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User:coasttocoastam (876725)  
Name:Coast To Coast AM
Website:Coast To Coast AM
Location:Somewhere Out There, United States
About:This is a community dedicated to those who listen to Coast To Coast AM radio show, and those who just enjoy the strange, paranormal, and unexplain in general. This community was created on January 28, 2003 by [info]mattdoesntcare
Interests:102: 11:11, 23, abductions, afterlife, alien abductions, aliens, am radio, antichrist, area51, art bell, artbellatemyballs, artificial intelligence, astral projection, astronauts, astronomy, astrophysics, atlantis, auras, barbara simpson, black helicopters, cheap hookers, cia, cloning, coast to coast, coast to coast am, conspiracies, conspiracy, conspiracy theories, cosmology, cydonia, dead sea scrolls, death, dopplegangers, earthquakes, electronic voice phenomena, evp, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, face on mars, fbi, free energy, genetics, ghost voices, ghosts, government, haarp, hauntings, hydrogen, hyrdrogen energy, infared technology, insomnia, lucid dreaming, mars, matt from opp, matt from opp cult, mattdoesntcare, mattfromopp, mattzero, mel's hole, millenium, nanotechnology, near-death experiences, nevada, nsa, nuclear war, out of body experiences, pahrump, paranormal, paranormal activity, physics, planet x, planets, politics, poltergeists, predictions, privacy, prophecies, quickening, radio, reverse speech, rockets, shadow governments, shadow people, sightings, space, space travel, spontaneous human combustion, the face on mars, the unexplained, the world teacher, time machines, time travel, ufo, ufos, unexplained, volcanoes, weird, wicca, wiccans, witches, world war, y2k. [Modify yours]
Members:218: 00110101, 200iso, 24racegirl47, __catfight, _sirius_denial, _urania, _visualeffects, aedon, aegis_one, agentoneal, akom, an_exactscience, angst_is_fun, ankha12, arsenala13, astridasteroid, atalantapendrag, baayou, barnabyq, bea_my_arthur, beloved_recluse, beretta, bettywithin, bity_witch, blacknihil, blazingdragons, brokenconscious, brown_25, browncoat, burdurhur, caeruleus_draco, cahrlee20, calaf, carmeldlite, cetta_, chaosblue, chiquitapimp, ciphertest, cobalt_sky, cocaine_dreams, continuum42, cooking_ironman, crunchpod, crystaldreaming, cthulhu_of_call, dahling_rosie, darci_m, daredevil, deathbystewie, diabological, difrent_chicken, djmarkoh, dominoep, ectopickia, emanation, engel_x, englishpigdog, er0, evildiscofaerie, eyeslikelenses, fadingambition, fairy, fishknifeseller, flaquita, fozzyfoxbourne, fr4nk3nk3rry, franticlovepoet, fresnogoth_mav, fse, funkymiracle, gagginlolli, geckoman, girlwithgloves, glassnova, goblinz, gracefulghost, gracieclover, heavenswitch, hex_onx_onx, higlearn, honkytonkdolly, hush_baby, incorrigible_, infected, inkedcatpower, ivereese, jackwad, jakebert86, jeryk, johnsu01, jovial_kitten, justinrox, k_sparx, karmadown, katixa, kikiriki99, kim_spiracy, kjm, klothos, knowingvii, krootasaurusrex, krushisabitch, kyaathecatlord, lachupacabra, lacifer, ladymargozoe, lafille, lintvedta, littlecritter, lkunitsektor9t9, low_key, lykaon13, mattdoesntcare, maybesomeday, mcmagiccracker, mebrimarie, meih, melancholia, merrickmayfaire