And speaking of having free’s time for a hiatus.
I got the point and now I think it’s finally dawning
Yeah, yeah, I got to get away
It’s been fun…..see you in the comments sections, folks.
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10/6/2004 Runnin’ on empty
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 1:08 pm
And speaking of having free’s time for a hiatus. It’s been fun…..see you in the comments sections, folks. We laugh a little less loud today…
Filed under Posted by — Jay G @ 10:42 am Edit This
Comic Rodney Dangerfield Dies at Age 82 Rodney Dangerfield, the bug-eyed comic whose self-deprecating one-liners brought him stardom in clubs, television and movies and made his lament “I don’t get no respect” a catchphrase, died Tuesday. He was 82. Here’s hoping you finally found the respect you were looking for, Jacob. Chris Matthews
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 7:26 am
On Imus, after reciting the CBS & ABC resulte, Matthews just said that Edwards won the MSNBC “snap poll” 70-30. No, Chris, that was an online msnbc poll where the level of unemployable moveon.orgers vastly outnumbered the unemployable freepers. Personally, I went to bed with my wife after the debate. IMO, if you have so much free time to adhere to such party trickery, you gotta be a real loser to stay up late spamming a web-poll. BTW, Matthews said that Cheney won big, which is akin to Rush Limbaugh saying that Kerry won last week’s debate. 10/5/2004 Mr. Cheney
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 11:15 pm
Well, now, that was quite the walkover. Seriously, though, the last hour was a toss-up. The first half-hour (foreign policy) showed the necessity for a mercy rule. Maybe last week’s was the same for Bush, but Edwards was out of his league, tonight. Update: Just flipped to C-SPAN…, Sully is out in left field (and alone with the DUers and moveon.orgers). Looks like someone had a worse night than Edwards. Interesting happenings in GA
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 1:35 pm
Yesterday/this morning the AJC web site had a fantasy presidential poll (online, meaning that it’s about as scientific as choosing the lineup for a tee-ball game) between Jimmy Carter and Zell Miller. The poll was pulled from the web site with no mention of why or that it was even there. Yes, Zell was winning. Putting on the heel personna
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 12:54 pm
In more than 200 e-mails, not a single citizen-pundit thought Bush had won. Definitely a reason to pause and reflect. I’ll say it because few have the guts to come forward: If a good portion these people (and their like-minded ilk) put half as much emphasis into, oh….I don’t know….maybe work as they do screwing around in internet chatrooms/comments or party-line water-carrying & trying to get their gov’t handouts via election returns, the mind wonders at the levels our national economy would attain. Someone’s gotta say it, so I may as well be the bad guy.
Ugh, my paper….
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 12:52 pm
I saw the editor of the op-ed page’s column in last weekend’s Atlanta Jazeera-Constipation & noticed that the smell of desperation was quite strong, as she was pimping the false-but-accurate draft story. “If you vote for Bush, your kids will be drafted!” Denny Wilson has the line-by-line retort. Keeping up….
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 12:51 pm
Michael Moore refused to go forward with the infamous CBS docs because he didn’t feel that they were credible.
Except that he pimped the CBS ‘exclusive’ that was based on the documents.
