This Is Something But It's Nothing
This Is Nothing But It's Something
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Classic Pretzel Taste
In the past few days I've been through a lot and as I sat down in the library I realized that I really don't have the time to write about it all in the hour or so I had before class. Breakfast had to wait till the afternoon as it (un)usually did and I had to spend more time gathering my thoughts.

Right now I don't have time to write about where I've been. I have a rehearsal that just popped up and after that I have a political meeting. After that I'm catching up with some friends maybe for some hanging out while they're in town (Sam and Neville for those wondering).

Tomorrow is just as busy with homework, I need to write about all this stuff while it's still fresh though.

Wow, I just saw some pictures of the protests in NYC from the RNC. Anyone know anybody mixed up in that?

feeling: 9 by 9

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Angel Stomp Future

I know it's a dumb question but shouldn't somebody be working on translating it? The book is apparently doing really well too, in the top 10 in Japan's best sellers list.

Speaking of books, Emily is letting me borrow The Princess Bride by William Goldman. She says it's better then the movie, which is of course no small feat. So far so good...

Also I found out my math book is going to be 70$ used ("Fuck a bunch of math!" -Shane). There's still four other paperbacks I need too which could go for 15 or 20 a pop as well. I'm... not sure I have enough for all these expenses...

The flier for the show I'm going to Friday night.

feeling: sleepy
now listening to: High Contrast - Passion

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From the depths of reminisance...
Last night I went to see Zack and Melody for some DDRing and when I got there before them I noticed someone playing on the machine already and he was wearing an Ayin shirt. I asked and he said his name was Dan and that he knew Sarah and Shane. He wasn't too bad at it either.

I had trouble going to sleep last night, not because it was my first day back at school in years the next morning, I dunno what it was. I spent a little time writing stuff and listened to music while laying down like I used to do. My headphones are horrendous and the CD player is real crappy too so it wasn't as fun as it used to be back then but just listening to the D-Plan puts me in a good mood.

The name of my math class' teacher is James Stewert. He doesn't look too much like Jimmy though and nobody else seemed to think about it or said anything about it so I let it go.

From that class it's a hop skip and a leap from building top to building top to get to my next class in ten minutes time. There aren't too many people that seemed interested in socializing with me but then again that might be because I look old compared to them so that might blow over.

The name of my writing class' teacher is Brian Scichilone who went to college in the same town that the lead singer for Death Cab for Cutie had a job working at the local record store. His wife's name is Love which I find awesome. While I was talking about poets I like, he brought up TS Eliot and quoted the lines exact from his excerpt that I have posted in my personal info (which I recently adjusted and added to).

"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time"
T.S. Eliot

In finding out stuff about me he said something that made me pop with joy on the inside.

He called me a renaissance man.

I think I'll like my days this semester very much.

My dad gets married this Saturday folks, I'll let you all know how that goes when it gets here. Afterword he's gone for two weeks to go to Yellowstone National Park so... party? Maybe for real this time? Anyone?

feeling: hot
now listening to: The Dismemberment Plan - The Dismemberment Plan is Rich

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Unknown Trash Scapes
A lot of stuff is happening lately. I've got my classes coming up on tuesday and I don't have a thing ready for them, no bag, no writing utensils, no computer with a printer, nothing.

Some reason, I wouldn't have it any other way. It makes these sandbag courses more exciting.

My dad's getting married next week too, which may be taking place on the most busy day ever, the 27th. That's the day of this sweet d'n'b show at Headliners that my friend Josh told me about, and also the day said Josh and Stacy move a good five blocks away from me. Now there's no excuse for me not getting to hang out with him at least once a week... Oooohh the hanging out we will dooooooo...

Sarah Davis left town this morning. I gathered the important people from her Louisville life (that I knew as well as she did, that makes up Shane and Emily I guess) and we all got together and chilled last night. She will be missed a ton by lots of people. She's been such a wonderful person to me and I hope she gets things started where she's going on the right foot.

