January 07, 2003

Shhhhhhhhhh - Just between us,

Shhhhhhhhhh - Just between us, the Third Mech Infantry Division is conducting the biggest live-fire exercises since the Gulf War, in the Kuwaiti desert.

UDAIRI RANGE, Kuwait (Army News Service, Jan. 3, 2002) -- More than 4,000 soldiers from 2nd Brigade and other elements of the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) conducted their first live-fire battle Dec. 21 at the Udairi Range Complex in Kuwait.

"I believe this is the largest Army exercise since Operation Desert Storm," said Maj. Gen. Buford C. Blount III, commander, 3rd Inf. Div. (Mech.), Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, Ga. "An entire brigade with over 70 tanks and 70 Bradleys is here, and we have division command and control over everything."

The rest of the 3rd Infantry Division (Mech.) has now received deployment orders to Kuwait and will begin deploying next week, officials said. They said once together in Kuwait, the division will continue to train, honing its combat power and awaiting further orders.

Of course, it's not a secret what's going on - the departure of our troops is as quiet as a NASCAR race, and the training in Kuwait, and the "official" media's release over the weekend that allied Special Forces are already active in Iraq, is part of the psychological campaign against Hussein. The whole world knows what's going on.

Posted by Mitch at January 7, 2003 12:47 PM


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