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A little Jack-bunny

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Nee-ner-nee-ner-nee-ner-nee-ner-jack-BUNNY! [16 Apr 2002|09:25pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Led Zepplin - Kashmir ]

When we last left our hero, the little Jack-bunny was hopping around the state of Arizona, from good ol' Taliesin in Scottsdale, to that town where here mom's friend lived that she can't remember, to the grand canyon, onto navajo reservations, and even the mystical lands deprived of alchohol (also known as utah. ^_^). But she eventually returned to Taliesin for the easter celebrations. Ah such fun for our good-dooer! The babba-bread, the balloons, meeting the Dodge's (as in the car company, yepyep), a cousin whom she had never met, and strangley even managed to meet a 12 year old who wore fish-nets and worshipped the ramones. But in all this vacation the little-jack bunny (dubbed so by her brother who was trying to insult her) learned many things that should prove to be very useful concerning the future. First of all, she learned that she was always welcome in arizona; being invited to stay anytime with the fellowship at Taliensin West or Taliesin in Wisconsin, her mother's friend whose husband teaches piloting, and the Dodge's. Secondly, she learned what she must do if she was to go to the Air Force Academy; her law-grad cousin who once had similar ambitions (well still does, actually), aunt and uncle, all knew how to get her in a good position. being how her uncle was in politics, her aunt knowing the behind-the-scenes thing, and her cousin knowing the game, come sophmore year (high school) and our little jack-bunny has stuck with her plans, they would be more than happy to help her out. Lastly, if 'lastly' is even a word, she learned that life is worth living and to not go near the clif of a canyon. by galloping on a horse on a path into the canyon, you stay in one piece. But wil the jack-bunny remember all this? will she go back to arizona to get her piloting liscence and connections with people like John McCain? Will she still want to be in the air force? And will she stop speaking in third person as the narrator of some really fsked up comic strip? Tune in next time for the conclusion of this update, since i/she is being kicked off into bed!! [vanishes]

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It ain't Cancun... [22 Mar 2002|02:43pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Paul Simon - will you be my bodyguard ]

but those trl groupies wouldn't be abel to apreciate the archetechture of frank lloyd right anyways. so HA! but yes, right now i am in arizona aboot 20 mileseast of phoenix, curretly sprawled on a bed over a laptop in a house that mr. wright built. you see, my uncle jim is the president-ish head cheese of all the wright houses. so being releatives we get to stay in one of the talesin west house. unfortuantely, i can't think of any good descriptive words to describe this. cool, sweet, or awesome don't fit as well. more like...sublime? surreal? fantastical? need better words...but still, i am here, out of school two days early in the middle of the desert drinkning a coke, wearing a short skirt and sandals in the 80+ degree sunny weather...ha, i can feel the envy accumulating towards me. lmao.

yesterday we had to wait about two hours to get to our gate at PDX, then another two fro dad's flight to come in (he was at a trade shoe for swiftview in philly), then a while longer to catch the bus to get our rental car. but i got to talk to some grad school guys, one majoring in communications and the other in some part of psychology. we ended up geting a maxima. the trunk was big enough for all of our (read: mom's) luggage. oh, and i bought two new pairs of head phones. one just goes in the ear, the other is the cool kind that wraps around the ear.

oh, how i love it here! outside the airport at about 10 at night was warmer than what the weather will be like in oregon for another month or two! ghehhe...but it does get pretty toasty during the day, about 91 yesterday. but that just means i get to go back to my good ol' italian sleep schedule that i developed in rome: get up 8-ish before the sun gets to hot, sleep after lunch, and staying out late - the only way to live. so today i got up at 8 and hiked up the mountain next to where we are staying. then to lunch at the cafeteria at the main building where all the tours are. however, i was not bound to a tour. just saying i-am-the-house-guest-of-JIM can get you anywhere. bwa! but i do have to be careful: somebody saw a rattlesnake by their car yesterday. now we have to make sure that the doors are completely shut, always wear shoes, and watch where you are going.

well, this entry was a lot longer that i had hoped it to be. but now i must go take my nap, and then we must find a sports bar to watch the ncaa game that oregon is playing in.

p.s. i'll upload our pics when i get back and update these entries so they make more sense. and i'm hoping that i'll be able to use dad's (this) laptop as often as possible. i don't like having to write journal-ish entries by hand...

p.s.s if you are justine, please call us since you're gonna be here in arizona too. yees, you can see all the wright houses and...[rumages through pile of cds] i found a paul simon cd here! lmao

Have a great spring break everyone!!

