Rockin' Robin's LiveJournal
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Rockin' Robin's LiveJournal:
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Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002 | 7:15 pm |
Good: I get paid to play soccer tomorrow I finally got a bus pass, from Holmes, and the people in the Manages Office were really nice about it to me I have 2 tickets to NFG(one for Kristen) Bad: I got run off the road by a stupid girl on her bike, and skinned both of my knees I didnt see the 2nd part of my IAH reading I was supposted to do Went to Hubbard to buy a bus pass, but they changed their hours, once again My monitor likes to randomly change to red, until i hit it really hard on the top. Current Mood: exhaustedCurrent Music: Sugarcult(2 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Wednesday, August 28th, 2002 | 2:28 pm |
I dont know how I feel anymore. I'm glad to be back, but in a way I'm not. I haven't known her that long, but I dont want her to leave. The talking voice on the buses are annoying. I can hear them from my room. I'm feeling vague today. I dont even know if thats a feeling. Current Mood: confused(3 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Tuesday, August 13th, 2002 | 5:52 pm |
Just cuz I have nothing better to do... 5 things you are wearing* 1. shorts 2. tee shirt 3. bracelets 4. watch 5. socks
*5 things you can see* 1. papers 2. cds 3. my monitor 4. keyboard 5. a pen
*5 things you are doing right now* 1. typing this 2. waiting 3. thinking 4. talking to people in AIM 5. still waiting
*5 things you ate in the last 24 hours* 1. meatloaf 2. mashed potatos 3. cheese 4. crackers 5. Hunny-nut Cheerios
*5 things you did so far today* 1. saw Blade II with Matt 2. went to Harmony House, and bought 2 cds 3. drove my sister around 4. went to Jill's house 5. talked to some people on the phone
*5 things you can hear right now* 1. the Friends theme song on tv 2. my dad upstairs 3. my sister talking 4. someone walking 5. someone eating something crunchy
*5 colors you can see* 1. off white 2. green 3. black 4. blue 5. white
*5 thoughts in your head* 1. I wish I didnt have NFG stuck in my head 2. yay for Clif's thing, so I get to see people I havent seen in awhile 3. yay for the Warped Tour 4. yay for 3 more days of work 5. I'm excited about going back to school (I guess I like to have something to look forward to)
Look Rahul, I updated.
I move back into the dorms on the 22nd, a week from Thursday. (4 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Wednesday, August 7th, 2002 | 2:22 am |
(leave a penny for your thoughts) | Monday, July 15th, 2002 | 1:33 am |
| You're the lego Space Man! Strap on your helmet! You're the lego space man! You love technology, and look forward to the future. You're brave, active, and strangely attracted to shiny objects. |
| | (leave a penny for your thoughts) | Friday, July 5th, 2002 | 10:34 pm |
(1 penny | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Monday, July 1st, 2002 | 8:29 pm |
Busy, busy, busy... I'm up north right now. I got off work a few hours early last night, and I beat my parents up here. I'm going back home tomorrow afternoon, because I have to work at 4. Wednesday, I'm driving back up. On Thursday, I'm going to Cadillac for the day to visit Nick and Sally. Then I drive back to here. Friday afternoon, I'm driving back home to work at 4. Total time spent in the car after Friday: 13 hours. But atleast I get to see Kristen, Nick, and Sally. So that makes me happy about all that driving. And I get to drive my moms car. Yay! Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: NOFX (3 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Thursday, June 27th, 2002 | 1:04 am |
I'm starting to wonder Deader1828: oh, what're you wearing tomorrow!? Poptart782: *tee hee* i'm gonna wear my purple dress, with my new dress shoes! Deader1828: no wear something else, I don't feel like wearing my dress tomorrow (1 penny | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 | 3:33 pm |
I haven't written in awhile, so heres a bunch of random stuff I have tomorrow and Friday off, my first days off in 9 days. Anyone wanna do something? Soccer tomorrow, yay. I may have tripped over the net, but atleast I didnt trip over a centering pass. One more day of Econ, 2 more days of Computers. Thats 3 hours of Econ, and 8 of Computers. I really should start that project soon. It was cool to see Irina, I felt smart anwsering questions. Jill is cool, I'm still happy. Thank you! I'm really sleepy, Mountain Dew is keeping me awake. I wanna take a nap. Well, its off to work for me now... Current Mood: tiredCurrent Music: Caulfield (4 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Tuesday, June 4th, 2002 | 1:39 pm |
(1 penny | leave a penny for your thoughts) | 1:07 am |
Poptart782: wheres your car?O:-) juliet122583: with me.... juliet122583: in maryland.... Poptart782: aww juliet122583: how do you think I got down here...walked? Poptart782: fly? juliet122583: yes exactly juliet122583: one day I just jumped on my magic broomstick and flew off Poptart782: haha juliet122583: it was great...except for the bugs Poptart782: i knew it! juliet122583: hehe juliet122583: you've caught me...oh no! please don't burn me at the stake...I'm not a witch....really (leave a penny for your thoughts) | Sunday, June 2nd, 2002 | 1:37 am |
Never eat random food! Rahul seemed to think this was great, so I thought I'd share it with everyone else...
