If you’re pro-war, go download “Have you forgotten” by Darryl Worley. If you’re anti-war, whatever you do, do NOT listen to that song (I warned you).
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3/12/2003 FYI
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 11:19 pm Edit This
If you’re pro-war, go download “Have you forgotten” by Darryl Worley. If you’re anti-war, whatever you do, do NOT listen to that song (I warned you). Another “question of the day” entry
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 9:27 pm Edit This
Which is the bigger bomb? WASHINGTON (CNN)— The U.S. Air Force Tuesday tested the biggest conventional bomb in the military’s arsenal, dropping the new 21,000-pound device on a test site at The Pentagon hopes the test will pave the way for use of the bomb—should there be a war in Iraq—against critical targets on the surface and underground.
Never let it be said that I don’t admit when I go awry
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 7:28 pm Edit This
Just as there are thousands of things that I’ve said or done in my life that I wish I could take back (particularly during arguments with my wife – sometimes the bed can get cold) I sure wish I Well, it’s time to revisit. The last show had a few high points, primarily D.L. Hughley, and a buttload of low points. Basically, it was a bomb. Much like the Roy Jones, Jr. versus Ruiz fight from a few weeks ago, Normally I’d say that Maher was the worst part of the show. How bad has he been? How about this review, from the
Ouch. The thing is, the reviewer (Nancy Franklin) is right. Maher, as I said in the earlier post, is nothing but a walking & talking left-wing talking points reciter. Which would As I’ve often posted (I’m proud, what can I say), I have a lovely 5 year old little girl & a 3 year old boy. I often have witnessed my daughter to using The worst part of the show was (and has been) Ted Rall. I don’t care what one’s politics are, if you can logically discuss something, you can garner respect. Rall cannot. Rall is I said last week that Larry Miller was the glue that held the show together and it looks like I was right. Hughley couldn’t rescue that bomb that was presented on Friday. I also Based on last week’s show (especially minus Hughley), it appears that Maher may have been reaching out to his target audience – stoners. I’ll keep watching from time to time because there are going to be some interesting guests and, well, I’ve got HBO and the Sopranos are on hiatus. But, I’m certainly not going to turn this How many days is it until the Dennis Miller special, again?
Charlie’s not the only one
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 7:02 pm Edit This
Country music has now reached the entire spectrum. Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks was quoted telling the press/audience in Germany that "just so you know, we’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.". Something tells me that won’t go over quite so well with the country fans. They’re a different sort than the types with Barbra Streisand’s complete catalog. Update: It appears that Earl is worth killing, but not Saddam. The story, from the Guardian:
Ah, yes, go to another continent and tell them you’re ashamed of the President. That’s fine. Many said the same thing when Clinton was holding the highest office. I’d like to see them try that at a club in Texas. Update III: And now, to reminisce
Filed under Posted by — RW @ 6:22 am Edit This
It’s good that the French are keeping the world away from cowboys with quick triggers who would be too quick to bomb radicals. And the folks who are the first to admonish anyone who bashes the French are at the first of the Interesting, though, how soon some folks forget the Rainbow Warrior.
Then again, this incident does reflect the extent of the French military might. |
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