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A Poet and a Paladin

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Old Poems Revisited - Ode To The Helmsman, I § [01 Oct 2004|01:45am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | None ]

I wrote this back in 1996. It was my Invictus. My way of saying that, "under the bludgeonings of chance, my head is bloody, but unbowed."

Ode to the Helmsman, I

          I stand, Helmsman on the Sea of Fate.
          Over course heading, I command, control.
          Though my ship may pitch and roll,
          State of the Sea is not my state.

Unless I will it, in which case,
Ship is at mercy of wind and wave.
Of all saviours, only One can save,
And that is I, by Helmsman's Grace.

[ 02-29-96 ??:?? ?M ]...for myself
[ 10-01-04 01:45 AM ]...a line change
Copyright © 1996, 2004 Paul Chen

For me, this isn't a lesson one learns just once. No, the lesson must be learn and relearned again and again.

I am Helmsman of my fate. It is by my grace that I stand. In doing so, I recognize that which is divine within myself: my right to choose what to do with my fate and my duty to face the consequences of my actions.
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Republican Party Mailing § [24 Sep 2004|02:07pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | None ]

The Republican Party has admitted sending the following in mass mailings in two states, Arkansas and West Virginia...

Click to see the brochure about Bible banning... )

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Free Housing Is Not A Human Right § [20 Sep 2004|12:08pm]
[ mood | resolute ]
[ music | None ]

H.R. 2897
There is bill introduced into Congress right now, sponsored by a few dozen liberals, such as Dennis Kucinich (D, Ohio), which aims to "fulfill the basic human need of shelter by ending homelessness in the United States and to provide the security of a home to people in cases of sickness, inability to work, old age, unemployment, and in any other case in which one is deprived of the means of subsistence." It further asserted, quoting from the U.N. Declaration on Human Rights, that housing is a "human right."

I hate to say it, folks, but free housing is not a human right. Neither is free medical care. Neither is free welfare from the government.

I say this as a person who supports some governmental assistance on housing, on medical care, and on some form of a social safety net. However, these are all luxuries of a wealthy and generous government. They are not entitlements. They are not rights.

Rights are things like the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom of thought, the freedom to pursue a job without fear of discrimination or foul play but based on the merits of our skills, or to gain access to housing without fear of discrimination, but based on our ability to offer goods or services or money in fair exchange with a landlord or seller.

To provide free housing, or free medical care, or free welfare, means taking away from everyone. I don't mind being a little generous and paying some taxes to help out. To give of blood, sweat, and tears to a stranger is a noble thing - even if distilled in the form of money.

But don't tell me it is a right or an entitlement. In whole or in part, I do not owe a stranger any housing, medical care, or welfare. I am not anyone's slave.

Though I know that misfortune could at any time occur, and leave me jobless or injured or both, no one owes me housing, medical care, or welfare. I will accept charity, but I refuse to make of anyone a slave unto me.

I think part of the reason people debate in my journal is that I am lucky enough to have (and I work at keeping) friends of all kinds reading my journal. :)
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Ode - How We Met... § [19 Sep 2004|10:05pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You ]

We met in a photography class. I'll never forget what you wore the first day I saw you: a pair of Converse sneakers, a pair of day-old jeans, and a black T-shirt that said "Got Film?" on the front. You were the instructor. You were patient with me, though I'd never used a manual film camera before, and I knew nothing of F-stops nor shutter speeds. I liked the way you held your own camera, a Nikon. How your fingers cradled it casually, confidently...

We met at a grocery store. You smiled at the selections in my cart: zucchinis, yellow crookneck squashes, pork chops, gummi bears, and a box of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. I smiled back at yours: ground turkey, tofu, nectarines, lipstick, gummi bears, and a box of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. "They're GR-R-REAT!" I quipped, just like Tony. You laughed...

