Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "jesus".
500 matches:
- 001_bible_study - Bible Study For Christians!!
- 00r_writers - Double-0-Real Christian Prose Writers
- 1sinner2another -
- 1truelove - ~Girls of God~
- 268_generation - Worship Community
- 2_0_1_2 - Destination Eschaton
- 3dgomers - Third Day Fans
- 3faithdialogue - Jewish, Christian and Muslim
- 40dayjourney - Finding Our purpose
- 4better4worse - slick shoes central
- 4him - 4Him Community
- 6_pence4aprayer - Bible Study
- __theforce - THE FORCE is a tool of SATAN.
- _compassion - Compassion International Sponser's
- _friends_ - _//Friends\\_
- _veronica - Soul Food
- a_miracle - Miracles
- a_toon - Atheist Cartoon Network
- abudabism - All praise the mighty Abudabit
- acousticworship - Acoustic Worship Community
- activeyouth - ACTIVEYOUTH
- addmealso - make more LJ friends!
- adventist - Adventist
- ahamoments - Where do you see God?
- amygdala_inc - Culture of Fear
- anaishikawa - The Dharma Bum(bler)s
- anal_mart - Anal*Mart Or Wal Mart 800
- angels_incarnae - Angels Incarnae
- antisepticnoise - Anti-Religion - Christianity in a new light...
- apologetics - Apologetics
- armyofchrist - Warriors of the Light
- as_created - Children of Nature
- assholes - assholes
- aunionofsorts - Everyone of Anything
- babymine - Dumbos Mummy
- bad_monkeys - Show Your Insanity
- baneofexistence - Human, all too Human.
- bay_area_gguys - Gay guys in the bay area
- beezo_n_zippy - beezo n zippy luvahz community
- beholdthelamb - Come into the Holy of Holies
- ben_sideburns - Ben Sideburns Official community
- berandom - Are you in?
- bible_slash - Bible Slash
- bible_study - bible study
- big_drunk - blue man
- blackchristians - Black Christians
- blasphemers - Blasphemers Group
- blowjobs4joebob - Random shit for the soul
- bodhisattvas - Bodhisattvas
- boox4u - For People Who like to READ!!!
- boredloser - bored loser
- bostonofftopic - Boston Off Topic
- brutalwarfare - Spiritual Warfarers
- burningfield - The Burning Fields
- calavenus - Micronation For The Mad
- calvary - Christianity - Servants of God
- calvary777 - Toddlers in Christ
- campuscrusade - Campus Crusade for Christ
- campweed - Camp Weed
- cantoruschristi - Christ's Poets
- catholicism - Catholic Discussion Community
- catholicmoms - Catholic Moms
- catholics - LJ Catholics
- caths_and_prots - One Body
- cbc_mag_force - cbc_mag_force
- cbcstudents - Cincy Bible College Student Community
- ccc_unity - central christian church
- ccm_icons - ccm_icons
- celtichristian - Celtic Christianity
- challenging_god - challenging_god
- channelone - I AM
- charismatics - Charismatic Catholics!
- chas3rs_world - Chase's World
- chew_toy_hearts - ×Chew Toy Hearts×
- chialpha - College Students United For Christ
- chix4satan - For the Love of Satan
- chosen_x - Chosen X
- christ4illness - Christians with Mental Disorders
- christcore - christian hardcore.
- christfollowers - Testimony Community...For Christ Followers
- christian_cafe - christian singles
- christian_edge - Christian Edge
- christian_haven - Community for Christ
- christian_pagan - Religious whateverness
- christian_quest - Lambsie
- christian_yuuth - Christian Yuuth
- christianbook - Lovers of Christian Books
- christiangoth - Golgothicans
- christianhelp - christianhelpandsupport
- christianhippie - Christian Hippies
- christianity - Christianity Community
- christianleft - The Christian Left
- christianotaku - Christian Otaku
- christianpoets - Christian Poets
- christianpsalms - Christian Psalms/Poetry
- christiansiers - Christian Self Injury Support
- christiansunite - christians unite
- christianvegans - christian vegans
- christianwomen - CHRISTIAN Women
- churchmusician - Church Musicians and Worship Leaders
- claim_a_saint - claim a saint!
- clayfans4christ - Christian Clay Aiken Fans
- cmuchristian - CMU CHRISTIANS
- collegecatholic - LiveJournal College Catholic Community
- convert_me - Convert Me
- conviction - Right Morals
- coolholypeople - coolholypeople
- couples4christ - LJ Christian Couples
- cp_circle - The Circle of Gnostics, Christo-Pagans, etc.
