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NOTE TO ALL ON MY FRIENDS LIST [17 Mar 2002|10:22pm]
yes i know i said the last entry was my last..but i had to let you all know that i've got a new livejournal account. you can now read about my life under the user name: wishuponthemoon see you all around! :o)
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very last entry [16 Mar 2002|10:42pm]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Alanis Moresette "Hands Clean" ]

okay guys...this is it. this is my last entry. and since i couldn't get another livejournal i now have a diaryland account. if you have one too my thingy is www.shymidnight.diaryland.com

i'm kinda drunk you guys...it's fun...i feel free..and i like it. i probably shouldn't like being drunk this much *shrugs* whatever though.

this has been a great journal and i'm going to miss it a ton. but i'm not going to delete it..becaus first i have to print off every entry and i haven't given up on getting another live journal account. i love you all....BYE

-;- Cindi -;-

4 comments|post comment

another convo with mijo [16 Mar 2002|10:35pm]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | Pink "Don't Let Me Get Me" ]

broken says:

broken says:
como estas?

Tony says:
fucker iwas going to say that

broken says:
haha i win

Tony says:
suck my nuts bitch

broken says:
no thanx i think i'll pass

Tony says:
what ever

broken says:
plus you know...you're there and i'm here

broken says:
i don't think it would work so well!

Tony says:
i saw randi and leshawna today at lloyd center

Tony says:

broken says:
cool did you go shopping with em or whatever?

Tony says:

broken says:

Tony says:

broken says:

Tony says:
what is that song by blink 182 that says mother fucker somthing somthing i fucked your mom

Tony says:
and what cd is it on

broken says:
the one with all the cuss words?

broken says:
or the blow job song?

Tony says:

Tony says:
somthing like that

broken says:
the one with all the cuss words is on "The Mark, Tom, and Travis Show" i think

Tony says:
what number is it

broken says:
i don't know

broken says:
so what's up?

Tony says:
i need to know

Tony says:

broken says:
i seriously don't know

Tony says:
ask cortney or somthing

broken says:
i'm very sorry

broken says:
i cannot because courtney is at work and i'm at my sisters house anyways!

Tony says:

broken says:

broken says:
not in a chatty mood?

Tony says:
yeah i'll bet

Tony says:
not really

broken says:

Tony says:
I don't kow

Tony says:

broken says:
well stupid..figure it out! be chatty! chat with me!!

Tony says:
kinda weird

Tony says:
fuck you shit head

Tony says:
butt plug

broken says:
what's kinda weird?

Tony says:
not in a chatty mood

broken says:
oh..i see

Tony says:

broken says:
can't you be chatty? please..just for a little while?

Tony says:
i can try

Tony says:
have anything you need to talk about

broken says:
*jumps for joy*

broken says:

broken says:

broken says:
there is lots that i could talk about

broken says:
but i don't know that you'd want to listen

Tony says:
*sits and gets ready to listen*

Tony says:
to what ever

broken says:

broken says:
me and my dad might be getting a duplex apartment thingy on garabaldi..by the railroad tracks

Tony says:
cool sounds good

broken says:
we get to see it on tuesday and when we see it we'll know if we can have it or not

broken says:
and if we can then we can move in on the 30th

broken says:
and i don't know how i feel about it

broken says:
it's a mix

broken says:
and i'm almost done with my second hard lemonade

Tony says:

Tony says:
i am almost done with my fifth cup of coffee

broken says:
why are you drinking so much coffee? wanna stay awake?

broken says:
so did you have fun shopping with lashauna and randi?

Tony says:

Tony says:
shawn and my brother joey went to

broken says:

Tony says:

Tony says:
leshawna was totally hitting on my brother

broken says:
are you serious? LOL how old is he again?

Tony says:

broken says:

broken says:
that's funny

broken says:
brb i need more alcohol

Tony says:
yeah i know

Tony says:
no you dont

broken says:
okay i'm back now

broken says:
and why don't i need more?

Tony says:
cause you don't need to get shit faced

broken says:
shit faced? well..i wasn't exactly planning on sticking my face in shit but thanx for the suggestion

Tony says:
ha ha very funny

broken says:

Tony says:

broken says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

broken says:
why so many dots?