We met at a local bar on a Friday night. You'd had one too many to drink, I think. You must have been intoxicated to pick me to dance with you. Later, we chilled out in the parking lot, sharing a bottle of Peppermint Schnapps fished out of a grocery bag in the back seat of your car, telling each other our life's stories. I liked the way you closed your eyes as you blew cigarette smoke out from between your lips...

We met at a corporate cocktail party in a high rise. Or I met you, rather. It was hot and noisy and I'd done enough socializing. Stepping out onto the balcony for some fresh air, I noticed you, in heels and a black dress, alone, staring at the city lights in the distance. Not wanting to disturb your solitude, I stood there for a while, drink in hand, quietly appreciating the view before heading back in. You didn't see me until two weeks later, when you showed up as the date of a friend I'd invited over to dinner. Luckily the two of you never hit it off. But we did...

We met at work. I'd see you every once in a while, walking down the hallway. We'd say hello as we passed each other. Y'know, hallway courtesy. I think we had introduced ourselves some time ago, but I'd forgotten your name. One day, for some reason that I've now forgotten, I had to go to another department to talk with someone at their desk. As I was leaving, I noticed a framed picture of you with your arms around your beagle on the desk in the adjacent cubicle. I leaned in and saw a poster of a beagle. And another poster of a beagle puppy. And yet another of three beagles. And a beagle screen saver. And two plush toy (you guessed it) beagles. It was about then that I heard your cheerful "Hi!" behind me...

We met at a truck stop outside Phoenix. I'd come in for a plate of scrambled eggs and ham. You were the waitress. I noticed your sparkling eyes, and the way soft wisps escaped a clip holding up your hair, curling over nape of your neck. I came back the next morning. And the next...

We met on a summer cruise to the Antarctic. I asked you hold my camera and take a picture of me, with a black sea dotted with countless icebergs behind me. Later on we trekked to see Emperor penguins on ice. An amazing experience! You laughed when I made that "Whooo!" sound. Yeah, we'd both seen the Smack The Penguin Game. And played it, too! Later that night, we sat down to dinner together. You sure clean up nice...

We met in an on-line chatroom at the invitation of a mutual friend. We had such a good time horsing around, pretending to be celebrities! Your Michael Jackson impersonation was so fuckin' hilarious! Made me blow soda out my nose! After our friend left to go to bed, we stayed up talking into the wee hours of the morning. I called in sick the next day, just so I could get some sleep...

We met at a coffee shop. You were having green tea and reading Frank Herbert's Dune. I said, "That's one of my favorite books!" You looked up at me and smiled. I think time stopped. I stared, my jaw dropping. I also dropped my cup of coffee and my avocado and cheese sandwich...

My love, it really isn't important how we meet. Just that we do, please. I can't wait.
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Intirnashunal Spæk Loik A Pirate Day § [19 Sep 2004|01:03am]
[ mood | need more grog! ]
[ music | None ]

Ahoy, mateys 'n' landlubbers! Today 'ere be Intirnashunal Spæk Loik A Pirate Day!

In th' spirit o' this bloody special date, I shall proceed t' bloody spæk loik a pirate whenev'r and howev'r Oi can!

'Specially when makin' scratches in me journ'l or when scribblin' remarks in yers! All ye ugly sailors 'n' mighty fine beauties, be forewarned! Oi'll answers ye loik a pirate, even if ye writes somethin' t' make yer mummy cry.

An' Oi'll get me Jolly Roger's rocks off about it, too! Or me name's not da dread Pirate Keelhaul Paul!

Arrrg!! Blimey!


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Ode - I Will... § [18 Sep 2004|11:27am]
[ mood | waiting ]
[ music | Trespassers William - In A Song ]

I will turn off the lights for you, and illuminate us in the glow of pale moonlight. I will open a window to let in the cool night air, or throw another log onto the fire. Whatever your comfort.

I will gently place my arms around you, and hold you close and keep you safe. I will nuzzle your neck, smile deliciously into your welcoming bosom, and let you warm your feet against my calves and your hands between my legs.

