Sautee a Bunny For Peace!
"Matthew 12:30"
October 15, 2004
The Wonders Of The Universe

This incredible site provides incredible glimpses at the grandeur of the universe. The mind can't begin to fathom the enormity of what lies out there and the beauty is just beyond description.

(Note: Just a little needed breather from the lunacy of an election year.)


Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 02:45 PM | Comments (29) | Trackback (0)

Senior Citizens Against Bush

Kyer has the inside scoop on a new endorsement for the Backstabbing Beantown BandAid Brother™.

We wonder if the endorser is a member of AARP?


Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 02:02 PM | Comments (13) | Trackback (0)

October 14, 2004
Election 2004

Damn, November 2nd sure is sneaking up on us fast, now isn't it?

So fast, as a matter of fact, that even His Imperial Absentness has to wipe the mothballs off the keyboard and allow his arthritic fingers to do their worst dancing across the keyboard.

Now, I've said it before, and I'll be happy to say it again: I don't give a flying hoot what kind of a state you live in. Be it true blue American gimme to the right, swing or some dysfunctional Peeple's Socialist Republik of a state, you need to get your asses out of the recliners and go vote and, I might add, vote for the only alternative to Fuckface that we have, even if it means sewing your nostrils short, closing your eyes, crossing yourselves and pretend that you're a senior citizen of Florida who can't read the ballot and figure out how to push a hole in a piece of paper with a sharp instrument.

We don't merely need a victory, we need a solid MANDATE.

And yes, His Majesty knows that he's been throwing some pretty damn serious mudpies in President Waffle Iron's general direction in the past, and he stands by every single one of them, but we don't really have a choice, unless you call an appeasing, treasonous gigolo surrender-monkey a "choice", in which case His Majesty would like you to know that your condition is treatable and that help is readily available.

Yes, His Rottieness knows that the incumbent is the fellow who started out by saying that we "would make no distinction between terrorists and those who harbor them" and then went on to play kissy with the Soddies. And don't give me any bull about how we depend on their oil supply. Take a look at their military hardware and you'll notice that it's not stamped "Made in Riyadh". If they can babble on about threats and shortages of oil, then we need to let them know that two can play that game. We just might have a sudden shortage of spare parts causing a surge in prices, and their entire armed forces would be so much junk sitting around waiting for a charitable scrap yard owner willing to take it off their hands. Not that it would make much of a difference with an Arab army, but we digress...

We also know, to mention another example, that the incumbent is the guy who, for all of his angry words after the murderous attack in Fallujah, suddenly discovered that actually using force might scratch the paintwork of a mosque and called the whole thing off.

It started out right with the Marines cordoning off that miserable dump of a city, but it went downhill from there. In the Imperial Military Academy we teach that the next step is to give the residents 48 hours to evacuate, after which you raze it so thoroughly that there won't be a piece left that won't pass through the wedding band of a gnat.

And we could go on, but we would be repeating ourself.

What it comes down to isn't how many things Dubya have handled pitifully badly, but what the alternative is. And there IS only one alternative. Staying home or voting for the United Conservative Party of Kicking Ass and Not Bothering to Stop and Take Names In the Process, however laudable their goals and program, will only help Fuckface into the White House.

Now, I'm as pissed off as the next Emperor (of which there are none, but that's beside the point) about Dubya pissing on the base that got him elected in the first place, and I would like nothing more than to teach him a valuable lesson by sending him packing, if it wasn't for the fact that the alternative is a total fucking disaster.

Just think about it. If you stay at home or vote "Mickey Mouse" on the 2nd, you'll be helping a piece of shit into the White House who has publically proclaimed that he intends to surrender. Oh sure, he has a "plan", a plan that is obviously either non-existent (most likely) or too complicated and "nuanced" for us mere mortals to understand, so he won't tell us about it.

We don't know about you, but we've punched people in the face for being less condescending than that.

And if his Ketchupness' plan really does exist, then it's his patriotic duty to share it in times of war, isn't it? To not do so but instead keeping it secret would make us have to bring the "T" word out again but, considering that Fuckface turned treason into a career as soon as he could write himself up for enough purple hearts to get out of Dodge, that'd be like stating that water is wet.

We're at war, folks, whether you want to acknowledge the fact or not and, whereas His Pissed-Offed-Ness might be able to live with a bumbling, run-by-the-polls Donkey's Ass for four years, it'd drag out the war but we'd survive it, he's not willing to hand the terrorist snots a complete surrender by letting Fuckface take office.

Is teaching Dubya a lesson important enough to put a handful of extra zeros on the butcher's bill from 9/11? If you think so, then by all means go ahead and help Fuckface turn us into Spain.

If not, vote Dubya/Cheney on the 2nd.


Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 09:17 PM | Comments (140) | Trackback (2)

Another Dead Horse Turned Into ClueGlue™

With all of the Wailing & Gnashing of Teeth™ coming from the Short Bus Riders of Life™ living on the Stoopid Side of the Idiotarian Parallel Universal Divide™, we thought we'd give the LC's of the Emperor's VRWC Empire a sweet little site with which to ClueClub™ said Genetic Rejects From The Shallow End of The Semen Pool™.

