"This is a great book...there’s a lot of ammunition in there to go after your liberal friends."
- Sean Hannity
Newsweek: Reporters Want a Kerry Win
Most reporters "absolutely" want Kerry to win, reaffirms
Newsweek's Evan Thomas. CBS says Bush driven by "far-right ideology" that hurts "regular folks." NBC suggests that Republicans are suppressing Democrats' votes in Florida. Networks largely ignore U.N. Oil for Food scandal. Daily Show's Jon Stewart slams Ed Koch for criticizing ABC.
Read more in Tuesday's
Worst Of The Week
Going to Work for John Kerry
John Kerry still trails President Bush in most polls, so the liberal media are pulling out all the stops to help his campaign succeed. This week's donations to Kerry's cause include a slate of liberal debate questions from CBS's Bob Schieffer, ABC's attempt to debunk the anti-Kerry Swift Vets by interviewing ex-Viet Cong "witnesses," and NBC's decision to ask ex-Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev to rate U.S. foreign policy.
Previous Edition:
ABC Catches Kerry Fever
Bozell's News Column
Who Are The "Brainwashers"?
As Sinclair stations prepare to air the documentary "Stolen Honor," liberals are positively panicked at the idea that somewhere, on some station, at some late date, someone will say something negative about John Kerry without a moment for balance on the other side. Let’s be blunt: welcome to our world, liberals. For us, one-sided liberal "news" is a daily, if not hourly event.
Entertainment Column:
Piling Up Fines at Fox |
Saturday's CyberAlert
ABC Trusts VC More than Vets
Before Thursday, Nightline had never invited any of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth on to explain their charges that John Kerry exaggerated his war record and betrayed his fellow vets by accusing them of war crimes when he returned from Vietnam. But ABC sent a producer to Vietnam to talk to some ex-Viet Cong communist guerrilla fighters who, ABC insisted, backed up Kerry's version of what happened when he won his Silver Star.
Read Saturday's entire CyberAlert.
Free Market Project
Special Report: One Economy, Two Spins
When Bill Clinton ran for re-election in 1996, unemployment was 5.2 percent, inflation 3 percent, and economic growth 2.2 percent. Economic conditions are similar today: unemployment is 5.4 percent, inflation 2.7 percent, and economists' consensus forecast for economic growth this quarter is 3.7 percent. Yet a new study by the MRC's Free Market Project found that while the national media mainly cheered the Clinton economy (85 percent positive), reporters have mostly jeered the Bush economy (77 percent negative).
Also: Dynamic CEO Herman Cain joins the Free Market Project as national chairman.
Media Reality Check
Meet Bob
Schieffer, CBS’s Dan Rather Echo
Conservatives have complained that CBS’s Bob Schieffer should not be rewarded with a moderator’s post after CBS tried to crumble the Bush campaign with forged military documents. They could suggest that Schieffer has failed the test of objectivity all by himself.
Previous Edition:
No Balance Until November 3?
Notable Quotables
Honest Abe vs. King Henry V
Opining on the first presidential debate, a Newsweek editor compares the candidates to two very different historical figures, while CBS's Bob Schieffer says Kerry's debate performance should end all talk of him flip-flopping on Iraq. Plus, NBC's Matt Lauer suggests that the insurgency in Iraq only happened because Bush dared the terrorists to "bring it on," and Tom Brokaw says those who criticized Dan Rather's sloppy and dishonest reporting of the President's National Guard service are conducting a "political jihad" -- and he singles out MRC President Brent Bozell (again).
Previous Edition:
Dan's Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
CyberAlert: Exposing Media Bias Daily
Tuesday, October 19
• CBS Gratuitously Portrays Bush as Driven by “Far-Right Ideology”
• NBC Focuses Stories on Charges Republicans Suppressing Vote
• Newsweek’s Thomas Reaffirms Media “Absolutely” Want Kerry to Win
• Networks, Especially CBS, Barely Touch UN 'Food for Oil’ Scandal
• Koch Scolds Media for Going Soft on Kerry, Raises Halperin Memo
• Clift & Carlson Reject “Liberal” Kerry Tag, Yet He’s Left of Ted
• NBC Touts
Newsweek Poll with Kerry Lead, Skips When Bush Ahead
• Couric Slobbers to Boies: “You've Done So Many Exciting Things”
• Jon Stewart Backs Kerry, Blasts Bush Administration as “Absurd”
• Al Hunt Praises
Nightline and Smears John O’Neill and Swifties
Saturday Edition:
• Rather Leads by Exaggerating Order Refusal Into “Mutiny” in Iraq
• Nightline Uses Ex-Viet Cong to Discredit Swifties and O’Neill
• Both Kerry Supporters and Detractors Contradict
• Four Earlier
Nightline Shows Fail to Explore Swift Boat Charges......and more!
Previous Editions | Sign
up for CyberAlerts via e-mail!
NBC Puts
"ILIE" by Bush's Face
CBS's Forged Documents Scandal
Rather's Outrageous Liberal Bias
The Media vs. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
Republican National
Convention Coverage
Democratic National
Convention Coverage
Brokaw Complains About
MRC, with video
Polls Prove Journalists More Liberal Than Public
The Media Versus Ronald Reagan
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