Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "vinyl".
412 matches:
- 10questions - 10 Questions: A Music Game
- 10thstreet - Tea and Scrumpets
- 1950s - 1950s Design, Décor and Fashion
- 1970s - 1970s Design, Décor and Fashion
- 206underground -
- 4days - The Words of Hate
- 801 - Utah Music Scene
- 909bitchez - 909
- _andy_warhol_ - adrew warhola
- _bachelorettes_ - The Supreme Sextacular Godesses
- _blackout_ - Blackout
- _joestrummer__ - The Call Up
- _skin_ - Erotica In The Flesh
- _thedarkside_ - _thedarkside_
- album_reviews - Album Reviews
- albums - Music - Album Reviews
- allthings_indie - All things indie
- alt_expressions - Alternative Expressions
- alt_forum - Alt Forum
- alt_models - Alt Models **Read Rules before posting**
- alt_trade - alternative trade - sell
- amnin - Bob Reznor
- amoeba_music - Amoeba Music Community
- amoebamusic - Amoeba Music
- an_albatross - An Albatross
- anarchyonlj - fucker
- atlantagoths - Atlanta Goths
- auctions - sell your stuff or find stuff to buy!
- audiophile - Audio Enthusiast
- audiophiles - The (Real) Sound of Music
- azgoths - Arizona net.goths
- azunderground - Arizona Underground
- babygoff - The Babygoth Community
- bad_bitches - hell on high heels
- bazaar_o - bazaar-o
- bbwleather - BBW Leather, Latex, PVC and more
- bdotcom - U know
- bdsm_lovers - Tie me up
- beautifulfetish - ___Beauty Fetisha__
- beautycritics - Personal Stylists
- begothlikeme - goth as fork!
- bellsexuals - we <3 brian bell
- belluspoena - Bellus Poena
- big_pants - wide-legged love
- bleeding_juliet - Juliet Is Bleeding
- blinking_mynci - drunken_mynci
- blitzkids - Exquisite muppet aliens & living Jem dolls
- blooddolls - Blood Dolls: Gothic Beauty Discussion
- bloodyparts - Bloody Parts
- boywunder_fans - You're like a 12-guage shotgun
- bratty_subs - Bratty Subs
- breaksjunkies - Breaks for your Face
- bu77s3x0r - Feel the music!
- budget_bdsm - BDSM on a Budget
- bugmania - BUG
- bunnygirls - I'm somebunny... are you?
- buzz_pop - We want the airwaves..
- by_the_beat - By the Beat Indie Zine
- cafe_pop - hier kannst du mich finden wenn du mich suchst
- cafedoom - "It's Always the End of the World"
- candycam - Kandy Kam :.: Raverwhores Unite!
- candykidsdotnet - Candykids[dot]Net
- cangothfash - cangothfash
- catboy_harem - Cat Boys
- cd_reviews - better than a magazine review
- chamberatlanta - The Chamber
- champnshipvinyl - Championship Vinyl
- chicagoindie - chicagoindie
- chrisholifields - the followers of chris holifield.
- christiangoth - Golgothicans
- claim_a_muscian - Claim a Muscian!!
- clubbed2death - S.C & N.C Goth-Industrial/fetish Club scene
- coal_chamber - Countdown to Destruction
- cognitive_itch - Cognitive Itch: Song of the Day
- cogoths - the Colorado goth/industrial community
- corset_love - The Corset Lover's Community
- cratediggin - Diggin In The Crates
- crimson_empress - countessa_couture
- cryptic_minds - Cryptic Minds
- ct_netgoth - ct_netgoth
- cult_of_josh - Fanclub For Josh
- cuntxxcore - cuntxcore
- cybercrux - Cyber Crux
- dark_freaks - Dark Freaks Mag
- dark_images - Dark Images
- darkalabama - DarkAlabama
- darkexposures - Dark Exposures
- darklotus - BloodRed Eternity
- darkottawa - Dark Ottawa
- darkpinupgirls - dark pinup girls
- darkramblings - Dark Ramblings
- darkthreads - DarkThreads - Gothic Sewing Circle
- darkwaveonline - DarKWave Online
- davey_havok - davey havok (and all things afi) community.
