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March 2020
xtrinity rss feed my other blog is officially up and running, and I created a syndication account so that you folks on lj can link it to your regular friends lists, if you like. I still plan on posting to my lj, but xtrinity will be where I post regularly. click here to add the feed. you can also just go right to the site if you want: if you want to syndicate it through your own rss reader, the xml's there for you to do so. I still have to add the comment code to the feed, which is going to be a pain because livejournal's syndication system isn't quite working. please don't comment on the feed posts themselves, since I'll never know you left a message :) if you want to comment, go to the real post on xtrinity. ♥! |
fer fuck's sake google hates me. I've been searching for hours now for a graph or chart that displays the health benefits of vegetarianism, but I've been dissed by the internet. thank you www. my lovely veggies friends, I have a quest for you. please go forth and find me a graph so that I may educate the people of utah with my powerpoint presentation. Current Mood: |
regarding this post, I present you all with a poll: Poll #388801 more hair bs Open to: All, results viewable to: All what should I do? View Answers leave it the weird way it is now. dye it some other weird, but more uniform, color. Current Mood: |
she bangs the drum celia came over tonight to get rid of my unsightly dark roots. I was going to dye it again immediately after the bleaching, but after a few glasses of wine I decided that I kind of liked the weird bleached-out-roots-with-pinky-purple-tip I'm sure that I'll probably feel differently in the morning, once I've sobered up. but until then, here are some [potentially] amusing photos. celia being cute ![]() totally fucked up but somewhat interesting hair ![]() ![]() ![]() then there were a few more glasses of wine............ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Leave a comment Current Music: the stone roses - waterfall |
now leroy, he's a gambler... it makes me really sad when people think that they know the whole story when in reality they know very little about what actually happened. to my friends: please keep in mind that half of the equation left town, and you're only getting 50% of the information required to make an accurate assessment... and that 50% is coming at you through a very talented filter. . *sigh* I need a hug, a fireplace, a cup of herbal tea, and a bedtime story. looks like I'll have to settle for over-sweetened chai, frozen roads, and an inability to get any schoolwork done. . I want a dog so badly. I haven't had a dog since I was I was a little kid, when we had a retired police dog named max. my parents used to lock her in the garage during the day while they were at work. it really sucked for her. while I was at REI today I ran into a gorgeous malamute, coincidentally also named max. he was HUGE and so affectionate he almost knocked me over. someday... ![]() Leave a comment Current Music: jim croce - bad bad leroy brown |
yada^784573454 please keep clicking the ads!!. what causes the value to go up is the click:pageview ratio, so even if you only click all four ads at the top of the page once a day, it helps. ;) . today was a great day of food and tromping around a frozen lake with ian. it was so refreshing to have an old friend around... kind of makes this place feel a little more like home. thank you. :) and I still think we should have hijacked that snowmobile. . recommended reading: deterring democracy by noam chomsky (and it's free! can't beat that with a stick.). I kind of like how that looks, despite being grammatically incorrect: .). . I finally password protected my mp3 directory. if you know me personally leave me a comment and I'll send you the url and the login info. again, I can only give this information to people I know. please do not be an asshole and send me hatemail because I won't give you access to the directory. life's rough, and they're just mp3s. also, creating an account at my site will not give you access to the directory. kthnxbye. . "why is it that the words we write for ourselves are always so much better than the words we write for others?" Leave a comment |
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HAHAHA memes... almost as bad as television.
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memememememe! okay, i choose 12 people from my friends list at random. I write something about/to each of them. you try to guess which item pertains to you. lines in bold were correctly guessed: 1 everytime I see you, you make my life so bright I can barely contain myself. 2 sheer hotness and sensual power. RAWR! 3 I feel so completely lucky to have you in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. 4 despite how much it hurts, you will always be one of my best friends. 5 you are one of the few women in the world that actually 'get me'. 6 I consider you like a brother, and I've had people tell me that we actually look like we could be siblings. ;) 7 you're the only female I've met here that actually appreciates my sense of humor (I think ;). I wish we hung out more often. you're probably not reading this. 8 we would be so much trouble together it's not even funny. well, actually, it's hilarious. 9 I miss you! every time I see you I find myself grinning from ear to ear. 10 we've never met, but I think we'd have a great time over a beer. 11 if I had to make a list of my ten favorite people, you'd be on it. it sucks that we've always lived twelve+ hours away from one another. 12 I don't know you that well, but you've got an amazing presence. sometimes style just drips from your limbs. |
which way where hey does anyone out there have corel painter for os x? . it looks like I will be in california for the greater part of december. I am very excited about this. minus a week or so in texas for christmas, I'll be in the bay 12/9 - 1/3. home base will be whit and ian's place in oakland (oh god, ian's going to be so tired of me by the time 2005 hits). countless thank yous to robert for staying at my place and cat-sitting. . I just emailed my resume to xmission in hopes of securing a part time tech support gig. the hours rock and it pays well, so please everyone, send a vibe my way that I'll get the job. it has less to do with experience (which I have a ton of) and more to do with getting them to bend to my class schedule. *crosses fingers* Leave a comment |
