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[31 Aug 2004|06:39pm]
who the frigg is Dave Williams and why do I know him?
3 happy kids| anger = bad

[31 Aug 2004|12:12am]

Saturday night was the best/worst Girls Night in a long time. HAHAHA, but I loved it. Court, Puzi, Susie and I all went to the drive-in to see The Princess Diaries 2 and The Notebook. I was slightly skeptical about both of those movies because I hate sequels and I didn't like A Walk To Remember. BUT I WAS SUPER WRONG. Both movies were excellent.


Never go to the drive-in during a rainstorm unless you want to go nuts. The windows fogged up so badly. SO BADLY. And we couldn't put them down to de-steamify them because it was pouring rain. So Court and Susie were up front swabbing the windshield with tissues while Suzanne and I attempted to position our bodies in such a way that both of us could see out of the 1x1 foot square of unfogged glass in the middle of the windshield. We all had our heads out of the window at one point when the rain died down, but then the sex scene came on and we thought it would be weird if we all were hanging out of the windows for that one.

A girl at the concession stand had on a This Day & Age shirt. Suzanne said she was Amanda's roommate. Good for her!

Speaking of This Day & Age, the show with Elektromat and Adelaide was superb. I like shows with three bands or less, four bands gets a little boring. Adelaide...omgyay! I would like to listen to Anthony sing/play piano for all eternity. Elektromat was sweet also - The Last Goodbye...it was incredible. My favorite song in their set by far. And This Day & Age was awesome too. They sounded significantly better than normal, maybe it was because of the venue. But it was good.

GREAT STORY! This is going to be the busiest week of my life, I think. My goals:
1. learn how to drive a stickshift
2. school shopping
3. haircut
4. senior pictures
5. dana and keith's wedding
6. work until 6 every day
7. vintage tomorrow
8. youth group wednesday
9. plan a 1st p meeting
10. read two books - one ap lit, one ap gov
11. return my overdue library books
12. clean my room
13. pluck my eyebrows
14. make more unnecessarily long lists
anger = bad

[30 Aug 2004|11:55pm]
I'm updating because I love Claire.
And i love Courtney because of the walks we take.
And I love Kenny because he dances with me in my hallway at 2 in the morning.
And I love Jennifizzle because she has a livejournal and is partially Chinese.
And I love the fat bald Indian man at work today because he wanted my number.
4 happy kids| anger = bad

[25 Aug 2004|05:59pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | SANCTUS REAL: "Where Will They Go" ]

I want to go to a drive in! SO. BAD.
Ha, too bad I just spent all of my money. It happens.

I really have nothing to say.

Except I'm tired. And i need to sleep. kbye!

anger = bad

[24 Aug 2004|05:57pm]
Do a Google search for your name sometime. This is me.

Then I looked up Gahagen. These are my relatives:

2 happy kids| anger = bad

[24 Aug 2004|05:05pm]
ok so work was happier today.

A LOT less foreigners, yay!

I HAVE MASTERED THE FAX MACHINE. I freaking rock. All I wanted to do all day was fax things because I was so happy.

One of our supervisors/bosses/someone important visited today and bought us milkshakes.

Also, David is not a pedophile, I decided. But I think he was definitely one of those kids in school that could never get a date, so he would sit at home and watch Star Wars or learn to speak Elvish fluently in his spare time.

And i don't like Subway very much anymore.

Oh, and last night was very fun. Kenny picked me up early before Evangel and we sat outside of Starbucks, but since it was raining we got cold, so we got in the van, drove it into a deserted parking lot, pulled all the shades down in the windows....and talked! I like talking to Kenny, he is a good one to talk to. So we did, for like an hour or something. Evangel was sweet, I love everyone there. Then Sarah Wiant's, where everyone else that I love was congregated.

And I got my Korean army jacket. YESSSSS.
1 happy kid| anger = bad

[23 Aug 2004|04:21pm]
If I ever become a white pride supporter...it's because of my job.

They threw me up at the front counter without any training, which was sweet. Ha, basically, I had to figure everything out as I went along - which meant, as a million non-English-speaking people stared angrily at me.

I had to help 389529835 thousand immigrants make copies today. Most of them don't understand English. Most of them don't understand American currency. Haha, one guy had made little piles of coins each equaling 25 cents and had taped them all together; so I had to peel the tape off of each of them and then sort whatever was inside. That was fun.