- dead_low_tide - Dead Low Tide
- deadfaktory - The Dead Faktory
- deadly_kisses - All there is, Is Empty
- dear_penthouse - I never thought it would happen to me...
- deephouse - DeepHouse
- depraved_music - the depreciation of music
- devilish_d - Devilish Deviance
- dfa_nyc - DFA
- disassemble - rip that shirt apart and sew it back up bitch!
- ditavon_teese - the dita von teese fan community JOIN!!!
- divadevistation - Post Mortem
- diy_promo - DIY Community Promotion
- dj_exchange - Electric Kisses
- djtechx - DJ TechX
- do_me_amazon3 - Do Me, Amazon Trio
- downfallscene - Down With Blinking Lights [The Anti-Cybergoth Act]
- drasticmeasures - Drastic Measures
- dress_up - Dress Up
- dysp - Die young Stay pretty
- ebmusic - Electric Body Music
- eeties - Nederlandse Eighties Community
- effteepea - the kids vs. core
- elitism - The Elite
- erotic_artforms - Erotic Art in many forms
- eroticgothic - €ROŦIC GOŦĦIC
- euphony_ - Euphony_____Music
- everythingloudr - LouderThanEverythingElse
- ew_gothic - EW! Gothic
- exquisitesouls - exquisitesouls
- fansofbeck - Beck Fans Unite!
- fashion_punks - fashion punk
- fashionaddicts - ^v^ Fashion Addicts ^v^
- fashionsnobs - snobby mcsnoberson
- fast_till_death - thrashcore and circle pits
- feels_so_good - all sex all the time
- femalemusicians - Female Musicians
- fetish_imagery - Fetish Photography
- fetishgoths - Fetish Goths
- fetishicons - Fetish Icons
- fetishist - Fetishes, Kink and Sexy Glamboys! Oh my
- floralolita - Florida Elegant Gothic Lolitas
- fogeygoff - 1st Gen Goths, Urgoths, Elder Goths
- footloose - ladies' room
- forbiddenmanor - Behind the Oak Door
- forwardreverse - Forward In Reverse
- foxy_fiends - Foxy Fiends
- freakyfatchicks - Freaky Fat Chicks
- fuckandyshelton - Fuck Andy Shelton
- fufeminism - The *Fuck-You* Feminism LJ Community
- ga_group - Blood Dolls news journal
- gagang - GothicAuctions GANG
- galaxyofglamour - ¨º¨ G å L å † i ¢ A¨º¨
- garage_kits - Garage kits community
- gh0stw0rld - Accentuate the negative.
- glambots - Not another glam community.
- glamgoddesses - The Glamgoddesses
- glamwhores - Glam Whores
- glassishalffool - glassishalffool
- glitterwhores - .::.glitterwhores.::.
- global_djs - Global_DJs
- globalbass - global bass
- goth - Forum of the Cryptic
- goth_asheville - Gothic Asheville Community
- goth_finds - Goth Finds
- goth_idol_comp - Gothic Idol Competition
- gothboisngurls - Goth Bois & Gurls
- gothfash -
- gothfashionshow - Gothic Fashion Show
- gothic_art - marie
- gothic_babes - Gothic Babes
- gothic_beauty - Dark Art Community
- gothic_fetish - Gothic Fetish
- gothic_lansing - gothic_lansing
- gothic_parts - Gothic Parts
- gothic_rants - Gothic Rants
- gothicfashion - Gothic Fashion
- gothicmecca - Gothic Mecca
- gothicpleasures - gothicpleasures girls
- gothicreations - GothiCreations
- gothicwaterloo - Kitchener-Waterloo Goths
- gothireland - Goth Ireland
- gothphotography - Goth Photography
- gothraver - * Goth Ravers *
- greencarrots - Don't poke the polar bears.
- grrl_noir - Girl_Noir
- hang_the_dj_ - Hang The DJ
- happycore - wetakeeachothertothesky
- hardcore_news - hardcore news
- hardcore_souls - FOR THE TRUE HARDCORE KIDS
- harlowfreak - Beautiful Hell
- hcreview - Hardcore Review
- headbangersball - Headbangers Ball
- hifi - High Fidelity
- highfidelity5 - the high fidelity community
- hot_pants_crew - Bringing Hot Pants to the Masses
- hotpinkstars - & TRADES###!!!!
