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Saturday, October 09, 2004

But it's not about the money

Posted by JimK on 10/09 at 07:56 AM • E-mail this to a friend

The greed never ends.

Filmmaker Michael Moore and the distributors behind “Fahrenheit 9/11” are in talks to bring his anti-Bush documentary to pay-per-view television on the eve of the U.S. presidential election, a source in Moore’s camp said on Friday.

The plan under discussion would present the movie as part of a three-hour telecast titled “The Michael Moore Pre-Election Special,” carried by pay-TV distributor iN Demand Networks, said a source close to the Fellowship Adventure Group, which holds rights to the film.

The Nov. 1 program would air between 8 and 11 p.m. EST, with the pay-per-view giant charging $9.95 for the telecast, the person said, confirming details of a proposed deal first reported in the entertainment trade paper Daily Variety.

“It’s being talked about and worked out,” the source said, adding, “there’s no deal yet.”

The prospective telecast would package Moore’s controversial film together with interviews of politically active celebrities, according to Variety.

News of a potential pre-election pay-per-view deal came three days after Moore’s scathing critique of President Bush and his conduct of the war in Iraq was released on DVD by Sony Corp.’s home entertainment division.

Wow.  How anyone can look at Moore an not see anything but a complete scam to make money is simply beyond me.  Everything the guy does is about raking in more dough.

He’s managed to make it so he’s multiple times richer than those he attacks, but he’s APPLAUDED for his greed while others have to take his shit.  Man, as far as marketing goes, this dude’s a Madison Avenue-level genius.  And Moore-ons just keep forking over the cash.

I’m in the wrong business.

Friday, October 08, 2004

An apology

Posted by JimK on 10/08 at 06:10 PM • E-mail this to a friend

I’m offering an apology for the post that was here on the site not long ago.  It had to do with a man who was found dead who happened to share the same name as Moore.

It was in VERY bad taste, and never should have been posted.  I just talked to Lee on the phone and he admits it as well.  So...sorry.

Update from Lee: Okay, so I’m an asshole.  A few months ago I read a story about a guy in Atlanta who was killed and his name was Michael Moore, so I blogged on it.  Nobody got their nose out of joint back then.  So this morning I saw a similar story and simply stuck it up here.  I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful of the dead guy or anything.  Basicaly it was just a goof, so that you would see it, think it was about our beloved Mikey, click on the link, then see it was about someone else.  If anyone out there was offended I truly apologize.

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Mikey and the Little Guy

Posted by Lee on 10/08 at 01:53 PM • E-mail this to a friend

A corrupt, fascist corporate media entity uses its awesome power to stifle free speech.  Sounds like a job for Michael Moore, right?

The Peralta Community College District reportedly got a big Hollywood brush-off this week when it asked for permission to show Michael Moore’s award-winning documentary, “Fahrenheit 9/11.”

Peralta wanted to show the movie, a powerful and controversial critique of President Bush, on its cable station, PCTV, the night before the Nov. 2 election.

But Lions Gate Films, the film’s distributor, put the kibosh on Peralta’s plans, district spokesman Jeffrey Heyman said.

In a recent e-mail, Moore urged his supporters to organize “large community or school screenings” of his movie before the election.

“You have my permission,” Moore wrote. “Don’t charge money. Pack the place. ... In a free society, which only survives if it has an enlightened electorate, information should be shared, not privately owned.”

“F--- Michael Moore,” a Lions Gate official said, according to Heyman. “He doesn’t own the cable rights. We do.”

The ownership-obsessed official did not return a call for comment Thursday, and neither did a Lions Gate media flak.

An e-mail to Michael Moore bounced back because his account was full.

As if this destruction of our First Amendment rights by corporate attack dogs wasn’t bad enough, the only alternative this school faces is to show fascist right-wing propaganda!

PCTV plans to show a left-wing political film at 8 p.m. every Monday before the election, starting next week with “Unprecedented: the 2000 Presidential Election.”

The station reaches about 300,000 East Bay homes, Heyman said.

If PCTV can’t show “Fahrenheit 9/11” on Nov. 1, Heyman said, it might have to broadcast “George W. Bush: Faith in the White House” instead.

The producers of that film, a right-wing documentary billed as the “alternative to ‘Fahrenheit 9/11,’” were happy to give Peralta permission to broadcast, Heyman said.

Now, this is interesting.  Moore is a multi, multi, multi-millionaire.  Why in God’s name would he go and seek financing to make his next film?  Why not do what George Lucas did, and finance the production himself, thus giving him complete creative control? 