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bordom [09 Mar 2002|11:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Moby - Go ]

Read more... )

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If anything could ever be this good again [02 Mar 2002|03:07pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Foo Fighters - Everlong (Acoustic) ]

Well. Mega-update time.

1. Cabaret
None too shabby considering it was a choir show. The parents seemed entertained, arrogent kids got their spotlight once again, and a spoiled communities band gets to go on a trip to Seattle to preform crap and be embarassed! Huzzah! I think that Mr. Mandis just can't take big productions anymore. His sleep deprivavtion ruins his other classes and he just gets calls from parents about something or other that wasn't fair. but he'll get it anyways. he worked too hard on the whole thing, was sleep deprived, and couldn't teach as well. and he got stressed out about the whole thing 2 weeks before the show. It was only three days before the show last year that he openly seemed nervous. ah well. i guess i'll have to go to it next year.

2. Porsche
Yesh, a Porsche! It's sooooooooo coooooooooooool!! [happy dance]. It's a red carrera(o?) with a new stereo. The back seats are really small, but it's a porsche!! I went to pick it up in Seattle with my dad on Saterday (day after first show of the riverdale cabaret). We took the train up, which wasn't bad at all. the car dealer guy picked us up and took us over lake bellevue while saying stuff like that's paul allen's house there....some agents were trying to pin Bill Gates for driving his (some *really fast racecar) on a public road (illegal! HA!)...yadda yadda yadda. We get to the shop, the battery dies, they recharge it, we test drive it, i give dad $80, he buys it...oh you're probably wondering aboot the $80 thing. It's a tradiditon. See, when i was about oh 6 or so my dad bought an audi. I wanted to help pay for it (one of those cute little kid things that doens't really make sense) so i gave him 89cents. Note: i had *no* conception of money. then for my dad's harley i paid for the whole thing. so yeah. Tradition! And now we have a Porsche! I think dad said that he would pick me up form nicole's tomorrow in it. oooooooo....

3. Science Days
For this year's science day we got to teach ourselves about weather phenomenas. but i can't blame her: if i was a boring teacher, i would want to take the easy way out and still get paid. but at least it was funny. my group's topic was tsunamis. our video is pretty funny, furby and stone jake and all. ehhe. it's cool. but ben the computer lab guy is not because he deleted our clips because he "thouhgt that we were done by now". grrrrrrrrr...luckily samara had the clips we need on her h:/ drive, so all was not lost. our video is about 13 mintues long. but it has bloopers!! i'll try to get a cpoy to put on my website if i ever get around to making one again.

4. Clothes
Spring is near, and so is shopping! I got some clothes (already) for our trip to Arizona for spring break and some other clothes for school. but i still need some capris and some more shoes. can never have enough shoes. and no, a book shelf full of shoes is not enough either! HA!

Uhm, yeah. mom says i'm being happier. that is good. bad depressing influences are bad, so AWAY! [shoos away bad stuff]

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[21 Feb 2002|09:08am]
I'm breaking.
3 break downs| break me

I'm tearing away [15 Feb 2002|07:46pm]
[ music | Drowning Pool- Tear Away ]

Ender's Game. Roofs. Jumping. Lonliness. Not being able to od ANYTHING right or well. Pathetic bodliy indulgences. Chocolate. Angst. Air Force Academy. High Schools. Cabaret. Little faeries during math. Not knowing who your friends are. Ignorance. Being ignored. Sun. Boots. Valentine's Day. [huge sigh] Yeah. That pretty sums up my whole week. I've noticed that i don't like being looked at anymore. It just bugs me. Paranoia is all i got left...

Um...some urban defense class tomorrow, cabaret practice from 1.5 - 6.5. Meet with science group on sunday. I guess i'll be going to Seattle next week. I might go shopping for some spring clothes on monday. it was pretty warm out today, so i'll try to find some capri-ish stuff if theyr'e still "in" this year.

Trying to draw more. Works best when i listen to music. I tried to write while i was sitting on my roof, but i haven't written in so long none of it seem to make sense.

I can apprecitiate my trip to Rome a lot more now than when i was there although i haven't done any research. I want to go back on my own.

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To be a part of all the answers, my wish [10 Feb 2002|05:34pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Ultraspank - Where ]

Busy busy busy weekend. Gracious.

