The Wayback Machine -
surprise friends excellent information

[Saturday June 14 2003|4:55pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | Meggi sent me Tatu :( ]

Um so.. my paid account is about to expire.

So I changed my name to [info]bestsecretkept

Actually I've had that name for a while, but now it's my usual journal.

It's friends only.. so


I added pretty much everyone thats only friends list right now. :)

Ok, off to the garment district and then some random show in Shrewsbury

7 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Saturday June 14 2003|11:52am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | RooneyWhyTry? ]

I need plans tonite.

I was going to go to Mikey D's to see The Hometeam play.. but Wyoming says that's cancelled.

I find it hysterical that Josh didn't know that his own show was cancelled.


3 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Saturday June 14 2003|12:08am]
[ mood | amused ]

I just updated but this is for my good friend Eric Strout who better be wearing pants..


Life is no longer about sitting in the backyard and picking flowers. The older you get, the more life sucks. *waits for Eric to tell me what else to say* Blah blah blah. My name is Eric Strout. I'm a whiny bitch because I have a girl middle name. Blah blah blah. Life is so hard. I'm from Thompson.. Oh I'm so old. Oh I love emo. Ohhh I'm Eric Strout. Blah blah reeee blah. Life sucks! I whine to Dani to make a post for me.. but I can't even read! That's right! In Thompson they don't teach us how to read! So WHY I am making Dani update her journal is far beyond me. Oh whine whine whine. I am Eric Strout.

There Eric. :)

3 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Friday June 13 2003|11:39pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | TakingBackSundayYourOwnDisaster ]

The Bright Eyes shirt Jasmine got me for my birthday finally came. She threw it at my face.

Then we watched Chasing Amy..

And finally, we went outside and splashed in puddles, which was amusing because Jasmine got her feet soaked trying to get me wet.

I can sense the summer coming..

PS: I hate Village Photos.

fal ling

[Friday June 13 2003|7:33pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | AllAmericanRejectsDriveAway ]

Oh so the TREOS website was wrong. Apparently the show is in FITCHBURG not FRAMINGHAM. So now Jasmar and I have nothing to do. Except watch Chasing Amy I suppose.

I drove by Eric Stone's house today.. and I was like - Wow I haven't seen that boy in a while!

And then.. tommorow I'm going to do more job applications. Blah. *Gives up*

I tried to eat a lot and now I'm feeling sick again. Yayyy being sick.

I miss Rinnie & Melody.

fal ling

[Thursday June 12 2003|6:31pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | TheChicagoSoundtrackRoxie! ]

My final art project is so damn hot. And yes, that is a pun.. considering it uses pictures of Damian from OkGo.

Julie saved my life today! Oh man.. we were walking down the stairs in the Hyde building and I slipped since those are those lame rubber-ish stairs.. and my cons have no traction.. and it was raining out.. and yeah she saved me because I fell and grabbed her arm. So, basically I forced her to save me.. Either way it was a save.

Apparently, people found Senor Bergenn on YahoO! Personals..

And I must say - yes it's funny.. but I know how our school works.. so I know that everyone will know that he is looking for a date online by tommorow. And I just hope that people don't embarrass him - because he's a good guy.

*Laughs hysterically at his pictures*

As I said, good guy. Ehem. I love my school.

The Receiving End Of Sirens show is tommorow.. that should be a good time.. with my Jasmar. Yes Sean Deary, MY Jasmar. SPEAKING OF JASMINE. J Money - do you need to go to da ghetto for any more job application related thangs.. And by da ghetto I mean Milford.. Because I might have my mom bring me tommorow after she picks me up from school..

Happy Birthday to my favorite snobby bastard in the world.. Brian Guglielmo. We were the same age for a few days. Now you can continue on being superior! *Salutes you* ♥

Everyone's been taking this book/movie survey.. )

5 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Thursday June 12 2003|12:57pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

This update is dedicated to Angela.

I am sick again..

I watched Bright Eyes last nite..

So now I'm tired..

I can get a 50 on my geometry test and still have an 80 test average. Yay.

My spanish substitute looks like a Calvin Klein model.

