Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "remus lupin".
437 matches:
- 180_hogwarts - 180 Hogwarts
- 1moon1star - Wave the Puppy-Love Flag High!
- 3broomsticks - Hogsmeade Tavern
- 70s_hogwarts - That 70's Hogwarts
- 70s_hogwartsmod - That 70's Hogwarts Moderator
- 806 - 806- In Memoriam of Harry's Biggest Fan.
- 9and3quarters - NineandThreeQuarters: A Harry Potter RPG (1970-77)
- _dissendium_ - Dissendium, an MWPP Era RPG
- _embarrasment_ - Embarrassment: Your Anti-Emma Watson fansite
- _fables - Fables Of The Reconstruction
- _hcastlemembers - Hogwarts Castle Members
- _imperio_ - _Imperio_
- _knockturnalley - { mwpp era rpg }
- _mars_ - Ruby, Tasha, Eleni & Becka
- _mwpp_rpg_ - _mwpp_rpg_
- _perfectcircle - :..Perfect Circle..:
- _snitchseeker - SnitchSeeker @ LiveJournal
- _uptonogood - Up To No Good
- aawahpf - Aspiring Actors/Actress Who Are Harry Potter Fans
- accio_gents - Accio Potter Boys
- accio_spoilers - accio_spoilers
- advanceguard - The Advance Guard
- allshallfade - All Shall Fade: A First War RPG
- alohamora - Alohamora
- alohomora_icons - alohomora_icons
- amica_abomino - Friendship and Hatred
- anti_jk_rowling - Anti JK Rowling
- apparecium - Apparecium RPG
- arcania_aaa - Arcania Academy of the Arcane Arts
- arcanorum - arcanum arcanorum
- astronomy_tower - The Astronomy Tower
- atrium_hijacks - The AtriCum
- azkaban - Pervs of Azkaban
- azkabanbreakout - Old School Hogwarts
- back_off_amazon - Back Off, Amazon
- beautiful_ven - Beautiful Ven
- beyond_hogwarts - Beyond Hogwarts RPG
- blond_azkaban - the Malfoy Slash community
- bottom_draco - bottom!draco support group
- broken_glasses - Books lovers of all Types
- broken_wands - Broken Wands - a slightly off-center HP RPG
- broomsticks - 2..4..6..8.. Harry Potter guys sure are great!
- brotherly_hug - brotherly_hug
- celticmoonstar - .:. MoonStar - The Sirius/Remus Fuh-Q-Fest .:.
- chainfics - chainfics
- charlieweasley - Charlie Weasley, Inc.
- churchohogwarts - Church of Hogwarts
- claim_a_hpchar - Harry Potter Claims
- claimingthemoon - .
- class_of_78 - Class of '78 -- A Marauders' Era RPG
- conturbo - In which we attempt friendship.
- conturbo_ooc - Conturbo OOC
- corkinghogwarts - Corking Hogwarts RPG
- crossingtheline - Crossing the Line Undrawn
- cultofpotter - the cult of potter
- cultoftwee - Cult of TWEE
- cw_owlery - Cw_Owlery
- cw_valentine - Valentine Ball
- darkera - MWPPEra RPG with DEs/OoTPs - still recruiting!!!
- darkmoonshine - get your RL/SB
- davidthewlis - davidthewlis
- dearestneville - I--I'll fight you!
- death_eaters - Death Eaters Anonymous
- denofsin - Boinkington Manor
- diagonalley - Diagon Alley
- different_path - What if
- disapparate - Disapparate RPG
- disturbance_rpg - A Disturbance in Mirrors + A Harry Potter RPG
- do_me_lucius - Do Me, Lucius
- do_me_profsnape - Do Me, Professor Snape
- do_me_remus - Do Me Remus
- dogstar_academy - Dogstar Academy for the Defensive Arts
- dogwolf_ - Moony <3 Padfoot
- double_dog_dare - A Marauders Era RPG
- dracos_penis - The Wonderful World of Harry Potter Penii
- dumbledors_army - Dumbledore's Army
- dungeon_watch - Dungeon Watch
- dungeonfansinc - Dungeon Fans, Inc.
- dwellinthepast - Harry Potter Past RP
- enchantments - Enchantments
- engorgio - Engorgio RPG
- eraofmarauders - Era of Marauders
- evil_arts - Careers In the Evil Arts
- expectopatronum - Patronus
- expectopatronus - Expecto Patronus RPG
- expelliarmusrpg - Expelliarmus RPG
- fandomcollision - Fandom Collision
- fandominflamare - Lacarnum Inflamare
- fapposters - The Fellowship Of The Park
- faul - Fangirls against ugly Lupin
- fave_hp_boyz - Harry Potter Male Specimens!