In the never-ending quest to save bandwidth, we'll give you just two of the ten Clues™ here. Y'all can go read the rest your own lazy, oil drinkin', baby seal clubbin' selves.

(Note: All emphasis mine---B.)

2. Total taxpayer investment in K-12 education in the United States for the 2003-04 school year is estimated to exceed $501.3 billion.

Even in this current time of war, taxpayer investment in education exceeds that for national defense. In addition to the K-12 money mentioned above, taxpayers will spend an estimated $350.8 billion for higher education in the same school year.[ * ] As noted on the chart below, the United States is a world leader in education investment. However, nations that spend far less achieve higher levels of student performance.

9. The federal commitment to education can be found in actual dollars earmarked to spend for education.

Like all laws passed by Congress, many federal education statutes include limits on how much future Congresses can spend. These are called "authorization caps." Actual amounts spent on education are called "appropriated levels," which is the actual federal commitment to education. Authorization caps are occasionally claimed to be "promises" or "goals" for federal education spending. Failure to meet these levels is sometimes claimed to demonstrate that an "unfunded mandate" exists.

The claim is simply untrue. In the history of the United States, actual appropriations have rarely matched authorization levels. If this were the standard, nearly all federal programs supporting agriculture, health, safety, construction, job training and transportation would be below their congressional "goals."

Taketh up ye ClueClubs o' Doom™ and spreadeth the wordeth acrosseth'd the landeth.

PS: Don't forget to print out the graphs. The LLL's just loooooove graphs. ;)


Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 02:42 PM | Comments (46) | Trackback (0)

Wrong War? Wrong Place?

The General Giap's Gold Diggin' Cabana Boy continues to attempt to destroy the US military's morale (at least there's one thing that he's consistent on) by insisting that taking out Sodomized InPain was "The Wrong War™ at the Wrong Place™ at the Wrong Time™!" and took away from the actual War On Terror™. Well, here's a little something to throw on the heaping pile of other reasons why this IS The Right War™ at the Right Place™ at the Right Time™. Well, it should have been done sooner, but now is the time to continue fighting the terrorists, wherever they exist.

(Note: All emphasis mine.---B.)

HATRA, Iraq: Forensic experts digging for evidence against ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein have carried out their first full exhumation of a mass grave filled with the skeletons of scores of women and children, many shot in the back of the head.

"This is all women and children. We have taken in excess of 120 bodies out of there," said U.S. investigator Greg Kehoe as he stood over one of nine trenches piled with bones and scraps of clothes and jewelry near the northern Iraqi town of Hatra.

Among the dead are pregnant women, even a young boy still clutching his ball, whose bodies were ploughed into their earthen tombs by bulldozers.

The self-confessed war criminal apparently doesn't have a problem with that kind of stuff and even if he did, he'd be for having the *spit* UN *spit* and the "*spit* French *spit* take the measures to put a stop to it. (Yeeeeah, right. We all know their record on this.)

"This is something in the time I've been doing mass graves I've never seen done before," said Kehoe, a lawyer who has also worked in the Balkans. ... "These bodies were just pushed in. It was all women and children. No men. All these people were executed with small arms fire ... (It) includes pregnant woman," said Kehoe.

The mass graves in the Iraq dwarf the ones in the Balkans, yet the Botox Backstabbing BandAid Brother™ opposed Operation Iraq Freedom, which, once again, was a Coalition of the Willing™, while supporting Klintoon after going into the Balkans alone.

Got Consistency?™


Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 09:29 AM | Comments (107) | Trackback (1)

October 13, 2004
Mt. St. Helens Pulls A Geologic Lewinski

A hulking mass smokes before it blows.


Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 04:55 PM | Comments (95) | Trackback (0)

October 12, 2004
Oops! Onward We Go!

Okay, that last post seems to defy deletion, so let's just move on. As reported in the Telegraph and just about everywhere else, the British pension system is in trouble. But onward we go.

The computerization of the British health care system is going as expected for a massive government effort to change the way a massive government effort does business. Several fold cost overruns, delays, disaster, and the usual run of excuses, special pleading, and demands to extort more money from the poor, tired taxpayers. No matter how much government funded code you pound out, a doctor still can't have a personal chat with five patients at the same time.

Give us more, O Caesar! »

Posted by Sir George at 01:08 AM | Comments (144) | Trackback (0)

October 11, 2004
Short, Sweet & Irrefutable Truth™

Beth, at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, wrote an op-ed piece that cuts right to the heart of the matter, concerning the Mother of All Ass Kickings™ that was administered to Sodamned Insane's Butchering Ba'athist Bastards of Baghdad.

*Note to trolls: Your shitting on the carpet will NOT be tolerated over at Beth's place.


Posted by B.C., Imperial Torturer™ at 07:04 PM | Comments (35) | Trackback (0)

Quick Update

Just to let y'all know that His Rottieness is still around (more or less) but, as part of the inevitable upheaval going on around the palace at this present time, that the new DSL is having trouble getting set up. Didn't take them long to turn the old one off, but they sure are having a devil of a time turning the new one on. Just flip the effin' switch, dammit, FLIP THE DAMN SWITCH!

Again, thanks for all of your continued readership and support, it means a LOT to me!


Posted by Emperor Darth Misha I at 08:10 AM | Comments (40) | Trackback (0)

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