Then there was the scary Indian woman who kept asking me "Do you have some gum?" Except that's just what it sounded like, when she really just had a question about the copier.

Oh yeah, and when that scary man hated me because he had to wait in line while I cashed out a woman's 11 thesis bindings. Frigggggggginnnnnnnnnnn, that's how we do things in America, kthnx, stop complaining.

And no, we're not hiring.

Hey, how about that time the fax machine sucked in every paper at once so nothing worked. And it wouldn't stop.

Haha, and remember when every Asian girl looked exactly the same in her photo ID, so when I had four on the counter at once, I didn't know what to do when it came to returning them?

And speaking of photo IDs, please stop leaving them all over our counter and then getting mad when you come back 3 hours later and I don't find it right away.

Ha, but it was fun. Even though I hate everyone except caucasians at the moment, I at least feel productive. Hooray!

Tonight = Evangel
Tonight = Sarah Wiant's last party of the summer
Tonight = super!
7 happy kids| anger = bad

[21 Aug 2004|10:03am]
Do you know how happy I am that Kenny's home???
Well, use your imagination because I'm not going to try to describe my happiness.

So yesterrrrday, Kenny and I went to Autumn's house to drop off her This Day & Age CD - the first ever stop of the This Day & Age delivery service. It is quick and efficient, and who wouldn't love to have a band member deliver his band's CD directly to their house? It was fun and Autumn I hope you like it! THEN, Kenny and I drove to Lake Erie because Sue lent us her cottage and it was nice. Even though it was raining. We listened to nice music and stood on the beach for five seconds. Then we got chicken finger subs with lots of mozzerella cheese but not enough sauce and no lettuce, and sat on a couch and told each other our life stories for four hours. Then my mom told us to come home by midnight, but it was really 12:30 because it took longer to get home than we thought, but it's ok because my mom trusts us more than any other mother ever. Maybe. Ha, and when we got back, she and Sue were having a Mom Sleepover and we watched The Banger Sisters, minus like 328053 scenes because of evil content.

Then Kenny left and I ate pizza and went to bed at 3. Yay!

Sooooo, who wants to have a sleepover tonight? I'm home alone until Sunday and I'm not allowed to be alone. Because I suck. Someone come stay with meeeeee!
1 happy kid| anger = bad

[20 Aug 2004|03:23pm]
TOM: "Suzanne! You're laughing at a dead woman!"
ASHLEY PRIOR: "How would you like it if your parents died?"
SUZANNE: "Guys, stop laughing! It's not funny! Elle! Elle...Tom said, 'Suzanne, what if your parents died' and he laughed.'"

Ok, it was funny. Probably because it was Suzanne.

I really like the Priors. HA, very much. Maybe it's because Emily gives really big hugs when she is introduced to you. Or maybe it's because all the girls have sweet hair and clothes. Or maybe it's because Ashley laughed at morbid things, which is sweet. Or because they all find black people to be scary/funny/awesome.

HAHAHA, Degrassi is the worst freaking show ever. So bad. It actually disgusted me. So much, infact, that I'll probably watch it again. Freaking Canadians. And Nickelodeon GUTS will never ever get old.
anger = bad

[20 Aug 2004|02:14pm]
Oh my Lord. What a concert.

I had nine heart attacks during The Spill Canvas. So I bought a shirt.

It was also the first time I ever heard Rory, whom I enjoyed, even though the lead singer had severe intestinal complications. And almost no body. Thinnest man ever.
And then Kenny pointed at the guitarist and told me about the time TWO times he fell asleep in his arms. Once on a bed and once on a couch. Ha, awesome. At least he wasn't dressed like a girl, it would have been a lot weirder.

Aaaaaaaand This Day & Age is going to be famous.

I am Amanda's obsession and it makes me happy.

Then there was that time Tracy said, "He picked out your underwear, Elle - OF COURSE HE'S GAY!" Indeed.

And when Suzanne said, "Courtney, you're 18 now! You can speed!" ....what?

Or when Tracy was stroking her chin and saying, "Hey! Look at my beard! Touch it! Touch my beard, it's so pretty! Dan, look at my beard!" And Dan said, "TRACY....pride?"

And then Nate Prior educated us on the ways of the world. "Black men always carry nine millimeters."