So obviously I'm going to go back to spanish.

I hate ginger ale and jell-o more than you know.

7 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Wednesday June 11 2003|6:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Dan Rather is talking about the heroin problem in Willimantic..

Dan Rather talking about drugs in Northeastern Connecticut..

Why so funny..

PS: My brother got Hulk hands. I wanted those. Bastard.

3 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Wednesday June 11 2003|5:58pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | askjdflkajs ]

I lost my glasses.. Somewhere between the laundry machine and my bed.. And yet I can't find them. At least my clothes are clean? Eff I have to wash Aoife's pants. *hits head*

Um. How come I can't remember anything that happens in school anymore.. I guess I don't care. I finished all my work in English. Yayy?

Everytime I eat I feel like throwing up. It's getting annoying. So I had a ginger ale for breakfast and wrote a note for Jen - which Harry better deliver.. because it was funny.

Bright Eyes is on Letterman tonite - So I'm going to stay up for it.. And that is why I will be meaner than usual at school tommorow.. OH YES.. IT IS POSSIBLE.

Uhhhh Casey and I ate ez-mac and I think I'm dying. I probably shouldn't have danced around to the new All American Rejects video - ey? I couldn't resist.

fal ling

[Tuesday June 10 2003|7:28pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | Will&Grace; ]

Ughhh. I didn't go to school yesterday. I was so sick. And by sick I mean I couldn't get out of bed or I'd like.. feel faint. Now, The Faint equals cool. Feeling faint - Does not. I threw up everything I think I've ever eaten.. yeah you wanted to know that. It was.. EXCELLENT?

School was cool. Except not. I don't even remember. All I got to eat all day was jell-o and ginger ale. Being sick is lame. Kim and Jeanine made me birthday cards. Kim's had a picture of a football player on it, except with Harry's face on the body. Oh wow. Then she wrote me a sonnet? Haaa.

I couldn't help Casey look for a job after school because.. I had student council. Which was boring.

Then I say to my stepmom.. something like "I can get my permit this week".. and she went off on me for 10 minutes about how I should just ASK her directly to bring me to get my permit instead of saying things like that. Blah blah blah. She sucks. Either way.. I should.. have called the place a while ago and told them I was coming tommorow. FUCK. I suck at life. I will never get my liscense.. I just know it..

I ate soup and now I feel like dying. Note to self.. never eat again?

7 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

Conformity!?! [Sunday June 8 2003|6:42pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | OkGoGetOverIt ]

Everyone has been doing these..

gcmestmeup 106%
badstarfalling 96%
float_upstream 95%
atragickiss 95%
fightstarlight 85%
valleygurl666 84%
marktomtravis41 84%
avertxdisaster 84%
xrudexgurlx 83%
amajorsetback 80%
alkalinerinnie 79%
callmedottie 74%
you_fail_me 73%
killingdistance 70%
cvillianemo 69%
thereddeath 60%
How compatible with me are YOU?

9 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Sunday June 8 2003|10:16am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | GetUpKidsCloseToMe ]


And by god I mean GOD SODA.

Rinnie and Dave stole me a big Sprite Remix cardboard thing.

My birthday is complete.

*Laughs at icon* I'm so.. I don't even know.

fal ling

[Saturday June 7 2003|9:23pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Jasmine! she's the music of life. ]

Jasmine got me apple pies and SPRITE REMIX.. AKA GOD SODA.

I spent over $70 today.

I got sneakers for eight dollars at the Garment District.

Casey, Jasmine, and I got so lost getting home. But then my knowledge of how to get home from the Boston Science Center somehow saved us.

I took Jasmine out to eat.. yeah it's my birthday and I felt like paying? We went to Friendly's because she wouldn't allow me to pay at CA Pizza Kitchen.

The guy at Hot Topic sang Happy Birthday to me when I was buying my ALL AMERICAN REJECTS poster. Oh fucking yeah.