Because Moore wants to be able to limit showings of his film to avenues where he can make money off them, but he can’t come right out and say that.  So he goes online and encourages people to violate the copyright law, knowing that his fascist kkkorporate backers have a whole army of lawyers to come down on anyone who actualy dares to do so.  This way Mikey gets to appear like the champion of the little guy, all the while raking in his tens of millions of dollars in filthy corporate lucre. 

Mikey loves to position himself as the champion of the little guy.  I want to see him stand up to his own distributors, that will impress the shit out of me.  Send Crackers the Corporate Crime Fighting Chicken over to Lion’s Gate Films’ headquarters and demand to know why they won’t let a small grass-roots organization screen their film, a film that has already generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.  How greedy can these corporate fascists be?

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Bill Lied, People Died

Posted by Lee on 10/08 at 03:13 AM • E-mail this to a friend

A friend of mine has been working on a long-form video project, and it’s my pleasure to let you guys in on it.  The first installment, on Bill Clinton, is available for your viewing pleasure.  Trust me when I say that this is not only absolutely devastating in its message, but it’s beautifully put together.  Check it out at

And tell your friends!  Let’s get some buzz going for this project!

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Thursday, October 07, 2004

(Off Topic) It's gettin' ugly out there, let's relax a little

Posted by JimK on 10/07 at 01:19 PM • E-mail this to a friend

OK, things are heating up and it’s getting nasty all over.  So, as suggested by foober, it’s time for a “something that unites us” post.

I’ll start.

Hot women.  I love looking at hot women.  I am not a dog, and I have a level of respect for my wife that I think is hard for anyone to imagine much less challenge, and she fully supports and assists me in looking at hot women.  I have a couple of “types,” and she keeps an eye out for them.  I look at it this way: if Mother Nature wanted my eyes pointed at the ground all the time, that’s where boobs and big, expressive eyes would be.  Instead, those two things are guessed it, hot women.  Like a great car or a beautiful painting...I do so enjoy looking at a hot woman as a visual treat.  I’m extra lucky too, because I married a hot woman.  I know, I know, I am a god among fat lazy bastards.  You may worship me at a later time.  ;)

Ladies, do not feel left out.  You should also discuss the hot women in as catty or complimentary a tone as you like, and feel free to bring up some hot men if you so choose.

This is a purely physical thing.  Let’s be cheap whores!  Forget brains and individuality and all the other traits that come into play when you are serious...this is just being goofy and talking about raw hotness.  Who’s your top 2?  Who would you be tempted to rob a bank for if (s)he asked you to?

Mine are easy: Selma Hayek and Elizabeth Hurley.  Sweet lord those two were put on earth just for me to stare at.

And you?

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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

When Slackers Attack.

Posted by paratrooper on 10/06 at 08:34 PM • E-mail this to a friend

This Just In: Kerry supporters are jerks.

As the battle for the White House heats up, the combatants aren’t limited to just the two candidates and their campaigns. Now, ordinary citizens are taking campaigning into their own hands.  When Moore said “whatever it takes”, I guess several folks took that advice literally.

I am not accusing Moore of suggesting any of the following acts, but he has been on a mission to whip people into a frenzy, with his message of “Bush=Draft”.

I guess it’s time to break out that “Mission Accomplished” banner from the USS Lincoln again.

For example, in Madison Wisconsin:
Swastika Burned into grass on Bush -Cheney Supporters Lawn


In Columbus, Ohio and Delaware ( my childhood hometown) they have somehow registered more voters in numbers than the census says there even live there, Rock the Vote, Vote or Die, Motor Voter , YEEEEEARRRGH!


Washington State Republican party headquarters broken into and 3 laptops stolen ( think Watergate)


More than 1,000 voter registration forms and absentee ballot requests may be fraudulent in Lake and Summit counties, where investigations of irregularities are broadening.  Allegations tied to ACT and NAACP


Kerry supporters ransack GOP headquarters in Orlando, two injured.


Pro Kerry forces invade GOP victory center, scream over a bullhorn, and refuse to leave.


Shots fired into Knox Bush/Cheney headquarters

Funny how a group that calls themselves “Democrats”, is trying so hard to foul the democratic process with intimidation, violence, fear, and larceny.


More jerky action in support of Kerry

Vandals torch Bush/Cheny sign in Vail, CO.

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Moore responds.

Posted by paratrooper on 10/06 at 01:42 PM • E-mail this to a friend

Moore seems to be playing the “it’s just a joke, it’s just underwear” card.