- felton_malfoy - ♥ Tom/Draco Lust ♥
- fidelius - Fidelius - The RPG
- fidelius_rpg - Fidelius Hogwarts
- fifth_owl_ooc - fifth_owl_ooc
- floo_network - Floo Network
- floo_too - The Floo Network RPG
- floopowdericons - Floopowdericons
- fortuna_manor - Fortuna Manor
- gathering_storm - The Gathering Storm
- genfic_hogwarts - genfic_hogwarts
- giveadogabone - Mischief Managed
- godrics_hollow - Godric's Hollow
- godrics_ooc - Godric's Hollow OOC
- graphorn - Graphorn
- great_hall - The Great Hall
- greenhousethree - Mod Communication: The Brothel of Greenhouse Three
- greenlightwhoa - Greenlight Whoa- A Fancommunity to Godric's Hollow
- grey_scribbles - Grey Scribbles of Dark Hunters
- groovy_geek - Groovy Geek
- gvillehp - Gainesville Harry Potter Fans
- hari_pota - Hari Pota Relay
- harry_potter - Harry Potter fans
- harryp_claims - Harry Potter Claims
- harryp_icons - harryp_icons
- harrypotterkids - harry potter junkies
- harrypotterrp - Harry Potter Role Play
- harrypotterrpg - Harry Potter RPG
- harryslash_rpg - Slasher Paradise
- hgwrtspride - hgwrtspride
- hms_nocturnal - Nocturnal-ites
- hoggiewarts - Hoggiewarts - A [recruiting!] Marauder-Era RPG
- hoggiewartsooc - Those crazy RPers
- hogs_head - .
- hogwarts6_ooc - OOC Community for Hogwarts_year6
- hogwarts_1975 - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- hogwarts__ - hogwarts__
- hogwarts_folks - Hogwarts Folks
- hogwarts_girls - Girls of Hogwarts
- hogwarts_grads - Hogwart's Graduates: Adult "Harry Potter" Fans
- hogwarts_press - Daily Prophet - Hogwarts Edition
- hogwarts_rp - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- hogwarts_year6 - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- hogwartsatnight - Night Wanderer
- hogwartsboudoir - hogwartsboudoir
- hogwartsdreams - { Harry Potter Role-Playing Game }
- hogwartsmyhome - Hogwarts is my home
- hogwartssorting - The Original LJ Sorting Hat
- hotternewbs - The Parry Hotter Newbie
- house_of_black - The Ancient and Noble House of Black
- howl_kingdom - The Howl Kingdom
- hp4grownups_lj - hp4grownups_lj
- hp_3_poa - All Things POA!
- hp_ads - Harry Potter Community Ads
- hp_art_xchange - Harry Potter Art Exchange
- hp_awards - The HPIA's
- hp_brisbane - The Brisbane Harry Potter Fan Club
- hp_california - HP California
- hp_conversation - Conversation_alley
- hp_costuming - Harry Potter Cosplay
- hp_destiny - HP Destiny: A Harry Potter RPG
- hp_discuss - hp_discuss
- hp_dungeons - The Dungeons
- hp_enchanted - Enchanted: A Harry Potter RPG
- hp_essays - Harry Potter essays
- hp_exquis - HP Exquis
- hp_fanart - Harry Potter Fan Art
- hp_graphics - Harry Potter Graphics
- hp_hardcore - HP Hardcore
- hp_honesty - Harry Potter Fantasies
- hp_icons - Harry Potter Icons
- hp_icontest - HP Icontest
- hp_improv - Harry Potter Improv
- hp_incendio_rpg - Incendio RPG
- hp_intellectual - HP Intellectuals.
- hp_ludicrous - hp_ludicrous
- hp_luvahs - HP Luvahs
- hp_movie - Potter Films
- hp_nc - Harry Potter North Carolina
- hp_nerds - Harry Potter Nerds
- hp_newengland - New England Harry Potter Fans
- hp_nightlife - HP Nightlife
- hp_nox_slash - hp_nox_slash
- hp_ohio - Ohio Community for HP Fans
- hp_oklahoma - Oklahoma Harry Potter Fans
- hp_outer_circle - The Outer Circle
- hp_personals - Harry Potter Personal Ads
- hp_pnw - Harry Potter Fans of the Pacific Northwest
- hp_promotions - Harry Potter Community Promotions
- hp_qotd - Harry Potter Quote of the Day
- hp_requests - hp_requests
- hp_riddles - Harry Potter Riddles Community
- hp_round_robin - hp_round_robin
- hp_rpg_ads - Harry Potter RPG Ads
- hp_slash_fanfic - Harry Potter Slash Challenges
- hp_slash_finder - hp_slash_finder
- hp_soundtracks - hp_soundtracks
- hp_trivia - hp_trivia
- hp_tryst - HP Tryst
- hp_wankathon - The Harry Potter Wankathon
- hp_writersguild - Harry Potter Writers' Guild
- hpart - Harry Potter Fanart
- hpartdaily - Harry Potter Art Daily
- hpb25centhooker - HPB25centhookers
- hpbackgrounds - hpbackgrounds
- hpcasting - Harry Potter Casting Ideas
- hpdrabble - Harry Potter Drabbles
- hpfan - hpfan
- hpfanart - Harry Potter fanart en español
- hpfans - Harry Potter Fans!