- housesnobs - HouseJunky
- how_pomo - possibly maybe
- huntsville - Huntsville, Alabama
- iceboxheines - Heine's In The Icebox
- idcultureclash - Idaho's Unique
- igun - Industrial Gothic Underground Night
- iheartmd - For Magic Dirt Fans - The first md community on lj
- ilovetechno - i love techno
- imsoc - The IMSoc Diaspora
- in_a_trance - Disheveled Thoughts
- in_da_club - 50 Cent
- indiemilwaukee - Independent Milwaukee
- industrial_mtl - Montreal's Rivethead/Industrial Community
- industrialized - [industrial=-=icons]
- industrialxxx - Industrial Beauties
- inkrowd - InKrowd
- interests - LJ Interests
- jaxgothicindust - JaxGothicIndustrial
- jello_jesus - Anal Anarchy
- jesusmarychain - my little underground
- junglists - Junglists @ LiveJournal
- junglistsoldier - music | love | digital | electronic | bass | soul
- kamahl - kamahl
- karl_rock - The Karl
- killumbus - killumbus
- kiss_nation - KISS NATION
- kolectiv - the kolectiv
- ks_mogoths - Kansas/Missouri Goths
- la_mort_de_moi - Dark secrets from Dark people...
- lamclub - LamChop
- lasciviolent - :llusion
- le_tape_trade - we're dynamite and we don't know why
- leather_rose - The Leather Rose
- leatherpnts - Those who love leather pants
- ljupskirts - LEGS & MORE
- local_dj - Local DJ
- losethelube - Lose*the*lube
- madhattan_trig - up-to-date urban dwellers
- makemeamix - the responsible mixtape traders
- mansoncollector - The MMCC
- marital_arts - Ever Upward
- masqueradeball - the masquerade ball
- matchingrebequa - People Who Match Re'bequa
- migoth - Michigan Goths
- mikeyvskidneys - give me your kidney.
- minnesota_music - Record it, Live it, Love it
- misericordia -
- mixtape_maven - mixmasters anonymous
- music_is_mine - the day the music died
- music_toasties - music whore
- musicbiz - MusicBiz
- musicforcats - Mr. Cat on the Radio!
- musicsaveslives - Rock and Roll Salvation
- myboysretro - graveyard boys
- mygirlsretro - that's cos my girl's retro.
- myshoefetish - for fetish shoe shoe fetish
- nadja_fan - Nadja_Fan
- namethattune - Name That Tune!
- naughty_goth - naughty goth
- nc_ravers - ~North Carolina Ravers~
- ncindierawk - north carolina indie rawk
- net_whores - Netwhore
- newkindofarmy - Too Smart To Fight, Too Smart To Die
- nj_goths - New Jersey Goths
- nm_underground - NM_Underground
- no_eyebrows - We have no eyebrows
- non_top40 - The Musical Underground
- nw_djs - NorthWest Dj's
- nynjgoths - New York & New Jersey Goths
- obscura_ - a womb with a view
- obselitism - Old Things Are Better
- odd_ramblings - thoughts of the geeky, odd, crafty & devient
- oh_no_you_didnt - black hair and vinyl
- ohiogoths - The Community
- okgoths - The Oklahoma Goths
- oldskoolrave - Old Skool Rave
- onlyundiesclub - OnlyUndiesClub.Com
- outsider_music - audio anomalies
- partyposse - vince ff and the party posse
- penngoth - A Darker Shade of PA
- perkigoff - Perki goths unite!
- philly_goth - Philadelphia Goth
- pi - ] [] [] [3].[1] [4] [.] [.] [.] [.] [.][] [] [
- pinkskab - pink skab
- pinupcutie - Pin Up Cutie
- playfulpain - fetish fun
- pookies - Chrissy & Tony
- popgoth - PopGoth
- prettygraves - Pretty Girls Make Graves
- producers - the producers
- punkfuckingrock - we got the fever to tell
- punkrockcunts - Punk Rock Cunts
- punksnotdead - PunksNotDead
- rave_wonderland - come trade VINYL, CLOTHES, TABLES, ANYTHING!
- ravers - SoCal Raves
- rawly_pained - the burning lust.
- razorpunks - razor punks
- record_habit - Record Habit
- record_nerds - record nerds unite!