The law says “anything of value” Mr. Moore. Even if it’s of value only to a slacker.

-from his website:

Republicans, Out of Ideas, Ask Prosecutors to Arrest Michael Moore

Dear Friends,

You may have heard by now that the Michigan Republican Party has called for my arrest. That’s right. They literally want me brought up on charges—and hope that I’m locked up.

No, I’m not kidding. The Republican Party, yesterday, filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutors in each of the counties where I spoke last week in Michigan.

My crime? Clean underwear for anyone who will vote in the upcoming election.

Each night on our 60-city “Slacker Uprising Tour” through the 20 battleground states, I’ve been registering hundreds (and on some nights, thousands) of voters at my arena and stadium events. I then ask for everyone over 23 who has never voted (or didn’t vote in the last election) to stand up. I tell these slackers that I understand and respect why they think politicians are not worth the bother. I tell them that I may have been the original slacker, and that I do not want them to change their slacker ways. Keep sleeping ‘til noon! Keep drinking beer! Stay on the sofa and watch as much TV as possible! But, please, just for me, on 11/2, I want you to leave the house and give voting a try—just this once. The stakes this time are just too high.

If they promise me that they’ll do this, I give the guys a 3-pack of new Fruit of the Loom underwear, and the women get a day’s supply of Ramen noodles, the sustenance of slackers everywhere.

I then close by having them repeat the 2004 Slacker Oath: “Pick nose! Pick butt! Pick Kerry.”

It seems to have worked, as each night the volunteer tables are swamped afterwards with hundreds of new and young voters signing up to campaign for regime change for the next four weeks.

The satire of all this seems to have been lost on the Republicans. Or maybe it hasn’t. The state of Michigan (where we spent most of last week) reported that over 100,000 young people recently registered to vote, a record that no one saw coming. The Slacker Tour has turned into a huge steamroller with a momentum all its own.

So, the Republican Party, to show their gratitude that so many young people will now be involved in our system, has demanded that I be sent to jail for trying to “bribe” students to vote.

Of course, this would be quite laughable if they weren’t so serious about their charges. But they are. I may soon be a wanted man in Michigan—simply because I convinced a few slackers to change their underwear and eat a healthy meal of artificially flavored noodles.

I thought I’d seen it all this year—Disney refusing to distribute the film they paid for, right-wingers harassing theater owners who showed “Fahrenheit 9/11,” conservative action groups trying to get the FEC to kick our film ads off the air, the unnecessary restrictive R-rating that forced teenagers to sneak in to see it, and all the stupid, crazy attacks on me and my movie that I’ve had to listen to as I watched the public ignore them and pack the movie houses anyway, where my film was being shown. And when all that failed, five different Republican groups made five different attack dog tapes (oops, “documentaries”!) against me in a period of about six weeks. But they were all so bad, so boring, so right-wing, no one wanted to watch them and they too went away, a sad waste of good videotape.

Now, after enduring all this, with no tricks left in their bag, they’ve just decided, “Let’s toss his sorry ass behind bars—him and his noodles and his gift of clean underwear!”

My friends, they will not catch me. Though I may be on the run, and I may never be able to return home to my beloved Michigan, I make this solemn vow to you and yours: The slackers of America shall not be denied their noodles, they will proudly wear their clean underwear as free Americans, and they will vote Bush out of office come November 2nd (though they will not show up to the polls until well after noon)!

Stay strong, stay slacker, and please remember to turn the underwear inside out every three days. As for the noodles, add boiling water, stir.


Michael Moore

So ,if Moore can never return to Michigan, how will he ever make another documentary without exploiting the good folks of Flint?  This is getting funner and funner.

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Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Posted by paratrooper on 10/05 at 07:44 PM • E-mail this to a friend

Okay, so a lot of folks got really pissed at me when I alluded to my own relevance in an earlier thread where I jokingly claimed that Moore was changing his act because of one of my posts. I later explained that I had used Moore’s “open letter to the President” as a template for my post to see how folks would react to that kind of language from someone other than Moore.

I admitted in the comments that it was all a ruse, and that Moore probably didn’t read my stuff, but I do find this article pretty funny. Don’t worry, I’m not taking credit for this:

(God forbid I ever suggest we could make an impact, even in a joke)

State GOP says Michael Moore illegally offered underwear in exchange for voting
October 5, 2004, 6:19 PM

LANSING, Mich. (AP)—The Michigan Republican Party is asking four county prosecutors to file charges against filmmaker Michael Moore, charging that he illegally offered underwear, noodles and snacks to college students in exchange for their promise to vote.

