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Below is user information for Pete 'Happy' Thomas. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:happypete (508179) Paid User View public key happypete
The ecstatic ramblings of HappyPete
Name:Pete 'Happy' Thomas
Send happypete a text message
on his/her cellphone/pager.
Website:Pete, Pam and Quinn's pages
Location:Wharton, New Jersey, United States
AOL IM:AIM status plthomasva (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 3042080 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status plthomas (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:A way to make Happy happier: My Amazon Wish-List
Pagan -- Former member of the Church of All Worlds,
and the Georgia Tech Student Pagan Community
-- currently not affiliated
Unitarian Universalist
Libertarian party member
Science Fiction reader.  Pete also enjoys the occasional thriller.
Nudist -- Will shed his clothes at the drop of a proverbial hat.
[info]prettypammie's snake is sweet
Memories:50 entries
Pictures:67 pictures
Interests:147: 80's music, abortion rights, amateur radio, arisia, asimov, ayn rand, books, bujold, c++, camping, carl sagan, certification, chess, children, chocolate, cisco, civil rights, civilian space program, clarke, communication, compersion, computer games, computers, concealed carry, cons, conventions, corsets, cuddling, dark chocolate, darkover, david brin, dim sum, ditherati, douglas adams, drum circles, dune, erotic art, erotica, eroticism, exercise, exhibitionism, fan conventions, fandom, fans, fantek, fatigue, fiction, flirting, flying, four quarters, functional programming, geeks, group marriage, handfasting, haskell, hedonism, heinlein, honesty, ice cream, individual rights, individualism, intellectual stimulation, intelligence, intelligent people, intentional community, isaac asimov, it's academic, jersey, kisses, kissing, larry niven, le guin, libertarian party, libertarians, liberty, limited government, line marriage, linux, lois mcmaster bujold, lojban, long hair, love, marriage, mathematics, mccaffrey, men, monty python, multiple partners, nanobots, nanotechnology, nesting, nests, new authors, new york city, nj, non-monogamy, northern new jersey, nudity, nyc, openmindedness, pagans, parenting, passion, physics, pizza making, play, playfulness, prettypammie, privacy, pro-choice, programming, psi upsilon, ray bradbury, reading, reading books, redhat, redheads, relationships, robert heinlein, rum, running, science fiction, science fiction conventions, scuba, scuba diving, sensuality, sex, sexuality, sleep apnea, sleeping, snuggling, sons, space, space exploration, space travel, spaceships, string theory, surprises, syringomyelia, systems engineering, tjhsst, unitarian universalism, unix, voyeurs, weight watchers, women, worldcon. [Modify yours]
People297:_the_beast, agateway, aillecat, alchemist, alcinoe, ame_chan, amorsalado, ancilladajori, andrew_jp_reyes, angel_blue_eyes, angelovernh, angilong, anotherjen, arcticelf, artchik, audibletwilight, beenasjournal, being_homeless, bensong1, bethynyc, bichika, bifemmefatale, bikergeek, bleemoo, blueingenue, bobquasit, bridgetester, bridragon, browngirl, bunny_sonatas, burningriver, butterflyglow, c1, caeled, callmesandy, catdeville, catmandux, catya, chanaleh, chaos_wrangler, charlesks, chasmosaur, chessie_cat, christilyn, cindygerb, citabria, cloeigrrl, coleoptera, coyotewoman, cz_unit, d0minique, dancingwolfgrrl, dark_blade, datavortex, davidkevin, debgirl001, dee_cee, demariana, desiringavalon, deza, dglenn, dicotomygrrl, dindin, disarm, djuberheblich, drakenhart, dreamarchitect, drowsy_poppy, dyanearden, dyanes_notes, earthymamawitch, eeedge, eisa, elaynajade, elfwench, elorie, erik_j_meyer, faeryraindancer, felisdemens, firebitch, flannelbutch, flyingwolf, fornorald, foxiecrumz, fractalthorn, fraterrisus, freyjaw, fuzcat, ganncamp, geekchick, geminigirl, gemma_rohesia, ghislaine, gnomi, gobb0, godfatherur, goldlioness, goodgoodwill, greendalek, greenfizzpops, grizzlydan, gsh, gtamethyst, gundo, hammercock, handyscandal, happypete, hoboprincess, hopeforyou, howlinbichika, irasciblebstrd, iwillsurvive, jadasc, jaila, jane_etrix, jbsegal, jcfarris, jdotmi, jenk, jenkitty, jennyl, jeongjumark, jesfine, jhulten, karlita, kellibunny, kendaer, kevat, khatru, khrome, kimberlybobrow, kimeepower, kitty_trie, kitwench, koakako, kongjubyung, krittersjournal, kuritzky, kythryne, ladysea, leem0r, lensman, liakela, libidoergosum, livefalcon, ljmatch, lonebear, lothie, lpotter70, mabfan, macavite, madbodger, mamabearbc, mammasteed, manatee_x, marc_breaker, marcbs, marroonfire, martinhesselius, marveen, mcspazz, measi, mikesfaith, mikz, missbiscuit, mnfiddledragon, modularformsboy, moonstaff, moviebear, mrmonsterbass, mycerius, myclaudia, naughtyfaerie, naynay7, ne, nekotori, nicolleg, nightbear, nightstalker, nilajean, niobecyane, nitroincognito, njslutmuffin, nnnymph, noelfigart, nolly, oakdragon, one_skirt, ottercat, owenthomas, perkbear, persistalismum, pheromone, philandjoy, philrancid, phishtails, phoenix_glow, phoenixstar21, polydad, prettypammie, progressd, purplemidnite, puskunk, puzzledance, pvt_brennan, pyrona, pzyok, questioner, quietchris, quirkymusic, raq_ani, ravenevermore, redpoppies, renegadelibr, rikibeth, riverheart, roozle, rosefox, rslatkin, rustymarble, salliesandbags, schizobovine, sdavido, seattlesparks, sebab, serawench, serenejournal, sexyjbabe, shadesong, shadowwolf13, shayde, shirleym, shs_bulldog, sidhe79, simplykimberly, sinboy, sjronan, slfdstrx, slvrdream, snarfula, someonecatchme, songwind, sparkybish, spike650, spudsjournal, starweaver, steelwngs, storm_giant, sunriseata140, sweet_misery323, swiftangel, t3sture, tacit, tall_man, technoshaman, teddywolf, temima, tesselene, the_wanz07, thesilentman, thewonderboy, thinkmonkey, threv, tigerbright, tink4ualways, tinnekke, toomuchwine, triadj, trybonun, twochicsinbham, twstdpear, tww1fa, uisge, unix_vicky, unquietsoul5, valiskeogh, vanillablossom, vatavian, velvetnsatin, vernard, vettecat, vocal1, vonchewie, vvalkyri, waterfall_sh, willowredwolfe, wispfox, wolfger, wolfieboy, wolfprincess, wombat1138, xanadumalion, xoder, yendi, yesthattom, zaratyst, zhane
Communities44:add_and_adhd, altparent, arisia, bh_friends, bipolypagangeek, bisexual, cawfeehouse, certification, compersion, con_central, drwrong, ethical_sluts, fdbabyjournal, fireflyfans, folksdoingstuff, it_professional, jerseypervs, libertarianism, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lunacon, mzb, nakkidnerds, nearlywildroses, news, njfreaks, nnjmetrogaybi, pagan, pagan_nj, paidmembers, partyatvernards, polyamory, polyfamilies, polyfi, polyparents, psi_upsilon, puns, shadesong_nexus, show_your_pussy, sleep_disorders, susboid, syn_promo, tjpeople, unitarians
Feeds29:680x0, calnhobbes, cert, davebarrycolumn, dictionary_wotd, dilbertdaily, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, dotnetrocks, esrblog, everythingsa, foxtrot_feed, helen_comic, javahighlights, kimee_blof, meetup_happy, memepool, noreascon4, olq_spicecomic, pf_feed, reason_hnr, shayde_blog, slashdot, spicecomic, theonionfeed, thinkgeek, trillianpro_fee, upsdowns_comic, wired_news
Mutual Friends:240: agateway, aillecat, alchemist, alcinoe, ame_chan, amorsalado, ancilladajori, andrew_jp_reyes, angel_blue_eyes, angelovernh, angilong, arcticelf, artchik, audibletwilight, bensong1, bethynyc, bichika, bikergeek, bleemoo, blueingenue, bobquasit, bridgetester, browngirl, bunny_sonatas, burningriver, butterflyglow, c1, caeled, callmesandy, catdeville, catmandux, catya, chanaleh, chaos_wrangler, charlesks, chasmosaur, chessie_cat, christilyn, cindygerb, coleoptera, coyotewoman, cz_unit, d0minique, dark_blade, datavortex, davidkevin, dee_cee, demariana, desiringavalon, deza, dglenn, dicotomygrrl, dindin, disarm, djuberheblich, drakenhart, drowsy_poppy, dyanearden, dyanes_notes, earthymamawitch, eeedge, eisa, elfwench, elorie, erik_j_meyer, faeryraindancer, felisdemens, firebitch, flannelbutch, flyingwolf, fornorald, foxiecrumz, freyjaw, fuzcat, ganncamp, geekchick, geminigirl, gemma_rohesia, ghislaine, gnomi, gobb0, godfatherur, goldlioness, greendalek, greenfizzpops, grizzlydan, gsh, gtamethyst, gundo, hammercock, handyscandal, happypete, howlinbichika, irasciblebstrd, jaila, jbsegal, jcfarris, jdotmi, jenk, jenkitty, jhulten, karlita, kellibunny, kendaer, kevat, khatru, kimeepower, kitty_trie, kitwench, kuritzky, ladysea, leem0r, lensman, liakela, libidoergosum, livefalcon, lonebear, lothie, lpotter70, mabfan, madbodger, mammasteed, manatee_x, marc_breaker, martinhesselius, marveen, measi, missbiscuit, mnfiddledragon, modularformsboy, moonstaff, moviebear, mrmonsterbass, mycerius, myclaudia, naughtyfaerie, naynay7, ne, nekotori, nightbear, nightstalker, nilajean, niobecyane, nnnymph, noelfigart, nolly, oakdragon, one_skirt, ottercat, owenthomas, ...
Also Friend of:6: amylgam, chelona, chibigendo, debkitty, macthud, somebodies
Member of:41: add_and_adhd, altparent, arisia, bh_friends, bisexual, cawfeehouse, certification, compersion, con_central, drwrong, ethical_sluts, exhibitionism, fdbabyjournal, fireflyfans, folksdoingstuff, it_professional, jerseypervs, libertarianism, lunacon, mzb, nakkidnerds, nearlywildroses, njfreaks, nnjmetrogaybi, pagan, pagan_nj, paidmembers, partyatvernards, polyamory, polyfamilies, polyfi, polyparents, psi_upsilon, puns, shadesong_nexus, show_your_pussy, sleep_disorders, susboid, syn_promo, tjpeople, unitarians
Account type:Permanent Account

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