alive on arrival's Journal

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Thursday, April 29th, 2004
12:30 pm - too funny
Rush Limbaugh on Queer Eye?

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Friday, February 6th, 2004
12:00 pm - ok kids
the democratic caucuses for maine are this sunday. go here for more info about times and places for your town:

i command you to get off your jaded, apathetic behinds and do something for this country.

if you are not registered you can register at the caucus so that's no excuse. ;)

current mood: political

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Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
4:07 pm - well golly gee
22% of my caseload is homeless or incarcerated.

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Monday, December 8th, 2003
10:09 am - ouch . . .
wallpaper removal + taping + two coats of kermit-the-frog green paint + shoveling the entire driveway after 13 inches of snow + raking the roof = a very very sore little j.

my entire body hurts. and i'm so exhausted.

but i feel accomplished.

now i'm going to have some coffee. and try not to fall asleep.

erin's family is having a b-day party for me tonight. i can't wait to see my presents!! i love presents.

current mood: exhausted
current music: cars driving through slush

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Friday, June 20th, 2003
3:16 pm - HIV testing
everyone in maine or who is willing to drive to portland:
today and tomorrow from noon to 6pm my agency is doing the rapid HIV test on congress street at the former club ozone (just down from levinsky's and the ll bean factory store). you get your result in 20-30 minutes (normally you have to wait 7-10 days). it's free and anonymous. so get yourself tested, fools!

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Thursday, March 20th, 2003
10:05 am - one more time
Portland: gather at 5 pm in Monument Sq on the day that we hear that bombing has begun. If news comes later than 5pm, gather thre next day at 5pm. There are plans for this to be a noisy but peaceful action, so bring your drums and your voices. Those seeking a quiet place to stand in silence and commemorate those lost and to be lost in the war can gather and line Congress St further along toward MECA so as to stand in silent vigil away from the drums. Plans for direct resistance and noncooperation with the unjust actions of the US government are underway. More people are needed. For info call Peace Action Maine at 772-0680, email or other organizers at

taken from:

other towns have other things planned so if you can't be in portland check out the link for info for your town.

friends? who of you are going tonight at 5pm?

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Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
2:58 pm - day after protest
Portland - Day Of - Day after

Portland, Maine

If it is before 5pm: go to Monument Square at 5pm and bring whatever you can to cause a ruckus against the war.

If it is after 5pm: go to Monument Square the next day at 5pm and show your resistance to their bloody war.

ALSO: There will be a large demonstration in Portland on the Saturday after war is announced starting at 12 noon in Monument Square. More info TBA.

Or: walk out of work, school, unemployment, create street art, don't buy anything and shut down the economy that feeds the war machine. When the War begins, America stops!!!!

Monument Square Portland Maine

Peace Action Maine

current mood: bitchy

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Tuesday, November 5th, 2002
2:47 pm - look what came today?

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Sunday, October 20th, 2002
10:17 pm - ha
I have issues with...
Take Word Association Test

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Friday, October 18th, 2002
11:16 am - another reason why my job is good
we have new computers.
with cd burners.
that rewrite at an average speed of 30x.
so we can make lots of cds.
because they only take 2 minutes to burn.
and they play just fine.
so then we all come into my office.
and dance to the monsoon wedding soundtrack.
including my supervisor.
she's my favorite right now.


and now i have the norah jones cd.

current mood: bouncy
current music: norah jones

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10:14 am - hey barrett!!!
so, since you have a job (WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO btw!), i have some info for you. we always get training info here and for some reason they think i am janine collins (a previous employee) when in fact i'm not. well, she gets all this stuff from planned parenthood that some how comes to me. anyway, this training is nov. 14 in manchester, NH and it sounds perfect for you, mr. anti-violence. it's title is: strategies for inspiring men and boys to be allies in gender violence prevention. i'll save the brochure for you and you can take it in on MONDAY when you START your JOB. why not impress the boss right from the beginning!!!

ha!!! i'm SO proud of you!!

and i think you should get a puppy now!!