- hpfic - The Quill & The Scroll
- hpguys_daily - The men of Harry Potter, daily
- hphet - Harry Potter Het
- hpicons - Harry Potter icons
- hpindiana - indiana represent
- hplyric - Harry Potter Lyric Wheel
- hpmelodrama - themelodrama
- hpmetalist - The HP Meta List
- hpotterchars - Harry Potter Role Playing Journals
- hprecs - Harry Potter Fanfic and Fanart Recs/Links!
- hpregs - Another Harry Potter Community
- hprpfreedom - Harry Potter Role Playing
- hprpgdotcommers - Spectators of HP-RPG.Com
- hprpgicons - Harry Potter RPG Icons
- hprpgjournals - hprpgjournals
- hprpgpromotions - Harry Potter Role Playing Promotions
- hprpsearch - Harry Potter RPG Search
- hpshipclaims - Harry Potter 'Ship Claims
- hpslash - Harry Potter Slash
- hptheories - Harry Potter Theories
- hpvamp - hpvamp
- i_heart_my_rpg - A Community for Lovers of Role-Playing
- i_love_hpana - i_love_hpana
- ic_darkness - Imperious Curse: the 'bad guys'
- ic_grey_areas - Imperious Curse: 'eeh, whatever'
- ic_light - Imperious Curse: the 'good guys'
- ihpg - Insane Harry Potter Groupies
- illegal_charms - Illegal Charms
- iloveremuslupin - I Love Remus Lupin Fan Club
- imperio_ooc - Imperio_ooc
- imperious_curse - imperious_curse
- in_the_pensive - A Harry Potter Marauder era Role Playing game
- incendio_hp - Incendio...A Harry Potter RPG
- inflecto - Inflecto -- The Role Playing Game
- inner_decagon - The Inner Decagon
- inner_square - The Inner Square
- insandseyes - dominique's recs
- inthecalm - In The Calm: A Marauder's Era RPG
- issuesabound - Players With Issues
- it_is_drawing - It Is Drawing.... the end is near
- itc_extras - In the Calm: OOC Journal
- itsaboysname - The BIABN Society
- justpuppylove - Just Puppy Love -- Sirius/Remus
- kellystreet_ooc - kellystreet_ooc
- kingdomoficons - Kingdom of Icons by PurpleLlamaBoi
- knockturnalley - Knockturn Alley - A HP Roleplaying Community
- krum_lovers - krum_lovers
- kwikspellrpg - Kwikspell
- la_prophetie - The Lost Prophecy
- lankeemus - Lankeemus
- leviosarpg - Leviosa, the RPG
- lilyandjames - Lily and James
- literarycrushes - Literary Crushes
- llflipendoll - Flipendo Disscusion
- locked_down - Hogwarts...A World Hidden Away...
- loser_patrol - The Loser Patrol
- lotrhp_elite - lotrhp_elite
- lotrhp_slash - LOTR/HP Slash Community
- lumos_icontest - Lumos_Icontest
- lumosnox - Hogwarts After Dark
- lumosrpg - Harry Potter- Lumos RPG
- lumossolem - Lumos Solem
- luna_fanclub - The Luna the Crazy Tabloid Girl Fanclub
- lunae_lumen - Lunae Lumen - Lumos Solem Out of Character
- lupin_snape - The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community
- lupinfangirl - Lupin Fangirls
- magic_darkness - Magic Darkness - A dark Harry Potter RPG
- magic_hogwarts - Hogwarts RPG
- magicalsexlife - Gilderoy Lockhart's Sex Life
- malfoy_manor - Malfoy Manor
- malfoyswh0re - Malfoys Wh0re Fiction
- managedmischief - Mischief Managed - A Marauder Era RPG
- maraudererarp - marauder Era Rp
- marauderesses - The Marauderesses
- marauders_map - Marauder Era Fiction
- marauders_slash - Marauders Slash
- marauding_days_ - Hogwarts ... 70s style!
- melodramatics - melodramatics
- melvinmarauders - the three true marauders
- minerva_magic - minerva_magic
- mischief_map - MWPP RPG
- mpp_ot3 - James/Remus/Sirius
- mudbloods - They PREFER "Muggle-borns", isn't that ADORABLE?!
