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calling all eyes

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(39 eyes | are you looking)

[10 Sep 2004|09:38pm]

okey, something about me (:
+ julia
+ 16
+ germany
+ loves eyes

at the moment i've only one picture.. but i think tomorrow or later i can show u more (:
now there are some more pics.. but not all (:

my eyes )

(are you looking)

[10 Sep 2004|03:28pm]

[ mood | tired ]

jake from converge (a totally rad band) is the newest to do an interview for peta 2! check it out!

(18 eyes | are you looking)

re-applyin [07 Sep 2004|09:15pm]

hey. i got sum nu pics and was recommended 2 reapply so
here goes nuthin )

(22 eyes | are you looking)

Application [07 Sep 2004|04:50pm]


(25 eyes | are you looking)

Application [07 Sep 2004|11:38am]

[ mood | excited ]

Application <3 )

(2 eyes | are you looking)

bitchy mod. [05 Sep 2004|09:11pm]

ok. if you haven't been stamped, don't vote.

if you aren't a mod, don't act like one.

if you would like to be a mod and stamp/add new members, comment here.

if you need to be stamped, comment here with the URL.

if you have changed your username, and it's not changed on the memberlist, comment here.

(7 eyes | are you looking)

STAMPED [04 Sep 2004|08:28pm]
+ )

(5 eyes | are you looking)

stamped // x-posted [04 Sep 2004|06:49pm]

[ mood | bored ]

My eyes with make-up versus without.

Observe )

(25 eyes | are you looking)

[05 Sep 2004|03:08pm]

[ mood | creative ]

hey guys! well everyone discussed making a member picture page-thingy, but so far, no more talk of it. so i think ill get the ball rollin!..

EVERYONE must post a picture, no bigger than 130x by 130x, in the comments of this entry.. if you do NOT post, within the next week, you will be considered in-active, and the mod will decide to boot you, or not. plz plz plz post as soon as possible!

thanks guys!! now get goin! <33333


(4 eyes | are you looking)

X-posted! [04 Sep 2004|05:34pm]

Why hello everybody. Once again I shall be a picture whore.

I got some new gold/copper makeup... cream eyeshadows and gold eye liner. It looks pretty here, but about 10 minutes later my eyes started watering like crazy... Meh. :|

Rich girl. )

(1 eye | are you looking)

STAMPED & X-POSTED [04 Sep 2004|04:31pm]

Hurricane Frances is almost here. There's a good chance I'll lose power again for days, maybe longer. Therefore I will be inactive till who knows when.

Thank you.


(7 eyes | are you looking)

Question.... [04 Sep 2004|09:57am]

I posted an application in this community a while ago. I got a bunch of comments rating them, but I didn't get a post saying if I was accepted. Now I haven't gotten any more comments for about a week. Do I have to wait to get stamped, or can I just start rating other people??

(11 eyes | are you looking)

[30 Jul 2004|03:09am]

[ mood | drained ]
[ music | gavin degraw- i dont want to be ]

hey im becca and im 16 and i have a huge obbsession with eyes! and this community seems pretty cool so here i am joining... hope you'll accept me!

<33 becca

in the eyes of the beholder )

(are you looking)

stamped ^_^ [04 Sep 2004|12:13am]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | bodies-DP ]

more eye pics. woo! )

(26 eyes | are you looking)

im new [01 Sep 2004|11:34pm]

i'm new here so i thought i would post some pictures i posted in some other communaties
my name is sarah, im 18 and from arizona
i looovvveee eyes and eyeshadow and eyeliner and all that good stuff

let me know what you think

.2. )

(2 eyes | are you looking)

Stamped :D [02 Sep 2004|12:00am]



I got some new eye colour from Avon. The first 3 pix are a eye duo pressed powder in Lilac and Smokey Purple then the next 3 are a cream eye colour in Sea Foam Green!!! Both super pretty! So check it out!

Read more... )

(22 eyes | are you looking)

application! :D [01 Sep 2004|05:28pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Divide and Conquer- Story of the Year ]


>>bright eyes<< )

(6 eyes | are you looking)

STAMPED [31 Aug 2004|02:17pm]

I had an idea. What if we had a members page showing off all our gorgeous eyes??? I mean, if you 3 mods were to busy, I'm sure someone would volunteer to do it! In fact, if no one else would, I wouldn't mind, but theres probably someone better for the job, lol!
Anyway, just an idea!

p.s. I did some promoting of AEF to a bunch of communities my other journal is a part of today! So, hopefully we'll have some new applicants coming in! :D

(20 eyes | are you looking)

[30 Aug 2004|06:16pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | rehab-it dont matter ]

i ani't gonna be just a face in the crowd......... )

(2 eyes | are you looking)

Stamped [29 Aug 2004|09:01pm]

[ music | Dashboard Confessional-Vindicated ]

Got bored with the digi. )

(16 eyes | are you looking)

[29 Aug 2004|04:34pm]

[ mood | hungry ]

Hey, I'm Aliza. I'm really into photography and hopefully when I get older I can find a job in that subject. Anyways, I'm 15 years old and will be a sophmore in a couple weeks. Ummm... ya... SOOO, here they are, MY EYES! )


(2 eyes | are you looking)

stamped like woah [29 Aug 2004|02:22pm]


maple sugar )


(23 eyes | are you looking)

:) [29 Aug 2004|11:08am]

[ mood | content ]
[ music | All apologies - nirvana ]

Hi i'm Molly. I'm 15 and live in WA state. I just got a digital camera the day before yesterday!!! It's sooo fun. I love eyes, i'm kind of obsessed...I could just stare at eyes all day. I'm not that fab on my own eyes, but o well. Trying this goes!yikes! )

(1 eye | are you looking)

Stamped [28 Aug 2004|06:46pm]

I'm leaving, bye.

(34 eyes | are you looking)

[28 Aug 2004|02:41pm]

I'm jen.
I'm in lowell, ma.
as boring as it is here.
I do plan on moving to texas or some random place sooner or later.

I'm 22.
not currently in school.
but do plan on going for some type of art.

I don't really have a fave band.
I like lots of music.

rate away. )

(5 eyes | are you looking)

Stamped [28 Aug 2004|12:59pm]

[ mood | amused ]

I was bored last night so i was taking pics, and my camera took a picture on accident and i got this....
green like kiwi )

(27 eyes | are you looking)

[28 Aug 2004|02:07am]

Name: Erin
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Location: MN, USA
Music: Three days grace, mindlikewater, the offspring, enigma, a perfect circle, hole, low, smashing pumpkins. (yaay rock!)
Books: finder (emma bull), anything by janet evanovich, anything by chuck palahnuik, and jumper by -forgot name- O_O;;

Pictures! )

(4 eyes | are you looking)

[26 Aug 2004|08:28pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | incubus - drive ]

where are all the new applicants... i am going to start promoting like crazy

(4 eyes | are you looking)

Hmmm.. x posted [26 Aug 2004|01:35pm]

Sorry for being a bit of a picture whore lately. But hey I guess that's why we're here, right?

Because I can. )

(7 eyes | are you looking)

stamped. [26 Aug 2004|12:54am]

a few of me. )

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