Zap Rowsdower's Journal
20 most recent entries

Date:2004-09-30 14:14

OK, who wants me to visit them?

I will drive to your location on saturday and take you out to lunch at your favorite non chain reasonably priced restaurant. Keep in mind, I don't want to spend three days driving, so coastal folks, sorry. Not this time...

Offer void where prohibited. In case of a tie, the hottest woman wins.

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Date:2004-09-30 06:28

How little I care about whether or not stuff gets done on time at work has to be measured on a COSMIC scale.

Parsecs of apathy or some shit like that...

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Date:2004-09-29 07:55

Gosh. I am so sleepy this morning...I only stayed up a little while last night being inspired by my muse...

No I think the lure of the open road and a fine automobile is calling me...I think I need to make a small road trip.

A six hundred mile drive for a cup of coffee?

or something...

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Date:2004-09-25 17:11


Didja miss me?

I went to a local computer place, and bought a universal adapter. I am BACK on line with my iBook.

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Date:2004-09-24 09:00



EDIT: OK, so it turns out I am the A-HOLE. If I'd read the auction closer, I'd have realized it was the wrong adapter. I suck...

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Date:2004-09-23 06:57

My power adapter came. It's out in the car. I want to go home and have my computer back.

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Date:2004-09-16 10:02


Got a brand new 2004 Taurus Tuesday.

loaded with goodies

very happy, but the payment is way more than I hoped for, but not as much as the Santa Fe.

pictures when they become available.

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Date:2004-09-14 08:00

Can't afford the Santa Fe.


Back to boring sedans.

ah, well. so much for middle age crazy...

Also, work? I don't care so much, you know? I have no sense of urgency when work I HAD to be here to do Saturday is STILL waiting to be processed.

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Date:2004-09-13 07:08

2 weeks for delivery of my new adapter.


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Date:2004-09-09 08:37
Subject:10 hour days:

Bring snacks. LOTS of snacks.

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Date:2004-09-08 08:51

Good News!
I have Officially Paid Off my credit cards.

This is the culmination of five hard years of work.

I immediately have $275 MORE a month to play with.

Time for a NEW CAR, I think.

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Date:2004-09-07 12:01
Subject:"My Pussy Wagon died on me..."

where do I start?

The motel deal sucked.

Friday night my iBook died. I think all it is is the adapter, but...who knows? So I need to appologize to [info]residentgodkim with whom I was chatting when the adapter crapped out for the final time.

I now have no computer at home.

The horror. The Horror...

The cats did not appreciate the ambiance of the Motel. They tended to hide under the bed. This lead to much aprehension and parking lot searching because I thought the bed was un-hide-under-able. I went out in public in shorts.

The horror. The Horror...

I had like 400 friends posts to go thru this morning, and I have no computer at home...

The horror. The Horror...

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Date:2004-09-03 19:44

we made it.

the biggest struggle was getting Joey into a carrier. He HATES to be picked up, and even HID for a good 20 minutes.

But the Chief is in her room, and I am in mine...and MAN, Motel 6 is one depressing hellhole.

but I got the iBook, and I got the spanish language station on the TV in case I am feeling in need of busty women who I don't understand, because the GF is meeting tonight with her friends to plan their annual girls weekend out.

ANyway, That's where I am...

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Date:2004-09-03 11:17

Moses had less problems getting the Jews out of Egypt.

HE didn't have to cope with the CHIEF.

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Date:2004-09-03 10:46

Pick up perscription on way home Remember Cell Phone charger Don't forget LAPTOP. Medicine CDs & player Batteries Digi cam And remember, parents will mess you up...

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Date:2004-09-02 18:24

about 2:45 the Chief calls me with the news that they are doing a massive extermination in our building saturday morning.

So I, the Chief, and Joey, Jazz and Brigid are going to be staying in a motel on the complex's dime for a couple of nights...

Stay tuned for details...

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Date:2004-09-02 10:33
Subject:Today's Status:

Status: On Shit List.

Reason: Not sufficient post sex attention.

Comments: No excuse, ma'am.

Punishment: Oh, there WILL be punishment...

Duration of stay: TFN

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Date:2004-08-30 12:25
Subject:work sucks


I am tired and discouraged.

I am buried under a pile of work.

The promised help has not arrived.

I cannot work much more overtime than I do now.

I just keep doing what I can, and waiting for the questions.

This is just amazing. They don't have any idea what my workload is, or if they do, they don't care.

This morning I pointed at my pile of work (as high as the pile that three other people are responsible for) and said to my supervisor, "you know, this ain't getting done on time, don't you?"

She just kind of shrugged.

I really do not care...

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Date:2004-08-28 09:18

I like this. I am CUTE.

If you were a cat!
Name / Username 
Your age would be: 7 years
You would look like: 
This Quiz by schmeanna - Taken 10662 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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Date:2004-08-27 07:36
Subject:Survivalism; is that even a WORD?

One of my oldest LJ friends is also one of the people I know who is the most different from me. Besides the fact that she is a very beautiful woman, [info]kitiara is a conservative and an avid collector and user of guns.

She wrote something the other day that made me think about attitudes. Attitude toward survival in various situations, and what different people do to insure their survival.

Faced with the installation of a sattelite dish, and knowing she would be at home, alone with the installer, she wore one of her handguns in a holster when the installer came by.

Here is the entry of which I speak:

Seemeed reasonable to me at the time...and it still does, for her.

Me, not so much.

My survival equipment consists of a swiss army knife and a mini maglite on my keychain.

But I do things that some people MIGHT consider odd. I always LOOK before I change lanes. I make eye contact with strangers. I know which cars belong to my neighbors, and which are "odd" for my neighborhood. I never fail to lock my car and take my keys.

And if the shit hits the fan, I am heading for Montana with my tool box, and a filled out application for the position of "minion".

My question is: What do YOU do that might be considered a survival technique?

And a POLL:

Poll #341775 Who is YOUR survival hero?
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

As far as survival techniques are concerned, I am most like:

View Answers

Homer Simpson (mmmm...BEER)
2 (8.3%) 2 (8.3%)

Jean Luc Picard (we have to understand them, THEN we kick their ass)
10 (41.7%) 10 (41.7%)

Ripley (nuke 'em from orbit, it's the only safe way...)
4 (16.7%) 4 (16.7%)

Pooh (oh, bother)
8 (33.3%) 8 (33.3%)

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