- muggleicons - Muggle Icons
- mwpp - MWPP : Marauders RPG
- mwpp100 - The MWPP 100 Challenge
- mwpp_ooc - MWPP RPG : OOC Forum
- mwpp_owls - MWPP RPG : Owlery
- mwppfqf - MWPP Fuh-Q Fest
- newcanon - newcanon
- no_yaoi_here - No yaoi here
- objetos_magicos - Club de Objetos Mágicos de Hogwarts
- occlumency31 - TAY AND ANN
- oflinsandsrpnts - Of Lions and Serpents: HPRPG
- og_h_r_s - Aparecium RPG
- only_power - There is only power
- onthethreshold - On The Threshold
- ooc_dungeons - The Dungeons' OOC
- ooc_playround - Premie Playground
- ooc_sdrpg - OOC Serpensi Dominum RPG Board
- oophogwartsrp - Order of the Phoenix RP
- ootp_spoilers - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- orthagonalley - Orthagon Alley RPG
- outcastclub - OutCast Corner
- owlpost - Owl Post
- packmates - padfoot & moony
- padfootparadise - Padfoot's Paradise
- padfootreturns - Padfoot Returns
- padfootsiriusly - padfootsiriusly
- paganswholovehp - paganswholovehp
- parryhotter - The Twisted Harry Potter Fan
- pepperimps - The Honeydukes Trapdoor(obsessive HP fans)
- peppermint_imp - Pepper Imps (A Harry Potter Style RPG)
- pervy_werewolf - Clan of the Pervy Werewolf Fanciers
- pervyoldladyhp - Pervy old lady HP lovers
- pf_fans - Fans of the Potterfic RPG
- pheonix_song - pheonix_song
- phoenix_rpg - Phoenix from the Flames
- phoenix_shadows - Phoenix Shadows
- phoenix_tears - supporting those in need
- pinkpillow - CJ's web/digicam stuff
- playersresource - Sell Yourself
- plot_what_plot - Plot What Plot?
- poa_tampa - Prisoner of Azkaban/Tampa Meetup
- poathemusical - Prisoner of Azkaban: the Musical
- potter_novels - Harry Potter Fic Recs
- potter_sleuths - Potter Sleuths
- potterdom - The Harry Potter Community
- potterdownloads - Recommending Harry Potter downloads, skins, themes
- potterfic - Potterfic RPG
- potterquotes - Potter Quotes
- potters_pairs - potters_pairs
- potterslash - Harry Potter Slash
- prefect_icons - prefect_icons
- prelude_hprp - Prelude: Our Story
- premie_hogwarts - Premie_Hogwarts
- primus_aetas - First Generation Harry Potter RP
- purebloodfic - Purely Elite HP Fan Fiction
- randomhpsights - Random Harry Potter Sightings
- ratswhiskers - Peter Pettigrew Anonymous
- razorflavoured - --Razor Flavoured Candy-- Harry Potter Community
- rbsmit02 - RbSmit02
- relashio - Relashio - Harry Potter RPG
- relashiorpg - The Better Harry Potter RPG
- remus_centric - remus_centric
- remus_dreams - remus_dreams
- remus_lupin - Those who Howl at the Moon with Remus Lupin
- remusjames - Remus Lupin / James Potter
- remusxbill - Remus/Bill slash
- remusxsirius - Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Fans
- restrictsection - The Restricted Section
- retrohogwarts - Hogwarts---pre-Harry Potter
- reviving_sirius - Reviving Sirius
- riddikulus_rpg -
- riddlesdiary - Riddle's Diary
- room_of_req - The Room of Requirement
- rps0f3vryc0lor - RPS of Every Color
- sane_potter - sane_potter(The Daily Prophet.Potter *Discussion*)
- sb_rl_talk - Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Talk
- serpensidominum - Serpensi Dominum (RECRUITING Marauder-Era AU RPG)
- shack_challenge - The Shack.Mov Marauders Fic Challenge
- shackart - The Shrieking Shack's Artistic Side
- shacking_up - Shacking Up
- shoebox_espanol - The Shoebox Project - En Español
- shrieking_shack - Shrieking Shack RP
- shriekingshack - Shrieking Shack RPG
- sirius_black - Sirius Black
- sirius_lives - Sirius Black Lives
- sirius_ly - A support group for Sirius fans.
- sirius_memories - ~ Sirius: Revealed ~
- sirius_padfoot_ - Sirius Black
- sirius_wizardry - Sirius Black
- slash_challenge - Slash Challenge
- slashygaysticks - Institution for the Clinically Slashygayed
- sly_therin - School Of Hogwarts - RPG
- slytherinslash - Slytherin Slash
- smut_challenge - Smut Challenge
- smuttyclassroom - The Smutty Classroom
- smutyeah - SmutYeah
- snape100 - Snape 100
- snapeybot - Remus Lupin has many friends named Mike.
