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2004 National Lawyers Convention in D.C.
Nov 11-13, 2004


West Coast Leadership Conference in CA
Nov 12-13, 2004

Last updated: October 8, 2004 12:15 PM

Framing the economic debate
A statistic-rich summary of the state of the economy.

Determining government's core functions
Determining "core governing principles" is the first step in creating responsible budgets.

Roots of the Ultra Left
A new documentary explores 35 things the ultra left really thinks.

Johan Norberg, poor man's hero
The controversial writer champions globalization as the best hope for the developing world.

New Coulter book released!
In her latest book, Ann Coulter collects the best of her columns, including some that no one has dared to print before. Save 23%!

Wisconsin taxpayers denied $8 billion in tax relief
State harmed by its lack of a Taxpayer's Bill of Rights.

Hurricanes are great for the economy
If Florida’s economy did receive a net boost, however, it came at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers in the form of federal emergency relief.

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Making a killing in today's real estate market might be
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Washington still tops Northwest in state and local tax burden
State taxpayers are still lifting the heaviest load in the Northwest.

What's New Email Update
Sign up for a daily email summary of the latest from 112
conservative groups
First 18 months of the 108th Congress
Both parties are on track to propose more spending than ever.

NLPC Truth Squad to trail Soros
The Squad will trail George Soros as he gives speeches this month in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida.

- Day 1: Billionaire Bombs in Pittsburgh
- Day 2: Soros Giving Stealth Speeches

A green push to keep projects safe for vermin
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer is working hard to
make NYC's public housing safe—for rats, mice, cockroaches and other city "wildlife."

A constitutional amendment to limit spending increases? (pdf)
The majority of WI residents favor a state constitutional amendment limiting state/local spending increases to the rate of inflation.

Catholic Charities faced with violating its principles
U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to hear case means charity must provide insurance coverage for contraception to its employees.

Louisiana judge overturns Marriage Protection Amendment
"We have judges acting in arrogance to... deny the voters of Louisiana who voted overwhelmingly to support the protection of marriage."

It's time for Congress to reconnect with reality
Allan Carlson points out a serious disconnect between politicians and the public on the crucial matter of marriage.

Prime Cuts 2004 released
CAGW catalogues $1.65 trillion of waste in programs and policies in need of reform and elimination.

Colleges choking on cash
Although the academic comm
unity continually cries poor, most schools are not underfunded, but overfunded.

CSP scores national security votes in 108th Congress
John Kerry rates a "zero," John Edwards a "23" in new Center for Security Policy scorecard.


Spotlight On
Today's Opinion


David Limbaugh
More smoke and mirrors -- Kerry-style
Dennis Prager
Ask Kerry one question: What would Zarqawi be doing if he weren't in Iraq
Joel Mowbray
Kerry “Not Necessarily” Presidential
Paul Greenberg
Notes on a debate; simplicity vs. finesse
Star Parker
The fight for black voters
Thomas Sowell
The media's role
Matt Towery
Polling the debates
Robert Novak
Kerry's scarlet letter
Michael Barone
The balance of enthusiasm
Rich Lowry
Senator, You're no Reagan
Suzanne Fields
Fear and loathing in the fatherland
Cal Thomas
What you don't see, you get
Jack Kemp
Spreading freedom
Phyllis Schlafly
Supreme Court taking on sticky issue of eminent domain
Larry Kudlow
Solid Jobs, Solid GDP

[ More Opinion]

Breaking News
DNC Objects to Anti-Kerry Movie and 'Might Have Similar View' of Moore Film,

Maryland Group Accuses Hunters of Substance Abuse, Mental Instability,

Liberals Warn Sinclair Not to Broadcast Anti-Kerry Film,

Kerry Compares War on Terror to Prostitution, Illegal Gambling,

[ More ]
Events Calendar

Oct 23 - FREEDOM ROCKS! party with Ted Nugent in MI.

Nov 3 - Wednesday Wake-Up Club in Arlington, VA with Blanquita Cullum.

Nov 8-9 - Heritage Foundation President’s Club Meeting in D.C.

[Full Calendar]

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