you're a nut! you're crazy in the coconut!
current month
Aug. 20th, 2004 @ 03:32 pm it's only a daaaaa aaaaawaaaaaaayyyyyy! *click* BANG!
hey, [info]cyberpilate... should i be expecting WOD books for me in your possession tomorrow, or should i come and buy them? how much cash will i need?
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Aug. 20th, 2004 @ 10:40 am gah! fuck!
Current Mood: fucking pissed
Current Music: none

ok, dom... breathe.

i want to go home. now. fucking with me today may very well result in death.
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Aug. 20th, 2004 @ 02:16 am eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil!
Current Mood: loopy like lupe
Current Music: mixes of "white wedding" in progress

reason that i am an evil man number 30275:
thanks to me, there is an electro-lounge cover of billy idol's "white wedding" in the works. oh yes... it will exist! nothing you, or anyone can do will stop it! bow before me, tiny mortals!

reason that i am an evil man number 36542:
click here for answers.

my evilness knows no bounds... and it craves taco bell at 2:16 in the morning.
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Aug. 18th, 2004 @ 11:44 am quote of the minute:
"emo is a maggot in punk's corpse."
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Aug. 18th, 2004 @ 10:08 am ze clock... she eez teekink!
hey, [info]monkmunk and [info]lovipug: i need a playlist for the wedding so i can start compiling. i'll give you guys a call tonight.
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Aug. 18th, 2004 @ 02:05 am brilliance at 2 in the morning.
Current Mood: loopy
Current Music: none

the only thing funnier than the sound of daffy duck being anally raped by chewbacca is the sound of chewbacca being anally raped by daffy duck.
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Aug. 17th, 2004 @ 04:52 pm get out of my head, white wolf!!!
first they make a bloodline identical to one i created for a troop game, then they make a power system for ghosts that matches up nigh identically with the ghost power system that i created for the system that i wrote... right down to calling the powers numina. get out of my head, white wolf!!!
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Aug. 16th, 2004 @ 05:41 pm fuck today...
Current Mood: overwhelmed, stressed, pissed
Current Music: the grinding of teeth

...and fuck tonight, too.
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Aug. 16th, 2004 @ 09:43 am recapitated
Current Mood: *yawn*
Current Music: none

vampire: through creative use of dominate, architecture, and general badness, adarael managed to ritually kill nearly every mentally-handicapped person in santa barbara. he is one evil bastard. afterwards, he narrowly escaped a garou attack and an angry air elemental. his ritual to summon a destructive spirit failed, but he did score plenty of points on his quest to do horrible things to the world. when that guy goes, it's gonna be messy as fuck. i think the highlight of the event (other than the retarded ghost that now haunts my character) was the look on [info]worshipthesnake's face when i told him that i wanted my character to murder a bunch of people in an effort to summon a dark spirit, and he asked:

"so you've got spirit thaum, or astral sight, or something? right?"

my reply: "nope. he's just killing a bunch of people and hoping that the spirit shows up. he has no idea what he's going to do once it arrives."

unfortunately for him, the spirit got bumped-off a few weeks ago. oh well. win some, lose some.

radio show: things went well. nobody called to rave about how awesome i was, but nobody called and told me to get off the air either. judging by the amount of appreciation that most college radio listeners show on a regular basis, the fact that there were no insulting phone calls is a good sign. i think i'm going to be cohosting again in a couple of weeks. over the course of the show we played six of my songs, talked about how difficult it is to get into the SB music scene when you're doing something different, made up a bunch of ridiculous bullshit, and even discussed sperm and puss. all-in-all it was a productive night.

got the oil changed on the van. it was a huge pain in the ass, but it's done.

[info]monkmunk's bachelor party was a total success, thanks to [info]cyberpsycho. there was ample food and drink, and much chaos unleashed upon the general population. it was good. there was also further proof that no matter where i go between santa barbara and san luis obispo... if there is a stripper, i know them (or of them). when the bachelor and bachelorette party merged, and the stripper arrived it turned out to be the dancer who taught my friend "V" the ropes of being an "exotic entertainer." small world.

the party was good times. i consumed much liquor, but didn't do anything stupid. i was even able to sober up enough to drive home by the end of the night.

total exhaustion. that is all.

still totally burnt. i'm on call tonight. blech.

hey... [info]sugarfuel... good luck on your first day as a student! meep!
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Aug. 13th, 2004 @ 01:37 pm i've said it before and i'll say it again...
Current Mood: unimpressed
Current Music: HIM - some really GH3Y track

the band HIM belongs at the end of my wang, on fire, begging for mercy. these fucksticks are like the linkin park of goth. i want to eat their faces.
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Aug. 13th, 2004 @ 10:27 am this is just a little disturbing...