“We want everyone to participate in this year’s election, but not because they were bribed or coerced by the likes of Michael Moore,” said Greg McNeilly, executive director of the state Republican Party.

The GOP said it asked prosecutors in Wayne, Ingham, Antrim and Isabella counties to charge Moore with violating Michigan’s election law. The law prohibits a person from contracting with another for something of value in exchange for agreeing to vote.

Moore, a native of Flint, is touring the country and imploring “slackers” who usually don’t vote to head to the polls this year, saying they could make the difference in the presidential race.

He made stops at Michigan State University, the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Central Michigan University and Elk Rapids High School on the first leg of a 60-city pre-election tour.

During each program, habitual nonvoters are invited on stage to pledge to vote for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. First-time student voters are offered gag prizes such as clean underwear.

The GOP said Moore also offered students a clean dorm room, a year’s supply of Tostitos and a package of Ramen noodles.

Maria Miller, a spokeswoman for the Wayne County prosecutor’s office, refused to comment on the matter. Calls to Moore and the other county prosecutors weren’t immediately returned Tuesday.

For those of you who missed it the first time, we spoke about this a month ago: Link

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Another trumped-up publicity stunt

Posted by JimK on 10/05 at 06:16 AM • E-mail this to a friend

Moore: I Was Offered Memogate Documents

Michael Moore, director of the movie Farenheit 9/11, said Sunday that he was given the same phony documents used by CBS News in its infamous Sept. 8 “60 Minutes” story but that he rejected them for inclusion in his film because his staff did not believe they were authentic.

“Back when I was making Fahrenheit, I was offered the same documents that were given to CBS but I didn’t use them because we couldn’t verify them,” Moore said following a speech at the University of Central Arkansas.

Dr. Rick Scott, the university’s honors program director, told that Moore said he had a three-tiered-system of fact checking which led him to believe the documents were not valid. He did not say if his source was Bill Burkett, the disgruntled former Texas Army National Guard, Other university officials and journalists in attendance confirmed this account.

“Three-tired-system of fact checking?” What a load of crap.  Anyway, I think Mike’s lying about this.  The CBS memos were likely created in a short window of time immediately preceding their release (you’ll have to go dig up the research on your own, I’m too tired to go get the links discussing Burkett and Mapes’ timelines and statements).  Most of the poeple involved in debunking these things agree that they simply did not exist as much as two months ago.  So how could Moore have been offered them while still making F911?

This is just another one of his publicity stunts to get attention and ride the coat tails of a very popular media story.  We all know he’s not above forging documents for a movie.  We broke that story right here.  Mikey has no moral compass whatsoever when it comes to integrity, so if he could have used these memos, I believe he would have in an instant.  Accuracy is secondary to his twisted vision of a dying, corrupt America where everyone seems to be having fun but him.

In summation Your Honors, I think once again, Mikey’s lying his ass off in order to get more attention.  After all, that DVD is coming out soon...funny how these public statements of his always seem to start up around the release of something that will make him more money isn’t it?

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Monday, October 04, 2004

Listen to the Troops

Posted by Lee on 10/04 at 12:14 PM • E-mail this to a friend

Once again, those who know vote Bush.

An unscientific survey of U.S. military personnel shows they support President Bush for re-election by a 4-to-1 ratio. Two-thirds of those responding said John Kerry’s anti-war activities after he returned from Vietnam make them less likely to vote for him.

In the survey of more than 4,000 full-time and part-time troops, 73% said they would vote for Bush if the election were held today; 18% said they would vote for Kerry. Of the respondents, 59% identified themselves as Republicans, 20% as independents and 13% as Democrats.

The survey was conducted Sept. 15-28 by the Army Times Publishing Co., which distributes the weekly newspapers Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times. (Army Times Publishing is owned by Gannett, which also publishes USA TODAY.)

Army Times Publishing sent e-mails to more than 31,000 subscribers and received 4,165 responses on a secure Web site. The publisher cautioned that the results are not a scientific poll. Its readers are older, higher in rank and more career-oriented than the military as a whole.

Even so, experts who examined the survey results said they do not bode well for the Kerry campaign’s efforts to woo the military, a traditionally Republican and conservative voting bloc. The Kerry campaign has highlighted his war record in an effort to burnish his credentials as a prospective commander in chief.

“You can’t dismiss” the results, said Peter Feaver, a Duke University political scientist who for years has studied the political leanings of the U.S. military. Feaver said it’s unlikely that Bush will receive 70% of votes cast by military personnel. But the results suggest it will be difficult for Kerry to make substantial gains among a group that has strongly supported Republican presidential candidates in the post-Vietnam era.