Well, i had my birthday party. Pizza, perversion, ice cream/cake, and presents. then it got good. We went to the Smooch Knob concert that nrk was hosting. The Oblivion that opened was bad, but Plain Jayne was really good. Why, even Samara agreed! lol. Half the people left because they needed their sleep for their Math Counts thing (lmao) or they couldn't stand the smoke...i dunno. So they missed Smooch Knob. And they were the one i thought that they would like the most! sheesh. But anyhow, smooch knob was pretty good. They had their drum set up at the front of the stage because their drummer was their main singer. Different. But i got the impression that everyone had a good time, probably because their parents wouldn't have let the go without earplugs/it was their first concert. But it was saterday morning that i got "the call". HAHA I MADE A BACKSTREET BOYS JOKE AREN'T YOU PROUD OF ME HANNAH? lmao. ahem. yes, i have heard those songs. on repeat. for several hours. but back to the story. A few minutes after i woke up my mom said i had a phone call. From the drummer of smooch knob. haha mom, you're so funny! You always say something like that and it's one of my friends! well actually, it *was* the drummer guy. And he was calling from Salt Lake City, on his cell phone, to say happy birthdya to me. So this guy whose concert i went to called me and was sending posters. What's sad is that he's first guy that i've talked to on the phone for....a very long time. But yes, he called. Hehe, a celebrity! But i should explain. My mom asked if she could get posters for us, when this lady asked for our phone number and address and said she was a friend of the band. Not only is that cool, but she was *the* Penny Lane, as in *the* groupie. LMFAO. Funny stuff is happening all the time....

Presents! Loot! Yes!
- Neon Genesis Evangelion volume 1
- Linkin Park - Hybrid theory (LMFAO)
- Starbuck's card
- Rammstein - Herzelid
- Clear mascara
- Offspring - Conspiracy of One
- Nordstrom giftcard
- blue camo bag
- pioneer place gift ceritficate
- Lip gloss
- Sam Goody gitft card
- Hollywood video card
- Silver ring
- Mordstrom gift card
- Roxy "Hula scent"
- pioneer place gift certificate
- Gap color

Gooooood stuff! ^-^ But now i have to do my book review AGAIN, but i leave you with this link: Corn Cam! and please read some of the ear-mail. LMFAO

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Give me just one thing to cling to [03 Feb 2002|09:13pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Gravity Kills - One Thing ]

Social weekend. too tired. Slept through the super bowl. poor me.

Boonie had her party. Lasertag. that was pretty cool i guess. but i like the 2-floor one a lot better. Back at her house, we watched Moulin Rouge, Evolution, and Far and Away in the morning. Lots of sugar. lol. lots of talking too. and it's so sad...if we like the same guy, you get a high five. there's no chance of getting him so there is no competition. so sad, but true. boonie like get flashing neon light and canadian maple syrup. uhm...i can't think of anything else to mention...oh wait! Busta tried to rape me! yeah! first of all, busta is 1) a dog. 2) a really big dog. and 3) a really big dog who uh has natural puppy viagra. i leave it at that. yeah. anyhow, he starting chasing me in a circle so that if i stopped his nose rammed into my ass. veeeeery odd. then when we (group of people) were lying on our sleeping bags and talking about how handsome/hot/adorable ewan mcgreggor is, he (busta) came over and sat on justine's pillow and his paws on my arm/shoulder ( yeah he's that big. he can sit on two matresses that aren't near eachother. lmao). i couldn't get up. and then he started slobbering on me....ew ew ew! but he evenrtually left me alone and starting "raping" jutine, her matress, and tom cruise. yes. and nevermind.

Still have to do my book review. blargh. DIE!! [stabs 'the book']. I read 1984 about two months ago and now i get to review it. it's not fair [whines].

But for good news: i got my 15" flatscreen! w00000000000000000000000000000000!! ^0^ my birthday is still two days away, but it was just sitting there...and there's another preset coming. it's not for me, but it's still cool: my dad found the porsche he wants. it's a red targa up in seattle. aparrently it's in great condition, so i might go up there next sunday to check it out. PORSCHE!!! ahem. sorry. of course this does mean that dad will sell his harley, but at least this will keep him far from a mid-life crisis. ehhe.

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oh i feel so down, when i feel left out [31 Jan 2002|08:33pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | The Strokes - Last Nite ]

Almost the weekend, but sure doesnn't feel like it. I've got math, journal entry, reading, and some thing else, but i wont' bore you with that.

Boonie's party is near! w00! can't wait to play lasertag...haven't done anything "violent"ly fun in a while...well no, sparring. so much fun! but um, yeah. i still need to find some darkish pants. and wrap her present. and get a mouthgard. and gloves (for sparring)

Oh yes, some new people in our little school. From Iran, but english is their first language. But the guy (that i had high expectations of) turns out to beleive that he is indeed from the black ghetto. but he's from iran...?!?!?!?! very odd...= =;;;;;;;;;;;;;

"Keep listening to that little voice in your belly ? it'll rarely lead you in the wrong direction. ". I'm taking a ton of tests recently. According to emode, i have a turquoise aurora, my heart candy is "be mine", i'm pretty intuitive, my love story is romantic rescue, my cat's former incarnation was Winnie the Pooh, and lots of other stuff. oy.