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Tuesday, October 15th, 2002
4:33 pm - bah.
doesn't seem like i have much to write in here anymore.

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Monday, September 23rd, 2002
8:46 am - bah!!
i'm so fucking distracted today.

i have to get these case notes done because i get married on saturday and then i'm on vacation the whole next week. bah!!!

i love ella fitzgerald. and louis armstrong. and patsy cline. and norah jones. and billie holiday. getting married sure makes you "discover" new music. let's just say we'll all be eating brunch in style.

ok. i need your help. give me some GOOD songs for the "dance" cds. i dont' know if people will actually dance. and it's a very mixed crowd. all ages, all orientations. HELP!!!!!!!!! (i'm at work and we have road runner here and i can download LOTS of songs while i'm working).

current mood: ditzy
current music: fever--ella fitzgerald

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Thursday, September 19th, 2002
11:36 pm - cheesesticks and popcorn
i've had the most incredible two days.

but i'm too tired to write about them so you'll have to wait. ha.

and who are my favorite cookie phantoms? you know who you are. ;) thanks for making a good day even better.

current mood: exhausted
current music: ahhhhh, silence

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Thursday, September 12th, 2002
8:55 pm - dance monkey dance!!
i'm at outright waiting for kael to get his sorry ass here. philip is dancing up a storm--he's so fucking cute.

i'm hot. i'm starting to get a headache. i'm tired. i want ice cream.

that is all.

current mood: mischievous
current music: philip's dancing cd

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Wednesday, September 11th, 2002
12:34 am

current mood: heavy

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Tuesday, September 10th, 2002
7:26 pm - that guys looks like an albino
i feel full today.

full of love and peace. full of contentment. full of curiosity. full of the feeling that everything's going to be ok.

we get married in 17 days. i'm full of the feeling of perfectness and luck that i've actually managed to find the person i'm going to spend the rest of my life with. i've always been the marrying kind. erin is the first and only person i've ever dated. i always knew that that's how love would come to me.

i'm full of concern and sadness and loss for all of the people who's lives were lost or forever changed tomorrow. i'm also full of sadness and loss for a person who i never met. the remembrance of katie today has impacted me more than i thought it would. i only met her once, and very briefly. she is thought of with such love and respect and i'm just sad i never got to know her. i'm sad for my friends who are feeling her absence more profoundly than i could ever imagine. i wish i could do more to comfort them.

a client of mine is being interviewed for a news segment. his speech has been profoundly impacted by the damage the hiv has done to his brain. he agreed to do the interview and asked me to come with him--to be his voice. i'm so happy and proud to do this for him.

i am full.

current mood: full
current music: erin and her mom chatting

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Saturday, September 7th, 2002
11:27 am - arrr matey!
my girlfriend is a pirate!!!

current mood: victorious!
current music: newly crafted mp3 of me getting engaged

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12:26 am - why those crafty little fuckers
so i finally figured out how to save files. and how to convert them to mp3's. and how to get the file to burn onto a cd.

except they only let you have to first 60 seconds. so i tried to get crafty in turn. by saving the whole song in 60 second increments, thinking perhaps i'd get lucky and it would sound like one cohesive song once burned onto a cd.

except when they say the first 60 seconds, they mean it. even if you think you're saving different sections of the song. oh no, just the first 60 seconds.

i guess we could spend the $69 to have the audio editing software. heh.

i'm losing my mind . . . .

anybody got a pirated copy of cool edit 2000?

current mood: fucking insane
current music: me getting engaged over and over for the past 3 hours

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Friday, September 6th, 2002
11:39 pm - help!
does anyone have audio editing software? we want to put a copy of the song from when we got engaged on our wedding cd. it consists of the last 30 seconds of one track and the entire next track. we want to make it into one track, which i actually succeeded at. except it was a 30 day trial program that doesn't allow you to save anything. wish i had known that before i just sat here for 3 hours figuring this out. can anyone help?

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