And now a small plea for assistance.

This silly PCI firewire card came to us without any markings or anything to indicate who the manufacturer is and now it's acting up (not working). We were using it to connect an IEEE hard drive which wasn't that big a deal since we didn't need to transfer anything faster then the PCI bus could handle, but now this card isn't working and we can't find any drivers or any kind of support and it's driving The Twins nuts. Any techie out there know any tips here? We're running on luck bringing it back to us now and that drive has all my music on it right now too...

I need a Chic-Fil-A or 5 right now. Those or some pork burgers from the State Fair... God, I'm hungry now.

feeling: 42 percent
now listening to: Phantom Crash menu music

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I fixed my "I" key.
I haven't updated in a while because I just didn't want to deal with the I key on my keyboard that kept messing up so yesterday I took it apart to clean it out. First I had to take off all the keys get to the sheet of electrical contacts that needed to be checked. After a half hour of disassembling and dust scrubbing I thought about putting the keys on the board in alphabetical order like Will did for his board, again, but it totally confused my dad when I did it the first time so no dice. There are still two keys that because I don't know what they do, I can't put them back on.





I don't really care about getting them on, but it's kinda funny.

Yesterday I went to a local precinct's democratic meeting that was led by Martin Rollins, an artist who's family has been close to my family and Emily's family for years.

The meeting was quite typical I guess, everybody had a say for why they support Kerry or oppose Bush and there were signs and shirts and buttons there for sale. While I was sitting there listening to everybody, I thought about how this country may be the most politically charged it has ever been right now. Even back in the 60's, before and during the war, there just wasn't the level of information and support for politics that there is today.

There was a small group of young minds that set up downtown on the corner of 2nd and Chessnut across the McDonnalds who would stop people walking by and ask them questions about politics, about getting them involved in town hall meetings, about the democratic principals of the Chinese before the war turned the country into something quite different, and as I found out were primarily affiliated with the LYM, or LaRouche Youth Movement to try to propel LaRouches democratic Platform. They wouldn't leave me alone all three days I had to walk by them, their persistence almost their undoing.

I was downtown at the JEC to register and pay for my two classes this semester at the JCC. I walked in there with my ACT scores and the advisor pretty much said I was the boss as far as the classes I wanted to take. I could have gone straight into Cal 2 if I wanted to, but I wasn't ready to blow up my brain when I'm really just wanting to get my feet wet again, so I took a sandbag math course and also a Creative Writing course since all the English 101 (HA!) classes were booked solid.

Speaking of creative writing, I need to begin a review of Ayin's new album that Shane let me have in advance. I'm going to try to get some other writers that I know in on this because the album is quite an accomplishment and it deserves recognition, even in this relative newcomer's eyes.

I found out that Starmine is going to be in UltraMix 2, as well as VJ Army, so I guess I'm getting it now. That and 'IIDX 8th style' on the PS2 and 'DDR Festival', so I'm gonna have a very Bemani Christmas, it seems.

feeling: okay
now listening to: Ellen Allien - Secret

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I forgot that they were making a new Hitchhiker's Guide movie! I just saw the trailer and it doesn't look like much yet but judging from info from the official website it looks like it's gonna be sweet!

feeling: giddy
now listening to: Ratatat - Seventeen Years

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follow me, follow me because if you want to you will see, you will see if you're ready
This week has been mostly update free thanks greatly in part to Emily loaning us (me and Chad) IIDX 6th style and DDREX while she's away on vacation. After days of hammering out things and learning how my hands handle the coordination, I can still say I totally suck at IIDX, but I got an AA on Xenon on a soft pad (31 greats) and I rocked the heck out of V challenge and Colors challenge to my surprise.

Anywho enough with the Bemani, my head is flooded with arrows and bars in a bad way.

I've got an orientation to attend soon. I might have to re test the COMPASS english proficiency test because I didn't send in a recent result from an ACT with an english score that exceeds 18. I guess my 32 (32 english) from three years ago wouldn't cut it though, huh?