THE 80'S CONCERT! lmfao! just aboot everybody dressed up. my mom got some blue legwarmers, found some light-wash jeans, and cut the elastic off an old pink sweatshirt. and i had my hair in a side ponytail. hilarious. but we still suck. i don't see how we can go to seattle and except to not be humiliated and have fun. my friends (that are in band) are going, so i would feel left out. but we seriously suck. and it's on memorial weekend. and we go to ashland a week before. in other musical news, mr. rust asked me to do an ensemble thingy. good news is i get to be in the cabaret show. bad news is i have to be at school at 7.30. blargh.

my birthday is next week! yay! no more un-lucky year!! ^0^

1 break down| break me

Nobody loves me, it's true. Not like you dooo [17 Jan 2002|08:00pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Portishead- Sour Times ]

Hm. Yes. I am updating. Feel the joy, my friends.

Megatokyo has been down for a while. [cries] one less form of entertainment in my dull days...

Some fighter planes when by tuesday night or sometime like that. i could have swon it was the canadians...^-^;;....but it was from some psycho who said somthing about flying into a portland building. jets are cool. it would be cool to be in the airforce. heh, my dad actually approves of me going to airforce academy. hwa.

Karate's a lot more serious for me now, in all my orange belt-i-ness. Tomorrow we get to do sparring. Yesh, sparring...

Mozart is sleeping on the bean bag chair in my room. I'm glad he's feeling better.

I don't really give a shit about school anymore. Homework is just a way to fill time until i can sleep again. Never enough sleep....

I kinda exploded about the school issue. i think the note took a page...but anyhow, i have been told to wait, and that things will get better. maybe people will mature, but i am curios about the way she stated it. kinda

MRS DR VANDERTRAMP. I'm supposed to learn that name and the verbs it stands for. Where did this come from you ball of lard in the form of a teacher, eh? bull, bull, bull...

I get to burn a CD for samara. About peaches. And some new bands since her little sister now likes sam's former favorite bands. Gives me something to do.

Sorry i've been only talking in fragments. i can't think too well right now. i tried.

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Remember when mom told you not to touch stuff because you never know where it may have been?? [13 Jan 2002|09:53pm]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Massive Attack & Portishead - Teardrop ]

I have been robbed of my weekend. These are my few minutes to myself befoer i eat dinner then go to bed. THIS IS MY WHOLE WEEKEND!

See, i define my weekend by how much time i spend by myself and/or relaxing. So i didn't really have a lot of that. Bad for me, but good for you because now you get to hear all about it! haw.

On saturday morning, i woke up at the time i wake up for school, and went to my promotion. So now i'm a orange belt! w00!! ahem. then i sat on the floor for three hours and watch other people get theirs. very very intimidating. then i got some pizza a pizza schmizza (gooooooooood place. i was there when they first started in forest grove, and they've got what 7 now? lol) after lunch i went of to justine's for our movie. we got one scene done, the opening scene with me and Comrade Constantinestankoski, aka annaliisa, and a bunch of outakes. ah yes, the outakes. justine's dog getting name-called, and me tripping over and stepping in a piece of poo. good times. after all of that, i came home and cleaned my room because ellen was coming over to spend the night. do you all remember ellen? she's a friend from where i used to live. she plays softball all year long, and likes sum41. enough said. so anyhow, we watch bridget jones diary, which is an updated version of Pride and Prejudice with the same guy who was Mr. Darcy in the movie of p and p. mom made crepes for breakfast, dad got pissed that i put whipped cream on my crepes, packers won. then we went to lake oswego to walk around and hang out. and so that i could get away from my mom for a while. that was nice. hm, where did we go...we went to bridges, westsider rider, starbucks, saw ocean's 11, and jay-walked too much across the main road that ican't remember the name of. so now i'm typing up my to kill a mockingbird thing which i'm sure is a wrong, and will now explain my dilema. oh god....