- crab_killers - Crab Killers
- crackhaussanta - Sucking For Jesus
- cteen87 - Christian Teens
- dailydevotion - LJ Daily Devotionals
- ddc - Darker Day Collective
- deadhedned - Dead Hed Ned
- dear__jesus - Jesus Christ Heals All
- deargod - Dear God...
- decapolis - d10
- devotional_time - Call to Praise
- digitalblue - Blue Online Support Group
- disciples_of_jc - The Christian Disciples
- discoheads - Fans of The Disco Inside My Head
- dovebird38 - DOVE
- dramakids4jesus - dramakids4jesus
- dvda - DVD-A-OK!
- eagleandchild - eagleandchild
- electric_chair - The Holy Church of the Electric Chair
- emberquest - Our Guarded Flame
- endtimes - End Times are Near
- episcopal - Episcopal Community
- episcopal_youth - Episcopal Youth
- ericstoltz - ericstoltz
- eroticastration - fuck censorship and rape taboos!
- ethics_forum - A Discussion of Ethics in Today's World
- eucharist4life - Eucharist for Life
- facedownfamily - facedown records
- fadetoblackslj - Blank
- faith_heals_all - faith_heals_all
- famouslovers - Famous Lovers
- findingpurpose - The Purpose Driven Life
- forsakenheathen - Forsaken Heathens
- fram_it_up - the nook
- freaks4jesus - we are Jesus freaks
- freetobelieve - Religious Tolerance
- friendsinchrist - Christian Fellowship
- friendsofisrael - Friends of Israel
- fwfh - Freaks Waiting For Him
- fy_dalnet - The FY Community of Love and Sparkles
- garylove - Gary Oldman Fans
- garyoldman - garyoldman
- gaycatholics - GLBT Catholics
- gaychristians - Gay Christians
- gcoc - Gnostic Church of Christ
- genevacollege - We can dance if we want to!
- georgemacdonald - George MacDonald
- girlsofgod - Girls of God
- god_damn_xians - God Damn Christians
- god_hates_us - GOD HATES YOU
- god_rocks - God's Fellowship
- godandmagic - Religion, Mysticism, and Spirituality
- godchasers - Godchaser
- godlikewoah - godlikewoah
- gods_and_heroes - Pinchme
- gods_word - God's Word
- godspell_fans - Godspell Community
- goingdowntosp - South Park Community
- graceicons - graceicons
- healingwords - Healing Words Prayer Warriors
- heathersfanclub - Fan Club
- helpforguys - Help for Christian Guys
- hermeticboston - Boston Hermeticists
- higher_power - T|-|e |-|igher P()\\//\\//er
- his_message - His Message
- historyisfun - Yesterday Land
- holy_island - Celtic Christianity
- holybloodline - The Mystery of Rennes-Le-Chateau
- homosexuals - homosexual
- hot_braille - hot_braille
- house_of_clocks - House of Clocks
- houseofodd - House of Odd
- huck_farm - huck_farm
- i_love_fuck - I Love FUCK
- i_still_believe - i_still_believe
- iamsexiamwrong - I Am Sex!
- icc - Ichthus Christian Coffeehouse
- ihatehaiku - i hate haiku
- iheartjustin - i heart justin
- ilikeswitchfoot - >>> The Original Switchfoot LJ Community ||
- imagetcha - I'MA GETTTCHAA!!!
- immawnooale - The Law of Love
- indie_lds - Appearances Can Be Decieving
- indievirgins - indie + virgin = super cool
- indiexiankids - we heart God
- infinityproject - The Infinity Project (A Species' Compendium)
- inspirata - Inspirata
- interfaith_talk - For anyone of any faith
- interfaithunion - Interreligious Relationship Support Group
- intervarsity - InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
- irchristians - A Christian IR/Multiracial Community.
