Thursday, March 11th, 2004 |
4:26 pm [dyingwhisper]
George Bush needs to see this!! |
Sunday, February 29th, 2004 |
5:17 pm [mpav]
Jesus Fuckin' Loves U!! «(...) and God saw it was a good thing» (in Genesis)
«Be welcome, sisters and brothers.
Past century was full of misery and decadence despite of the clear message of the Great Messiah present in the scriptures (that many tried to obscure) . We live in a decadent society which only end seem to be satisfying The human basic need and great weakness: Sex.
In an overpopulated world where lethal STD´s and sick perversions seem to win daily battles against human´s Faith on the Lord. In a capitalist society with no conditions for people to successfully maintain relationships or raise families..
We bring a word of understanding and compassion. A word of Hope.In other days Church and the State were combined in one only Institution. In our days is time to finally bring together Men and God by the power of The Primordial Need.. An end to cynicism and lies.
No sin. Just Forgiveness. And living with our Lord in Faith and passionate Communion ..
Amen. »
(as spoken by our Great Leader MPav In last Summer´s "Worship for the the New Millenniums" public presentation)
Find your way to redemption today! (see how!)
(Comments would be appreciated. Please add them inside community.
And let Jesus love u!)
Current Mood: curiousCurrent Music: My Life with The Thrill Kill Kult - "Heresy" |
Saturday, January 31st, 2004 |
2:38 pm [cinicolives] |
Jesus I love Jesus, it's his fucking fan club I can't stand. Current Mood: apatheticCurrent Music: Kriptonite- Three Doors Down |
Wednesday, June 11th, 2003 |
9:14 pm [simplemindedted]
The Ten Commandments I found a link to this article on but the original can be found at . The Ten Commandment are, according to George Carlin, "a political list... designed to control." But whatever they are, they don't belong in front of publicly funded schools or in courthouses. By displaying these monuments in public places, the government is announcing its bond to one religion. Christianity. I don't think they are about to start displaying the Koran or the Vedas next the the commandments either. It is the Christian God or no god. "It's a little heartbreaking," protestor Terry Lewis said. "Our children and grandchildren have the right to read those commandments at any time they want." SOLUTION: Buy a pack of index cards. Write the commandments on them. Any student who has suddenly forgot one of them or needs to see them to aid in a business decision can pull them out and have them anywhere, anytime, not just when they are in front of the school or in the courthouse. "I think our rights are being taken away, just for the sake of one person, who's a small minority of people," she [Sharon Fulton, a preacher's wife] said. COUNTERPOINT: The constitution not only guarantees the freedom of religion, but also freedom from religion. The same amendment allows bible bruisers to yell at you from the corner of the street and protects you from having a religion forced upon you. True, one can choose whether or not to look at, and even follow these publically posted commandments, but for the young, who are often able to recite the pledge of allegiance without understanding a single word of it, these rules may be more of a subconscious indoctrination tool. A child's mind is very malleable and is not hard to mold. If a child had the capacity to fully understand a decision as weighty as religious association, it would probably be made. A very gay member of my graduating class, who for identity concealment, will be referred to as Frabe Frarrett, believed that students should be allowed to pray out loud at school. Why? One can silenty pray to themselves and for others all day if they so choose. A moment of silence is even provided every morning to facilitate in guiding these silent prayers to the proper diety. I guess. I still haven't quite figured out why ten seconds is set aside every day for people to pray. Need a quiet time to pray. Pray while in the bathroom. Lastly, although I choose no religious affiliation, it does not mean that I am without morals. A lot of people want to assume that, because I don't devote my life to following a centuries old manuscript, that I am devoid of a value structure. Wrong. My morals play a role in my life every day. I have found harmony enough without investing my whole life to doing right 24 hours a day. "Keep thy religion to thyself." |
Sunday, June 1st, 2003 |
3:49 pm [injected_rawks]
hell-o i just joined, but i have to say (if this wasn't mentioned before) that does anyone realize that Chard Kroger (Ogre) from Nickelback resembles Jesus? hmm... oh and btw, my friend's senior quote was WWJD For a Klondike Bar? mWahaha. Current Mood: cheerfulCurrent Music: maroon 5 ~ the sun |
Saturday, May 31st, 2003 |
8:18 pm [ruiner_version]
hey, i just thought that id say hi. i love this community already. jesus and i played multiplayer halo on xbox yesterday. the little bastard won. note to public: do not give crazy jews named jesus grenades.
just don't.