- snidgets_poetry - Dianna Tuohy
- societyrewrite - Society for the Rewrite of the Harry Potter Films
- solemnly_swear - The Marauder Chronicles
- sugar_quill - The Sugar Quill
- sugar_quill_ooc - The Sugar Quill OOC Community
- sugarquill - The Sugar Quill LiveJournal Auxiliary
- teens_of_cm - teens_of_cm
- teh_icons - teh_icons
- thatotherrpg - That other Harry Potter RPG
- thatwasthen - That Was Then
- the_aftermath - <pending>
- the_atrium - The Atrium: A Harry Potter RPG
- the_common_room - The Common Room
- the_dark_mark - The Dark Mark RP
- the_geeklings - the geeklings
- the_giant_squid - The Giant Squid RPG Community
- the_knight_bus - The Knight Bus
- the_north_tower - The North Tower-a 6th year Harry Potter RPG
- the_owlery - Hogwarts Adventure
- the_survivors - The Last Owl Post
- thebadplace - The Bad Place
- thecommonroom - On The Threshold: A Harry Potter Community
- thedarkmark1655 - thedarkmark1655
- theinner_circle - The Inner Circle - a Harry Potter rpg
- themelodrama - HP Melodrama
- themerfypeople - Wren and Jaida
- thequibbler_ - The Quibbler
- thequillpen - thequillpen
- thesortinghat - Hogwarts: Marauders Era
- thethreshold - The Threshold
- thp_playersmod - THP Players Community
- thricedefiedhim - Dedicated to Lily & James Potter
- tig_me - tig_me
- tomfeltonfans - Tom Felton Fans
- trousersoftime - Trousers of Time
- twistedmoon - Twisted Moon
- umbra_illustro - Umbra & Illustro
- unplottables - Unplottables
- up_to_no_good - That 70's Hogwarts
- vault713 - Time In A Tapestry
- veil_challenges - Veil of Possibility
- veritaserum_rpg - Veritaserum RPG
- vhslashersunite - SlashersUnite
- we_hate_peter - We hate Peter.
- werewolvesanon - Wozwoff
- whompingwillow_ - The Whomping Willow- An HP, Marauder's Era RPG
- wildanduntamed - A Wild And Untamed Thing
- wilde_wizards - Glittery Boys (IC)
- wishforthemoon - Wish for the Moon
- wizard_pimps - A Harry Potter MWPP RPG
- wizardprison - Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban
- wizardswheezes - HP Melodrama's Jokeshop
- wormtail_tales - wormtail_tales
- wtdbi - When the Darkness Broke In
- yogaclass4catz - * T * K * C *
- zonkosjokeshop - A Marauders Era RPG Group
Interested users
The following users are interested in remus lupin. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
454 matches:
- 00smut - Dee
- 33rinrin33 - Vecorra
- __longbottom - Neville Longbottom
- __ringbearer__ - __ringbearer__
- __verve - Loes
- _blumie_ - BluMie
- _cloudy_ - Words, words. They're all we have to go on.
- _dog_star - Sirius Black
- _immortalis - You didn't hear about the polar bear?
- _rumpleteazer_ - Sarah
- _showna_ - Shawna
- a_dumbledore - Albus Dumbledore
- acid_butterfly - Jess
- acidtwinkie - Minion #1
- actriz_k - Katie
- ailaois - ailaois
- airbear19 - Erin
- akanewolf - RJ
- ali_chica - Ali
- amethysteyes - What's Her Face
- ammo - Allison L
- amylee1178 - AmyLee
- andric - Andric
- angeluspixy - Bubbles :B
- animorph - Kira
- annwynstar - Kara
- anti_verb - Lucy
- anya_rose - Stephanie
- aquaorion - Nicole
- ash_night - Ash Night
- asha_nightmare - Your Mom
- ashenskies - Ashen Skies
- atreehouse - The Tree House
- aurora - oy with the poodles already
- auroraayanami - カプチーノのうた
- ausiewanab - Kara
- auster - "Together?" - "I think so."
- azuredreams - wren ( kichigai )
- balletvamp - Miss Kitty
- barhaven - Amanda
- bassclarinetist - Megan
- beauescapade - The Kaffy
- bella_girl161 - Lynn Kersley
- berret - Like ferret, but with a B...
- bessyboo - Bessyboo, Queen of the Purple-Eyed Creatures
- bestiame - this was my dream, when i was thirteen
- birdisland - Ulrika
- blackarse - Sirius Black
- blackcat707 - Anna
- blackjesamine - Meg
- blacknarcissus2 - Take on the Situation, not the Torment
- blasphy - nowhere fast
- bluegenius - オオカミによって所有される
- bluekarma42 - Tragic Honey
- bluewerth - Jayson Werth's Other Wife
- bohemian__storm - Leah
- bohemianrose - Evil Whorey Minion #2: tubercular waif
- bomburjo - Jo
- bpmarshmallow - Neville Longbottom
- brandybuck - BrieflyDel
- breakingdestiny - Dawn
- briankun - Briankun
- brittscubbyhole - Vee Chan
- buttercup_ - Buttercup
- c0nstellati0n - stella
- c4c - Elizabeth
- caffeineaddict - Ri-chan
- cain1999 - Christiane aka cain1999
- capella_polaris - Beautiful Destruction
- caribbean_moon - Brenda Holton
- carousel - The Anti-Hero
- carrie_s - Carrie
- caseysnow - ::Osaka::
- cellobugkt - KtDiD
- chamegan - Megumi
- charon47 - Chaz
- cherylwoo - cheryl
- chibi_reis - Lezlee
- chibiryuu - the darker side of Megan
- chibishinigami - Nessime
- chiyo_no_saru - Maggie
- chizometenshi - Dani!