- ironworks - Ironworks Bible Study
- isarnahtalk - Ian and Sarah
- islam - To Submit
- itdiestoday - itdiestoday
- ixoyechristos - ::IXOYEChristos::
- izzard_claims - Izzard Claims
- j_spuds - J-MAN's Spuds
- j_unit - diet coke
- jaxgothhardcore - Hardcore Jacksonville Goth Industrial
- jebus - ~ Kneel Before Zod!!! ~
- jesus_quotes - ~jesus
- jesuscore - ----
- jesusfreaks - Jesus Freaks
- jesushippies - Jesus Hippies
- jesusisprolife - Christian Pro-lifers
- jesusliberation - A Safe Space for Progressive & Liberal Christians
- jesuslovesme - Jesus Fuckin' Loves Me
- jewishbelievers - ""jewish believers""
- joshuaproject - The Joshua Project
- juddandmaggie - judd and maggie junkies
- kapowcrew - Kapow x Crew
- kawaii_purging - Kawaii Purgers
- kewlmuthafuckaz - Kewl Mutha Fuckaz
- khilafah - Islaam: Deen ul Haqq
- kissdatingoodby - I Kissed Dating Goodbye
- l_i_t - Lesbians In Training
- labri - L'Abri Community
- lay_minstry - Lay Ministry
- lcm_america - Lutheran Campus Ministries of the USA
- leftbehindfans - Fans of the Left Behind Series
- lgbtx - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Christians
- liberal_worship - Liberally Christian
- life_teen - The Life Teen Community
- lightkeeper - your harbor from the storms
- listen_dick - Joe Caruso is The Messiah
- lithiumpoptarts - ¡·•×:·.·-×('··LiThIuM«›!¡!‹»PoPtArTs··')×-·.·:ו·¡
- livingintruth - L.I.T. | NCC Jr High youth group
- ljbiblecrew - LiveJournal Bible Crew
- ljchristians - LJ Christians
- ljprayerteam - Prayer for LJ Members
- locasweetlds - Loca & Sweet LDS's
- love2worship - worship for the Lord
- love_propaganda - start a revolution
- ltg - LTG
- luke6_37 - Judge Not, Condemn Not
- lurlenemcdaniel - Lurlene Mcdaniel community
- luthseminarians - Lutheran Seminary Students
- m_s_a - Muslim Students Association
- marian_hall - The Girls of Marian
- mc_christianity - McChristianity [Pop Christianity]
- mc_heifers - Murray Christian Fellowship
- mcdonogh_whores - we rule. and we're in the ftc.
- megahalspeaks - MegaHal SPEAKS!
- mejia2000 - michelle
- meluvchrist - A Community about growing closer to god.
- merely_theists - Non-adherents to a particular religion.
- messianicjews - Messianic Jews
- miraclelight - It's A Miracle
- misfitmormon - morms out of the norm.
- misterwiggles - Rehabilitating Mr. Wiggles
- montreat - Montreat Youth Conferences
- morethanable - Healing is Possible
- mormon - Latter-day Saints
- mullethead - Join the Hunt!
- musicforchrist - musicians for christ
- my_beliefs - My Views - Deal Or Die
- myisolatedstars - GrOmit
- mypseudopals - The Foreknown Clones
- ndsj - Catholic Cult
- newmanites - newmanites
- nine__eleven - act's of niggardom.
- ninjasforchrist - Ninjas for Christ
- nnj_christians - North Jersey Christians
- no_compromise - No Compromise
- no_its_fine - The people
- notorious_meat - mmm. its whats for dinner.
- nu_crusade - Agape Christian Fellowship
- of_gods_and_man - The Goblet
- oh_sugar - radXcore
- omega_stardust - OmegaStardust and the mechanical spiders from Mars
- one_body - so we, being many, are .one body. in Christ
- onmywayhome - God's Music Children
- ontheroadwest - roadies for the summer
- opc_community - Ontario Pioneer Camp Community
- operation_jesus - Operation: Jesus
- orthodoxy - Orthodox Christianity
- oru_eagles - ORU
- ourloveisloud - david crowder band
- ourpraises - we just want to praise JESUS
- ourtawg - Our Time Alone With God
- outcastpix - punk, goth, freak, nerds, dorks, pic hoes
- oxonians - oxonians
- ozchristians - Australian LJ Christians Community
- paabc - Protestants Against Abortive Birth Control
- palsofpickover - CliffordPickover
- party_with_bums - Partying With Bums
- pearlsoftruth - Qur'an, Sunnah, & Hadith
- penisofnazareth - Saviour Speaks
- pentecostal - Pentecostal
- pgleaders - Prayer Group Leadership Forum!!!
- philambs - Sigma Phi Lambda
- pillar_freaks - Pillar_Freaks
- plastic_jesus - Plastic Jeebus
- playing_god - playing_god
- plnu - Point Loma Nazarene University
- poop_regime - P00P Regime
- powerofmyth - The Power of Myth
- praiseboard - Praise Board
- praisegod4ever - praiseGod4ever
- praisetothelord - Praise to the Lord Community...
