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  • 3/12/2003

    Filed under Posted by — RW @ 11:19 pm Edit This

    If you’re pro-war, go download “Have you forgotten” by Darryl Worley. If you’re anti-war, whatever you do, do NOT listen to that song (I warned you).

    Another “question of the day” entry
    Filed under Posted by — RW @ 9:27 pm Edit This

    Which is the bigger bomb?

    The MOAB, privately known in military circles as

    WASHINGTON (CNN)— The U.S. Air Force Tuesday tested the biggest conventional bomb in the military’s arsenal, dropping the new 21,000-pound device on a test site at
    Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, U.S. officials said.

    The Pentagon hopes the test will pave the way for use of the bomb—should there be a war in Iraq—against critical targets on the surface and underground.










    Never let it be said that I don’t admit when I go awry
    Filed under Posted by — RW @ 7:28 pm Edit This

    Just as there are thousands of things that I’ve said or done in my life that I wish I could take back (particularly during arguments with my wife – sometimes the bed can get cold) I sure wish I
    hadn’t written this somewhat glowing review of Bill Maher’s new HBO show.  Well, it wasn’t exactly glowing, since I gave
    the show a 6 on a scale of 10, but it’s still something that I wish I had done differently.

    Well, it’s time to revisit.

    The last show had a few high points, primarily D.L. Hughley, and a buttload of low points.  Basically, it was a bomb.  Much like the Roy Jones, Jr. versus Ruiz fight from a few weeks ago,
    the entertaining part could’ve been condensed into about 6 total minutes & the rest should’ve been scrapped.  The beginning sucked, the middle sucked and the ending sucked.  Don’t get me
    wrong, there were times that I actually laughed out loud – mostly due to the aforementioned Hughley.  IMO, the guy can get across an insulting quip about someone while making everyone howl with
    laughter.  He was great.  The token right-winger was Michael Graham, who actually did his part of arguing points fairly well….except the show isn’t supposed to be a "Firing Line" rip-off,
    but rather a comedy/topical show.

    Normally I’d say that Maher was the worst part of the show.  How bad has he been?  How about this review, from the
    New Yorker:

    Theres also more of Maher in the new show, and its no big surprise that more Maher is less. Hes a jerk of the old school, full of unexamined anxiety and arrogance, with a
    habit of using sexual stereotypes from half a century ago both to put down and to compliment people. I love it when Tony Blair tries to talk tough, he said. He makes Bush look like Vin
    Diesel. I tell ya, theres only two guys less convincing when they try to sound tough, and both of them are on Will & Grace. (Memo to Maher: And theyre both much funnier than you are.)

    Ouch.  The thing is, the reviewer (Nancy Franklin) is right.  Maher, as I said in the earlier post, is nothing but a walking & talking left-wing talking points reciter.  Which would
    be fine, except he’s not even trying to add nuance to the same arguments (mainly about the impending war) that we heard back in November.  As an example, in response to a comment from a panelist
    that the USA has made some positive steps in the WOT & that it should be noted that there haven’t been any Al Qaeda/terrorist attacks since 9/11, Maher’s best retort was "well, they’re just

    As I’ve often posted (I’m proud, what can I say), I have a lovely 5 year old little girl & a 3 year old boy.  I often have witnessed my daughter to using
    a more advanced level of ingenuity when she gets in trouble ("well, Daddy, I think Jared did it, not me") and at least she looks cute when she does it (it must be the blue eyes that she has that can
    melt my heart).  Am I being too tough on Maher?  Maybe not, when you consider what’s next.

    The worst part of the show was (and has been) Ted Rall.  I don’t care what one’s politics are, if you can logically discuss something, you can garner respect.  Rall cannot.  Rall is
    a loon.  I honestly (and I mean honestly) think that there are some commenters and posters at eschaton or DU who are less loony, and you can find more reasoned rhetoric on
    mediawhoresonline (and folks, I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel to come up with that comparison/contrast).