- record_store - The Record Store
- recordplayer_ - recordplayer
- recordsandsoda - records are for hep cats
- recordswap - Record swapping
- retrocandie - Retro Candie
- revolution_club - Revolution at Fusion in Dayton Ohio
- rise_and_shine -
- rivet_grrl - Rivet Grrl International
- rocknrollanimal - the lou reed community
- roguevla - The Naked Writer
- rotterdammers - Rotterdammers
- ru_dj - DJ's and music
- ru_synthpop - Russian Synthpop
- rudegirls - Rudegirls
- sandiegoravers - Rock On
- sas_chapterone - The Society for the appreciation of Spinster-ism
- satisfactions - satisfaction 101
- saucydwellings - SaucyDwellings
- savainahscene - thats a good ass hip hop group
- screamo_inbliss - []
- sd_distro - social deviant distro
- sdfetish - San Diego Fetish and BDSM Community
- seattlescene - Seattle & Music
- seen_and_scene - The Elitist Team
- selectro - dig that street beat
- severusbound - Severus Bound
- sew_hip - The hip seamstresses
- sewingndisorder - The Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society
- sexy_goth_bois - Sexy Goth Bois
- shoegaze - shoegaze
- sickly_star - // sickly_star
- sillylovesongs - Silly Love Songs
- singer_songs - Singer-Songwriters
- sinners_cafe - The Sinners Cafe
- sistersafetypin - Sister Safety Pin
- slct - Sincerely Lusting Castle Transylvanians
- smokingpopes - smoking popes
- songshare - erm... we don't have a name yet...
- songsinmyhead - Something Lyric-y
- songwerds - Music and Lyrics
- soundvirus - SOUNDVIRUS
- south_fl_goth - south fl goth
- spookygirls -
- star_children - Midwest Ravers
- starf_ckers_inc - Starfuckers Incorporated
- startafire - music makes the world go 'round
- steevssongofday - Stephen's Song of the Day
- stigmata - room of the blue light
- still_alive - The Figurehead is ||[ s t i l l ( a ) l i v e ]||
- stlouisgoths - The St. Louis Gothic Community
- stlouismusic - hoppin' st. louis scene!
- stompinmadbabes - Stompin Mad Babes
- stufflove - Stuffed, Plush and Toy Livejournalists
- stylishdeviants - Sub-cultures Unite!
- sugarwh0re - xXx Sugar Whores xXx
- super_friends - our exciting internet society
- swimminginsound - Swimming In Sound
- synthetikittens - Synthetikittens
- synthmaschines - SynthMaschines
- synthpop_music - Synthpop Music
- talk_music - For the music obsessed
- taped_minds - music is our radar.
- tapetrade - Tape Trade
- tatterdemalions - Frippery and Rags
- techlectro - techlectro
- tgpp - Toronto Goth Pervert Posse
- the_dark_circle - Gothic Sewing and Fashion Community
- the_locust - the locust
- the_vinyl_vault - igor...have you watered the brains today igor?
- theactionindex - anna karina
- thearcadegang - La Gonda Arcade Crew
- thebigtakeover - the big takeover
- theblackmarket - The Black Market
- thefactory - the factory {art as religion. revolution.}
- thefaint - The Faint
- thefuckingkids - community fr the fucking kids who release records!
- theinnocent - The Screaming Children
- thesadbastards - fireworks and hurricanes
- thick_garter - thick garter straps and more!
- thosedamnkids - The young 'uns of the goth scene
- tightpants - boys in tight pants
- toledosluts - toledo sluts
- toronto_punks - Toronto Punk related community.
- tower_records - no musik, no life.
- tradepunktapes - punk rock tape traders
- tranceworld - tranceworld
- trendfucked - something pseudo-intellectual.
- turntablism - tablist
- tweakers_ltd - tweakers limited
- twisted_tails - Jackdragon's Twisted Tails
- twistedparts - Blood Covered Ecstasy
- txgoth - [ texas goths ]
- uglyshits - Ugly Shits
- unholyempire - Unholy Roman Empire
- uniqueskitzo - Pretty on the outside....DIFFERENT ON THE INSIDE
- unmentionables - Compulsive Underwear Buyers Anonymous
- ushi_ru - Сообщество для тех, кто ищет музыку
- vancouvergothic - Vancouver Gothic
- vanity_skanks - ______vanity
- vanity_whores - You're so vain
- vanitysluts - Vanity Sluts
- vegnola - VegNola
- vidgames_notyou - [+_oo]~
- vinyl_anonymous - Vinyl Addicts Anonymous
- vinyl_records - Vinyl Records
- vinyljunkie - Electro Addicts Anonymous
- vinylnerds - VINYL NERDS
- vs - veruca salt community
- wakeupstanley - slapstick fans unite!