- prayer_shakers - Shake The World With Prayers
- prayer_to_above - Prayer to Above
- prayerequest - The Prayer Request Journal
- prayerjournall - Prayer Journal
- prayerpartners - prayerpartners
- prayers - Love & Hope
- prayersisters - Prayer Sisters Unite
- pro_smack - A Society For Those Who Are Pro-Junkie
- prochoice_jesus - Christians in Exile
- prolife - LJers for the Right to Life
- proskunetes - Adorer
- punksforjesus - punksforjesus
- punx4christ - more than you think
- puny_mortals - Mortals Against Divine Cruelty
- questioninggod - Questioning God
- questionofgod - Question of God
- questionsongod - Questions on God
- rabbifatonio - Rabbi Fatonio's House of Worship
- radicals - non-traditional christianity
- raindogs - a tom waits community - raindog
- randomaddiction - People with Issues
- reachingup - Reaching Up
- real4jesus - Rev. Shawn
- redneck - Hi ya'll!
- religiondebates - Everybody
- religionofislam - Islam - The Straight Path
- religiouschaos - Religious Chaos
- religiousdebate - Religious Debate
- robotdeathforce - Robot Death Force
- romantic__ - i want a romance with the lord
- rp_fellowship - R-P_Fellowship
- rsjfankate - people 4 Jesus Christ
- rude_athens - Rude Athens
- ruready - Christians eager for Christ's retu
- sacred_opinion - Interpreters R Us
- saintjude - Saint Jude Community
- salt_of_earth - We are the salt of the earth.
- saltkids - !!!
- saltshakers - Salt Of The World
- sandal_wearers - flip flops and long hair
- sandwichorgy - Sandwiches and Orgies
- saucrew - Us SAU Folk
- seekinghisface - Seeking His Face
- seminary - LiveJournal Seminary Community
- serendipity4u - Finding Value in Another's Soul
- shawn_hodgins - Fans o' Shawn
- she_reads_stars - pepper's astrology and readings
- shine4god - Shine4God Community
- singforhim - Sharing Songs For God
- single_purpose - Christian Singles
- singlesbar - The Singles Bar
- skapric - Skapric
- skateboard_this - go skate
- slashyladies - Slashy Ladies
- sniugnep - slide
- spellcheck_ - cortney marie and bethany sharayah
- spirit_warfare - the battle between good and evil
- spongeybob - Spongeybob! Community (Spongebob Movie Nov. 16th)
- springhillcamps - Spring Hill Camp!!
- std_triplets - STD Triplets
- stepford - The Stepford Journal
- students4christ - Student's for Christ
- stupid_im_award - Stupid IM of The Day Award
- sufferingexists - living is sorrow
- summoning_wicca - summoning_wicca
- super_unleaded - the left hand suzuki method
- sybic - Shouldn't You Be in Class?
- tattoo_me - tattoo_me
- teens - *~* *~*
- teens4christ - Christians for Christ
- teens4christ2 - Teens 4 Christ
- teh_bezt_fics - teh eleet HP fics ever!!!1!
- teh_god - God
- telltheworld - tell the world
- the_veritas - The Veritas Project
- thecitizens - {xsecondxclassxcitizenx}
- theenewnoise - the kids who set fires
- theguestlist - Music Thumpin
- thehighroad - with this faith
- theologia - Thinking Christians
- thepaperduet - The Paper Duet
- thesouth - Winnipeg South Vineyard
- thewildchilds - The New Crew
- thewindingpath - TheWindingPath
- theword - Bible Study
- thought_club - Thought_Club
- thoughtclub - your belief system contains fatal contradictions
- titanicpanic - titanicpanic
- tkilt - Tell the Kids I Love Them
- tns - Three Nails Short
- to_glorify_god - Christian relationships
- toolegit2quit - † MC Hammer †
- tree_63 - tree_63
- trenton_yl - Edgewood Young Life
- tridanielson - Like a Vacuum...Danileson Famile happiness club
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- truthworld - truthworld
- tsasallys - Salvationist (The Salvation Army Salvationist)
- uic - United in Christ
- ulc - Universal Life Church
- underdogs4jesus - Audio Adrenaline
- unemo - the dead genre obituary
- unisfa - UniSFA
- unitynw - Unity Northwest -Portland Area Christians
- unrulynuns - Unruly Nuns
- verseoftheday - Verse of the Day
- virtuouswomen - Virtuous Women And Men Of God
- waytruthandlife - Following God's Word
- wehatejaz - Citizens against Jenny Jaz
- welovekevin - Unabashed Lovers of Kevin.
