Ian Buckles' LiveJournal
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in
Ian Buckles' LiveJournal:
Monday, January 28th, 2002 | 11:58 pm |
Truly a triumph of the human spirit. Bitch ahead! Hey. I really just need somwhere to put my thoughts right now. My bud/room-mate Dave is moving out tomorrow, he's going to Toronto to finish his High School education, and after that, I dunno. I'm gonna miss him, so I'm a little low. Any way, enough whining. I'll be back later. - Bucklar Current Mood: moroseCurrent Music: Richard Jeni's Greatest Bits | Sunday, January 6th, 2002 | 1:19 am |
OK. OK. I get it. I'm late. I'm sorry. Half a year isn't that long, is it? It is? Damn. Well, let me fill you in on what's been happening with me recently. Since my last post I've gotten much healthier. A fling with this girl from South Keyes began and ended, and along with it died my love life for the next several months. I began school, befriended a jolly little man who now lives in my basement. He shall heretoafter be refferred to as the "Basement Guru". Moving right along, I met a couple of neat people from the new crew in ENCORE!, the acting troupe I belong to. For the most part, they don't particularily like me, but the three guys seem like they can at least stand me. Chris Bush is a tracker with the lead part, and is pretty good with off-the wall type humour. Derek's a homosexual pedophile, but he likes Magus, so he's forgiven. Givogue's a jockish type of guy who can be loyal when the mood strikes him, seldom as that may be. He thinks Cid7's hardcore though, and dragoons kick ass, so I let him slip past my judgement as well. The play went well, what with me being the comic relief and all...but a few encounters with a warthog-like woman(If she can even be referred to as a woman) have sort of soured me to the whole acting experience. I now realize that ENCORE! was, is and forever will be a female-oriented organization, and even two of the five "men" in the troupe side with the females. Again though, they must be overlooked, as one is very gay and the other is very whipped. In either case however, I'll be the loyal ex-Burger King employee I am and allow them to "Have it their way". Frankly, at this point, I'm sick and tired of fighting for these causes I have to chance of winning, and it's much easier to simply lay downa and die. I didn't want this whole thing to be me bitching and whining, but my friends are drifting away from me as well. Mike Bernard and Jamieson Scott, my two most loyal buddies, just plain aren't maturing at the same rate I am, and I feel as if I'm leaving them behind. I just can't relate to seventeen-year-old's who've never so much as been on a date. That's not to pass undue judgement, as I love them either way, but I'm just having trouble understanding how they think. One's ruining his youth and the best years of his life by burning himself out doing extra-credit work to graduate early, and the other, well, I don't know what exactly's going on with him, but he seems to have found another group of friends to hang out with. I'm glad he's finally meeting new people, as he's always been a bit of a shut in, but I just wish he wouldn't exclude me in the process. In either case, some things are picking up just as the others are falling to the floor and breaking. I have a girlfriend now. Or two...it's really somewhat confusing, and to put it in writing would only serve to blur the issue further. Suffice it to say I'm doing alright in the ladies department, if not the love area. I've gotten hooked to a game called Settler's of Catan, a Monopoly-Risk mix from Germany, and I've gotten involved in various Role-Playing games, among them Vampire and Star Wars. Also, I've begun hanging out with a loveable old vampire named Varette. He's a really great guy, and I sort of look up to him, though sometimes I feel a little too much. I suppose as my other friends and I grow apart, I just need to latch onto something for support. It's really too bad, because I've been so clingy and he doesn't realize why, but I'm sure he'll survive. Also, that reminds me...this is a public forum, and despite this, I will write here as if noone will read this but myself. I'm not writing for an audience except where it's more or less blantantly obvious, and if you read about yourself, you can take it as an insight as to how others see you. I've gotten off-track, but it's really of no consequence at this point. I'll finish this later, and so, as with my new favourite movie, I will end with a cliffhanger. "I sure am glad I have you here with me, Sam." - Ian Robert Buckles Current Mood: depressedCurrent Music: Tainted Love - Marilyn Manson | Saturday, July 28th, 2001 | 3:43 pm |
Damn Look at that. It's only my second time writing and I'm already late. How typical is that. Oh well.