- wcatyclique - The WCATY Clique
- we_love_cassie - we love cassie
- wearable_art - Art to Wear
- welovemelanie - Melanie's Fans
- whatsurpleasure - WhatsUrPleasure
- wicked_parts - All parts wicked
- wingdom - Wing Community
- wrrg_889_fm - WRRG 88.9FM
- xfetishx - everyone has a fetish...
- xguttermouthx - The Guttermouth Community
- xhawtx - xHAWTx
- youmakemehot - Pin me up
Interested users
The following users are interested in vinyl. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
441 matches:
- 01flux - An Idiotic Idiom, the Amused Muse
- 3formyheartache - christina
- _blackcadillacs - anneliese
- _dissonance_ - Little Damion Urine
- a_blue_canvas - a_blue_canvas
- a_marrah - andrew.d.m.marrah
- absolutezero - Katie
- addiction - Paula
- aerolyn1 - May 29th, 1583
- ajaxxx - ajaxxx
- ak - alexis
- alek - nathan
- alhooter - Alex
- alida - Alida Carson
- alli3k - alli
- amysings12 - why, it's a lizard with a ladder!
- anactoria - anactoria
- anathama - Sick Boy
- andruwxx - andruw smith
- angelofisis - Amy
- animalchin - Martin
- animegothgrrl - The Amazing BLAND GIRL!!!
- annabelablue - Annabela Blue
- antisocial - Anti-Blank
- ashram - Hotsuma
- azcra - Vi-Azcra
- babaluma - babaluma
- babydollrotting - babydollrotting
- babyduo - レーン
- backstabber - Derek J Neuland
- bacos - 'nny
- badusername - katie baby
- bael - Bael
- banana - J
- baron_smitty - Justin Slobojan
- bear26 - The Invisible Man
- beetlebailey - Blake Bailey
- bkassel - Brant
- blackwynde - Raven Blackwynde
- bloodofareptile - BloodOfAReptile
- bloody_scissors - The Incredible Edible Chan
- bluepassion - Blue Passion clouded my vision when I saw you walk
- blueroses614 - Gillian
- bluevelvet - Blue Velvet
- bogle - Bogle
- boing - boing
- bondagefairy - bondagefairy
- braceletgirl13 - Gidget
- brackishwhore - brackish whore
- brutalmix - amanda
- bts - Philipp
- bugbarbecue - bug.barbecue
- butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
- buttons - Erin
- c0m4b14ck - [Endanger]
- cacoethes - cacoethes
- cacophany - Everybody Else's Girl
- canadianbob - Jeff
- capm15 - Greg Lanning
- cepheid - iwantnothing
- cherriebomb - Telekinetic Prom Queen
- chocotaco - Becca glitter kitty pants
- christabel - Christabel
- cimmerayn - Cimmerayn
- claudeniea - Liz
- cleanlikegod - cheesecakedeath
- complacent1 - Allysson
- concretegarden - mmBot
- couragefalls - i'm better than you
- craytive - Blackjack Davey
- cruxgothgirlie - Jesus is fucking metal
- cryinthedark - Jim
- cryptic - Ash
- dadyslilcanibal - Dr.Coley.Cannibal VS carditis
- dakels - hadlee
- damyx - damon amyx
- dancingdaze - Princess Ashley of the Fluffy Bunnies
- darkerdays - ~ashe ♥
- darkestangel - I am Ugly
- deathclown - ^v^ Deathclown ^v^
- deathlustr - NymPhaTic LoaD
- delirium - sp00ky DeluXe
- demonangel - Blackangel
- destroika - paniek
- devilsmark - strangled with a halo
- diamondc - Gabriel Martinez
- dieuberhosen - Dancing Senseless in the Bedroom
- diskobox - Kristine
- diskostu - Shank
- distortedfaerie - Death Pixie
- divanatrix - Diva
- djenigma - the eternal mystery
- dl - dl
- dmcrowe - SuicidalitySedation
- dominatrix666 - Ashley
- dominatrixnuts - Sir Dominatrix Nuts
- dork - dork
- dramatica - drowning in white noise
- dredlockblu - Jessica
- dripfaucet - Bradley
- drolorezekim - Balance-Seeker
- drvnstar - Not the Star you knew
- duality13 - Jaz [morgan]
- eaten_abortion - bunny fou fou
- elexa - Synthetik Elexa
- ending_you - dot
- ericjevitts - Eric Jacob Evitts
- erk - erik
- erockxxx - Erock
- eternaldelirium - jessi
- eternalpain - Méchanceté
- eternldancr - eternLdancR
- ethangilchrist - Ethan Gilchrist
- evettelangford - evettelangford
- evilglam - Ella
- evilyn13 - trishaliscious
- expressedinword - Irish blood, English heart, is what I'm made of.