What The Hell Happened Last Night?
LJ Username
What did you drink?
You wake up in the morning next to: laevus
...who is wearing: a Star Trek VI Captain's Starfleet uniform
...and rolls over to you to say: Wanna do that thing with the broccolli again?
...and then: takes the day off work to stay in bed with you
This cool quiz by joneccleston - Taken 5122 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

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Aug. 13th, 2004 @ 09:22 am zoom zoom zoom
Current Mood: exhausted
Current Music: assemblage 23 - king of insects

i'm a tired monkey. we went out to the merc last night for dr. cook's going away shindig. i'm not used to being out and about on a weeknight. it was fun, but the shakeup of normal routine made it a little hard for me to get to sleep. i think after i get my oil changed on my lunch break, i'm going to crash our for a bit. it's going to be a longish night.

game from 8-midnight. co-host radio show from midnight-3. i'm sure that tomorrow will consist of more drinking than necessary (and no driving! w00t!). i'd better get my rest tonight and tomorrow morning.

i'm going to be glad when this week is over. it's been a constant runaround since monday... but i've been productive as fuck. that is a good thing.

next priorities: arrange gigs, do more recording, go clothes shopping (i need socks and pants), find out what's up with the mercury, get the van looking nice, and fucking chill for a bit. i'm like the energizer bunny, here.
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Aug. 12th, 2004 @ 11:58 am big monkey
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: none

i just finished up a tech support call with the santa barbara zoo. one of the items that they were having trouble getting into the system was a giant stuffed monkey. over the course of the call, the dude i was talking to said "big monkey" about fifty times. i managed to maintain until just before we wrapped up the call. finally, i just broke down into retarded laughter. when he asked what was up i said "a man can only hear the words 'big monkey' so many times before his brain goes."

fortunately, the guy was cool and saw the humor in it. i'm really glad that they don't monitor our calls here.
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Aug. 12th, 2004 @ 10:19 am muthafuckas act like they forgot about dre!
Current Mood: ok
Current Music: entropy five - biotech

i fell asleep on the couch last night, listening to the mixes of the songs i've been working on and watching the visualization program on winamp. my dreams were full of distortion and color.

i've determined that after over a decade of insomnia, now that i've learned how to sleep there is not enough REM in the world for me... and i ain't talkin' 'bout michael stipe.

i did a partial forbearance on my student loan today. this is some weird thing where you call up the loan people, tell them you don't have any money and probably never will, and that if they don't do something to make your life easier you are going to file for bankruptcy and they will never see another penny out of you. once you do that, they connect you to a supervisor who tells you that you don't have to pay the whole loan back... just the calculated 25-years of interest. this knocks my debt down from $50,000 to a little over $1,800. i'm going to start paying that off in january of 2005. my minimum payment is $50 a month. if i pay it off at $100 a month, i can have it taken care of in about a year and a half. the catch is that they charge you interest on the interest and if i differ it, i still get charged interest on the differed months. that means that i really have to keep up on this once i start paying it off. hopefully my financial situation stays stable so i can pull this off and be debt-free by 30. that means good credit again! yay!

i want a nap. can anyone find a few spare hours for me?
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Aug. 11th, 2004 @ 10:12 pm productivity
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: entropy five - biotech

another new song has been added to my music page. check out "biotech."

for those of you who are not in the SB area: you can still catch my guest appearance on the radio show "hive mind," with [info]monkmunk and [info]lovipug. go to to check it out. we will be broadcasting from 12am to 3am on saturday the 14th. tune in! w00t!
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Aug. 11th, 2004 @ 05:49 pm error message haikus
passed on by a coworker:

The Web site you seek
cannot be located but
countless more exist.

Chaos reigns within
Reflect, repent and reboot
Order shall return.

Program aborting
close all that you have worked on.
You ask for too much

Windows NT crashed
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

Yesterday it worked
On this day it does not work
Windows is like that

Your file was so big
It might be very useful
But now it is gone

Stay the patient course
Of little worth is your ire
The network is down

A crash reduces
your expensive computer
to a simple stone

Three things are certain
death, taxes and lost data
Guess which one this is

You step in the stream
but the water has moved on
This page is not here.

