Job Hunt Hijinks - As I think I've mentioned on here before, I'm a software designer. Depending on the company I'm working for, my job title might be "GUI Designer", "Information Architect", "Business Analyst", or (I love these) "Usability Engineer" or "Human Factors Engineer". What a wonderful country, where a guy with BA in English can be called "Engineer" without "Sanitation" in front of it. But seriously - where most companies design their software user interfaces by guess, gosh and golly, I bring some engineering methodology to the task - which saves companies a bundle of money. Honest.
I'm not writing this to serve as an online resume (although if you're an IT hiring manager and happen to need someone who do the voodoo I do, please write!), but as a shot of economic good news.
My job is a "leading indicator". Projects and companies hire people like me when they're getting projects off the ground, ramping up, getting ready to move ahead on things.
The last year in my field has been very slow. Not a lot of jobs to be had. I was lucky I had the crappy job I did, even if it ended three months early.
This week, I've been getting some rumblings. Companies calling back. Interviews with hiring managers instead of headhunters (and headhunters calling with open positions). No offers yet - but the fact that the rumblings have started is a good sign.
I hope.
So let's phrase this in the form of economic punditry: My consumer confidence is at a historic low of "0" for this week, but the outlook is improving, depending on whether an offer comes through any time soon.
Posted by Mitch at January 30, 2003 12:54 PM