- fatigued - sarah
- fgty - Tortilla Montpelier
- firefly - firefly
- fractured - f r a c t u r e d
- frozentruth - Frozen Truth
- fukkhop - fuck this world and all the lies involved
- fuzz - fuzz
- g_funkwashere - g-funk
- gabrielsefirot - Gabriel Sefirot
- gawebmaster - Ian X.
- geekgirl - geekgirl
- gerosan - GERO
- ghettowebcam - Will
- glamfiles - Diavolina
- glamkittie - Ali
- glitterpayne - BlooVelvet
- glokittendreams - GlowKitten
- glowkitten666 - GlowKitten
- gmann - Guy Mann
- gothboy - Dansk Jävlarna
- gothikasynth - E.D.E.N
- gothpanda - gothpanda
- gothravehikchik - ...oh alright
- grass - into the mystic
- grlathena - Carolyn
- guitar_kat - Kate
- gwg - gwg
- happ1e - bryan
- hazicam - Hazi
- heavenshell - candy - da purry fury
- hokulani - .:diva:.
- hxc - Sckreet Corner Suzie
- hybrid1013 - Abbie Kite
- hype - byr0n hype
- hypothermya - hypothermya
- iamlark - blissfully unaware
- ihateitfyouall - Erik
- imjstagrrl - Wasted Words
- imustadmit - Joy Desiree'
- indigo - fabric pirate-goddess thing
- inebrigoth - Asphyxia
- insomnia - Insomnia
- isthisemo - These Ghosts Will Never Know True Rest
- jadedgeek - Ambrr
- jadedparts - Jade
- janasch - idioteque
- jennjenn - Cat Lady
- jizosh - push out the jive, bring in the love
- jmichiko - jacob
- jnewton1 - jwn
- johnnythunders - Zac
- johnsy - Steve
- jucifer - A Little Slice of Heaven
- judas - The Dark Lord of the Duck Pond
- judestar - Jude
- jukeboxjesus - jukeboxjesus
- kalidream - Undefined
- kappy - Kappy
- keilari - keilari
- keithm - kmeighan
- keukekeuke - Chris
- kickmule - Old Kick Mule
- kikibean - Kiki D Kimono
- kitsune - Kitsune
- klink - a stripey girl
- kmfdmchik - .
- koj - koj
- kurve - kurve
- lachryrose - Pink Ribbon Scars
- lacifer - Lacifer
- ladyepiphany - Epiphany
- latexflesh - billy
- law_of_sines - a/sin a = b/sin b = c/sin c
- lazlopanaflex - Cunning Linguist
- lesslyn - Leslie
- lethalinjection - Lethal Injection
- lewk - Luke and/or Lewk
- lews - Steve
- lieslieslies - no ordinary whore
- lilthspnboy1 - jason michael miller
- lindseymoongirl - sha sha sha doo
- liquidmercurial - Mercurial
- liqwidcloud - A
- llary - Richina
- losetheday - postlapsaria
- lounge - bobby fissure
- loveislaced - LoCk, LoAd, EnGaGe..