Like the war in Afghanistan (which he opposed, but later supported), it appears that history is to be rewritten on a constant basis. And that guy sat in the executive box at the DNC convention….. Speaking of who one hangs out with, Crank has the lowdown of the history of Kerry. It’s not pretty: 2. The Soviet Union and its allies denounced the US invasion of Grenada in 1983. John Kerry denounced the US invasion of Grenada in 1983. Read the whole thing. How much of this have we seen covered in the MSM? When will he be asked about his record? This guy could be my president and I surely want to make sure that the appeasing peacenik nuclear-freeze guy that I remember from the 80s is no longer what makes up Kerry’s foundation. 10/4/2004 Great southern story
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 12:57 pm
Great southern story The first time Rob got stoned. Here’s the obligatory audio reference for those who think the worst. Baseball ‘05
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 12:53 pm
Might as well start now. Olmstead notes the Expos’ move and offers a name change:
Setting aside the fact that Michael Wilbon makes my top 10 "annoying people" list, a local sports radio jock had the best idea to make Washington Senators fans & Homestead Grays backers happy with a compromise: The Washington Homies Playing it even
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 12:51 pm
I didn’t watch the debate (stupid rhetorical question: gee, does anyone know where I can find coverage on the web?) but from what I can tell, it appears that Kerry outpointed Bush in a substantial manner, although no knockouts, or even solid blows, were connected. From what I can gather, the Kerry supporters are delighted and the Bush backers feel as though it’s the world series & instead of closing things out it’s now a 3 games to 2 advantage. Thus, I feel it incumbant upon me to note that this post is now officially “outdated” and the air of desperation from the Kerry campaign should be subsided, to say the least. I won’t go so far as to say “Democrats” or the ever-present “left” (hey, it’s always good to have a boogey-man), since the “Bush is gonna draft you” stuff from the internet, CBS and NBC, along with the intellectual musings of Cameron Diaz are on par with the WV GOP flyer about the bible being banned if Kerry wins, but the official Kerry campaign shouldn’t be quite as deep in the doldrums as they should’ve been this time last week. Okay, that’s my bi-partisan nice guy moment for the week. Excuse me while I go throw up. 10/1/2004 Something to ponder over the weekend
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 8:44 pm
I’m putting forth a scenario, one that I haven’t seen anywhere in the media (so if you have, please indulge me for thinking out loud): It’s 2006. 9/30/2004 Make sure the ’side’ you’re talking about
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 8:46 pm
Back in May I posted this:
The latest ABC News/WaPo has it at Bush 54%/Kerry 37%. The latest Gallup figures chime in at Bush 61%/Kerry 34%. Things could change overnight. Things could reverse. October surprises and scandals can make today’s news irrelevant. But, make no mistake, this is the issue and unless erry changes it….it’s over. And hyping this sort of attitude doesn’t help things for the left:
I recall making a whimsical joke about John Walker Lindh getting beaten up (not enough) in prison a while back. Immediately, I was criticized by one of the left’s biggest bloggers at the time, as well as none-too-few commenters, obviously sent by that source. It appears that a broad group of people represented in the Democratic party (remember, "Democrats are against it", and "torture is a partisan issue") are under the assumption that it is still a 9/10 world, where any and all harm to all human beings under any circumstances is looked upon with disdain. Well, that sort of attitude from a group of people who live and die by the ‘shades of gray’ credo, it is somewhat surprising that it should be explained, but here it is in a nutshell: I’m against torturing other people, even criminals. Ditto for those wrongfully accused. However, if hooking a terrorist up to a car battery by way of a set of jumper cables will result in saving the life, limb, or livelihood of a single non-terrorist (especially an American), I have two things to say: Red is positive and black is negative. Apparently, looking at the polls, I’m not alone. Forgeries galore
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 8:26 pm
Wizbang has the latest.
He does. It’s pretty devastating. Good lord, does anyone rankt honesty, integrity and truth aboove politcs, any more? History began yesterday
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 6:53 pm
Kevin Drum plays “boo” and forwards the concept that Bush will probably institute the draft if re-elected: The conclusion to all this is pretty obvious: either George Bush dramatically changes his military policy in a second term or else we’re going to need a lot more teenage boots in the Middle East. A suprising number of moderates seem to be desperately pinning their hopes on the former — based on some wishful thinking that I have a hard time grasping — while conservatives are loudly blustering that the latter is just laughable — although they don’t present any particular evidence for this….[] I thought it was improper form to demand that someone disprove a trumped-up hypothetical? Oh, well, if Mr. Drum is looking for someone who is pushing for mandatory service for teenagers, he needn’t look very far: Too many Americans these days feel a sense of entitlement, somehow not realizing that a big part of their personal success is due strictly to their good luck in being born here. National service could give that illusion a salutary nudge. Speaking of improper form, I may be wrong about arguing against a negative, but I’m pretty sure that saying something that is the exact opposite of what you said earlier is usually a disqualifier. |
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