Nerdstar Was Gone for 502 Days
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September 22, 2004
I'm baaaaack!
I am finally back from Iraq, it took a few days between Kuwait, then Germany, Canada, Maine, New Jersey (our luggages are still there), Illinois, and finally, Washington!
I was/am so glad to see Beth and Ramen! Looking forward to making up for all the missed conversations, sex, walks, and everything else! It has so far been a kind of gruelling week of outprocessing, with leaders who don't neccessarily know what they are doing. It's a relief to go back to the hotel room and not the barracks when the day is through!
Beth is so wonderful, she showered me with lots of hugs, snuggles, and ..... well, you know! This past year and a half has been hard on her and I've got lots of making up to do, and lots of stuff to work out , but I am confident that things will hopefully all come together in time.
I am so looking forward to this roadtrip home! Seeing the rest of our pets, and seeing my families again! I will write more after this whole army business is over! I've got some snuggling to do!
Magic Blanket
It's so nice to finally sleep thru the night again. Not only is Nerdstar my snuggle bunny, she's obviously my magic blanket as well.
We're just hanging out this week. She's spending all day at Ft. Lewis trying to get things done. It's still stunning to me just how hard it is to get anything done in the military. I'm still trying to get her to write about it. Ramen and I are idling away the time at the hotel and taking short walks at a nearby community college. The last two days had lots of sunshine, but today it's finally overcast and a little rainy, but the rest of the week is supposed to be sunny.
Still not sure how long before she's cleared from Ft. Lewis - hopefully this weekend, but no way to know just yet. Then we have to decide on a route to Vegas!
That's about it from here.
September 20, 2004
I pulled into Olympia, WA about 4:30 yesterday. Nerdstar's flight got to the Seattle airport a few hours earlier. Her and her unit had to get all of their gear from the airport to the base, so it was a good thing she was earlier than me. I got all settled into the hotel and she finally called from base and was free for the evening. The Army gets her during the day while we're up here. They still have lots of paperwork, briefings, and turning in of equipment (some of which is still enroute) to do this week. Hopefully it won't take longer than a week, but you never know.
I got stuck at the front gate of the base because I didn't have the piece of paper for the car registration, but she walked from the barracks to the front gate :-) I actually didn't cry when I saw her, I thought I would. I think knowing she was at least safely in the states the last couple of days and the long, long drives thru beautiful country really helped deflate my worries.
We had a nice dinner, although we were both too tired to really eat. Then it was back to the hotel for some long awaited sex and snuggles!!
While we have lots of catching up to do, (especially in sex) being with her is better than ever, just as easy and comfortable as always.
I'll try to get her to write later tonight.
September 18, 2004
I'm now in Boise, Idaho. Go figure. Not a city I would have ever thought I'd find myself in. Almost 850 miles today, right at 12 hours. I think around the ninth hour Ramen lost his will to live.
I'm amazed that in those 12 hours of driving I passed thru maybe 3 real towns - not even cities. This really is the land of golden mountain majesty and amber waves of grain. If you've never taken a long drive thru the open parts of this beautiful country - you really, really should. It was cool to see that the rocks in Wyoming look a lot like the rocks in Arizona. Which makes sense, but it's still cool.
Nerdstar is stuck on some base in Jersey tonight. Even being stateside she can't get out of the logistical hell known as the U.S. Army. We should finally be together tomorrow night.
I want to say a great big thank you to Michelle and Kim for letting me crash at their place last night and taking me to see the play. It really did make this long drive much more enjoyable!