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Corporate Crimebusters Tour the US Exposing Crime, Fraud, and Abuse
Hear Ralph Nader debating "President Bush" and "Senator Kerry," in the mock, low-nonsense audio exchanges we've put together...

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LISTEN to Ralph talk about TWELVERS   [Requires the free QuickTime® Player]
Imagine Kerry saying THIS in 2004!
Imagine Kerry saying THIS in 2004!>>
Ralph Nader speaking at the University of Minnesota Ralph Nader speaking at the U. of Minnesota>>
Ralph Nader speaking in Philadelphia on Sep. 11, 2004 Ralph Nader speaking in Philadelphia on Sep. 11, 2004>>
Why your contributions are so important!
Why your contributions are so important!>>
Ralph explains how important students are to democracy! Ralph explains how important students are to democracy!
QuickTime Movie>>|Windows Media>>
Peter Camejo speaking at the Boston Social Forum July 27, 2004 Ralph should know, it was his campaign that put airbags in cars Young Fans By any means of transportation necessary Ralph with Jim and Alya Abourezk in Sioux Falls, South Dakota Volunteers turn in 80,000 signatures in Austin, Texas
"There can be no daily democracy without daily citizenship."
— Ralph Nader
Media Appearances
Tue, October 19th -local listings- Ralph on The Connection (NPR)
Story Posted on Monday, October 18th, 2004
Washington, DC: Today, the Independent presidential campaign of Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo released the preliminary findings of research conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics. The findings demonstrate that Senator John Kerry has thousands of contributors who have supported the  ...Continued...
WASHINGTON: On BallotIDAHO: Off Ballot--litigation pending--write-in deadline 10-19MONTANA: On BallotNORTH DAKOTA:On BallotOREGON: Write-in Certified--litigation pendingWYOMING: On BallotCALIFORNIA: Off Ballot--write-in deadline 10-17NEVADA: On BallotUTAH: On BallotARIZONA: Off Ballot--write-in certifiedNEW MEXICO: On BallotCOLORADO: On BallotTEXAS: Write-in Certified--litigation pendingALASKA: On BallotOff Ballot--litigation pendingSOUTH DAKOTA: On BallotNEBRASKA: On BallotKANSAS: On BallotOKLAHOMA: No Ballot AccessMINNESOTA: On BallotWISCONSIN: On BallotIOWA: On BallotMISSOURI: Off Ballot--write-in deadline 10-22ARKANSAS: On BallotLOUISIANA: On BallotILLINOIS: Off Ballot--litigation pending--write-in deadline 10-26MICHIGAN: On Ballot--litigation pendingINDIANA: Write-in certifiedOHIO: Off Ballot--litigation pendingKENTUCKY: On BallotMISSISSIPPI: On BallotTENNESSEE: On BallotALABAMA: On BallotFLORIDA: On BallotGEORGIA: Write-in certifiedWEST VIRGINIA: On BallotSOUTH CAROLINA: On BallotNORTH CAROLINA: Off ballot--write-in certifiedVIRGINIA: Off Ballot--write-in deadline 10-23DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: On BallotDISTRICT OF COLUMBIAVIRGINIA: Off Ballot--write-in deadline 10-23MARYLAND: On BallotPENNSYLVANIA: Off Ballot--litigation pendingDELAWARE: On BallotNEW JERSEY: On BallotNEW YORK: On BallotCONNECTICUT: On BallotRHODE ISLAND: On BallotMASSACHUSETTS: Write-in certifiedVERMONT: On BallotNEW HAMPSHIRE: On BallotMAINE: On Ballot
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Today's National Asset
Alaskan Public Research Group (AkPIRG)
The Alaskan Public Interest Research Group (AkPIRG) was founded by Ralph Nader in 1974 to protect the rights of Alaskans, especially from monied groups and corporate interests. ...More...
Symbols of the Campaign
Symbols of the Nader/Camejo 2004 Campaign
The Nader/Camejo campaign is pleased to announce the following symbols of our campaign, which represent a broad and vibrant movement. More...
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