Eye Candy *!'s Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Eye Candy *!'s LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, April 18th, 2004
    9:37 pm
    Sex and the City Header

    Welcome to the age of un-innocence )
    Thursday, April 15th, 2004
    12:07 pm
    Request... Help please?
    Can someone please take this picture:


    and start out with a close up his face saying 'he's my' then move down to his chest where it says 'boy toy'?
    i'd like 'he's my' in the white or the blue like 'boy toy'... with a white border...

    or if you can't do that... just a cropped picture of him with 'boy toy' and a little kiss mark on his neck with 'he's my' still at the top corner.

    thanks so much in advance! I WILL CREDIT!!!!

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Current Music: What a Girl Wants
    3:01 pm
    Hilary Duff
    *Comment on what you are taking.
    *Credit [info]yummyicons_
    *Will I do customizations?: Yes.
    *Will I make you a header/friends only sign?: Yes.

    * * *

    +47 bases )

    *More can be found at [info]yummyicons_

    ♥ Chelsea


    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: TV / Montel
    Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
    6:41 pm
    i'm just curius about what program most people use to make icons/headers and such...
    Monday, April 12th, 2004
    12:07 am
    just a few
    you know the drill

    1 Mandy Moore F/O | 1 Hilary Duff Heaser | 5 icons )
    Thursday, April 8th, 2004
    8:30 pm
    Mischa Barton - The O.C.
    my first attempt:


    Mischa Barton F/O )

    x-posted in [info]pop_icons
    Saturday, April 3rd, 2004
    10:41 am
    Various 15+ Icons
    Behind the cute are 18 icons I've made. 14 of them are bases that you can feel free to customize on your own. And then 3 regular ones with text.

    1. 2. 3.

    Horses, Flowers, & Others )

    -Credit me in keywords americandreamer
    -Post to let me know which ones you like or are taking.
    -Requests and Customizations are welcome.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: "Have A Little Time" - Dido
    Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
    2:25 pm
    icon request...please?
    hey err`body! i've been checking this community out for a while and i just got an lj. i'm new to the whole icon thing and i wanted to know if anyone can make an icon for me.

    i'd like it to be a picture of manolo blahnik tims with a black background and thin white line border. on the top left hand corner i would like the phrase "trying not to scratch" and on the bottom right hand corner "my manolos." i want them written in white and the "my manolos" blinking. thanks a bunch. :)
    Tuesday, January 27th, 2004
    4:06 pm

    heyy, can someone make me a friends only banner with this )

    Wednesday, December 31st, 2003
    5:17 am
    hello. here are a few GC icons that i made. feel free to take any you like. please save them.

    do not direct link!

    what do you think? which one do you like best?

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
2:12 am
Icon Request
Can someone do this ) picture with the word "Obscure" that sorta flashes in black and white? plleeaassee? will credit
(Comment on this)
Saturday, November 29th, 2003
5:08 pm
heyy can someone make me an icon?

background- black
text color- white
text- i no blue eyes get boring, but i'll wear dark glasses all the time.. & hey if you want me to, i'll take a knife to my own bright eyes..

can u make the word "blue" in baby blue. and the word "bright" blinking?
also, can i have a small yellow heart blinking at the botttom rigth hand corner? thankss

thanks soooo mucccchhhhhh i will creditt
(Comment on this)
Wednesday, October 1st, 2003
10:08 pm
hi, i know this is off topic, so delete it if you feel necissary...
but i had these amazing brushes i used to make icons, like these:
and my background
they were like clusters of stars and some swirly things and some grid backgrounds and like some photo strip things. i LOVED these brushes, but unfortunatly my computer got reformatted and i lost not only the brushes but the site i got them from. i have searched for adpbe brushes and i can find alot like these, but i cant find ones with the cluster of stars like i had... and i was hoping maybe someone could help me out... i woudl be super grateful...
(cross posted in a few icon places)
(Comment on this)
Monday, September 8th, 2003
8:21 pm
Please remove me from your community. Thank you :)
(Comment on this)
Wednesday, August 20th, 2003
5:31 pm
Request )
Thanks in advance
and I will give credit!!

Current Mood: hopeful
(Comment on this)
4:34 pm
icon request!!! ;]

background color- black
text- in small letters have it say "These nights I get high just from breathing.
When I lie here with you I'm sure that I'm real." n have "high" blinking in light blue n "real" blinking in blue as well. have a small blinking heart in the left hand bottom corner n in the other corner have it say " babiegrl985" blinking too. in light blue
text color- white

thank youuu sooo muchhh! i'v tried other communities but they r just too cluttered n i like this community!!

thankkkkk youuu ageeeen!!
(Comment on this)
Monday, August 18th, 2003
10:16 pm
Another icon up for grabs ... I love this one ... i can make the hair and eyes any color you want ... if you want me to make one for you like this but with different colors let me know ... you can take this one too ...

credit is cool ... :-) ... laters


Current Mood: artistic
(Comment on this)
3:43 pm
Hey ...

Some icons up for grabs ......

Will be making more soon ...... these arent my best --> did these all in like 15 min ... but theyre cool! Credit is cool ....


Current Mood: bored
(Comment on this)
Sunday, August 3rd, 2003
9:53 pm
icon request <3
I want an icon that says

The holy trio in some way..

then switches over to this picture:
(scroll down a bit)

And then switches over again to:
"violating a stop sign near you"

One other idea is some sort of banana Icon...

I want it to say "I am god" in some sort of nifty way. *this is not meant to offend anyone.. at all...*

and then:
I want a picture of a banana (I can help u find one if u want.. I don't really care what it looks like, I guess...)
And I want it to say "and god is a banana*

feel free to play around with them
I'm sorry guys, I feel so helpless lol.
Again, leave a comment or email me at xotnikki@aol.com if you can help me, and I will owe you my soul! *you may eat it if you like.. it kind of tastes like tacos*... hm. Well, thanks. :)

COLORS: red/black/grays... whatever. :)
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Saturday, August 2nd, 2003
9:20 am
Hi! I am looking for any Hilary Duff icons. Nothing particular, just fun new icons :-D
(3 Comments |Comment on this)
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