Tony says:
cause i wanted to

broken says:
well fine be that way

Tony says:
yeah i think i will

broken says:
good for you

Tony says:

broken says:
hows your arm?

Tony says:
just fine you left some nice little marks if your wondering

broken says:
yeah..that felt weird..

Tony says:
i'll bet

broken says:
and you would win too

broken says:
do you like not want to talk to me or something?

Tony says:
no just a little pre occupied

broken says:

Tony says:

broken says:
oh i see

Tony says:

broken says:
someone more important than me

broken says:
i understand

Tony says:
oh god

broken says:

Tony says:

broken says:
that was funny

broken says:
you made me laugh a lot

Tony says:
so yeah thats kinda why it's taking a little longer to write back

broken says:
are you chatting with her or is she like there?

Tony says:
she's like here

broken says:
cool...HI KRISTINA!!

Tony says:
she says hi

Tony says:
but she doesn't know

Tony says:

broken says:
well duh

broken says:
kinda figured that

broken says:
didn't expect you to go around talking about me or anything

Tony says:
she sayed that

Tony says:
only to justin

broken says:
oh gee thanx

Tony says:
no prob

Tony says:

broken says:
your a crack head

Tony says:
thats what Kristina said

broken says:

broken says:

broken says:

Tony says:

broken says:
my dad likes courtneys mom

Tony says:
oh my god

broken says:
but it's okay because courtney's mom likes my dad

broken says:
i saw them kissing..it was quite traumatizing

Tony says:
oh shit

Tony says:
are they dating

Tony says:
or somthing

Tony says:
non official

broken says:
i think so

Tony says:

broken says:
they just continually take me to the movies with them so that it is inconspicuous or something

Tony says:
dear lord

broken says:
i think it's funny

broken says:
don't you?

Tony says:

broken says:
why not?

Tony says:
i think it is totaly fucking weird

broken says:

Tony says:
i had a weird dream last night about it last night

broken says:

broken says:
you were dreaming about my dad???

Tony says:
look iam repeting my self it's so weird

Tony says:

broken says:

broken says:
the dream thing

Tony says:

Tony says:
i had a dream last night that your dad and courtney's mom were dating and they got merried and you and courtney where sisters and you killed eachother it was so fuking weird

broken says:
oh my goodness

broken says:
that's really funny

Tony says:
no its not

broken says:
i'm sorry the fact that you have dreams and i'm in them is just
weird to me...not to mention humourous!

Tony says:
i m freaking out

broken says:
we aren't going to kill each other

Tony says:
what the fuck

broken says:
i think it's weird!

Tony says:
why does every one think it's weird that other people have dreams and they happen to be in them i don't under stand god dammit

broken says:
i don't know! maybe i'm just hypocritical because i've had penty of dreams featuring you and various people...but when someone tells me i was in there dreams..it's weird to me

broken says:
except for like courtney angie or nikki..that's not weird...i don't know

broken says:
don't question my logic

Tony says:
no just from the guy you like right

broken says:
maybe that's it

broken says:
and for your information

Tony says:

broken says:
i don't like you nearly as much as i used to

broken says:
for reals not for fakes

Tony says:
well doesn't that beat all

broken says:
shut up

broken says:
i know you don't care

Tony says:
what ever

broken says:
what you do care?

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

broken says:
see..that's what i thought

Tony says:
no it's just that you almost sound mad at the notion of me not caring

broken says:
mad as in crazy or angry?

Tony says:
but i care no matter how little it might be.........no offense

Tony says:

Tony says:
i still like being friends with you

broken says:
well i was sorta angry ya know..because when you have certain feelings for someone and they aren't returned and they act like it doesn't even matter but it matters the world to you...it kinda gets to you a little ya know?!

Tony says:
yes i do know

Tony says:
and because of past experiences

broken says:
so that's why i "hated" you and all that shit

Tony says:
it is easier for me not to take it so seriously

broken says:
well isn't that just dandy

Tony says:
I figured thats why you hated me

Tony says:
fine and dandy like sour candy

broken says:

Tony says:

Tony says:

broken says:
i have returned

Tony says:

Tony says:

broken says:
yes really

Tony says:

broken says:
didn't you notice?