Out of memory
We wish to hold the whole sky but
this will not occur

Having been erased
the document, you now seek
must now be retyped

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Bang your head in rage.
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Aug. 11th, 2004 @ 09:48 am weird...
check out the "morbus" bloodline on today's WOD teaser. these guys match up perfectly with a bloodline i created for a troupe game. if the cachexy discipline gives people colds, i'm going to be totally stoked.
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Aug. 10th, 2004 @ 11:07 pm back on the intarnett! is back online! [info]dgenerator will be helping me out with a new design soon. i'm going to go a slightly more fallout direction with it. until then, not much has changed... but check it out if you feel so inclined. it's good to be back online with a real website again. it makes me feel a little more professional.

by the way... i'm co-hosting ::hive mind:: on KCSB radio (91.9fm) this friday night thanks to [info]monkmunk and [info]lovipug. if you're in the santa barbara area and feel like hearing me and my music on the radio, tune in from 11pm to 2am.
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Aug. 10th, 2004 @ 09:52 am back on the road again
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: none

my van is fixed. i took it to an off-the-beaten-path VW repair house in santa barbara that one of my coworkers recommended to me. i told the mechanic that it needed a new shifting hemisphere. he looked at me all confused and told me that the model that i drive doesn't have a hemisphere... that it's a rod-and-pin system. he put the van up on the lift, replaced one worn part, and the thing began to shift like butter. 30 minutes worth of work, seventy five bucks, and i'm driving again. end of story. sure beats the hell out of several days of repair time and two to three hundred dollars for it. it leads me to wonder if i got ripped off on my new transmission, or if i even needed it. i definitely know where i am taking the van from now on. today i will put new tires on it. tomorrow i will take it in for an oil and fluid change. friday i will take it in for a wash. sometime over the next few days i will be getting ahold of DMV and requesting new registration tags since my old ones were stolen. all it needs now is a good wash and interior detailing... and a paint job, but that can wait.

as far as the mercury goes, my dad talked to friend yesterday and found out that if the transmission needs to be replaced, it will probably cost me upwards of $4000. if that's the case, i'll probably just sell the thing for parts. that's more money than i would make on a trade-in. totally not worth it. i'm going to see if i can get it fixed, and part it out if it costs too much. at this point, if i can make $500 to $1000 bucks on it i'll be happy. i could put that money to good use on the van and increase its value for whenever i'm ready to sell it (if i even choose to do that).

as far as my taxi-driver habits go, i'm going to request that those of you who do not live in my immediate vicinity consider me a last resort for rides unless i am already going in your direction. VW's were not made to be driven in massive stop-and-go traffic, and i'm trying to be nice to this thing's engine. making the jaunt downtown several times a day for quick pickups and dropoffs is rather stressful on the inner-workings of my vehicle. if people are stuck, then i'll help out... but please use me as your last resort.

and, finally... how can anyone find this disgusting hunk of mindless flesh attractive? if she appeared to have a shred of brains, my opinion of her would be elevated a bit. but just... just look at her!
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Aug. 9th, 2004 @ 09:57 am *frustration*
Current Mood: if you have to ask...
Current Music: none

i had a nice first-half-of-weekend in LA. i got some good gaming in, had a chance to hang out with [info]worshipthesnake and [info]moonchylde, and spent a day with [info]sugarfuel. all in all, it was a very good time. then, driving home from game, the bad happened: my transmission slipped.

i was able to feather the gas peddle all the way home and keep my car floating above third gear, but once i got home and tried to park i realized that i had no reverse at all. i was able to wedge my car into a spot well enough for the night. now it sits in front of my apartment building waiting to be repaired.

i am without vehicle. my van still does not shift, and now the mercury does not run at all. this is soooo fucking frustrating. i'm looking into getting the new shifting package for the van right now. it will be cheaper than anything that the mercury could need done. my usual mechanic hasn't called me back in weeks, so i'm calling around. problem is that most places won't be able to get to me until the middle of the week. i'm sorting through my options now, but this entire situation is all fucked up.

once i've got both of my cars fixed, i am heavily considering trading them both in and getting one vehicle that can haul stuff, but will not be in constant need of maintenance. maybe a jeep, or an mini van, or a wagon, or something... anything i can fucking rely on at this point.

also... if the mercury needs its transmission replaced (worst case scenario), it will probably cost me about a grand to get it done. if that is the case, i am probably going to have to ask those of you who i transport on a regular basis to chip into the cause a little bit, least i am unable to transport you in the future. this is not a thinly-veiled threat, this is a fact of matter. i can't drive people around with the volkswagen all the time. that's what killed it last time. those engines just aren't made for all of that back-and-forth. if i'm going to be giving rides, i need a commute-worthy car. in order to make that happen, i will need assistance.

so, yeah... i'm irritated as fuck right now and i'm stuck at work with a very limited range of what i can do. this is not cool at all.

i have things to do. gotta go.
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