- cho_malfoy - whatever bloats your stoat.
- choco_monkey - Melinda
- chrissyjones - Chrissy Jones
- cjk1701 - Lena
- clampgakuen - Nokoru
- cliffy611 - Amanda
- clumsytonks - Nymphadora Tonks
- colorsinmyeyes - my ghost like to travel.
- corbeau - Renee
- cosmicbuttafly - Lindz
- courtknee - Courtknee
- cowsarecool - noreen!
- crashman86 - Coleman
- crazycheryl - Cheryl
- crazyjedi - Mia
- crissy34 - ~ zo!dberg ~
- crzydemona - Jennifer
- cunning_croft - Croft
- cynicalpink - .a heart turned to ice.
- dajil - Dajil
- damadfrog - Keppie
- darknessgoddess - Manderz
- darkwingedangel - Lucifer Unforgiven
- ddraigcoch - Kay (DdC)
- dead_zero - Mindy
- devilrose - G
- divakitty - the fall-girl
- dizzywhip - Kory of the Bingamans
- dorisp - Dorkis
- dotdotdot87 - elaine
- downeybrat - Kara
- dragondaisy10 - that is my voice rising
- dragonkiri - Gail
- dragonsinger - Amy
- dramathing - *katie*
- dreamerneva - Aubrey McFate
- drworm - DrWorm
- duchessingmar - Ing-Batta-Bing
- dumbasscat - Bored and Obsessed
- eeveebaka - Tamsie
- eferii - Manda Moo
- eiluned - Narcissa von Coldstone
- ekaterinn - Ekaterinn Ciel Duval
- eleb - Laura
- elenwen - [z] [a] [n] [n] [e] [r]
- elvenlegolas - Cuilaranel
- emmafiresprite - Red Wench
- empressme22 - Sparky Malone
- episcopalwitch - EpiscopalWitch
- epuriru - April
- erie_potter - Erie Maxwell
- erikat - Hopeless Romantic
- eshford - Esther
- etherealflare - morgen
- evil_chicobo - Evilchicobo
- evyllynn - Thena
- faemovana - Fae Movana
- faerie_hime - Nicole
- fairry - Laura
- fairysonfire - Danielle
- fallen_iceangel - Tea
- falln - Mary Mary
- fealindale - H. R. PufnStuf
- feisty_chaser - Alicia Ann Spinnet
- ferrioclef - Ace
- fetylum - Fetylum
- flamiango - Mia
- fleurrochard - Fleur Rochard
- flitter_bloom - Flit
- fonny - fell in love with a scar
- fujinsama - Rasperry Tea
- geminion - Gemiko
- geni91782 - Kerri
- ghostlycarrot - Maygan
- ghoststory - prehysterica
- gingerellesnape - Gingerelle Snape
- ginny_m - Ginny
- girlpirate - Lady of the Carrots
- girly_vamp - -insert angsty reference to Americana here-
- glitter_kittie - Eyes of a fallen angel, eyes of a tragedy
- gnosis_soul - Serpent Satellite
- graviija - Ophelia
- greenabsinthe - To being an us for once, instead of a them...
- gypsysp - Jessi
- hakkyuu_kyoki - The Original Resident Tare
- harry_malfoy - Harry Malfoy
- harrypotter - Harry Potter
- havenstar - Senseless Nonsense
- hgranger13 - forth eorlingas!
- hidden_elf - hidden_elf
- hidden_wings - Hidden Wings
- hidingthestars - "Jennifer... as in Lucifer?"