I will make love to you, slowly and tenderly. Or ravish you, taking you and having my way with you. Or let you have your way with me. Whatever you desire.

I will close my eyes and lean forward to savor the scent of your hair, and whisper I-love-yous into your ears. I will spend an eternity staring into your beautiful eyes, and kiss your lips ever so sweetly. I will tell you a bedtime story, sing you a lullaby, and caress your cheek and soothe your brow as you fall asleep.

I will wait for you. Whomever you are, wherever you are, I will wait for you. But please don't make me wait much longer.

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Old Poems Revisited - Burning Exile: Defiance in the Darkness § [18 Sep 2004|10:06am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | None ]

I'm in the process of transferring more of my poetry into my journal.

Now, I've always had a melodramatic touch to my poetry. I think that's a given for a lot of poetry to have. But this one is one of those that takes the cake and went a bit overboard in a faux antique sort of way...

Burning Exile: Defiance in the Darkness

Feelings so sad. Darkness has come, is here to stay.
I'm lonely, forlorn... A sad, forsaken soul I say.
These feelings no longer come, to go away by day.
Nay, they've settled in... A black, cold reign...
Bright sun is gone, and hopeful moons overhead do wane,
No longer do they warm me, or draw away the pain.

Still I stand, still I stand. I will always be here.
Even if hopeless, even is hopeless, I fear...
Fated never to feel light of the bright sun sphere,
I'll burn for others. Fire of mine own to light the Dark!
Though never to receive Love's warmth, her bright spark,
I refuse to fall. Defiance, if naught else, shall be my mark.

[ ??-??-95 ??:?? ?M ]...for myself
Copyright © 1995, Paul Chen
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True Love Is... § [17 Sep 2004|05:17pm]
[ mood | thinking ]
[ music | None ]

True love is kissing your partner on the mouth even though their breath smells really bad.

Luckily, I've never had to put my love to the test in that manner. It was just an idle thought that came to me this afternoon. I told my co-worker, Karen, and she laughed.

So, what's true love to you?

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Old Poems Revisited - She Says § [17 Sep 2004|12:08am]
[ mood | awake at night ]
[ music | Trespassers William - In A Song ]

Even the fabric of the most vivid memory frays at the edges, stretched by time. This story is recounted to the best of my recollection.

I knew a girl once, long ago. I have a picture of her in her high school graduation cap and gown. She looked positively radiant. The sweet girl next door you'd always dreamed of marrying one day...

Yeah, I had a bit of a crush on her.

she says

she says she isn't worth knowing
no one special to worry about, just
exists but not really living
y'know, the kind of woman who must
think she's nothing, all worthless
maybe one day she'll be granted
death, won't have to face a heartless
world where she isn't wanted
by anyone but me

[ 07-03-98 07:10 PM ]...for Jessica G.
Copyright © 1998, Paul Chen

She had a fiancé. A cop.

Who beat her. And raped her. And tied her down. And locked her in when he wasn't home. And made her so scared to tell her friends and family. And even more afraid to leave him. Because he threatened to kill her family and friends.

And so she endured. She told her story to me, but refused to reveal who she was nor where she lived no matter how hard I tried. She lived in a small town, she said. He would know if anyone reported anything. She was so scared.

I don't know where she is now. I hope she is alive and well today...

...Far away from that cop.
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Photography - Sarah, Part II Þ § [14 Sep 2004|08:30pm]
[ mood | inspired ]
[ music | Dar Williams - Mercy Of The Fallen ]

(Note: This is continuation of a previous entry...)

I think at one point, some photographs just come out so good that they are truly inspiring. They show a person what is possible both in what has been achieved and also in what is still out of reach.

And then the photographer realizes that most of the pictures he's taken all his life up to that point have been... less than inspiring.

These photographs of Sarah are, in my humble opinion, inspiring.

Six more behind this temporary cut... )
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