I was working, and I didnt have anything to do, so I went over to check out what my friend was doing. He was making an order, and putting this green sauce on the food. I asked what it was, and he told me it was some kind of parsley sauce. He said it was good, and I should try some. He squirted a big glob on my finger. Thinking that it would taste good, I stuck it all in my mouth. It was really spicy, and tasted really bad. I ran off to get water. He followed me laughing. He had just tasted it for the first time too. He didnt know what it was like when he told me it was good! It was so hot I could feel it comming out my nose. I can still taste it(yucky!). Then our boss walks up and tells him to go easy on the sauce, cuz its really strong. We both start cracking up. We tell our boss the story, and he laughs at me.
As much as I hate working nights, it can be pretty fun. (1 penny | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Saturday, June 1st, 2002 | 12:02 am |
Rahul, I'm crying for you. Laughing so hard that I cry that is... (1 penny | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Monday, May 27th, 2002 | 10:20 pm |
Randomness... I've been thinking alot. This weekend was really relaxing. I worked Friday and Saturday. I packed up my stuff, and took it to work. Right after work, I left from there to go up north. The ride was really nice. It didnt take alot of time either. I've decided that I like to drive, as long as its in a fairly good car, long distances, on open road. There was no traffic. I blasted the stereo, and sang along. Saves the Day, Through Being Cool is an awesome CD to drive too. I only worked 4 hours on Sunday. My cousin let me leave early, because there was nothing to do. I got up north when it was still light out. I made pretty good time, for stopping twice. It was cool to get to spend time with my family. My mom kept telling me she was glad that I came up. That made me feel good to hear. We came back home this afternoon. I rode back with my mom. We talked about lots of stuff on the way. It was nice. As much as I get annoyed by my family, its good to spend time with them. Working nights isnt as bad as I thought it was going to be. I really wasnt looking forward to it, but its alright now. It sucks that I dont get to see my friends though. I like having a job I enjoy though. Sorry to anyone that actually read this whole thing, its just my random thoughts. :-) Kristen - We'll FOR SURE do something later, after our exams. Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Simple Plan (4 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002 | 7:19 pm |
Oh Rahulio... Sorry, I had to steal this from you journal Lauren, there is someone that I want to see it. *cough*
> A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Colorado > Avalanche fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they are > Avalanche fans too. > Not really knowing what an Avalanche fan is, but wanting to be liked by > their teacher, their hands fly into the air. There is, however, one > exception. A little girl has not gone along with the crowd. > The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different. > "Because I'm not an Avalanche fan," she retorts. > "Then," asks her teacher, "what are you?" > "I'm a proud Detroit Red Wings Fan," boasts the little girl. The teacher > > is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks the little > girl why she is a Wings fan. > "Well, my Dad and Mom are Wings fans, so I'm a Wings fan too," she > responds. > The teacher is now angry. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if > your Mom was a moron and your Dad was an idiot. What would you be then?" > > > "Oh," says the little girl. "Well, then I'd be an Avalanche fan." (4 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Sunday, May 19th, 2002 | 11:18 pm |
Homegrown - My Friends Suck I feel estranged from all my friends. I feel a disconnection, I guess I don't need them. When they're around, they'll criticize... About my happiness, it makes me hurt inside. Overcoming all my fears. Constantly criticized by all my peers.. I don't want you around me anymore. Find someone else to be your friend leave me alone. Leave me alone. When I'm by myself, I feel so free. No one to push me down and make me brush my teeth. When they're around, they'll criticize. My friends don't understand that they're hurting me inside. Current Mood: depressedCurrent Music: Homegrown - My Friends Suck (5 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Saturday, May 18th, 2002 | 1:55 pm |
I wish I was back at school, where I don't have to work 40 hours a week, and my friends actually invite me to do stuff with them.
It always makes me feel good when I talk about doing something with someone, and when I call them, they're off doing something else. (3 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | Tuesday, April 30th, 2002 | 12:51 pm |
Silly kids... A conversation with Kristen on AIM requires a smiley face or an exclamation point(or several) at the end of each sentence. Hehe. Current Mood: calmCurrent Music: Fenix TX (9 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) | 8:31 am |
(leave a penny for your thoughts) | Monday, April 22nd, 2002 | 11:27 pm |
Blah I feel really crappy right now. I dont know what I do, but somehow, I end up having no friends that are girls, or I have very few. Right now, here, its just Karen, and we dont hang out that much. I really like my guy friends, and they're really cool, but sometimes I just need to be around girls. I was really excited about next year, rooming with 3 girls that I know, and am atleast kinda friends with. They came to us today to tell us that they want to room with some people that they know better, on the west side of Akers. I know they felt bad telling us that. I was hoping to get to know them better, and that we could hang out more. When I do meet girls that seem to want to be friends with me, I make the effort to try and hang out with them, but they never seem to try back. I get sick of being the one that always goes to them. Even last year, first semester, I had this problem. Blah. I'm not pissed that they arnt rooming with us, I'm sad that I cant seem to make friends that are the same sex as me at school. Chris - Sorry about earlier. When I do to much stuff on my computer, and someone IMs me, an empty box pops up, and doesnt show what they typed. I can only see who its from. I cant even see what I type back to you. It sounds really weird, but its pretty frusterating. Current Mood: depressedCurrent Music: Midtown (2 pennies | leave a penny for your thoughts) |
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