Tony says:

broken says:
jello? i like grape jello

Tony says:
yes ma'm

broken says:
but that's about it

Tony says:
i did

broken says:
well i'm glad

Tony says:

broken says:
neways...what were we talking about?

Tony says:

broken says:
i know i could scroll up and find out

broken says:
but i don't want to

broken says:
what kinda stuff?

broken says:
oh yeah

broken says:
my "hate"fullness towards you

Tony says:

Tony says:
thats it

broken says:
terribly sorry about that

broken says:
but part of me really did hate you

Tony says:
but i gotta go

broken says:

broken says:

broken says:
i'm talking to you

Tony says:
i am sorry you hated me

broken says:
but whatever

Tony says:

broken says:
no your not

Tony says:
shut up

Tony says:
yes i am

broken says:

broken says:
you were leaving me

broken says:
why are you leaving me?

Tony says:
i will see you on monday

broken says:

broken says:

Tony says:

broken says:
by kristina

broken says:
even though you don't know me

Tony says:
shes not in the room

broken says:
well fine~!

Tony says:
but i will tell her

broken says:
go have fun

Tony says:
you said so

Tony says:
i think i will

broken says:
bet you will

broken says:

Tony says:

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hola como estas [16 Mar 2002|12:59pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | the computer humming ]

what's new with you all?

i'm downloading songs to make another cd. this computer takes years to do it though! seriously! i started downloading Shakira's "Underneath Your Clothes" like an hour ago and it's only on %63!! yeesh.

neways...my nose is still running.

i was having strange dreams last night! they were just beyond weird and only slightly embarrassing! i won't go there...

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well this sucks [16 Mar 2002|11:12am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | 'N Sync "Digital Get Down" ]

remember how i said i was going to get a new journal when i reached 1,000 entries? well i'm not too far away from that mark so i was preparing to change and you need and invitation code or whatever and i gave mine to angie and so now i don't have one and can't get a new account. *pouts* this so sucks.

aside from that suckiness...i woke up this morning and couldn't breathe because my nose was clogged and my throat was clogged. i had to cough and cough before i could clear my throat to allow air to pass. it was scary. i need to go to the doctors. my snot is yellow and if i remember correctly if your snot is green or yellow that means you have an infection or something. eh..i don't know.

neways..yeah..i'm gonna go take a shower now. bye

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i'm tired [15 Mar 2002|10:40pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Destiny's Child "Bugaboo" ]

but i thought i should write once more in here before i called it a day. i was sitting here and so i figured why not. :o)

my nose is runnin....someone get me a tissue!!

my dad got the application for that duplex on garabaldi today. i guess the deal is he's going to fill it out and turn it in on sunday and then on tuesday we get to look at it and the guy will tell us if we want it or not. and if we do we can move in on the 30th. i don't know how i feel about the situation. part of me doesn't want him to get it because i don't want to leave where i'm at right now. but another part of me wants to live with my dad because i miss him profusly ya know? plus if we did get that place i'd deffinatly have to get a job because rent is 550 a month and rent at the other place was 615 or something and with two paychecks that was barely getable ya know? so yeah...but i'd still ride the same bus and everything.

again i don't know how to feel about it...it's crazy. but the place looks really nice and has a huge ole back yard! :o)

brenda might take me snowboarding on sunday because tina isn't going and so if brenda decides she does want to go shes taking me! ever since they've told me about their "secret" me and her have had this bond like thing. it's hard to explain.

neways...sleep now...BYE I LOVE YOU ALL

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some eye candy [15 Mar 2002|10:35am]

*deep sigh*
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that is funny [15 Mar 2002|09:11am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | ppl talking ]

last period i was amused by past entries in here! lol it was the first day i told mijo i hated him. gawd i was such a dork! and then i saw mijo after class ((today)) which i never do and i told him about it and he laughed with me. he actually remembered that too. tehe it's funny.

neways...me and john are emailing each other back and forth like we do just about every day during second period. :o)