One of the problems is that I'm a procrastinator, because if you put things off long enough, eventually you'll be dead and won't have to worry about them. The other reason is, and this is a good one now, summer-school + exam + Ian + Strep Throat + temperature of 104 =
....well, I can't think of what it equals really, but I guess you can figure it out for yourselves if you want. Although the strep throat has definitely been an interesting experience, it's certainly not one I'd like to repeat. You see, the last time I had it I was 12. I am now 17. While my age may have increased by 5(years), the pain and fatigue and frustration at being unable to eat has increased by an *exponent* of 5. I can well imagine myself just keeling over and dying right there on the spot if ever I contracted this disease anywhere over the age of 23.
Enough about gross phlegmy problems though. Because of the noticeable lack of actual vacation during my summer-"vacation"(due to the afore-mentioned strep throat and summerschool), I've had very few actual developments arise in my life. No news is good news, as the old axiom goes, but frankly, no news is pretty boring after 3 bloody weeks of it. Tonight, I'm getting my blow-torch, my tu-tu and my harmonica and I'm gonna...well, you'll likely read about it in the paper.
Anyway, I'm about to head out to pick up a book and a copy of the film "Mallrats" from a friend(It's the only one I haven't seen, ok!), so I'll be on my way. Talk to you all later. Oh, and remember...
Veni, Vidi, Parti!
Ian Buckles. | 3:43 pm |
Damn Look at that. It's only my second time writing and I'm already late. How typical is that. Oh well.
One of the problems is that I'm a procrastinator, because if you put things off long enough, eventually you'll be dead and won't have to worry about them. The other reason is, and this is a good one now, summer-school + exam + Ian + Strep Throat + temperature of 104 =
....well, I can't think of what it equals really, but I guess you can figure it out for yourselves if you want. Although the strep throat has definitely been an interesting experience, it's certainly not one I'd like to repeat. You see, the last time I had it I was 12. I am now 17. While my age may have increased by 5(years), the pain and fatigue and frustration at being unable to eat has increased by an *exponent* of 5. I can well imagine myself just keeling over and dying right there on the spot if ever I contracted this disease anywhere over the age of 23.
Enough about gross phlegmy problems though. Because of the noticeable lack of actual vacation during my summer-"vacation"(due to the afore-mentioned strep throat and summerschool), I've had very few actual developments arise in my life. No news is good news, as the old axiom goes, but frankly, no news is pretty boring after 3 bloody weeks of it. Tonight, I'm getting my blow-torch, my tu-tu and my harmonica and I'm gonna...well, you'll likely read about it in the paper.
Anyway, I'm about to head out to pick up a book and a copy of the film "Mallrats" from a friend(It's the only one I haven't seen, ok!), so I'll be on my way. Talk to you all later. Oh, and remember...
Veni, Vidi, Parti!
Ian Buckles. | Sunday, July 22nd, 2001 | 4:35 pm |
Good'den... What's going on people. Just before we begin here, I'd just like to apologize in advance for my lack of question-marks. I'm usually quite proud of my typing skills, but my keyboard simply doesn't support that particular feature. For your own sanity and mine, I'll try to keep my rhetorical questions to a minimum. Those questions that do appear will instead be ended with a ">"
Anyway, I'm Ian Buckles. Good to meet you all. I'm not sure that there will be many of you actually reading this, and to those of you who aren't, poo! But for those of you with intelligence, savvy or just plain too much time on your hands, I laud you and your good taste, or lack of a social life.
I learned about this site from a J. Norm Scott. Now don't get me wrong, Mr. Scott and I have never actually met, and I'm sure that he'd find the fact that I even know who he is a little frightening, but he's one of the funniest, and most intelligent(and by intelligent, I mean witty) people I've ever had the pleasure to hear about. His web page's www.ape-law.com/evilmonkey and there you can read his prose and comics, which he makes a handsome living off of(if his talent is any indicator of his pocketbook, he's a very rich man).
Now, I didn't want this whole page to turn into a shrine to Mr. Scott, so I'll start talking about him now and start talking about someone of far more importance in the cosmic scale; Me! I am Ian Buckles, Keeper of the Balance and Advocate of Logic. When the Pefkakian Czariat finally succeeds in it's goal of world domination, I can add to my title, "Minister of Telling People They Aren't Good Enough", which is a step up from "Minister of Uninformed Decisions" and s0everal rungs up the ladder from the much-lamented position of "Minister of Being Bitten by Coyotes".
I know I should write more here, as that last paragraph should lead into something, but the chicken's ready, and I now will go feast upon the Fried Bounty of the Inbreds. Have a pleasant evening.
- The Keeper of the Balance |