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[22 Sep 2001|07:06pm]

Have I mentioned how theraputic acoustic Nirvana is?
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the bitch is back [22 Sep 2001|06:44pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | rem- me in honey ]


the story is, I was pissed off, scared and just plain fed up and deleted this.

then, intellectual that I am, I realized I have some sharded writing here that may be useful form time to time.
*bam* reactivate.

I'll update this from time to time...this is, in case you haven't already guessed, a fucked-up alter-ego of mine. good times, no?

by the way, do any of you know how to change "post comment" into something else?

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[09 Aug 2001|07:52pm]
and another thing. If you're going to add me, leave comments! My journal is here, on the Internet, so I can get input.


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[08 Aug 2001|11:31pm]
This journalling business has proved to be far more complex than I thought...circumstances being what they are, my journal is now friends-only. Indeed, this could be just a scam to get friends and feed my own ego. Find out for yourself.
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