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last night [15 Mar 2002|08:23am]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | still the same song stuck in my head ]

i went over to tbj's house after school because ehren was coming over. i told courtney that if she wanted him to come over i'd just have someone come get me because i don't think i should be around him or he should be around me...we should be around eachother..there ya go! mostly just because he makes me feel all weirded out and i don't like it and i get all nervous and feel guilty and i like can't even look at him. but i don't want to stand in the way of her seeing him so my simple solution was to just leave if he came over. it was all good. i didn't have any homework or anything so it was okay.

i guess he kept talking about needing to talk to me so i wasn't so weired or something and courtney made him leave at like six. that made me feel bad. i left so there wouldn't be that weirdness in the air and i guess it was there anyways. i'm sorry courtney.

me and my dad were looking for apartments to move into. it was weird. there's one not far from the little store that we want to check out. my dad just has to get ahold of the guy. and another one that's in hillsboro has a large bedroom and full basement. i called the basement! lol he was like well you butt! tehe it was funny.

my mom gave katie my clothes. i thought they were just going to be my pants but she bought that coat thingy for me too. *shrugs* i think she's trying to like buy my love or something which makes me feel bad..but at the same time i need new cloths! eh

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*coughcoughgagcoughcough* [15 Mar 2002|08:12am]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | Nelly Furtado "On The Radio" in my head ]


i can't stop coughing..it really really sucks and my nose is all runny and i cough up snot and then want to vomit! so i'm trying my hardest not to cough but i can't help it when the back of my throat gets all scratchy!

i want to go home. maybe i will just go lay down during sixth period or something...eh..i don't know. but i really don't feel all that great. and i'm going to be at tbj's this weekend with my dad. i might go snow boarding on sunday..but i don't know if i should because i'm sick. mijo's all..snowboarding cures all illnessses! and i'm thinking yeah right how about it makes them all worse! lol he can be a sweetie when i'm not pissed off at him because i loved him! lol what logic i have.

and about that..((here we go again))..i'm done with it. i have new crushes now...for reals..don't want to mention any names..courtney knows who i'm talking about..angie probably too. *blush* but still. yeah..just had to comment.

i'm so proud of myself that i only have 11 chapters left in credit recovery!! if i do at least one a day i'll be done with them the week after spring break! sometimes i get two in a day..that's if we have a full schedule and randi doesn't distract me!

neways...going now...

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i'm really hyper [14 Mar 2002|09:41am]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | ppl talking ]

and i think it's because i had coffee this morning! :o) sudden bursts of energy! :o)

i tried to print off the first 10pgs of this journal this morning..but it like skipped parts for reasons unknown to me..it was really rather annoying! i'm printing out all the entries and comments from this journal because soon i'm going to switch it to a different journal and i keep all of my journals so i don't want a whole year to disapear completely ya know? so yeah...

neways...aaron wanted me to call him last night..but i couldn't find his phone number. i was quite bummed out because i really wanted to talk to him and the whole fact that he wanted me to call him again made me happy. i know he probably just wanted to embarrass me some more..but oh well! he's nice.

okay i'm going to stop talking about aaron now! tehe

at like 3:15 today mijo and john have to sing happy birthday to an 85yr lady! i want to see that soo bad! but i won't be able to get there in time. i think it would just be amusing! and they are going to be all dressed up'n'stuff. tehehehe

oiy i have a nasty nasty cough and i hate it! plus my head is all congested. my sinuses suck. eh...

there went the bell...bye!

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first things first [14 Mar 2002|09:38am]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | ppl talking ]

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eh... [13 Mar 2002|03:43pm]
[ mood | bad ]
[ music | Hanson "Madeline" ]

...i got that funny feeling in my tummy....the one that feels like rocks and squirmy worms...i hate that feeling. it's because ehrens here. he just showed up. don't know if he was expected or not. but it was unexpected for me. i don't like seeing me. it makes me all...eh..and my tummy do that weird thing.

i'll shut up now.

that wasn't the reason i started typing in here...now i forget what that reason was really..but whatever...i'm leaving now...