And when Courtney could be foudn lurking in the shadows when me and Kenny were saying goodbye, watching us from afar and commenting toe veryone around her? And it was really weird because she said she just wanted to "share in teh moment" when it was really more like she is a creep and should stop staring. haaha, but it was funny.

What an evening. It was absolutely fabulous. And Kenny's hair is pretty.
2 happy kids| anger = bad

[19 Aug 2004|04:57pm]
omg like work wuz s0o0o0oo0o gr8 2day! I cleaned, stacked boxes, shrink wrapped, re-shrink wrapped because I sucked, collated papers, de-collated some other ones, copied, stacked, sorted, and sealed envelopes. Hooray.

Carlo. Haven't I talked to him several times? HAVEN'T I? Didn't I go to Barnes & Noble with him once at midnight to buy a Harry Potter book? So today, when he said, "Haven't I met you before?" I just shook my head and tried not to be offended, since he IS the boy that tried to trick at ATM and who was once trash-canned. He has facial hair now.

Also, this guy David at work. I think he is a supervisor? I don't even know. Well, he scares me. In a child-molester like way. Maybe it's because of that weird look he always has on his face, or because his eyes are big and bulgy, or because he couldn't stop talking about the origins of the name Aryelle, or because he could tell me the origins of the name Aryelle. Maybe it was because of that one time he told me about how he should have punched that stack of papers with the other hole punch, but he assumes he messed up because his subconscious wanted to talk to me really badly. Or maybe it was because he started a singles group at his old church called The Itergalactic Space Invader Corporation...except the name was a lot longer and with weirder words and he was totally serious.

Or maybe it's because I have very acute child-molester sensor capabilities.

So NOOOWWWW I have to get ready because I'm going to see my boy(?)friend for the first time in several weeks this evening. And you should too! Not see your boyfriend, I mean go to the concert I am attending. Yes. And if Kenny is dressed like a girl...

...I don't know.

hahaha. ok great.

anger = bad

[18 Aug 2004|09:51pm]

This could possibly be my favorite weather all year so far.

At approximately 7:00 this evening, the weather became my favorite ever. Yes. 7:00. It's like 80 degrees but still cool and it feels like it's about to rain, and the breeze is incredible. INCREDIBLE. I think I'm going to go sit on my porch momentarily.

OHHH MYYYY GOOOSSSHHH. I want to sleep outside.

Weather this beautiful makes me want to hold hands with someone.

And to sleep outside.

I can't believe everyone is leaving for college next week. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT EVERYONE?!?!?!?! You're not supposed to leave me yet, you bunch of friggins! :(

My mom just made the dryest lasagna ever. ever. ever. so dry.


Now...I want YOU to do the following. Go oustide. Stand in the beautiful incredible and lovely weather and thank God for it. Because it's a good idea. He likes it when you do. He made if for you! So make Him happy and say thank you! <33333

lakvjoijoejvev. pretty atmosphere.

Dan white really is a good writer.
5 happy kids| anger = bad

[17 Aug 2004|03:51pm]
I forgot to TELLLLL YOU ALL!!!!

My bunny is home! <3 His name is Stormy and I missed him while he was at my grandma's house...for four and a half years.

He is fat.
And cuddly.
And sometimes he scratches.

But he is cool.
1 happy kid| anger = bad

[16 Aug 2004|12:11am]
awwww, Autumn and Debulah! Do you guys know what we were doing precisely one year ago?

We were doing THIS.
5 happy kids| anger = bad

[15 Aug 2004|07:41pm]
haaaaaaaahahaha. kenny campbell. what are you doing with your life?

He just called me to let me know that he's not going to be calling me for the rest of the week because he took a vow of silence in teh hopes of winning $100.

Well...I guess if I can't see him for three weeks, I can handle not talking to him for four days. hahaha, my boyfriend is a retard. He's lucky he has shaggy hair and likes Mae, or else I might be having second thoughts. <3

My face is so hot right now, I feel like I'm getting a fever, but I'm obviously not.

All I did today was read A Swiftly Tilting Planet, you know, from the Wrinkle in Time series? omg, life at its best is reading childrens books. And I finally finished one of my summer reading books. YES. I feel like I've done something this summer.

Also, I found this in the bread/pastry drawer today.
I was excited for a second because I thought it was "blueberry? Poppy seed? ... WTF?!"

