Sister-breeding sows [Copy to Clipboard]
Lackwitted Dhimmi-Dolts [Copy to Clipboard]
Slack-jawed trolls [Copy to Clipboard]
Stalinist surrender monkeys [Copy to Clipboard]
Neutered possum-felching borderline cretins [Copy to Clipboard]
Sniveling cowards [Copy to Clipboard]
Clotpole flatulent flamers [Copy to Clipboard]
Goat-raping cankers [Copy to Clipboard]
Bag-lapping donkeyspawn [Copy to Clipboard]
Paint-chip-eating tapeworms [Copy to Clipboard]
Rectum-ripping tumblefucks [Copy to Clipboard]
Give us more, O Caesar! >>
Questions? Comments? More insults to throw into the randomizer? Email jlb (at) TWU (dot) net (Confused? See
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Foodiebabble: The Random "Gourmet" Dish Generator