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User:leliel (322852) Paid User leliel
Leliel Mitsukai
Mimsy Like a Borogove
Website:Stang Log
Location:Birmingham, Alabama, United States
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you Nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us
            --Don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be Somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog.

       --by Emily Dickenson

Version: 3.1
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If I danced with my feet
As I danced in my dreaming  
As graceful and gleaming
As Death in disguise

Oh that would be sweet,
But then would I hunger
To be ten years younger
Or wedded or wise?

       --by Peter S. Beagle
       from The Last Unicorn

Memories:24 entries
Friends:147: _nemesis_, aeromancer, afromunkee, ambyguity, amosferret, angelfate, annedelioness, april_bug, asheraven, ausser_kraft, awraven13, baphomet93, bauglier, bellydancegear, bellydancing, birdofparadox, bluepaladin, bohotremere, boldar, camenaecamenae, cearafox, celticaurora, chellemi, chelona, civic_hybrid, cranky_scribe, crowborja, cyanidechimp, cyn_ful, d0minique, darkeclipse, darksyren, dawnhunter, deramani, devilturnip, deza, djenigma, drk_ghost, drkangelgodess, ell3ven, elysiangirl, ep_e, eternalredneck, ewigkeit, faecatofflame, fahkingnut, falfox, ferretking, ferretlovers, ferretpix, fivetrick, fritzling, furry_overlord, geminiknight, ghatta, god_magnus, goddessbeth, hartley, hearthwitch, housellama, hunnie, iridescentgrrly, ishmael02, isis_ra777, jaydedone, jaysunbaka, jcace22, jillykillroy, june7982, karlita, keethrax, khrome, killercars, kissmyascii, knowbuddy, kvschwartz, ladykat88, laffinggod, lakehouseguys, lammashta, larp_dot_com, leliel, lethebasii, lithrac, littlone, lizardbely, lostshaman, martinhesselius, maxwellsmart86, mightywombat, mister_wolf, morbidsol, mosat, mscynicism, mystcbrd, naught, nekotori, ninjaofpain, omegix, oneeyedfreak, palmfulofstars, pandora7, peking_princess, phegan77, pickmansraven, raenshadoe, reregirl, sadearthmonkie, sagemoth, sajego, shadowstitch, shadrone, skyes, slashdot, slfdstrx, snidegrrl, solfox, spider_grrl, spiritchaser1, spo00on, stcrux, suessthompson, t3sture, tall_man, tamarag, taser, tenshihitomi, the_halfling, themorrigan, tiernanredwolfe, turbopunk, undedgurl, vagrantnoble, valiskeogh, vampyrekitty666, vichesse, visiblepulse, welshmaidn, wheezieweezoh, whozatmac, wicked_wish, willowredwolfe, wolff_slaven, xreeedactionx, zhane, zisforzillah, zoegrace
Friend of:134: _nemesis_, aeromancer, afromunkee, ambyguity, amosferret, annedelioness, asheraven, ausser_kraft, awraven13, baphomet93, bauglier, birdofparadox, bluepaladin, bohotremere, boldar, camenaecamenae, cearafox, celticaurora, chellemi, chelona, cranky_scribe, crowborja, cyanidechimp, cyn_ful, d0minique, darkeclipse, darksyren, deramani, devilturnip, deza, djenigma, drk_ghost, drkangelgodess, ell3ven, elysiangirl, ep_e, eternalredneck, ewigkeit, faecatofflame, fahkingnut, falfox, ferretking, fritzling, furry_overlord, geminiknight, ghatta, god_magnus, goddessbeth, hartley, hearthwitch, housellama, hunnie, iridescentgrrly, ishmael02, isis_ra777, jaydedone, jaysunbaka, jcace22, jillykillroy, june7982, karlita, keethrax, khrome, killercars, kissmyascii, knowbuddy, kvschwartz, ladykat88, laffinggod, lakehouseguys, lammashta, leliel, lethebasii, littlone, lostshaman, martinhesselius, maxwellsmart86, mightywombat, mister_wolf, morbidsol, mosat, mystcbrd, naught, nekotori, ninjaofpain, omegix, oneeyedfreak, palmfulofstars, pandora7, peking_princess, phegan77, pickmansraven, raenshadoe, reregirl, sadearthmonkie, sagemoth, sajego, sarahphim, shadowstitch, shadrone, skyes, slfdstrx, snidegrrl, solfox, spider_grrl, spiritchaser1, spo00on, stcrux, suessthompson, t3sture, tall_man, tamarag, taser, tenshihitomi, the_halfling, themorrigan, tiernanredwolfe, turbopunk, undedgurl, vagrantnoble, valiskeogh, vampyrekitty666, vichesse, visiblepulse, welshmaidn, wheezieweezoh, whozatmac, wicked_wish, willowredwolfe, wolff_slaven, xreeedactionx, zhane, zisforzillah, zoegrace
Member of:8: bellydancegear, bellydancing, civic_hybrid, ferretlovers, ferretpix, larp_dot_com, paidmembers, thecruxshadows
Account type:Paid Account

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