I got something for Rinnie. *Wink*

I walk into dELIA*s.. and what song starts playing? The fucking CLOSE TO ME cover by The Get Up kids. And then the Paul Frank boy undies were on sale. Oh god its the best day of my life. *falls over*


8 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Saturday June 7 2003|2:06pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | DynamiteHackBoysInTheHood ]

Brian Gugs took me and Christie to Newbury Comics. I bought John Vanderslice because they didn't have the new Armor For Sleep cd. That's okay. Christie bought a super cute bag.. weeeoo weeeoo. Brian got The Locust cd.. cuz he's hardcore like that.

Then we went to Meggi's. I don't know why.. but it just needed to be done. It's my birfday I'll do whatever I want.

My mom bought Christie and I Coolatas. Oh man. Coffee.

Brian Wood just came and stole my Christie away. It's okay - I'm over it. So now I just have to wait for my Jasmar and my Casey to show up..

Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday.. via text, phone, livejournal, im.. whatever. It makes me super happy. :)

And.. thank you to Christie for the hottest birthday present ever.

And thank you to my mom for buying me a charm bracelet .. something I always wanted.. :)

2 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Saturday June 7 2003|12:03am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | FittyCentInDaClub ]

Happy birthday to me.

No one bother trying to say anything funny .. because Mr. Brian Guglielmo already won..

MMBworks4me: woaaaaaaaaah! youre 13!
MMBworks4me: youre a teen!
MMBworks4me: happy birthday!
MMBworks4me: ill buy you your first tampon!

I'm being nice to Meggi - she's a pearl girl - ya heard!

Christie's here. She loves me more than ANY OF YOU!

7 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Friday June 6 2003|8:48pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | YoLaTengoCherryChapstick ]

So.. right.. today.. started off with John almost killing me on the way to school. He took out a knife in Casey's car. I was like.. Yo wangsta what you think you be doin? Actually no I told him I'd kill him.. but yeah. Then everyone got the kind of gum they wanted and off to school we went.. with no murders.

I skipped first block to go to the 'town meeting' thing about the dress code. It went really well I must say. I think I have more respect toward Mrs Bomegen now.. at the end of the day I even thanked her for taking action and helping us come to a compromise.

Geometry was the effing Quizzle Test. I hate Quizzles. SLKJDFSDLF! Bite me, quizzles.

In Spanish, we had a sub.. so we SOMEHOW got like a 45 minute lunch. It was nice out so Julie, Megan, and I sat outside. We made friends with the random golden retriever that was on campus. I taught it tricks. YES MEGAN - THAT'S RIGHT I TAUGHT IT TRICKS. Jeesh.

I did nothing in Art. Yay! Christie came to visit me though! Oh and Tyler called me a gangsta.. and we talked about how Tupac is SO alive.

At the end of the day I needed to leave quick to get to my mom, who was picking me up, but instead Emily dragged me around by my belt.. I THINK it was a homocide attempt because I almost fell over and died a few times.

I texted Casey today. I wonder if it worked.

Christie is going to be arriving at my house later on tonite. Eeeeeep. She's at a show with Brian. *Oohs and Ahhs*

My cousin is coming over too. Oh great.

Recognition is due to Harry AGAIN! Congrads to Harry on making it into Hill Singers. That's intennnse. And Kate Smith too. :) And Shannan. <3 Just so you know, Hill Singers is like.. the best singing group IN THE WORLD [Or at Woodstock Academy - same thing]. Oh yeah. I'm rambling..

But that's okay.. because.. Tommorow is my birfday.

Stolen from Christie.. )

4 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

[Thursday June 5 2003|5:07pm]
[ mood | bored ]



Congrats to Mr Harrison Robert Fish on getting Vice President for Junior year. Wow fuck.. junior year.

So um.. today during Lunch Block - which is about 2 hours long - no joke - the Sophomores got a cookout thing and didn't have to go to class. Casey, Michelle, Kelly, and I decided that was far too lame for us. So we snuck off campus and got Casey's car. We planned on going to Michelle's house to pass away the time.. but we're on her street.. and I'm like.. Michelle, your dad.. yeah he works at home.. And so we figured we couldn't go there. So we started driving toward Massachusetts. So yes, as soon as we got to Massachusetts, we were like - good enough.. and Casey turned around. I mean, how many people can say they left state when they skipped? Ha.