- luckydyke - the only living boy in new york
- luxxdesade - Dorks Unite
- lytbryt - LytBryt
- maab - Maab
- macula - Pravus
- maleficence - Maleficence
- mangogrrl - Karma
- mariner42 - Mariner the Raccoon
- marioche69 - the most uncoordinated chai junkie
- marmar - *Infamous Mar-Mar*
- marstokyo - The Reverend Mars Tokyo
- marvel_bunny - What's wrong?
- massivehabit - Alexanderrr
- mebebobby - Bobby
- megatron - meg du puis maurus
- melissa813 - Melissa
- melon1997 - melon
- messica - messica (da plastik glam grrl)
- microchaotic - Catalyst Echo
- milesruiz - J
- milosgirl - Miss M
- miserymachine - a stem is not a rose
- missfox - missfox
- monicanagent - what was
- mooky - Taryn
- moonbunni - Pixie-Elf <3
- mouse452 - Orange Crushed
- msfiend - a storm in the form of a girl
- mtheu2nut - M
- mummra - der Mann mit keine Hosen
- murex - Fritz Jackowitz
- mustard - Uncle Nu
- naesa - Kait
- nakedasajaybird - Jaybird
- nancymccoyhicks - *Bing bing BING* Just Bouncing Off Wall's
- narc0ma - glass
- narcosis - Jer
- nbarsley - Neil Barsley
- necrophagi - Hauptsturmführer Shane Von Russell, S.J.
- necrophiliac - Jes
- nerac - caren
- neraka - your fucking mother, that's who
- nerfduck - NerfDuck
- neuroticmuse - Kaya
- nfotxn - Brodie Noble Chree
- niaha - The Jess
- nightmareonwax - nightmareonwax
- noire - noiretoile
- noizefreak - noizefreak
- notsomechanical - ~*Scarlett*~
- nullcherri - Kittun
- nurse_rozetta - Nicky
- nyte - Nyte
- ohgr - Citizen Erased
- onebeautifulday - ashley marie
- oobk4u22oo - Barry O'Donovan
- ophelialost - OpheliaLost
- orango - sar ;*-|
- ouijarose - OuijaRose
- owl_tn - Alex
- painamplifier - jAson
- pancua - Pancua
- pandorasroq - Roq
- paranoidangel - Autumn
- peeps - Peeps
- perinixie - perrinixie
- phil99 - Phil Sumner
- philthd - philthD
- phoebus - Mark
- pimpmomoney - Another innocent girl...
- pinkglampyr - PinkGlampyr
- pixie69 - the industrious pixie
- pixiekristen - kristen
- plaidmonky - Sonja
- planetschwa - Brian Schwa
- platypus - el diablo robotico
- plex - Le' Plex
- poetgirl - tenacious picc
- poison - 18 rabbit
- poisoncrazylush - bola-natalie
- polyethylene - she's of the grey skies
- problem102281 - Kisha
- projectjason - ☆Jamais Vu ☆
- prozac - Odin
- pseudo_reality - Cathy
- psychosarah - golgotha
- puddin_pants - Tch. I know it.
- pulsewidth - scumbag
- punkbanana - I ♥ Spoodles, Inc.
- puppthead - The Sassy Frassy Lassie
- pyromancer - the pyromancer
- pyropixie - PyroPixie
- qfr - q
- quaesta - Alex
- quinnc - steakalicious
- quipper - Little Miss Gun to a Knife Fight
- raavyn - Raavyn
- ragga_muffin - .happyinleisure.
- raggedyevl - Amber
- raiacore - Rakefet Leah
- randomcha - Rob
- randomness - Butch
- rasp_utin - Rasp.utin
- raven_j2k - Master Jomac's raven
- raybear - Have you met me?
- razorlicious - paperbag writer
- razorsbyrne - _____crystal*lynn
- reality - .'. Reality Bliss Angel .'.
- rebequa - Re'bequa
- reethax0r - somnivm
- reiayanami - Victim of the modern age
- relievedgrace - Grace
- reverendjeff - Jeff
- revmutt - Tommy DOG
- ripebastard - Stahl Engel
- rite_in_the_eye - SweetMisery
- roachspray - Roachspray
- roadie - "Mystical" Eliot
- rockgoddess - Jenn
- rockstargrrrlie - Michelle
- roothiepie - She's Automatic
- ruddiger - Maybe I'm nothing but a shadow on the wall
- rudegirle - Rudegirle
- rvendyca - . Rvendyca .