- himpsukka - Santtu
- hopeinhell - Hope
- hp_rpg_com - HP-RPG.COM Ad Journal
- hungry_mortal - hungry_mortal
- hush - omgwtfdie
- i_hateyou_ - i_hateyou_
- ilanabean42 - Ilana
- immora - Immora
- ineke - Ineke Meyer
- isis_of_neptune - Isis
- its_art - Mistress of Ceremonies
- ivorii - Brittany
- jameson044 - Jaime Kristine
- jelphe - Chibi_werewolf
- jens_skye - Jen
- jessucrebel - j355y
- jiffy_spiffy - Meagan
- jinsha_knight - jinsha_knight
- jisushii - Jishii
- justinetre - Just your friendly neighbourhood spiderman
- kalan_chan_chan - Kalan-chan
- kaltia - It Which Bites
- kamapon - Kamapon
- kandykorn - Ash
- kat_sinclair - Kat Sinclair
- katalunakittie - Jeanne
- katastrofee - experiment 627
- katmaxwell - british politician sex
- katra - Katra
- kawaiiurania - Joanna
- keelychan - Kiiri
- kell_bell - Kelly
- kellilla - Captain Spaulding
- ker0chan - C@r0
- kimbles - I am Jack's lost S O U L
- kireina - Kristina
- kisho - Aiel
- kitarin - 天野銀次
- kiwi666 - 'English summer rain lasts for fucking ages...'
- kiwikiipaa - Ang
- kneazle - Tracey
- krasidun - radiant rapture
- kueble - Kate
- ladybretagne - Ms. Brit(t)
- ladydancerhouse - Bravadai
- ladydewinter - Sophie
- ladydreamer - Raederle
- ladyhitokiri - One Killer Lady
- ladyjessamyn - Jessamyn
- ladyleena - Hogwarts Library
- ladysalana - LadySalana
- ladystardust722 - Stardust
- ladyyatexel - Lady Yate-xel
- lainy122 - Lainy
- laotsunami - Lao Tsunami
- lauracore - DUMBER DOLLS
- lavander - Lavander
- lavenderoracle - Wild Adapter
- leetje - Leonie
- leggywillow - Kristen
- leiha - Leiha
- lesstraveled - hey kid, get in the car.
- lexin - Lexin
- li_chan42 - Lindsay
- liebchen127 - Liebchen
- lilypotter - Lily Potter
- lisew - Lise
- littorina - littorina
- livetolove - finding beauty
- llemaire - Laurie
- loadedfantasy - loadedfantasy
- lonely_wish - Desperation
- longlivethecow - Chii[ sana ]
- loonylupinluv - loonylupinluv
- lor22ms - melinda?
- lostnyanko - Suzu Nyanko
- lotrfan - Silica, the Elven Princess Hobbit
- louise_lupin - Louise
- luciamad - Lucia
- lucifaer - Solaris
- lunacystar - Tara
- lupinskitten - Charity
- lyekka - Lakshmi
- lyndseybird - Lyndsey
- mad_eye_moody - Mad-Eye Moody
- maelithil - mael
- magic_at_mungos - Pale and nervous
- magical_theory - Jishii
- maiteoida - Shady
- majinpluto - Pluto
- makora - was immer ich bin
- maladygirl - Joanne
- malfoy_perhaps - Nicole
- marainsanity - Revolutionary Jo
- marinarusalka - Rusalka
- marisacoulter - iztim
- marzilla - Cori Lannam
- maxie2019 - Arwen Evenstar
- mcgray - Tessa
- melikaii - melikaii
- melpomene170 - Prosody
- midhenaer - Rosalind
- midnightlover - Ink that splashes through the ages
- miffykeika - Ajna Spade
- mindofmonyo - Episodes of My Life
- minwa - mint money :: em
- missne - Missne
- mizanchan - Jedi Scoundrel Laqina Amberle
- mizu202 - Mizu T. Kantou
- mizukori - Karasu Mizukori
- mon_starling - Go forth and inketh!
- moonlight_mandy - Jasmine: Disillusioned Teen Extraordinaire
- moonylupinlover - moonylupinlover
- moonyswhitewolf - Kris (aka Moony's White Wolf)
- morgaine22 - Niki
- moriko - Cats > Dogs
- muffasaur - As Restless As The Wind
- naath - M'lisilinaath Thabana Aes Sedai
- nagem_88 - Megan
- nalkainens - mandi the marshmellow
- nasubionna - Nasubionna
- nessaseregon - Jessica
- nic_chan - Nikol
- nighteshade - i just want sugar in my tea
- nighthawk27 - Razzy Razz
- nightliferogue - Kris
- niphrodel - J.J.
- northernsky_ - simple as a kettle, steady as a rock
- not_even_pretty - the girl on the wall
- nottheonlyone - Remi J.K. Lupin
- nuklear_koala - Ninja
- nyn - Nynaeve
- nyrat - I would rather gnaw my own arm off...