- wels_com - Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
- wesleyfdn - Wesley Foundations of the UMC
- wildfire_youth - Wildfire
- willowcreek - Willow Creek Style Churches
- witness_teens - Witnesses. Teens or Not. : )
- wiz_anti_wiz - Wiz Anti-Wiz
- womenofgod - women of God
- word_of_the_way - Word of the Way
- writingstuff - Writing Stuff
- wtl - WayTruthLife: Digtal Devotionals
- wylddreamers - dreamer
- x_death_rock_x - x- Beauty Rocks..can you make it?-x
- xanthites_unite - The Xanther Community
- xtians_united - X-tians Unite!
- y_hope - Y-Hope Offical Community Page
- yahwehyouth - ! youth of Yahweh !
- young_church - Young Church
- young_life - Young Life
- youngcatholic - Young Catholic
- youthministry - Youth Ministry Online
- ywam - YWAM
Interested users
The following users are interested in jesus. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1600isperfect - [holly]
- 1_nd_ftr_kng - Bo
- 1cor13 - Arline
- 64namesforgod - The Book of Changes
- 7thhouse - Lo
- _mercedes_ - m.e.r.c.e.d.e.s
- _onlyifyouwant_ - _onlyifyouwant_
- _special_j - _special_j
- abbas_ragie - Abba's Ragamuffin
- adamlee - Adam
- adonaiam - ><>Z<><
- afflicted_yooth - Richard
- aikochan - rebecca of the rain&trees
- aliasjack - Uncommon
- aliwick - Alicia
- all_my_mind - Misty
- allanah - Meghan
- almightygohan - Julie
- alwaysdreaming - Terri
- alwayz4him - bRiAnNa
- amerikan_waste - matt
- amos - Amos
- amykaylove - Amy
- andrea_leghairy - andrea_leghairy
- angelfalling - Candi
- annasetsfire - anna
- anni_the_diva - Anni the Diva
- aprilbegins - pieces of April
- areleejensen - Becca Lee
- arosebud918 - Amy Rose
- artba3 - Amanda Rose
- ashecreatedme - The future Mrs B
- asphxiate - played like a pitbull in a basement
- astra1980 - Melanie D
- auggie - hair of the dog for the son of a cur
- avalon - Book of Brilliant Things
- axgop - Josh
- backinhisarms - Belinda
- badkid - Adam Smith
- baja12333 - Natalie
- banzai - Maximillian Amadeus Banzai
- bassnote - Bassnote
- beatles1964t - Taylor
- beautifulmejor - Amanda
- bedroomdancing - starters fire
- beeknee - Peach
- beepboop - ><> BeepBoop <><
- berkana - Berkana
- big_d - Brandon
- billemon - Ogre Boy
- blades - Christian
- blaze69 - blaze69
- bleaux - Bleaux
- bleedingheart - Greg
- bleuglitter - Lesliecat
- bluekitty - girl in the blue room
- blueskiesinhell - King Badger
- bluestars - magnetic morning
- bobsters - Bobsters
- brighten - Claire
- brighteyeskim04 - Kimmy
- brittbritt914 - BrittBritt
- broadwaybaby76 - Anne
- broadwayboy019 - Robert
- brokenbird - Rebecca
- brokenthougts - Krys
- brooklynk78 - Brookaroni - the manassas treat
- caged - home of the phoenix
- calidreamer23 - Meg
- calienteyfria - path of most resistance
- calisto - Aundrea
- candyandbruises - */Hannah ~♥
- captaincutter - Molly
- casey1979 - mermaid girl
- cass - Cass
- catka83 - Ruth B
- celticfrost - Nancy
- cgcornhusker24 - Jess
- chadbert - Condoleezza
- champagnedcfc - Leeners
- chess - Michelle
- chiahead - LazyBlue
- chrisdaae - Hayley
- christinagirl - ChristInAGirl
- cocacolaguy27 - notsickbutnotwell
- codependentmeg - I'm gonna soak up the sun
- consumingfire - 3D
- cool_room_chill - cool_room_chill
- copec - copec
- corrie_sells - Corrie
- crassoverload - CrassOverload
- crazy_4christ - crazy_4christ
- crazyblondexox - Samarah
- crazyhottie - Marie
- crazylacey1616 - Lacey
- crimsonparadox - crimsy
- cryozombie - Cryozombie