Tonight is the first time in a while I've been energetic enough to pull an all nighter. Tonight still needs something because the reminder that life doesn't stand still is starting to breathe down my neck. I'm filled with enough sentimentality to maybe make something happen.

Chad tells me my sister is hot. Jane works at BW3s and she's my future sister in law. My future brother in law, Patrick is in the reserves and is currently serving in Iraq right now. I still don't know how far I'm going to associate with them, or rather how far they will associate with me. Jane is kinda a loose cannon so I hear from my dad, but that's not speaking for much since I kinda spoiled him I think. I dunno, I can't come to conclusions about my new extended family, I won't be living with them or anything. It's another thing that will just happen as it happens, I guess.

Besides joining Clark as another guy with a hot sister last night, I danced crazy a lot, caught up with James over at @tmosphere and chatted a lot about the business and about some meetings coming up about the community (why does this premise sound familiar?), made LJ friends with Jeremy's lady friend Amanda, got kinda drunk, watched Finding Nemo, and felt the presence of a nude Josh White in the hot tub again. I wasn't in the tub this time, but twice in the same week is a little bit too much overexposure, literally and literally I guess, for me.

There's a meteor shower coming up August 11th and 12th, the peek days. I don't want to miss this one, but wouldn't you know it the forecast is calling for cloud cover those days. Argh!

feeling: yellow mellow hello hello
now listening to: Menomena - The Strongest Man In The World

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In the Depths of Longing
You ever have one of those games that you're sure you're great at but you just don't know because you don't play many people at it, and you go ahead and say you're the best at it because you're really just out for the challenge?

There was a Super Puzzle Fighter 2 tournament at Otakon last weekend. I wanted to just show up in my Nabeshin jacket, clipped yellow tie and blue collar shirt and just see how I would do. Same for the DDR and Halo tournaments, but I wouldn't be so confident to win in those as I know there are some crazy insane players out there for both of those games.

Super Puzzle Fighter is different because I have dreams of gems. I dreamed last night that I was there at Otakon and that I won that tournament. Emily and Hartman and Leigh and all the people that went this year were all there all dressed up in their costumes in my dream watching me. Emily said "wow, you're crazy!" and Hartman was kinda speechless in awe, and Leigh was all like "I hate you! AAHAHAA." Well, I know they really did go, and I hope they had a blast there.

I'd like to join the next con trip as I've never been to an anime convention. I hear all the time that I'd hate it there, and that it's not that great but I'd rather just go once to see for my self why I'd hate it. Besides, I'm more into learning about the state of the american anime industry then all the geekdom there.

I have the song "Springtime for Hitler" stuck in my head thanks to Mel Brooks' The Producers being on AMC this morning.

What the hell, when did I get this huge bruise on my leg?

I must have gotten it since being over at Chads hanging out in his hot tub. I've never been in a hot tub before this, and even though Josh White was there in the tub too, it wasen't so bad. Even when he, uh... pulled his shorts off, I was too distracted by the crazy jet action on my back. Jeremy and Chad played keep away with his shorts too which seemed like the good ole times were back.

It was Melody's birthday yesterday and for that Zack took all of us to Shogun Steakhouse. Our grill chef was pretty funny, but I wonder if all these chef's have a book or some resource for their material. There's the standard volcano made of an onion, there's calling soy sauce "Dr. Pepper" or "Coca Cola", and there's the good ole shrimp toss into people's mouths. I've gone enough times to know how a grill chef's whole routine goes, and even if the material gets old after a while the food is always worth it I guess.

That's it James, just keep focusing on the positive...

Watched Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex disc one DTS version yesterday. Yeah, now I know what the hell that symbol is everyone used a while back a lot, that Laughing Man thing. Like Chad pointed out it's like when everyone thought it would be cool to put a little pi symbol at the top of there web pages. The only cyber pulp fiction element I ever used was playing PSO as Lain before anyone really saw the show. It sure made me feel better and more unique then all the Clouds and Gokus and Sepheroths that were out there.