My mom has been boasting about this all. day. long....she says that least night she prayed that god would give her a sign for something that she would not say, and this morning when she was going through my hamper for dark clothes to wash, she found a candle that she said was in perfect condition. I showed a face up wonder. She then explained that this *was* a sign, like the song "this little light of mine", and a candle! and Oh goodness of gracious! The lord works in miraculous ways. I let out a laugh of "agreement". Now that candle is all my itself, in its glory, on the kitchen counter, for anyone that comes near to behold and hear my mom's story. i. am. in. deep. shit. i REALLY don't what to go into much detail about this, but basically, i know about that candle, and i know who put it there and that God would not approve of its previous envornment. so, my delima. if i tell my mom that it wasn't the lords doing, she will either be pissed at me for suggesting such a thing or loose faith. in addition to that, she'll want to know how i know, and what *was* in doing in my bathroom, in my hamper. so that i don't leave you haning, i will say that that candle isn't in perfectly good condition. if you ever come over to my house, DON'T TOUCH THE CANDLE! IT WILL SCAR YOU FOR LIFE!

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For whom it is preserved [07 Jan 2002|07:01pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | Portishead - Wandering Stars ]

Hm. Long time blog, i suppose. But uh, anyhow, back at school. It sucks are much as ever, if not more. But i won't get into that, not now at least. Dad is bugging me about high schools. He didn't want to consider Riverdale for a while, so i told that there is a big chance that i would become a 'goth' or 'punk' if i went to Lincoln. I use ' ' because he sees the extremeity of the sterotypes (i.e. death, satan, spikiy dyed hair,lots of eyeliner, black clothes, chains and spikes, mohawks...). He even said "I can't understand why someone would want to make themselves so ugly," which i find very amusing. So i still have to decide, which i really don't want to think about. Oh, but i was talking to him about if he would consider the Airforce as a college for me. He was surprisingly positive about it, a lot of it because that's what he really wanted to do when he was younger, but his eyes weren't good enough. Poor dad..but hey, he went to Stanford and taught at Harvard Business School, so don't complain to much...yup, Harvard BS. lmao...

I'm expanding my music a bit. I dowloaded a ton of mp3s over the weekend, so i now have a few designated artists for certain moods: Portishead = Relaxed, Offspring = Energetic, Oldies rock = happy-ish, Ramnstein = Emotion. For some reason i find Ramnstein to be very emotional for me...especial songs like Mein Herz Brent and Mutter. And not all of it's angsty, mind you. And Portishead is good. Reminds me a bit of Massive Attack. Why, they even have a song together. lol

Hard to believe my birthday is in only 4 weeks. I need to figure out what i'm going to party-wise, if i'm even going to have one. I may just have a small one with only a few people, which would be nicer for me. But there is that chance that some one or a few some ones might be pissed. So i need to decide whether or not it's worth to have someone hate me more but have a better party. Hm...

I actually have homework, so i must be off. POOF! [disappears]

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And for you non-germanics, "mutter" is not like mummbling, but is german for "mother" [01 Jan 2002|10:29pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Ramnstein - Mutter ]

Far too much to blog aboot. Aw well. I've gone to tons of parties, so it's nice to have a break. Of course, i got the most of my homework done during parties, but then there's that whole socializing thing with these people i don't know that i don't want to deal with. But anyhow, I'm half-way through 1984, and i've got a ways to go in Enchantress from the Stars. Haven't even thought about that social studies. Just now remembered it..but anyhoo, i've been watching lots of movies recently. DVDs kick 455!! ahem, yes. so far i've seen: the original version of Psycho, Shrek, Star Wars eps. 1, Mission to Mars, O brother where art thou, and the Apocolyps Now Redux. I've only seen the first part of Apocolys, so yeah. Good movie. Oh! And i actually saw a moive in a theater! [audience gasps] Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings is, as my brother would say, a very "tight" movie. lol. But it is! and Elijah Woods is very cool. But having my dad's friend down-talk it saying that all the cgi effects added "too much" fantasy was NOT cool. There is no such thing as "too much fantasy", imho. But that would be the guy who found "the most beautiful song ever" in the soundtrack to Hannibal. o.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

uh, Happy New Years everyone!! I found this quiz and appearently my resolution should be "to break things". Oh i'm gonna have fun this year!! [evil grin] we didn't really do anythign for new years. Just watched some Jeeves & Wooster and Mr. Bean. And befoer the ball dropped i was watching this really cool thing on epsn of the Navy vs. Army football game. I started talking to my parents about which was better. I like the Navy, seems more honorful, if that's a word. ^^ But uh, hm. I just had a cup of martinelli's instead of champagne, so it didn't seem like as much of a big celebration. Except this year;s really was different: instead of going to bed or watchgin some shitty "popular artists" i checked out what was on toonami, and i can tell you that there's no better way to start of a new year than with an anime!! ^^ So that was nice for me. Maybe it's a year, as the ball dropped someone spilled soda all over me. That was the year i moved to Riverdale. Hm...interesting...