chalk pastels?! what the hell am I supposed to do with chalk pastels? eeeeeeeew... I want my oils. :( does anyone know how to use these things? or are they similar enough to oil pastels that I can use them the same way? grrr. Current Mood: |
weird day first class: teacher never shows up. second class: room is locked and teacher can't get in. class starts 30 minutes late. third class: cancelled, instead we have a pop five minute oral interview in spanish. fourth class: cancelled, instead I have a fifteen minute conference with my teacher... but not until 4:45. :P so basically, by the end of the day I'll have spent seven hours on campus, less than two of which I'll have actually been *in class*. blah. wish I'd actually brought something to work on while I'm just sitting around... Current Mood: |
blame it on the tetons when you're this determined to have a good day, even cleaning up cat barf first thing in the morning won't get you down. I saw ian last night, which kicked major ass. beers were had at piper down, where the soundtrack for the evening ranged from rage against the machine to the village people. I was also gifted with a care package from california, which made me smile immensely. :) :) :) . today is a busy day. I have to make a few prints of photos for my self-portrait project, work on my argumentation essay, start on my persuasion speech (about as much fun as sticking a fork in your eye), and put up the plastic sheeting in my windows. does anyone want to help me with the latter? I really have no friggin clue how to do it. . also, a note to my friends and readership: when I make a joking statement like "ativan take me away", please don't interpret that steph's going to take a whole bottle of pills. usually it's much more benign, as in I'm going to take an ambien and go to bed. I really had no idea that I was coming across as that severely depressed, but several conversations over the past few days have let me know that my humorous jabs at pharmaceutical fun may have been misconstrued. sorry. :/ Leave a comment |
the happiest monkey wow. I'm completely aglitter right now. have you ever had one little thing in the back of your head that you wished someone would do for you? that one small thing that really seems inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but nonetheless would mean a great deal if anyone took the time to do it? I am a very lucky girl. *glows* Leave a comment Current Music: dave matthews band - crash into me |
Une Anne Sans Lumiere I think that today is the best day I've had in quite a while. I awoke to a knock on my door announcing the arrival of a package, and upon opening the wonderfully decorated box (see image below) I found an awesome tactile blanket, a velvet sketchbook, and a card. swooning so early in the morning is the ultimate wake-me-up! you continually amaze me. thank you. :) miso quickly adopted the box as her own: ![]() . it's been fairly warm here - well, daytime highs of 54 degrees which is warm for us - but it promises to get down into the 20's this weekend. ian: it's supposed to rain in the valley on friday, which means there will be a blanket of fresh powder up at brighton. score! . I found out today that I got a 78 on my last spanish exam. I'm a little disappointed, but at the same time it's sort of liberating. constantly raising the bar through very little effort has left me anxious and waiting for the other shoe to drop, so this sort of lets off a little steam. interestingly enough, this is first time I've ever gotten anything lower than an 89 on any of my college assignments. I'll not be getting an A in this class (most likely a B), but since I haven't put forth even an ounce of effort, I'd say it's a B well deserved. it does still piss me off to know that I could have probably pulled all A's again this semester had I actually applied myself, but hey, we all have our off periods. I'm not stressing it. I also finished my art project this evening, which makes me feel really good. I'm probably one of three people in my class to get it done before the deadline. /bows . a beautifully done bit of political commentary, forwarded to me by whitney. . I totally forgot that I had a deviantart account. fun stuff. now I just need to draw some stuff to put up along side my photography. Leave a comment |
meme punch yourself in the head repeatedly, then post this in your own journal. |
so, it's about time that I did something with the ol' fro. I've decided to let it grow longer since I'm too poor to have it cut regularly, but that still leaves the color issue. I'd love to keep going with the crazy colors that you all have seen me with the past few months, but my roots are now about 1 1/2" long... hence the dark purple color to cover them up. I'd love to keep the color, but eating nothing by ramen for the next two months doesn't sound like a fun idea. at the same time though, the bright colors do make me smile. so I ask you, my lovely friends, what should I do? Poll #383936 Open to: All, results viewable to: All what should I do with my hair? View Answers spend the $50 to get the roots bleached, despite being broke and starving. probably not the most responsible choice. :P just dye it black and be done with it. sigh :( if you have another suggestion, feel free to leave a comment! Current Mood: unsure |
what does it take to get a drink in this place? cold, quiet nights like this used to be what I lived for, when I had my fireplace and blanket of coastal fog. being alone didn't feel lonely, rather it felt pleasingly solitary. but things are different now. I am surrounded by different clouds, different trees. my lovely ocean is hundreds of miles away. my bed still feels strange in this room, as if it too longs to go home. this place is not my home. ![]() ![]() ![]() . and beautiful pictures of tennessee. Leave a comment |
wah I really should unsub from all of the sf events lists that I'm on. seeing parties pop up that I'd love to be at really bums me out. Current Mood: |
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