A peculiar hybrid of personal journal, dilettantish punditry, pseudo-philosophy and much more, from an Accidental Expat who has made his way from Hong Kong to Beijing to Singapore, and finally back home to America for reasons that are still not entirely clear to him...


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  The Peking Duck
November 08, 2003
Taiwan moves to abolish the death penalty

It's a dizzying time for Taiwan as it takes the lead in Asia when it comes to human rights, not just in words but in legislation. Now, they have just announced a law for the abolition of the death penalty -- and the legalization of gay marriage and womens rights as a bonus!

Taiwan on Saturday unveiled its draft Human Rights Basic Law which abolishes the death penalty and legalises gay marriage.

If the law is passed, it will make Taiwan the first country in Asia - and the fourth in the world - to legalise gay marriage. The Netherlands, Belgium and Canada have legalised gay marriage.

Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien, head of the Human Rights Consultative Committee under the Presidential Office, unveiled the draft law at a meeting with reporters.

The Basic Law stipulates that the death penalty must be abolished, gay marriage should be legalised and homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children.

The Basic Law bans cloning human beings, protects equal rights for women and foreign workers, and grants asylum to foreign asylum seekers.

70 percent of the Taiwanese public is reportedly against the ban on the death penalty, so there will be "an adjustment period," where it remains legal but won't be executed carried out.

(Update Nov. 9, 1:50 pm.)

Baked by Richard TPD at 10:00 AM | TrackBack (1)

The proposed death penalty and gay marriage laws are part of a comprehensive human rights bill Chen is trying to get passed.

Both President Chen Shui-Bian and Vice President Annette Lu have extensive backgrounds in human rights work in Taiwan. Chen made his name working as a lawyer representing political dissidents during the early 80s.

The problem is that the Legislative Yuan is controlled by the KMT. I don't see this legislation getting past them, if not because they're pro-death penalty, but because they don't want to see Chen get all of these kudos from international organizations months away from the upcoming presidential elections.

And if Chen isn't re-elected, you can pretty much forget about this bill.

Posted by: wayne at November 9, 2003 05:39 AM

Let's keep our fiungers crossed. Even if not finalized, it's quite impressive to see such progressive stuff being considered by an Asian country.

Posted by: richard at November 9, 2003 05:46 AM
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