smothered in bed
    E is for Enobarbus, quelled by regret
    F is for Falstaff, carried off by a sweat
    G is for Gloucester, whose eyes were both gored
    H is for Hamlet, stabbed with poisonous sword
    I is for Iago, condemned to be racked1
    J is for Juliet's suicide pact
    K is for Kent, who would follow his master
    L is for Lear, who expired by disaster
    M is for Macbeth, attacked by a glade
    N is for Norfolk, who died on crusade
    O is for Ophelia, whose death was all wet
    P is for Portia, who dined on briquet2
    Q is for Quickly, burnt out by VD
    R is for Regan, who drank poison tea
    S is for Suffolk, by pirates beheaded
    T is for Titus, whose victims were breaded
    U is for Uncle Claude, poisoned (and more)3
    V is for Vaughan, who was killed by a boar4
    W is for Warwick, who at Barnet was slain
    X5 is for Exton, who wandered like Cain
    Y is for Yorick, who's naught but a skull
    Z is for no one, so this ending is dull

    1. Much like my brains in devising this doggerel. Cinthio's Hecatommithi, Shakespeare's main source for Othello, tells us that the there-unnamed ensign is condemned to the rack for his role in the murder of Disdemona (as Cinthio spells it), and then dies a very uncomfortable death after his internal organs rupture.

    2. I believe this unusual manner of death also appears in the original Gashlycrumb Tinies.

    3. This line was contributed by [info]the_alchemist. Many thanks!

    4. This reference is common enough in Richard III that I can use it. And yes, he's a ridiculously minor character. Really, there aren't that many Shakespeare characters who have names starting with V. And most of them survive their plays.

    5. Yes, I know it's not, really, but I didn't make this stuff up. Blame Shakespeare for not giving anyone a name starting with X. And don't tell me there weren't any. It was good enough for Marlowe. Or was that Zenocrate with a Z? Now I can't remember offhand.

    (3 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Wednesday, December 1st, 2004
    5:24 pm
    I've had good days. This wasn't one of them.
    Last night, I saw a tremendously awful play.
    Then I got a crappy night's sleep.
    Then I got a voicemail from Lindsey this morning informing me that she had to pull out of joining me for the opening of Souvenir tonight.
    And then the power went out at 11:30.

    So I did what any self-respecting person does: I went back to bed.

    Now I'm at the York, killing time. When I left the house at 4:00, the power was still out - I don't know if it's back on yet. Apparently, a car on Route 9 (the major road off of which the road on which I live is) hit a pole. Why it's taken them so long to fix, I'll never know.

    (6 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Monday, November 29th, 2004
    1:41 am
    Yep, I knew this would happen.
    Princesses played its final performance yesterday, and I still haven't made it past the beginning of Act II in my write-up on the show.

    Somehow, I don't think it'll ever be finished. I never even got to the real criticism - most of what I wrote was synopsizing the plot. So, in the interest of theatrical thoughts, I present to you the work-forever-in-progress version of my Princesses write-up. It was intended to be extremely long and touch on many subjects - those of you who are friends with [info]bwaybabie can drop by a flocked post that she made the night I saw the show that includes some discussion that would have eventually been part of the write-up.

    The ultimate conclusion was that the show is/was almost completely devoid of heart, charm, wit, and true cleverness, as pointed out by the one number that did possess those, "What a Drag."
    Read what was never written )

    (10 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Sunday, November 28th, 2004
    12:17 am
    The HM Way
    New York Times: Where Musical-Makers Audition Their Ideas

    So if I didn't go to the actual Harvard (nor did I want to), I did get to "the Harvard of show tunes."

    (None of the lyrics quoted are mine, as should come as no surprise. The reporter was there the first week of Blanche songs, it seems.)

    (Say something funny)

    Friday, November 26th, 2004
    2:01 am
    That Time of Year, Part 2 of 3ish
    Discount books.

    B&N;'s Employee Appreciation Days are December 3rd through 12th - during that time, I get 40% off cover price of all books. Anyone want to place any orders through me? I'm willing to pick up some books for some people. (I'm purposefully being noncommittal about numbers, and I'm asking this early in case anyone wants anything that I'd need to put on order.)

    Comments aren't screened on this post - if you have any questions that you don't want to ask in public, just email me.

    (1 Promise of the morning | Say something funny)

    Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
    12:40 am
    I was close.
    I continue to almost have The Gift.

    The assignment is to write a comedy song for any character or scene in Jersey Girl.