- ryos_mistress - Amanda Perry
- sakhas - Avi Keller
- saltlesstears - saltlesstears
- salyx - useless little sparkle
- sammiethegeek - Sammie
- sarabear - sarabear
- sarakinz - gigolo joe
- scarletscorpio - Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas
- scenequeen - Paxity Jaiyne
- schon - Schön
- screamingnympho - Screamin' Sam
- secretagentglam - Amy
- seductress - Shere Khan
- seez - Radio Ga-Ga
- sexkitten - 'Nny
- shadowrose - Michelle
- shattereddreams - Anxi
- shefell - Mecha-Meg
- shihadchick - no fiction that will truly fit this situation
- shutupandthink - shutupandthink
- signde - ryan
- silentstar - Miss Fully Automatic
- siliconsylph - Benjamin
- silverglitter - Beautifuk
- silversong - Silversong
- silverwind - i need sleepies.
- sinlessdeath - Twiggs
- siri - Surematu
- skaloser - Watertown Scum
- skar_kroe - xSxTxYxTxCxHx
- skyeblulove - Miss Nicole
- slinkweed - Steph
- slojave - vampir3 vikr4m
- smoothiedoug - Doug
- snowbunny - Julie
- somagordon - no apologies from me
- something - Bethany
- soulcaribe - X
- soundofsilence - Natto-caster Maleficent
- sourgirli - askew
- sparkle666 - This is my united states of whateva!!
- sparklegirl - I am not as well adjusted as Emily Gudgel
- spikejonez - Spike Fucking Jonez
- spiralsays - ~ Spiral ~
- squaresnow -
- stardrop - Aussie
- starlitelove - StarLiteLove
- starmex - starmex
- starz - .+.pritty.starz.+.
- stellaburst - mo
- stellarstarchic - Talon Chaos
- stillstanding - she's shaking like a revolution!
- strangekindaboy - strangekindaboy
- strongangels - Good People
- sugarheart - Kate the Violet
- sweet_nightmare - Miss Paranoia*
- sweet_pea - Amelia
- syndresthesia - All That Could Have Been
- talula_belle - -Talula_belle- ///---profile
- tathagata - A Kuntch named Stoner
- teknotoy - ♠ tiffe fermaint ♠
- terriblelie - terriblelie
- thedarkside - Heaven Scent
- thegreatdark - Ted Nugent in Disguise
- thelastwonkabar - Winter in Narnia
- thlayli - thlayli
- tien_dhe - Krytheria
- timmie - timmie
- tluv707 - Luv Dreams
- tosei - Colin
- totalbitch - 7074|817¢|-|
- tragicrabbit - Pixila
- tramstopdan - I Lie About My Past
- trancepoet - trancepoet
- trinity1013 - Jessi
- trip - trip
- twgyschk - *//* Missa *//*
- twiggyinstereo - ste. gabrielle-de-patati-patata
- twistah - Vitaly McLain
- tyg3r - krist[i]n .
- tyler1968 - Dark Beer and Sore Fingers
- ungoddess - Lilith Astaroth
- unknownuser - jason
- vampora - Jennifer... just Jennifer
- venusbella - Samantha
- venusnin - |[.a soul aflame.]|
- vermilionhaze - Addiction
- vikkivak - ViKKi (bUg BiTE*)
- vinylusagi - ~the vinyl usagi~
- violentdreams - * * Anthony * *
- virgincliffy - VirginCliffy
- vivica - Miss Kyle
- warpedshadow - Warped Shadow
- westfront1944 - Ian
- whatawaster - eating lipstick & drinking champagne
- wolfye - Wolfye
- wonderboi - wonderboi
- wudh8sme - the brightest star in your sky
- wynken - wynken
- xanadu75 - Barbie
- xaroundthefurx - goddamn half-japanese girl
- xbluemoonx - Naughty Miss
- xgirlafraidx - kayta kayta bo bayta.
- xhorrorshowx - Joyce
- xiwantemochixx - Night Driving
- xkissthebottlex - sarah anne
- xtammix - I've got a heart on.
- xyla_pajmina - Xyla Pajmina
- yaboman - ein
- yummy - yummy
- zaphod - Zaphod
- zauberhexchen - Zauberhexchen
- zorak303 - zorak303