Mold is sexy.
2 happy kids| anger = bad

[15 Aug 2004|01:22pm]
This is an Autumn entry.

For two reasons.

1. I think your sister was at the Chapel middle school today and I got really excited! But I forgot what she looked like so all I heard was, "Alyssa Lanoye" and a lot of cheering. So tell her I said hi even though I don't remember what she looks like but she is great because she was in the same room as me at the same time.

2. I FORGOT HOW MUCH I LIKED INVADER ZIM. I watched it last night and my elation was more than I could handle. It was the one when they are street performers because they need bus fare. And then there was another one where Zim brought his parents to a parent-teacher conference and his father ended up yelling, "MY SQUEEZY ARM!! NOOOOO, WHY MY SQUEEZY ARM!?? WHYYYY!Y!!?!?!!!" because one of his arms fell off.


I love you!
3 happy kids| anger = bad

[14 Aug 2004|05:56pm]
[ mood | weird ]

Christopher is obsessed with text messaging. Not an exaggeration. Everyone with a cellphone is in danger. He just sent me one that said "i did a lot of landscaping today. i feel like a real man" ...? Then he tells me to text him later, but only if i have something interesting to say. I'm going to send him something really worthless.

The pizza delivery man just called. That's cute.

I was laying on my bed reading today, and I went to stand up and I got stuck in my garbage can because I had moved it and forgot. So my foot was lodged in it, it was weird.

I am in a weird mood right now. Weird enough to warrant a "weird" mood listing. I am also wearing a new shirt, which I will be wearing tomorrow as well.


anger = bad

[14 Aug 2004|12:44am]
Oh yeah.

Today a large black man named Tim who has five illegitimate daughters said that he loves This Day & Age. If that's not an incentive for you to go to their show on Thursday, you have no soul.

haahahahah, he really REALLY loved them.
anger = bad

[14 Aug 2004|12:19am]
Yeah, today was a weird one.

First, work at UB. Everyone was SO effin tired because it was rainy and it was 10 in the morning and we had to count paper for six hours and it wasn't going to be exciting. So there I was, sorting bright yellow papers into piles of twenty, when I looked out the window to watch the people walking by. And I saw the dancing old man from the Six Flags commercials. I swear. I SWEAR. It was him. I knowwwww he's not a real old man, but I promise promise promise it was him. He had on a green bucket hat and was carrying a baton and had on huge thick glasses. It was him.

I swear.

Then we spent the next five and a half hours or so sorting more papers for the foreigners/international students. UB is so nice to its foreign students! It even supplies them with a list of student-led campus cultural clubs potential terrorist groups. I think that's nice.

THEEEENNNNN, Courtney and I went to a vintage book store and I bought 4 books for nine dollars and seventy-four cents. All I had was a 20, so I gave it to him and he gave me a weird smile and said, "Can I ask you a question?" Yes. "Why did you give me so much money?" Ummmm....because I was expecting change? Maybe.

To Courtney's house. We fell asleep on her bed for an hour and a half and when we woke up, we were both disheveled and it was dark and Chelsea had her friend Eileen over. We thought it would be funny to walk out of Courtney's bedroom together and leave the girl wondering about our sexual orientation.

But we didn't.

Oh and then there was that time that Chris Hoisington called us at the exact time he said he was going to call to hang out! Oh wait. NO HE DIDN'T. Instead we sat on Courtney's couch watching the news and playing checkers for an hour and a half while we waited for his call, all while he was walking aimlessly around Wegmans text messaging all of his freaking friends when he SHOULD have been calling us back!!!!!!

Is it funny when I pretend to be mad?

I forgave him because he grew a beard and wore his leprachaun jacket. <3 If you're still reading this entry, you are truly my friend.
3 happy kids| anger = bad

[12 Aug 2004|10:08pm]
I'm just sitting in my den right now waiting for Courtney to come get me...amusing myself in the meantime by staring into the windows of the people across the streets. Because I'm basically a creep. And because they have no curtains or blinds on any of their windows (like US!), and they have every light on possible, so I can see everything. The mom (?) keeps striking this awesome pose in front of one of the windows, like she's about to start dancing. So I'm waiting for it, but it's not happening.

Sometimes my makeup makes my face itch. But only once in a while, so it's not because I'm allergic to it. I DON'T KNOOOOWWWWWWW.
anger = bad

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