Think Michael Moore will pay any attention to this news?  Not on your life.  He’s got a piece of propaganda coming out that he needs to sell.

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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Northern Exposure

Posted by Lee on 10/03 at 11:30 PM • E-mail this to a friend

Boy, it’s a good thing there is the social welfare system in Canada.  Because otherwise they’d have slums and gang shootings and random violence like we do here in America.

Police say they have uncovered a chilling plan by members of a Scarborough gang to gun down innocent people in a twisted ploy to throw detectives off their trail.

The intended targets were young, black men whose only “crime,” said one source, was to live in Scarborough. It’s suspected the planning for some of the hits came from gang members already in jail.

“There was to be a spree of random shootings — young black men just walking down the street minding their own business, and totally innocent,” said the source.

Although police say they uncovered the plan during the investigation that led to Friday’s arrests of alleged members of the Galloway Boys — who are suspects in a string of violence in the Malvern area, including one homicide — it’s not known if the gang had an opportunity to implement the alleged plan, or if it led to new charges.

While investigators believe other innocent people were killed and injured in the wave of deadly violence, the deliberate targeting of young black men not involved in gang activity is both an escalation of that violence, and a disturbingly callous form of intimidation, said the source.

“Aside from trying to confuse investigators with these slayings of innocent people, they also wanted to show that they could do it, kind of like putting out a message to other gangs,” said the source.

In case you didn’t catch it, this is taking place in Toronto.  You know, the crime-free Utopia that Michael Moore loves to refer to every five seconds.

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Our Close Allies, the French

Posted by Lee on 10/03 at 05:32 PM • E-mail this to a friend

France doesn’t like being seen as, well, France.

President Bush has brought the oldest ally of the United States into his re-election campaign as a reason not to vote for his opponent, Sen. John Kerry.

National security adviser Condoleezza Rice denied Sunday that Bush was holding France up to ridicule for saying in a campaign speech that Kerry would let “countries like France” decide when to use American force.

Bush’s audience in Allentown, Pa., booed at the mention of France.

“There’s no ridicule here. It’s a statement of fact: The French didn’t agree,” Rice said on CNN’s “Late Edition.”

She said French President Jacques Chirac’s government believed it was taking a principled stand, but “I remember that the French foreign minister said, essentially, there was no (United Nations) resolution that they would vote for that would lead to war. Well, at that point, you have to make a decision.”

Because of France’s veto power on the U.N. Security Council, the Bush administration eventually formed a “coalition of the willing” outside the United Nations, with Britain as the principal junior partner, for the March 2003 invasion. The French position sparked U.S. boycotts of French goods and other reactions such as the renaming of french fries in a Capitol restaurant to “freedom fries."

And, as we all know, France’s objection was solely from a pacifist, anti-war, world-peace perspective, right liberals?

A LEAKED report has exposed the extent of alleged corruption in the United Nations’ oil-for-food scheme in Iraq, identifying up to 200 individuals and companies that made profits running into hundreds of millions of pounds from it.

The report largely implicates France and Russia, whom Saddam Hussein targeted as he sought support on the UN Security Council before the Iraq war. Both countries were influential voices against UN-backed action.

A senior UN official responsible for the scheme is identified as a major beneficiary. The report, marked “highly confidential”, also finds that the private office of Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, profited from the cheap oil. Saddam’s regime awarded this oil during the run-up to the war when military action was being discussed at the UN.

The report was drawn up on behalf of the interim Iraqi government in preparation for a possible legal action against those who may have illicitly profited under Saddam. The Iraqis hired the London-based accountants KPMG and lawyers Freshfields to advise on future action.

It details a catalogue of alleged bribery and corruption perpetrated by Saddam under the UN programme, revealing how the regime lined its pockets and those of influential politicians, journalists and UN officials.

What?  The countries who led the opposition to the war were the ones making the most money from the oil-for-food progam?  And they also happened to be the countries that were owed the most money by the Hussein regime?  I’m shocked, I tell you… shocked!!!

What’s astonishing is the level that the world’s left-wing asshats will go to find some kind of corruption in the US motives to going to war—see F9/11 for the ultimate conspiracy theory—yet they ignore the blatant, proven corruption in the opposition to the war by France, Russia, and the United Nations.

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More than 1,000 voter registration forms and absentee ballot requests may be fraudulent in Lake and Summit counties, where investigations of irregularities are broadening. Allegations tied to ACT and NAACP
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