, metaljava, missdeadangel, mistressxenobia, monkkeys, moxykitten, mrme123, muertes, musicman474747, mybloodyzombie, myglowstick, mysticphyre, mystiphi, nagisa_kaworu, nemtetsemnewty, neoijlc, neutralmojo, nightfyre, nocturnal007, nonkultur, novawildstar, nullifeye, orcho5000, peppermintmocha, pierce, pke, primal_fire, prismarat, pssst_hey_me, queenofthedead, qwaybog, raenyday, ramen_girl, ratkrycek, raydeoaktiv, remotecontr0l, revenantgirl, roachmckrackin, rollingstolen, rubarabadom, runewitch, saintofkizzles, samschoiceus, sapientiaeultio, sedatedmandrill, sexycelticgirl, seyton_the_arse, shanny_w, sharpei, shatteredookami, shetakaey, siannaskye, sibylwest, sierra784z, silhouette775, sodafiend, somethingbleu, sonanova, songisover, southernrebelle, southwest_crips, spaceagetiki, spookycat13, squidexplosion, stargater98, stevoartist, stig_mata, suechew, sweet_wine, takethisride, tatooedkoi, tehmarsvolta, tempusedaxrerum, tesselene, thanophile, the_kelt, thebestbob, thedemonnemo, thejinn, thekingnerd, theta_wave, thetoxicboy, thewayshefelt, thezombiequeen, thunder69us, trailerprkgirl, trombonerman, twisteddwarf, uber_0829, ufologist, viewaskew1085, volkris, vxreplica, waitingline, wemmetembley, whizzo_butter, xenoesmarelda, xsixgunx, xtinchurchx, zurx
Watched by:191: 200iso, 24racegirl47, 9while9, __catfight, _sirius_denial, _urania, _visualeffects, abrient, adrenalinegirl, aedon, aegis_one, agentoneal, an_exactscience, angst_is_fun, ankha12, arsenala13, atalantapendrag, augustana, baayou, babeloo, beretta, bettywithin, bity_witch, blacknihil, bonesaw00, brown_25, browncoat, burdurhur, caeruleus_draco, cahrlee20, calaf, carmeldlite, chaosblue, ciphertest, cleepa, cobalt_sky, cocaine_dreams, continuum42, cooking_ironman, crunchpod, crystaldreaming, dahling_rosie, darci_m, daredevil, difrent_chicken, djmarkoh, dominoep, endsinister, engel_x, englishpigdog, er0, evildiscofaerie, eyeslikelenses, fadingambition, fairy, fishknifeseller, fishninja, flaquita, fozzyfoxbourne, franticlovepoet, funkymiracle, gagginlolli, galstaff, geckoman, girlwithgloves, glassnova, goblinz, gracieclover, heavenswitch, hex_onx_onx, hiddensun, higlearn, honkytonkdolly, incorrigible_, inkedcatpower, ivereese, jackwad, jakebert86, johnsu01, jovial_kitten, justinrox, katixa, kikiriki99, kim_spiracy, kjm, klothos, knowingvii, krushisabitch, kyaathecatlord, lachupacabra, lacifer, ladymargozoe, lintvedta, lonewulf, low_key, lykaon13, mattdoesntcare, mcmagiccracker, mebrimarie, merrickmayfaire, metaljava, missdeadangel, mistressxenobia, monkkeys, moxykitten, mrme123, mrperson123, muertes, musicman474747, myglowstick, mysticphyre, mystiphi, nagisa_kaworu, nemtetsemnewty, neoijlc, neutralmojo, nightfyre, nocturnal007, nonkultur, novawildstar, nullifeye, orcho5000, ottergrrl, paladincandi, peppermintmocha, pierce, pke, primal_fire, prismarat, pssst_hey_me, radiocontrolled, raenyday, raidri, ramen_girl, ratkrycek, raydeoaktiv, remotecontr0l, revenantgirl, rollingstolen, rubarabadom, runewitch, saintofkizzles, samizdatcourier, sapientiaeultio, sead8ted, secretmasters, sedatedmandrill, sesm123, sexycelticgirl, seyton_the_arse, ...
Member of:1: abductees
Account type:Free Account

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