DFL Regroups - The DFL is in the process of trying to regroup from the fall elections, according to this morning' s Strib:
No leader of any group is yet claiming that there is consensus on what DFLers should do in 2004 and beyond. They have a bit of a breather because there is no Senate or governor's race until 2006.So which route do you suppose they'll take?Some DFLers are arguing that 2002 was largely a fluke caused by an extraordinary tragedy and an unforeseen aftermath, a controversial memorial for Wellstone that created a backlash against the party, in Minnesota and nationally.
Others argue that DFLers need to get more aggressively liberal and anti-establishment than ever and that the state's most successful DFLers have been Wellstone and Attorney General Mike Hatch, both noted for their advocacy for workers and consumers and their antagonism toward corporate wrongdoing and wealthy interests.
Still others see a gradual but steady change in the state electorate and favor a turn toward more centrist themes, like those favored by former President Bill Clinton.
Here's a hint - the article goes to great depth talking about the impact of Wellstone - both his political legacy and the effect of the plane crash on the elections. The simple fact that Jeff Blodgett is the man leading the process should tell you something; led by the sympathy/sentimentality vote, the Wellstone wing of the party - ultraorthadox, fundamentalist liberalism - will prevail.
And given the demographic shifts of the past few years, the DFL's fortunes will continue to slide.
My predictions are usually famously wrong - but I have a good feeling about this one.
Posted by Mitch at January 23, 2003 06:43 AM