Emily ([info]semaalir) wrote in [info]hayfield,
@ 2004-03-07 16:56:00
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Hayfield is so gay. Ugh, its pathetic.

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2004-03-07 13:58 (link)
Hey, check it out, ignorance is floating about! *points at your post*

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2004-03-10 03:01 (link)
Its true. Hayfield sucks

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2004-03-08 17:17 (link)
it is pretty homosexual.

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2004-03-10 03:01 (link)
I'm not saying "Gay" I'm saying like stupid.

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2004-03-10 03:36 (link)
yeah i was making fun of you.

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2004-03-10 14:29 (link)
Whatever. Hayfields gay

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2004-03-17 13:12 (link)
so ur saying being gay is stupid? ignorant bitch.

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