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*pouts* [13 Mar 2002|08:50am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Pink "Don't Let Me Get Me" in my head ]

Z100 is leaving. i don't know where they are going..or why..but they are going off the air. do you have any idea how sad that makes me?! what station will i listen to that has an equal amount of pop, rock, and r&b;??? i mean...please! i've been listing to that station since i was twelve years old! that's the past six years! and no more last chance summer dances?! how will i survive?! *pouts* this is very disturbing to me!!

alright alright..i'll shut up about it. but i'm listening friday at five. i have to find out what exactly's going on. :o}

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*whines* [12 Mar 2002|04:24pm]
[ music | Britney Spears commerical for her concert ]

i know this is like soo sad...but....i wanna go to the britney concert!!!! :o(

don't tell nobody i said that okay? alrighty

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i went to school [12 Mar 2002|04:22pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | the tv ]

what a consept huh? *rolls eyes*

john was still really mad about the missing his birthday bit..and believe me i felt bad too.

hilhi and century were at our school today. and i saw kristin and she gave me a huge hug. and danille was there and so was megan..but i didn't see megan..but danielle attacked me.

eric is weird..and odd...and he says that john has a crush on me or something and i told him he was on crack. and he's all like but your so cute and adorible and have such a cute personality or something and i told him he was on crack. whatta weirdo

on the bus me and mijo were beating each other up. it was funny...but then he started really hurting my wrists and i was like you fucker let me go! but it was all in fun.

neways..my dad was here and was talking to me..he left a few minutes ago. i'm gonna go now because i have homework and i'm really tired and though i'm probably not going to do a thing about either of those for hours..that's besides the point. bye

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my mother [11 Mar 2002|10:48pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | TLC "I Miss You So Much" ]

finally called me...after my dad told her to. i didn't want him to do that..but knew that he would. i mean..i ended up crying on the phone with him because of it..no doubt he was going to.

i didn't go to school today. i wasn't sick physicly..i think i'm sick emotionally. yeah that's it...i have the emotional flu....and i feel like i'm rotting from the inside out...

today was johns birthday.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN we went bowing...but ended up at the wrong bowling alley...so me and angie and mijo just bowled anyways...i forgot my ball and was very sad.

that's the most time i've spent with mijo in a long time...and i wasn't all swoonie like!! *does happy dance* yes i'm strange i know.

i'm gonna go eat my macaroni and cheese now for angie made it for me and i was very thankful! something happened and she got all mad at me and i don't know what i did. sowies

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aaron scares me [09 Mar 2002|10:58pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | the tv ]

he is so weird...and embarrassed me and i can't believe i said the things i said to him...

i saw my dad and courtney's mom kissing! eeew! i mean..i don't care that they do it..i just don't want to see it!! :oP

my throat is scratchy...i have to pee...i want a cigarete....bye

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they broke the moon!!! [09 Mar 2002|08:13pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | the tv ]


we went and saw time machine and in the movie they broke the moon...i was sooo sad it wasn't even funny! if that ever happens i will be so sad and cry and cry and cry for i love the moon!

aaron wants me to call him at eight thirty and i think i know why and i am afraid. but i'm going to call him and talk to him. everyones going to be pissed off at me. i deserve it. i'm pissed off at myself. the song by pink..her new one...yeah she hit it on the nose when she said "Everyday I fight a war against the mirror I can't take the person starin' back at me I'm a hazard to myself Don't let me get me I'm my own worst enemy Its bad when you annoy yourself So irritating Don't wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else" yeah..that's pretty much how i feel. i feel that way nearly every day..but it's ten times worse now. *hangs head in shame*

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okay well [09 Mar 2002|04:11pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | ppl talking ]

today i went with mary and we drove around in her new car. i needed some sister time. :o) i told her what happened and everything and she was advising me on somethings. though those things probably should have been said to courtney..still. i understand a little better why courtneys not so mad at me. i still think she should be...and still feel horrible about it...even though she tells me not to. *shrugs* i love you courtney and i'm so so so so so sorry and i think we should just kick some ass how about you? eh...i feel..less than good.

neways...me and my dad and courtney's mommie are going to the movies. we are seeing Time Machine. they are making fun of me right now because i didn't find it. :oP

going now...

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