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User:ambr0sia (544773) Paid User ambr0sia
Headmaster Holga
Website:Elvis Southern Death Cult
Location:Tampa, Florida, United States
AOL IM:AIM status ElvisUndead (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status woodeneel (Add User, Send Message)
Memories:15 entries
Interests:64: 35mm rangefinders, alternative processes, boston red sox, boxing, celebrate the nun, darkroom, david bowie, dead can dance, diana camera, drive-by truckers, elvis, emulsion lifts, family guy, fiction plane, franz ferdinand, great danes, hand-colored photography, hasselblad, holga, image transfer, interpol, johnny damon, junk camera, konica c35, large format photograpy, legendary shack shakers, lilac time, lomo, madness, medium format photography, music, nekromantix, nick cave, no doubt, notorious cherry bombs, novelty camera, old junk cameras, patterson hood, photography, plastic camera, polaroid, polaroid manipulations, polaroids, ralph stanley, ren and stimpy, rollerblading, ronny elliot, sealab 2021, social distortion, south park, space ghost, squeeze, sx-70, the killers, the selecter, the specials, tiger army, tom waits, toy camera, toy camera photography, vintage camera, wet darkroom, yashica electro, zone system. [Modify yours]
People189:0ysterboy, __echoing, adora, ahdiahn, ajaya, alanpartlow, alceria, alois, amberoil, andipantz, andrewkendall, angelicate, apocryypha, apunknamedapril, avitania, bajema, baydomain, beachbro04, bekus, bigdaddyalan, boogiemama, boy__racer, bunster, cakefight, cameralucida, carlybobarly, chr1st1an, chris619, christianblood, chronos0x0, cleantastyone, cnjosephyne, cozmicity, crackkitty, crystalforest, csphoto, darklyobscure, dawaioser, deathstroke213, depotmode, dessabel, digidoll, dissentia, divadasmaschina, donwaughesq, drtrevorkian, edenseternal, electronique, evesfireflie, ex_liberatio267, eyelevel, eyelikeart, faintlyred, fashionplate, fetchin_bones, freechair, ghettosanta, girlbob, grassfire, gravityslens, h0taru, halliedemon, hellocatgirl, heretic_angel, hifibaby, holliemonster, hypnox, iamilluminatus, iammab, imgreen, insidecircle, itshardtosay, jazzygirlphotos, jen_shumate, jheffron, josienutter, justplainevol, kaltesterne, kates_awakening, kattaryna, kittynboi, krysania1, lalalenore, leopardprint, lexicon7435, liberation_army, lil_beatrix, limbsoup, linsanne, livinginabox, lookngglassgirl, lorigami, lovesacrafice, lovethyone, m_bluenote, madamjolie, maiathebee, malchior2k, markellis, meninazul, miss_anthropoid, missionlessdays, missjazzygirl, mistressshannon, mollymolly, momus_radar, mooshka, ms_tracy, mscc, msgee, mybetrayal, neevel, neivadarque, ngader, nickdangerous, octohelpme, onezumi, paintwithlight, papayas, patheticgurl, peach23, peripatetic, piercedvelvet, pinupdeadgirl, pwherman666, quadbox, queenbarbee, queenwench, randomwalk, rcknkttn, rdevillaus, realitysandwich, rednails, reloria, requiemforgod, robottle, rzena, samm, scoobygirldani, scrosby, sdphreak, secretagentglam, sinfulfreak, sinfulpixie, skipbreakfast, skyforest, smotherdhope701, sndslkanw_trany, spacenuke, spikyme, spiraley, splee, spookysin, squarewave, squirrelgrl, ssymonee, status, stella2600, stevedietgoedde, synnoveaevael, tapedeck, technibliss, tenrowsofpearls, textualife, the_ultramind, theabscence, theunderlining, thren0dy, tirent, tphanich, translostlation, twistedkitten, vadacia, vanillagenocide, velma_007, vi666vi, viciousduck, violaine, visioluxus, visualscience, vladyphoenixv, wazieralmout, wigshop, wuweibaby, zaratustra, zayna, zenxistence, zombiefied, zotch
Communities111:_diy_fashion_, _guiltypleasure, _shutterspeed, _stay_sick_, _visionaries, abstractphoto, alt_photography, anti_digital, art_of_florida, astro_photo, bandphotography, beakmans_diner, behind_the_lens, bowiefansunited, brainstormers, buymydiy, bwanonymous, bwphotography, camera_sale, carnivale_hbo, cflrockshows, classiccameras, craftgrrl, creativephoto, csi, dailyphotograph, darkroom_divas, darksideofebay, dbowie, dead_like_us, deadlike_me, deadlikeher, der_waffle_haus, diy_tutorials, ebaydrama, elite_makeup, fitnessbootcamp, flartists, flash_or_trash, formaestveritas, fotobooth, found_objects, foundphotos, frenchquarter, gardening, glamgoddesses, glamourgirlies, greatdane, hip_domestics, icutmyhair, irphotography, junkcameras, kattaryna_rox, kitschliving, last_comic, layouts_galore, left_handed, ljboxing, lomography, lost_tv, mary_jane_love, neworleans, oz_hbo, oz_is_dead, pallas_athena, photo_geeks, photo_judges, photoelement, photographia, photographie, photography, photophile, photoshop, photosig, phototips, pinhole, plastikcamera, polaroid, polaroid_669, polymerclay, product_reviews, psychobilly, pugilism, rockabilly, rockabillystyle, rural_ruin, sassy_threads, saucydwellings, self_defense, sew_hip, shrinersclub, signs_n_wonders, sx_70, t_shirt_surgery, tampa, the_polaroids, thebillymarket, thecrimescene, theflappers, thegreatest, thriftwhore, tough_audience, toy_camera, tpapix, tshirt_surgery, urban_decay, vintage_hair, vintage_sales, vintagephoto, visualis, wed_photography
Account type:Paid Account

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