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User:ferret_fc (112607) ferret_fc
Location:Dublin, Ireland
AOL IM:AIM status vodkaferret (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Bio:If I was an object, I'd be a barrel of monkeys.

On other days I'd be a kite flying over a beach, an airport check-in desk or a toy duck.

Somedays I'm all of them at the same time, which is pretty scary :)

Memories:2 entries
Interests:111: altered states of consciousness, american football, animals, art, astrology, astronomy, b-movies, basejumping, beer, bigfoot, blair witch, bongs, chemtrails, chillout music, clubbing, conspiracies, conspiracy theories, cooking, cryptozoology, dave seaman, digweed, diving, dope, dreaming, dreams, drinking, drop bears, drugs, dublin, ducks, ecstacy, eddie izzard, egyptology, eliza dushku, family guy, gardening, global underground, gomez, greg palast, guinness, haruki murakami, hiking, hip hop, horus, house music, intelligence, jeff noon, jfk, jokes, kazuo ishiguro, kevin smith, kissing, kites, lamb, laughter, literature, llama stalking, meditation, michael moore, monkeys, mountain biking, mountains, muppets, nakedness, nature, new york, nick warren, nwo, osiris, penguins, philosophy, photography, piercings, pilling, pills, poetry, progressive house, rain, randomness, raves, reading, roy lichtenstein, sander kleinenberg, sasha, scuba, seattle seahawks, sex, skydiving, sleeping, smoking, snow, south africa, sporks, sports, sunrise, sunsets, tattoos, the ocean, thievery corporation, tori amos, trance, travel, trip hop, ufo's, vodka, way out west, wind, wine, winona ryder, writing, yoi. [Modify yours]
People25:agirlwithavoice, belladolce, booffiegirl, chickenfeet2003, conjurman, danger_kitty, eimearq, ella, gopherbabe, grunge_kitty, kim_spiracy, la_bocagrande, lilmissladybug, mmeclodagh, more_light, mysticalways, pixie_styx, queenofthelub, razzabeth, sevviechan, shubham, slurpy316, thedarksiren, tornadoali, twink
Communities30:bedheads, claim_a_team, dearyouloveme, drunkards, elizadushku, fantasysports, freakylinks, freedomfighters, irelandaddicts, iwish, lj_maintenance, ljbigbrother, ljireland, llamastalker, marryshagcliff, murakami, nflfans, pancakebunny, people_are_dumb, progressiveppl, pubquiz, random_icon, random_ness, randomthought, road_trip, skywatchers, swimminginsound, timedrifting, viewaskew, vurtuwant
Friend of:25: agirlwithavoice, belladolce, booffiegirl, chickenfeet2003, conjurman, danger_kitty, eimearq, ella, gopherbabe, grunge_kitty, kim_spiracy, la_bocagrande, lilmissladybug, mmeclodagh, more_light, mysticalways, nalsa, pixie_styx, queenofthelub, razzabeth, scarletnwyoming, slurpy316, thedarksiren, thestoryofher, tornadoali
Member of:26: bedheads, claim_a_team, dearyouloveme, drunkards, fantasysports, freakylinks, freedomfighters, iwish, ljireland, llamastalker, marryshagcliff, murakami, nakedparts2, pancakebunny, people_are_dumb, pot_heads, progressiveppl, pubquiz, random_ness, randomthought, skywatchers, swimminginsound, timedrifting, viewaskew, vurtuwant, yoi
Account type:Free Account

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