We made it back without getting caught. So smooth. File that under stupid teenager ideas.

So I'm going out to eat tonite. Sadly, I am not going to Vinnie Testa's in Shrewsbury - so Jasmar can't join me. My dad's being an ass.. cuz he's on call tonite.. and so once again my life is run by the chance of a dog getting hit by a car or something. I wanted to go to The Courthouse.. but my dad doesn't like that so we're going to JD Cooper's. Yeah - that makes sense since we're going out for MY birthday.

My stepgrandmother gave me a cute silver bracelet.. It's little swirls and stuff. *Smiles* Very cute.

I get Christie tommorow niteee. And Saturday is Cambridge with Casey and Jasmine. This weekend is going to own the world.

9 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

After Jasmine and Christie spend 15 minutes fighting over me.. [Wednesday June 4 2003|6:33pm]
[ mood | loved ]

Xbruisednbroken: i think im falling in love with christie now

fal ling

I'm such a jerk.. you know that.. [Wednesday June 4 2003|6:02pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | MotionCitySoundtrackRedDress ]

I will not be seeing Motion City Soundtrack tommorow. Sigh. But I'm going out to dinner at least. With my family? How that is a birthday present I do not know.

But anyways!

Oh man! There's a whole world out there before 9AM. Casey picked me up and we went to Dunkin' Donuts.. Oh yeah. Then Wal*Mart.. where I got more letters. I always buy letters. Casey bought cute ribbon. She has to share it with me. Ehem. Then we went to KMart and bought lipstick which we payed for with change. Bad colors for both of us - so that was a dissapointment. Then it was back to school. Mrs Stockwell yelled at us. *Holds up pass* WE'RE SOPHOMORES! IT'S OKAY! SEE! Oh Casey.

I quickly did my geometry homework.. and all my other homework.. and then it was Geometry time. I shared the Munchkins I bought with everyone. Except for Matt Balm. I hate him?

We had elections todaaaay. Yeah. I'm annoyed with that whole new representative for town meetings thing. I almost asked Mrs Bomegen 'Why do we need that, since that's student council's job..' .. but alas I fear the southern Nazi and her 'knee idears'. Oh yeah.

Christie and I made a plan for Friday niiiite. Which involves me getting her for the nite.. and you know what that means.. Wait what..

Kelly gets to drip paint on a canvas for her final art project. It's so easy and I'm jealous.

Jasmine makes me laugh..

Xbruisednbroken: dani
Xbruisednbroken: im jealous of christie
Xbruisednbroken: when will she be out of our lives to we can enjoy
Xbruisednbroken: ...break dancing together
Xbruisednbroken: cuz if its more than that i feel that i might break. are we out of touch or are we out of time. something something chris carraba is a cunt.

5 Perfect Frowns - fal ling make me.. YOU MAKE ME! [Tuesday June 3 2003|5:38pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | TheYeahYeahYeahsTick ]

Fuck it's cold all of the sudden.

School is so pointless. I spent English talking to Christie and looking for pictures for my Art project. Oh and I did talk to Emily.. she just.. hates me lately or something. YEAH IT'S OKAY. In Spanish, Senor Bergenn brought in his New Kids On The Block cd.. and we listened to it. A lot. Too much. And our entire lesson today was on the popularity of NKOTB.. I'm so serious. I sang along. Oh oh oh OH OH. Oh oh OH OH. The right stuff.

In art I sat in the media room with Casey. No ones internet was working.. except for Joe Murray's.. and he tried to sell it to me for a dollar.. so I called him an asshole.

Casey and I went to both 3rd and 5th lunches. Third was neat.. Michelle was there. Fifth was usual fifth.. with Emily and Kelly. And Matt Burns who I tried to spill water on. But I got it on Emily.

Speaking of Casey, my stepmom okayed our plan to use our pass to not come into school till 9 tommorow morning. Oh yes Harrison Fish - I will get you your god damn Munchkins - and yes only glazed and chocolate glazed.. you picky bitchhh.

3 Perfect Frowns - fal ling

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