Current Music: A Perfect Circle - Vacant (Tapeworm cover) |
Sunday, April 27th, 2003 |
8:30 am [christmonger]
Hooray for;
boobies(you'll think of it anyway...) uninterrupted cigarrette breaks punk shows gamer geeks Bad Religion krispie treats Snapple peach tea Goodwill stores Paulie the Beer Drinking Dog Perkins smoking-sections sweet sweet crack
Punk show with Eugene for me today. Yay. Nothing else. Same shit different day. Drunks at work are funny, goddamn allergies, Blaine cops take their break at 2AM, etc.
Seen: you will choose a one-week period of this summer. You know what I'm talking about. If you don't give me one within one week, I'm choosing myself. Dave must come. Eugene may or may not be able to provide transportation. Any other additions will be up to committee....maybe we should talk to Dave, and have him assign a time... |
Saturday, April 12th, 2003 |
10:36 pm [99_red_balloons]
I was at this skatepark the other night, and to get in free you had to listen to a preacher preach. So I'm sitting there half-awake awaiting to skate when this got my attention. He said: ((and I swear to you this was said))
"We are all made out of clay, the Jesus found us, and breathed life into us"
I thought that was pretty goddamn funni. |
Wednesday, April 9th, 2003 |
9:43 am [christmonger]
Friday, March 28th, 2003 |
2:26 pm [99_red_balloons]
what would jesus do for a klondike bar?
<3 |
11:04 am [99_red_balloons]
last night jesus visited me...and asked where my dad was *-*
oh btw im new here im lauren and jesus doesnt love me..he only loves my dad.
Current Music: aerosmith -sing for the moment |
Thursday, February 6th, 2003 |
3:13 pm [livinlovinmaid]
11:45 am [synth3tiks0re] |
hi im new to livejournal and this comunity hey :) |
Thursday, December 26th, 2002 |
1:34 am [dextrophan]
Merry Fucking Christmas Jesus was born thousands of years ago! What an opportunity for commercialism. Current Mood: bored |
Saturday, November 23rd, 2002 |
10:23 pm [spook_frolic]
am i the only person here that masturbates with a crucifix daily?????????
Current Mood: catatonic Current Music: d.i.-bedrock |
9:45 pm [thelonereceiver]
i meet jesus last night at the movie theater and he asked me if i wanted to get packed. so in my conclusion. jesus i think likes dong. comment and tell me what you think.
-the real one |
Friday, November 22nd, 2002 |
4:42 am [tearsthatsear]
Jesus on MTV? You know what I've noticed recently? There's an overwhelming number of men who look like The Lord Jesus around lately. For instance, this one guy that my friend an I saw in the dining hall... most definately a Collegiate Jesus. My friend's boyfriend: definately a Venezuelan Christ. Best of all, however, is Thicke. Yes, yes... Thicke. Son of the father from Growing Pains, young Robin Thicke is the epitome of a young Jesus... quite SOULFUL if I do say so myself. Hells yeah. See for yourself: http://www.thicke.netWhat, am I wrong? Current Mood: accomplishedCurrent Music: The Donnas, "Take It Off" |
Friday, November 8th, 2002 |
11:12 am [christmonger]
(Anonymous) 2002-11-04 01:27 (link) the saddest thing is that jesus does love you...i just wish you felt the same about him
(Reply to this) (Thread)
So, I joined a few minutes ago, and saw this....I have to wonder if it's serious, or one of you freaky freakys being the freak that you are.
No matter. I don't care anyway.
The only thing that matters is that Jesus loves me.
Every night.
Current Mood: something Current Music: Stromkern - Armageddon |
Monday, October 21st, 2002 |
9:44 am [jesusjoe] |
I am Man. |