    Now I've gotta see the movie. Was there anyone who actually liked it? ([info]franklinshepard, do I recall that you did, or am I misremembering?)

    I'm looking forward to this one, if only for the chance to possibly write a song about porn.

    (25 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Monday, November 22nd, 2004
    2:09 am
    Ooh! Navy SEALS!
    Tomorrow (tonight, really), we're supposed to be getting the pairings and source material for the next BMI assignment, which is a comedy song.

    This afternoon, while eating my wonderfully nutritious lunch from KFC before leaving for work (where I was for 9.5 hours, thanks to a post-closing store meeting - yes, [info]eatstake, I enjoyed the "learning map"), I found myself watching Clerks for the first time in far too long, with the commentary on (which is darkly funny, since it was recorded for the laserdisc while filming Mallrats - this, of course, is the original DVD, not Clerks X, which I have yet to get).

    And I thought - well, wouldn't it be fun if the assignment were for this movie? I'd be able to finally write the rest of "Thirty-Seven."

    I doubt it, though. And if it did, we'd probably end up with five or six complete versions of "Berserker."

    (9 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    12:48 am
    That Time of Year, Part 1 of 3ish
    Holiday cards.

    This year, I'm getting ready for them early, unlike last year (anyone who got one from me last year knows what they were like).

    Want one?

    Leave a comment with the pertinent info - address, naming conventions, anything worth specifically mentioning in the card, etc. Comments are screened, so no need to worry about someone else seeing your info.

    (Even if I've had your address in the past, please do not assume that I still do. Unless you know that I still do. And even then, leave a comment so that I can be sure that I still do.)

    (Say something funny)

    Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
    6:59 pm
    Two Incredibles Thoughts
    1. Was anyone else reminded of Fight-Man? (Does anyone else remember Fight-Man? [info]thepopa?)

    2. The first person to get me an angry Lucius icon with the caption "This is about the greater good!" wins bonus points and a cookie.

    (5 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Wednesday, November 10th, 2004
    5:34 pm
    Mr. Potter update
    AABA done. AABA' to go.

    (2 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    4:10 pm
    Writing/Not Writing
    And so, an hour after I intended to start, which was itself an hour after I should have started, I'm starting in on writing the lyric for "Money Comes Naturally to Me."

    AABAAABA', here I come!

    (Say something funny)

    1:58 pm
    More Pratchett
    Is anyone out there familiar with a semi-obscure (i.e. non-Discworld, non-Good Omens) Pratchett novel from about seven years ago called Only You Can Save Mankind? BoingBoing linked to the website of a musical version of it yesterday.

    Is the plot really as close to that of The Last Starfighter as it sounds from the synopsis on the musical's site? (Actually, the synopsis in the BoingBoing entry makes it sound like a direct cross between Starfighter and Ender's Game.)

    The novel, as far as I can tell, is out of print in the US in hardcover and is scheduled to be released in paperback next summer.

    (1 Promise of the morning | Say something funny)

    12:27 am
    Two more books
    The Final Solution (the new Michael Chabon novella) was released today, so I bought that (noting that Chabon is one of the few authors whose works I'll buy in first-run hardcover, since I'm not willing to wait for paperback).

    And I bought...wait for it...The Color of Magic.

    Yes, I'm going to start reading Pratchett...finally.

    (6 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Tuesday, November 9th, 2004
    2:48 pm
    Spoils of War: Ossining Public Library 3-for-a-dollar rack
    Yeah, I'm a used book whore. I picked up six books, since I had two singles on me - I originally picked out ten, but I put four back because I didn't want to bother breaking a twenty, and those four weren't so important anyway. All are mass-market paperbacks.

    The books, with the usual commentary )

    The four I put back, for reference, were Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger, Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler, and two others that have since slipped my mind.

    (Say something funny)

    12:14 am
    TV on the Video
    Does anyone have Sunday's Simpsons and Arrested Development on tape? I didn't count football into the equation when I set the tape, so I'm missing half of the former and all (*sniff*) of the latter.

    (4 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

    Monday, November 8th, 2004
    5:11 pm
    Posts I need to make (a short list)
    1. Write-up on Princesses (and, incidentally, Mack and Mabel) at Goodspeed
    2. Post on disappointment with both The Lord of the Rings and, connectedly, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
    3. Post extolling the virtues of Gideon Defoe's novel The Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists, which will probably be the first in a series of "Why haven't you read [Book X]?" posts
    4. Average, regular posts

    (10 Promises of the morning | Say something funny)

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