- crystaldork - Crystal
- cybersaber - Cybersaber
- cynicallynaive - philip the uebercynic
- da5id12 - da5id
- daemania - Charlene Conley
- dakini - American Dakini
- damascus - Timothy Van Bruggen
- dansden - Dan's Den
- darktrain - DarkTrain
- davesgirl - Crazy Chele
- dawning - d♥wning
- dawnlightz - Julie
- dawnstarr - morning-glory
- dctfreak - Randi
- deblack - Daniel
- detlev409 - Matt
- dimplez143 - Lisa D
- dizalove - Diza
- dj_jazzy_jas - Drinks Like a Fish
- doc - Doc
- dorris - Kathey
- dottey - Daniel W. Ottey
- dramaholic14 - mariana's associate & source of bliss & rapture
- dreamcloudca - *Claire*
- driftersonline - driftersonline
- drmellow - Greg Cohoon
- drummingsteel - drummingsteel
- dyerman05 - dyerman05
- eawee - Lyryn
- electrocution - mandaa
- elizabeth - Elizabeth
- epyon - Gundam Epyon
- eucinpyos - eucinpyos
- eugenius - albuterol addict
- evil_holls - Hollschen
- expiation - Ben
- expressedinword - Irish blood, English heart, is what I'm made of.
- faith612 - Christina
- farrahlynn - Farrah
- farventure - 安 博 蓝 the Flying Monk
- fledglingoflove - Pam
- flickchick321 - Sarah
- flogging_holly - Holly GoLightly
- floydthebarber - justin timberlake
- foetusincome - The Golden Boy That Was Swallowed By The Sea
- fonebone - jeremy[bone]
- foreveryoung516 - megan
- forkintheeye - Andy Pandy Juck-a-Dandy
- freak4jc - freak4jc
- fullofanguish - Chrissy
- gabrielson - gabrielson
- gamine - poured out
- gaylesmith - Gayle
- gdj - Gary
- gennifer - gennifer valeria
- georgedubya - George W. Bush
- getpunk - xLisAx
- gigglez63700 - Katie
- ginamoog - Gina de los Santos La Guardia von Sanchez
- glamoristic - ♥ ASHLEY
- glamorouslies - j@(klE
- godlovesyou - Im not from around here
- godschild - GuRl
- godsgapgurly - Liz
- godslilchild - Jenifer
- godspark15 - muse: goddess of inspiration
- grahamrh - Graham Humphries
- grimhild - DM "Oookaaaay" Bret
- gurl123 - Ruth
- halbieky - halbieky
- halfwaypretty - [stars&fields]
- harlock - Phantom F. Harlock
- heartimpact - Heart Impact
- heathbar - heather
- hickeygirlgomez - heather marie
- hockalocker - Steve Smart
- hollyray - Poop Face
- i_thought_so - i_thought_so
- iatethecookie - Madman
- ice_fox - Jeff....
- ikilledjesus - I Killed Jesus
- ilasli - ilasli
- ilovedeniro - ILOVEDeNiro
- imafanson - Lindsey
- istoleyourpie - Roger Levelle
- iwerewolf - Captain Werewolf
- izzybelly - bagel
- j0llipops - Jo
- jacob_loves - Jacob
- jade_eyes - . : írish príncess : .
- jahsavi - )ahsavi
- jammerap31 - Alexander
- janethesecond - Satin
- jayni - Jayni Marie
- jen_rocks - worthless mindmess
- jennx30 - jenny rayray
- jeremyjt - Jeremy
- jessikah - Jessikah
- jesus_was_hung - just do it
- jesuschrist - Jesus Christ
- jesusfreak3885 - Joe Guendert
- jezabelle - Esther Greenwood
- jiggahomie - jiggahomie
- jmaltais36 - Jevy
- joanna18 - joanna
- johntmeche3 - John T. Meche III
- joshualengzhai - Joshua Leng Zhai Ng
- julesdwit - joolie
- jumelen - Alisha
- justintrousers - justintrousers
- justizangel - JustizAngel
- jyro - jyro delix
- kainminter - Kain Minter
- kari_w - Karen
- karlaanne - ersatz ingenue
- katiecam - Katie
- kechara - Silverstar
- kelirose87 - Keli
- kirbysayshi - kirbysayshi
- kissable_kuty69 - Passion
- kittierawr - .*Kristen*
- kiwimouse - Mouse
- kmartinryan - Kevin
- knowxnothing - andrea
- kraigwelsh - Kraig Welsh
- krayzee - Looks like SATAN...Tastes like CHICKEN!!!