- obsidiansaturn - Obsidimus Saturn
- oceans_of_jade - dressed to kill
- ollyanddayliuus - Isola Hunsford
- onyxmoon - Rachael
- ooyoumasha - Mo
- orange_crushed - orange_crushed
- orangecrush1189 - Kristen
- overlife - Stunt Girl
- paradisenpoison - Elizabeth
- penwiper - Fio
- pepsichan - Pepsi-cola
- phox - Maggie
- piasharn - Pia'Sharn
- pinkfairywand - Nicole
- pixyteri - Yuna
- pj_princess - Kimmy*
- pl_asticstar - nobody's little weasel
- plaball - Candis
- plumunited - plumunited
- pocky_slash - kitten bait
- poppy_carpenter - Poppy Carpenter
- poufywerewolf - Poufy Werewolf
- princess8911 - Bangkok aka Doxy
- princessaimmerz - cries my old life
- princessparadox - Elphie
- psychotic_chik - Eva
- psyco_moongal - Lionaya
- puffadango - nokcha
- punchdrunkfool - I can never think of anything witty
- purrabella - purrabella
- queenfaith - Amanda
- rabican - tinderblast of arcadia
- rabidrabbit - Uneven in Quality
- rachee - Rachelina Pilchard
- rainbow_writer - Pillow Whore
- rane_ab - Mensen als ik moeten niet moeilijk doen
- ravenpirate - Rave-chan
- rayvenwing - Rayvenwing Ricdeau
- reimerich - Nagy
- rejoicify - メリンダ!
- reminiscentia - Vicki
- renee6612 - renee6612
- ricksmadness - Ricky
- riff_randall - Czarina Pizda
- riikkarocks - Riikka
- rmuse - Redd
- rose_in_shadow - Erin
- ruby_phoenix85 - ruby_phoenix85
- russiangroupie - The Once and Future Shuj
- ryuukanan - Irina
- saava - Angie
- sabahmegami - Sabah
- sailormgm - "The World is Quiet Here."
- saintcheney - i was born a child of grace
- sakuraigirl - Camille, Book Gobbler
- salome - smtp
- samantha543 - ~Little Miss Not Quite Dead Yet~
- saria - hikari wo sagashite
- sarie_gamgee - ~sarie~
- sashimidragon - Blue hair girl
- scarletseraph - PK Tralk Girl
- screaminglungs - screaminglungs
- selfcontained - Bethany
- sevenmotions - bulletproof cupid
- sharaku - sharaku
- shinigamu - Shinigami
- shosen - ShoSen
- shywolf - ~*Invisible Deity*~
- silverchan - Silver
- sirius723 - sirius723
- siriusblack - Padfoot
- skippyalto - Mary-Beth
- skulliton - Skulliton
- slytherkins - I do bad things
- smoochyscoop - Smoochy
- snowystingray - Bethany
- sometimes - as she turns to go
- sparkleberry - *the anti-Sora
- spookster - Rad
- sprightliness - Sprightli
- squirrely_padma - Padma Patil
- starcrazy - satu
- startobe - It's all make believe, isn't it?
- starya - one step at a time
- stillprettiest - Moony
- strawberri_kiwi - ccm
- suuanda - SuuAnda [私を殺した私心]
- suzi42 - Suzi
- swankkat - it's kat
- sweetchick216 - Mary Ann
- swingchick - 32 flavors and then some.
- tainry - tainry
- tainted__tears - tempt me, dreamers never die
- tallon - ~The Crowned Queen Spreading Her Blackened Wings~
- tara_chan012 - Mairi Nathaira
- teenagedeathgrl - Lyra Luminara
- terra012 - Terra
- terseywersey - a sorta fairytale
- the_familiar - Katherine
- the_lacy - Memento Mori
- the_waffler - K-T
- theboywholived - Harry
- themongkey - Long Day's Journey into Shite
- thescruffydog - David
- thisgirlfriday - êl síla
- throughadoor - not that girl
- thunderblossom - Thunder Blossom
- thunderemerald - Delusions of Grandeur
- tifag - ~*~Malee~*~
- tigs - Sarah
- tishiechan - Natasha
- tk12 - TK12
- toshimasa - Samwise
- transfigureme - Minerva McGonagall
- travellermk - travellermk
- trollprincess - Troll Princess
- tsukushi - Bethany
- twilights0death - Amy
- twilightspirit - TwiSt, Shanzi for you mundanish types
- uko_angeldark - Uko
- uko_chan - Uko
- unrequitedangst - o.O; She of the Dots
- vampgurl1313 - </3
- veelagirl - veelagirl
- veralicious - Verena
- vinagrette - He Didn't Mean To, Did You Crookshanks?
- visionshadows - zillah
- voldy - voldy
- vwl - The Boss to Surpass Big Boss Himself
- walking_paradox - Walking Paradox
- weathered_veins - kali
- wendyr - Wendy
- willowwand - Tiffany
- wizardgurl - Wandering Lady Knight
- wonderbreadgirl - Wonderbreadgirl
- woofyremus - Remus John Lupin
- xiya - Crys!~
- xochiquetzl - Xochiquetzl
- xshinigamix - Lulu
- y2jai - Jai
- yfandes - bookdork
- yoonna - yoonna
- youneverknow - laura
- zillahcross - Zaria
- zimmygirl88 - Scallywag
- zoeycleybourne - The Girl With No Vigor
- zophaelle - Fallyn Angyl