My brother has a gig of dragonball z episodes on his harddrive now. They're subbed, so i do have to give him so credit for that. But man, that is some funky shit! And the voices..aah, don't get me started on that one...

I went over to the robertson's house with the rest of my family to watch the fiesta bowl. GO DUCKS!! ahem, i actually didn't watch ANY of the game. [pouts] but i talked with my mom and 'deb' for a while, and then listned to my Ramnstein cd. I swear, it gets better every time. Oh and i sketched this:

Ehee, please don't comment on it jazz! [hides] Yeah, i actually drew something. self-esteeeeeeeeem! lol. but now i must go scan more stuff.

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My heart burns [25 Dec 2001|01:34pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt ]

Whoo, lots to blog. But I'm too lazy, and it's been a while since stuff, so basically go to lairodarkness (aka j4zz) for a recap of stuff. Not like anyone cares/reads this anyways...oh, but i must add that the sleepover after zoolights was...interesting. I found that I'm not the only person who's fed up with all the guys at riverdale because having to have to like at least one of them has greatly lowered our standards. So basically, when we all go to a bigger school with guys we don't know, we'll be like sluts because we'll like them all! Bah. But moving along...

My family went to the 9pm service at that church near lincoln and the MAC. Wasn't too bad, but i kept cracking up because one of the guys who was reading was the old sports announcer for the Blazers. I was waiting to hear him yell out names like Stoudamier instead of Mary, and Rip City instead of David's City. I think we were the only ones who knew who he was/were laughing. But the channel 8 people came, so appearently they knew. But it was also kinda weird for me to be there. the last time i went to church i felt like i was entering a very holy, magical place. But that was a long time ago. And listening to the sermon and prayers, i felt...well, weird. Like the only person who knows what's really going on. I felt like screaming at one point. Like...if God is such a great, kind, and gernrous, then why do we need to worship him? Why do they believe that Jeseus was born today when he r4eally wasn't, they just changed it so that thye could have a fest in the winter? And where did santa come from? And what the fuck is up with the catholic church? Are they so ashamed of their greedy, bloody past that theyt now call it "episcopal"?? Bah. I should just be happy that i got presents out of all of this, but whatever...

Presents!! I got...
DVD player & surround sound
a scanner
leather gloves
Rammstein - Mutter
ATA 66 card
The Sims & Livin Large
2 sweaters
Life's Little Instruction book
that hair braider-thingy that's always oin tv
a really cute little Hello Kitty Christmas plushie

So I did well. but now, i must enjoy controlling someones life. Muahahah...

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Tis' the season to remodel fa la la la la.... [13 Dec 2001|10:13pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Propellarheads - History repeating ]

Oh, too much to blog, too little time. I'm going to have to rant about Riverdale and Christmas when i have some more time. Speaking of x-mas, ph34r |\/|y l33t c#ri5+m45 c0l0r sk1lz! bwahaha..and i actually made the picture this time! well not all of, just the christmas-y part. speaking of remodelling, i have a *new* layout ida for surreally. and I *will* finish it, since i *am* getting a scanner for christmas [hinthint]

err...what else can i say now...oh yeah, english test. blargh. probably didn't to very well, but that's alright, it's just hte beginning of the term. hm. two more tests tomorrow-french and vocab. In other news, i went to karate today. haven't gone there for about two weeks, but even still, sensei said i had really good kihon (technique) today. he asked me if i had been practicing my kata. well, in my head...i'm feeling pretty comfortable with my kata, but of course that would mean that i'm doing something wrong/i'm being lazy/sloppy, but for the most part...need to work on my stance. it's kinda hard to be in a class where there are younger kids that have a higher belt, because you look at what they are doing. this is bad, not only because you shouldn't be looking around, but because my legs and arms are twice as long. and it's not fair that they get to just stand and i'm stretched out with my knee over my toes and my back leg straightened. But at least i don't have to do push-ups for messing around and not listnening, and the younger white-belts are told to model after MY good technique :p w0000 self-esteem!!

Dad is mad. Tiem for bed.

2 break downs| break me

15 miles... [11 Dec 2001|08:01am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | b52s - Love shack (well, in my head at least) ]

Blargh. I was playing AOE2 kinda late last night so i didn't get much sleep. But I must say, it was kinda worth it to once again kick people's asses with my l33t m3d31v4l sk1llz! lmao..