    I said last week that Larry Miller was the glue that held the show together and it looks like I was right.  Hughley couldn’t rescue that bomb that was presented on Friday.  I also
    predicted that without Miller the show would be a 3 on a 10 scale….chalk up another error for yours truly on that one.  It was a 1.5 and without Hughley it would’ve been a .5.  The ending
    skit was the marijuanalogs, a parody of the Vagina Monologues (which I tried to watch & had to stop because it was simply brutal) & it caused a few chuckles.  But, I’m not – and have never
    been – a pot smoker, so the many catchy references and quick one-liners simply went over (or maybe under?) my head.

    Based on last week’s show (especially minus Hughley), it appears that Maher may have been reaching out to his target audience – stoners.

    I’ll keep watching from time to time because there are going to be some interesting guests and, well, I’ve got HBO and the Sopranos are on hiatus.  But, I’m certainly not going to turn this
    blog into a weekly fisking of that show because Maher has now officially removed himself from any and all cogent affiliations with the term ‘knowledgeable political commentator’ and straightening out
    the audio speaker wires in my car is a more effective use of my time.

    How many days is it until the Dennis Miller special, again?


    Charlie’s not the only one
    Filed under Posted by — RW @ 7:02 pm Edit This

    Country music has now reached the entire spectrum.  Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks was quoted telling the press/audience in Germany that "just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.".

    Something tells me that won’t go over quite so well with the country fans.  They’re a different sort than the types with Barbra Streisand’s complete catalog.

    Update: It appears that Earl is worth killing, but not Saddam.

    Update II:

    The story, from the Guardian:

    The Dixie Chicks are the good-time girls the country establishment loves to hate. Too direct, too old-fashioned, too modern … you name it, it’s been slung at the Texan trio. The old vanguard liked their women
    fiesty but second-class, preferably wearing cowgirl outfits and a smile. But the Dixie Chicks were renegade ladies of country who sung gleefully about killing abusive spouses and dressed like an older Britney Spears. Add the
    success they have had selling a progressive bluegrass sound to fans ignorant of banjos and whistles and you have an emasculating threat.

    And they don’t know when to stop. "Just so you know," says singer Natalie Maines, "we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." It gets the audience cheering – at a time when country stars are rushing to
    release pro-war anthems, this is practically punk rock.

    Aside from courting controversy, the band has sold 25m LPs since their debut album, Wide Open Spaces, was released in 1998 and made the fiddle sexy. Featuring two sisters, Martie Maguire and Emily Robinson, along with the
    effervescent Maines, their passion for tradition and love for pop made the country genre a contender again. Their latest album, Home, won three Grammys…

    Ah, yes, go to another continent and tell them you’re ashamed of the President. 

    That’s fine.  Many said the same thing when Clinton was holding the highest office.

    I’d like to see them try that at a club in Texas.

    Update III:

    From the Dixie Chicks:
    “We’ve been overseas for several weeks and have been reading and following the news accounts of our governments’ position. The anti-American sentiment that has unfolded here is astounding. While we support our troops, there is nothing more frightening than the notion of going to war with Iraq and the prospect of all the innocent lives that will be lost.”

    Maines further stated, “I feel the President is ignoring the opinions of many in the U.S. and alienating the rest of the world. My comments were made in frustration and one of the privileges of being an American is you are free to voice your own point of view.”

    And now, to reminisce
    Filed under Posted by — RW @ 6:22 am Edit This

    It’s good that the French are keeping the world away from cowboys with quick triggers who would be too quick to bomb radicals.  And the folks who are the first to admonish anyone who bashes the French are at the first of the
    line to praise their restraint.

    Interesting, though, how soon some folks forget the Rainbow Warrior.

    Rainbow Warrior

    1985: Rainbow warrior plea controversy

    Two French secret service agents have dramatically changed their pleas on charges relating to the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior.

    A Greenpeace photographer, Fernando Pereira, died in the attack which sunk the vessel – the flagship of environmental group Greenpace – last July.

    Today in the High Court in Auckland, Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur pleaded guilty to arson and manslaughter.

    At an earlier hearing the agents had pleaded not guilty to charges of arson, conspiring to commit arson and murder.


    Then again, this incident does reflect the extent of the French military might. 

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