- krazykurlz - Katie
- krentz - The President of the United States of Funk
- kristli - Kristi
- ladybug5 - Maegan
- lastchild - Willis
- laugh002 - TattooTheDevil
- laurabellebabe - Laura
- legacy - Best viewed in 1024 x 768
- leilahni - cocky
- leopardesse - Endangerous
- lesley04 - Lesley
- lhart - Someone Cares
- lilhamster - Megan
- linzk - Lindsay
- littlebit - Sarah
- littlegirl - not-so-shy violet
- live4god - Jodi
- lolabloco - Lola
- lortext - Frank Krause
- loudpunkguitar - Chris Conley
- lovies - lovies
- lurker - Devin
- luvkokoro - - Riyuki -
- lyekka - Lakshmi
- mainegirl - Tiffany
- maladjusted - maladjusted
- mandolin - Amanda Lyn
- manpill - Jesse
- marcia - the buttongirl
- mariatortilla - maria
- mark33 - Mark
- martian - Jassen L. Bowman
- marzarelo - Marzarelo
- matthewcharles - Matthew Charles
- matthewmichael - MatthewMichael
- mattthedude - Matthew Charles
- mdhalpin - Matt Halpin
- mecculum - Pravartaka
- meganleigh2005 - Megan
- megpie1900 - Megan
- mejesusyou - Klein's
- mercifulrain - chance the rapids and dance the tides...
- metal_devilsign - metal_devilsign
- metamorphosis - sqrt
- miaabilene - Melissa Harris
- mickschmoo - Mick
- mightymandi - Might Mandi
- mikesnapp - Mike Snapp
- mintfreak - Kelly
- misteryorp - Stephen
- modiggity - ƒªk€__þLªŠ†î©__mº||¥
- monkeytex - I crashed the prom last year
- mooncollapse - Rob
- moosical - lil-miss-moo
- mothershed - Jess
- moths - damion
- mrbazeball - Tony R.
- muraven - Andy Mason
- myonlygrace - dont shake, i hate to see you tremble
- nastasia36 - Nastasia
- nathanj - Nathan J
- nauseatedhero - Cathy
- nchanta - Anthony Mitchell
- nellsfire - Nell
- nemene - Christopher Avery Sherwin
- nexus - Rich
- nicholemarie - nicholemarie
- nightranger - mae
- noeatcatfish - noeatcatfish
- nothinghalo - morning|after
- nudistatheart - Ashli
- nullcherri - Kittun
- odddecay - hug a revolutionary
- onoe - Alien
- open - Dave
- opheliasleeps - M is for Mussolini
- p3n0r - p3n0r
- padders - Patrick Allan
- pakid - Anonymous
- panhead - David
- panuelitos - panuelitos
- papercut - I'M SO SHEEPY.
- paradox777 - Paradox
- parsnipsoup - On_Distant_Shores
- patriot - Patriot
- paulyhart - pauly hart
- penismightier15 - ThePenIsMightier
- pennya - Penny!
- phatfhorn - timothy ryan
- pixelicious - a superintelligent shade of the color blue
- plainjane - plainjane
- plasticjesus - If you're feeling trust, then you know who I am...
- plastiqjasper - Ol' Brown Eyes
- poniferous - Becca
- pope - The Pope-Karol Wojtyla
- popsecret1979 - Ms. Lauren
- preach - mahallio
- princessbanana - Princess Anna
- princessbia - Bianca
- princesscarla - princess carla*
- princesstwinkie - Leslie
- propain - Jonna
- psychosis - Rapey R. Beans
- punkbanana - I ♥ Spoodles, Inc.
- punkrawkgirl - scarface
- punkyplash - Nathan Toups
- purplicious - Kate
- qatd - qatd
- quikfngrs - Brian
- rachelstarr - Rachel
- rainbowbright86 - day dreamer...