Oh, poor poor kitty. The little thing is constapated again, so he gets another enema. So sad...but he gained a half a pound since a week ago, so we're happy. He likes his new food, except for the fact that i need to give laxatone (kitty laxative!) every day now. Ah well. Anything for my cat. :-)

PANTS!! Yes. Jazz has a friend named Pants. Pants Briefs. They live in the LOOOOOOOOOOVE SHACK! ROFLMFAO

Wow. [looks back a previous entries] Can you say, hormones? lmao. no really, i usually don't obsess over pics of guys and get all hyper and giggly. Gotta be those hormones..

I actually did more homework last night than i needed too; i wrote down aaaaaalll the definitions for the test. w00t for me. Oh, that reminds me, we get to go to RHS tomorrow. We'll (my whole grade) will probably take up most of the school, which would explain why i heard mr. oldani reminding people why they would be going to teh LO library. Haha, mr. oldani! Fifth grade english...lmao. Blame him for all our punctuation/grammar problems. muahaha...

i hear kirsten arguing with tristan. I shall go talk to her now.

2 break downs| break me

[10 Dec 2001|08:07am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | hallway ]

I have nothing better to do, so i thought that i'd update, again...

Didn't do all my math. Thought I had study hall, but what do you know, i don't. Aw well...

Redecorated my new binder. It's very cool: meg4dustri4l pic on the front, tare panda on the side, and for now my schedule is on the back. It's pretty nifty lookin!

I need to upload my pic from the formal. I actually didn't take any pics, but my mom took some pics of me before i went. I also need to upload the pics of my dad on his bike in his...err...biker...gear...[cracks up] Speaking of my dad, he's going away on a business trip for two days. That means just me and mom and brad, for two whoooooooooole days...crikes.

break me

The Cardinals claim yet another victory, while a $16 Harley arrives, friends are going through tough times, and yet we find that Stick Stickly is really hot. Oh, and there's a dance too. [08 Dec 2001|02:43pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Shirley Bassey - Goldfinger ]

I'm sure that the title needs a LOT of explaining, but it's a very brief synopsis of my life for the past few days. So bakc to the organized update scheme...

1. Cardinals 2, Falcons & Lakers 0
That's right kids - the cardinals win again! Well, actually this has absoloutly nothing to do with sports, but anyhoo...on friday i went on a tour of riverdale high for the whole day, with lexi as my giude. I saw a lot of people i knew/had seen before, and some really fucked up people. Here's an example:
Histoy teacher: Okay, we have about 2 minutes before lunhc, so let's go around and say one big event we're doing this weekend.
Matt: I'm going to a party, and I'm gonna get laid. Oh wait, did i just say that out loud??
Class: 0.0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Teacher: Ugh, that's for putting that great image in my head matt. Euahhhhwwww...
Yeah. That kid serioudly scared me. Oh, they were also some potheads. And it was small. Everybody in the high school knew eachothers name. I think that says a lot. Oh, i went into the lab while they were doing a graphics class using macromedia freehand. That must have been the only good thing, except for the japanese class...but amyhow, i went so that when i went to rhs with everyone else i would already have an opinion, and not be swayed by anyone elses.

2. PotatoPotatoPotatoPotato......
Yesh, my daddy's Harley finally came! It's, sweet (not good enough vocabulary, sorry). It's a really nice royal blue, with chrome covers on everything except the battery and oil. But my dad has covers for those, and a back seat. So all he needs is a helmet, good dry weather, and we i can go on the harley! weeeeee! except, my dad is proabably going to sell it to buy a porshce. >< <- imitaion of a south park angry-pouty face) but if i could have one, i'd much rather have a bmw than a harley. of course they do cost twice as much, but they're waaaay more comfortable, faster, and cooler than harleys, in my opinion. But still, my dad has a Harley and he'll let me ride in the back seat!!! w00t!!!!

3. Parental stupidity:
Bad, evil parents. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

4. Stick Stickly!!!! ^^
Sometimes I add random screen names to my buddy list. I have no idea who they are, but i just enter a screen name that would be cool. You know, like "moo", "disco banana". "hannibal's lover" , or somehting funny/weird/fucked up. And if you're lucky, they'll be on aim, and you can talk to them. And if you're even luckier, they'll be in your age range. And if you're incredibly lucky, he'll be a really hot guy from california. [dies] I'm going to bring the pic to the dance, so show off to people. HA! I KNOW A HOT GUY WHO USED TO WATCH STICK STICKLY ON NICKALONEON TOO!! HA HA!! Yes, you may call me psycho, but not until you see this:

[dies again] Now you may call me psycho.