- ransomedsoul - Hope
- readxmyxmind - C-Tech
- requiemfaeriex - a spike in my fascination
- resrie - Leslie
- returnoftheape - ::Ape::
- reva - Ray of Sun
- ridersbloc - Fred Minker
- rochelle2 - Rochelle 2
- rockedsilent - Bailey
- rocknrollgurl - ~*~ The Spiritess ~*~
- rosepetal - Nicole
- rosiegirl - Rosanne
- roxysurferchick - Heather
- rsg - mwescott
- rtotheeggie - RtotheEggie
- rude - olah ebola, chairman of the bored
- sath - Kinky Sath
- satou - *~`Ali Marie`~*
- scootercory - Cory
- sdm4061 - Shaunna
- seb_homemaker - WeAdoreYouJesus
- seigebell - seigebell
- seltzer - seltzer
- semicharmedlife - Sara
- send_me - send_me
- senorsappy - Gordo McCool
- septemberraven - E.
- serraph - some devil, some angel
- shane16cutie - Shane
- shanneeluee - Shannon
- shell_of_a_man - Josh
- shimarisu - Sadie
- shirrana - Shirrana
- shore_breaker - Shore_Breaker
- shypoet - **Sar**
- shythatway - shythatway
- silentbeauty - silentbeauty
- singingaj - Singingaj
- siouxemerald - SiouxEmerald
- skinneez - Skinnee Z
- skippy23 - Dana
- skittlez - NOSTRIL UNCLE SAM!
- skybri - Brian
- slovikvacuum - slovik vacuum tube
- smushbox - Happy Harry Hard-On
- snarfgoddess - SNaRF: Of Mohawks, Hairdye, and Mountain Dew
- softpinktingles - Holly
- something - Bethany
- sophy - Rosemary
- sorbitol - corrugated cardboard
- sorerutenshi - Janos Audron
- soulsami7 - Samara
- spaceship - Matt
- springsjournal - Rita aka Spring
- staceypie - stacey pie
- stalkingbriana - rebecca
- star_fire_love7 - star_fire_love7
- starliteangel - Starlite Angel
- stellarstiggy - Lena
- still_lost - dev sibwarra
- stillthinking - qtlx
- strangekindaboy - strangekindaboy
- string - string
- succeda - aston's queen
- sugarpixie - ashleigh.
- sugarplumfairy - Sexy Veronica
- sulk - smiles like a saint, curses like a salior
- supastar_barbie - *Mandy Pandy, Sweet as Candy*
- superbecca - ~*Super-Chick*~
- superchica - Pamela
- susieq - Susan
- sylk - Sylk
- t_h_mitchell - I am the Father. I am the Mother. I am the Son.
- tabby6767 - Kelly V.
- taiki - Taitai Sanchez
- tarheelsx143 - TarheelsX143
- tawnyisdumb - Like a kiss on the lips
- technojunkie - A. Jonathan
- teenagedirtbag - Sarah
- teenangel_1_98 - Laura
- thatguy - Invisible Kid
- the_destroyer_ - the_destroyer_
- the_names_trent - the_names_trent
- thedefpenguin - Kristy
- thefuryofangels - The Rain from the Sky brings Rain to my eyes
- thelovebug - The Love Bug
- theotherpotter - amp
- thepope - The Pope-Karol Wojtyla
- theunique - 13redheads
- thisisntjp - J.P. Gonzalez
- thomyorke - Thomas Edward Yorke
- tiffany_20 - Tiffany
- tink2much - A.
- tinyme - Candi
- trying_my_best - trying_my_best
- tubesock - Tubesock
- unravel - amanda
- unversed - Brittany M.
- vandv - vandv
- velocity - Brian
- velvetelvis - Joseph
- vocabulary - david j
- wanderingpoet - michael
- warwick - Wazza
- wildangel4u - The Good Daughter
- willisadair - Willis Adair
- wingnprayer - WingnPrayer
- winkygal - winky gal
- wishdragon - Wish
- wisteria - wisteria
- wonkymer - SuperRockStar
- wordtiller - wordtiller
- wren - Chris D. Wren
- xhxcpatx - +Pat+
- xjayfay - at the sky until i lost my voice
- xplodinggirl - you will be the death of me
- xxjchcxx - Kimi
- xxsacrdheartxx - David
- yakfreedmfightr - michele
- yatenkou - メルナ
- youinmyheart - ¤ autumn dawn ¤
- zippicamiknicks - Kate
- zombyshakespear - Mark
- ztibugey - Erin
- zuperpaco - Jacob Bradshaw
- zurx - Student of Truth