5. Dance! Canned heat my heels tonight bah-bee...
Yeah, that time of year again: Winter Formal. It's not quite as fancy as last year's but it said semi-formal. I'll try to upload a pic whenever i get around to it, but basically I'm wearing a long, silver, velvet dress that crosses in the back and has a slit on one side. I have these strappy heels that go with it pretty well, and my hair is in curlers right now. SAVE ME MY HEAD REALLY HURTS THEY'VE BEEN ROLLD UP FOR TWO HOURS AND I HAVE THREE MORE HOURS TO GO! Er, yeah. I should bring some CD's for the dance part, but i don't think people would like my music, and i don't really have any good, let's check...oh! Fly me to the moon might work...they play Stairway to Heaven anyways...waste might work for the first half of it....i don't think my j-pop songs would go over to well...anime theme songs too...they're coming to take me away isn't quite the right mood...i think canta per me is italian, salva nos, too bad you can't really dance to a lot of my music. oh wait, AHA! Techno dance mixes!! Oh wait, the other people only like to "dance" to that crap they play on 'jammin'. tsk, too bad can't go to a club. i really don't like that fuck/dance thing that people do. I mean, do they really realize what they are doing?! Well i mean, yeah, but...i just gjve an example of what i imagine a conversation might be like:
Morgan: Hey Brooks...why am i feeling something poking me from your pants? It feels like a hard rock...
Brooks: That ain't no candycane..*leers*
MY EYES!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Sorry, but i mean, that just seems so obvious to me. Maybe the guys are just EW! Uh, anyhow...speaking of porn and such, i had to use my brother's pc because he has these mean streaks where he changes the administor password and blocks my ip or something. but a miraculous discovry: no user/password prompt! i decided it was an excellent oppotunity to...snoop. And what did i find? His porn collection has now grown to 2 gigs! I guess that's where he's been going since mom found that playboy magazine that "one of his friends must have left". what a loser...
but for more pleasant things: Stick Stickly! Does anyone remember that? He was *the* nick celebretity. It was through him that i first heard of the backstreet boys and i think hte spice girls. ah, the beginning of teeny bopper bands...

Told you it was a big update.

4 break downs| break me

Arguements, Cats, Oldies, and Mechas [04 Dec 2001|09:49pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Turtles - So Happy Together ]

I had a biiiiiig rant yesterday, but i had to go to bed, so here's the synopsis:
I went the Harley Davidson dealer with my dad to pick up/pay for his bike. A really pretty blue sportster with chrome covers. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice.
Back home, and after dinner, i decided to talk to my dad about mom, like jazz had suggested. Well, it was working, until my mom walked in. So then i had to talk to her about my problems. But somehow they got into an agruement against me about responsibilty and school, which means that once again, when i tried to talk to my paretns, they didn't listen and instead punished me. this time it's more chores. grrrr...
and then my mom talked to me, and when she saw that saying things like "I was happier before i had you kids" weren't hurtful (or at least i didn't show it. i'm good at covering my emotions when i want to), she tried the opposite and was kinda sucking up to me in her lubyy-dubby mood. but at least i got nice clean sheets out of it.
In other news, the vet says that Motzy will probably be okay because his liver isn't as bad as we thought. So for now we are changing his diet to expensive wet food. But he likes it. He ate the whole can in two days, which is really god considerinwg he only weighs 6 pounds now (haha, danny weighs 11lbs. and she's only a year old!! lmfao)

so happy togetherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
I'm finding a lot of oldies. And it's really scary when you're singing along to a song and your parents come and join in 0.o;;;;;;;
bababababaaaabaaaabababaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaababababababababbababa bababaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well jazz, you have to admit it's better than singing anime theme songs in japanese.
Oh, that reminds me, my brother found another show: Zoids. GAH! He says he likes mecha shows too, now. Since when?! And why can't he watch GOOD shows? I mean, i haven't seen zoids, but toonami doesn't exactly show a lot of animes, and when they do it;s mostly stuff like dragonball. [shudders] and if he likes mecha shows, why didn't he watch gundam wing and 08th MS Team when they were on? And why won't he watch Evangelion?! Evas are mechas!
[eyes droop] time to sleep....

2 break downs| break me

[03 Dec 2001|08:06am]
Four sick kids + Five hours = $28

Riverdale Second Grade + 4 hours = Free tickets to friday's blazer game
Gap + me (sick) + mom = yelling and two pairs of jeans

Well, that's my weekend in a nutshell. I haven't used my computer all weekend, so i'm just updating school. The new term just started..err, will start in 30 seconds. so bye
break me

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