Ooo... I wonder what Hartman brought me from Otacon? I gotta get my music back too plus I gotta show him these bastard Magic decks Christian and I made with his cards.

*EDIT* It should also be known that Josh is excelent on the grill. His burgers were crazy good.

feeling: I wish to remain myself longer
now listening to: Ellen Allien - Wish

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Surfing on a Monkey = Surfing on a Rock, Yeah?
There's this lounge on Main Street called the Main Street Lounge. The third of it that was outside was mostly vacant save for the occasional cell phone call recipient, but it looked like a holy sanctuary, or as Emily said "a place people go to make out" where the only light in much of the place were lit candles that were sitting in spots where bricks were missing, removed from the brick wall.

I caught myself almost leaning against one of these walls at one point.

At the end of the converted ally way was a throne of sorts, a small couch that was drawn as the focal point of the scenery. The white cloth that lined the wall behind the couch flowed as the wind picked up from the busy streets. There was an abandoned bar on the side that emanated a red glow upon the whole end of the alcove. I fought every urge to sit on that couch in that corner of the party and let what ever found me find me in a drink. But I didn't. That is a self destructive urge that's naturally embedded in my behavior because there really wasn't any reason for me to hide like that, there at Emily's birthday party of all places too.

There were some familiar faces there, but many people there I had never met before. I still wouldn't have met them proper till we all got to Denny's that night where I could actually hear them speak and converse back to them. Even still, the whole night remained exciting between red eyes and hearing 50 cent mixed over NIN's Closer (how the hell did that happen?).

I managed to see 4th Street Live for the first time and even got away with out spending a buck there. Sentimental man that I am, I saved the alcohol bracelet in my wallet as a souvenir.

Emily did the same.

Wait, not in my wallet, in her purse. Silly.

4th Street Live dosen't feel like Louisville. It's bright, it's always packed with people, it's got chain stores and people selling you overpriced beers, but where did all these patron people come from? I can't imagine there ever being this many people hanging out downtown before this project went underway. It's somewhat frightening all in all, yet I feel comfortable having it there in the middle of this town who's heart had no soul.

On a side note I saw I, Robot with Christian and Sammy tonight. It turned out better then I thought it was going to be since it was simply only inspired by the Asimov story.

Oh, and VIKI totally was inspired by Shodan, only with Xerxes' color scheme. Shit.

feeling: 5 4 3 2 1 Ze Ro
now listening to: Mr. Bungle - Dunno the title, but it's Star Wars music...

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Coup De Grass
Some people say you can only like the smell of gasoline or the smell of jet fuel, but not both. After working around airplanes at an airport and having smelled jet fuel, I can say I kinda like both. Right now my hands are soaked in gasoline and are numb from vibrating the last two hours.

My hands kinda don't feel so good.

I've discovered gummi bears again a while back. I'm kinda a sucker for them now a days. Yeah, they're fat free but they're loaded with sugar so I should watch how many I stuff in my mouth at once.

There's an Ayin show at the Rudyard Kipling this Tuesday that Shane personally invited me to, so I'm gonna try to make it. It dosen't seem quite the right venue for a group like them, but it'll be a nice little show (and since I know the owner, a good dinner) I'm sure. It'll also be a chance to hear their new material that Shane's been telling me about. I heard from him that they're gonna open a show for (what the hell!) Coheed and Cambria soon thanks to Daisy's drunken pestering (Ahh, behind the scenes of rock and roll...). Shane's also gonna rip me an advanced copy of their new album in exchange for writing a review too, and that made me think a bit about how I've felt more expressive in writing lately...

The writing style of my journal has developed quite a bit since my first few entries years ago. I've read a lot of wonderful journals over the years and I like to think their style has rubbed off on me a little bit. Then again it could just be the natural musings of growing old. It could just be the illusion of development in my creativity when it's really just me who is changing or is changed.

I notice still that as I change my style of writing, my "audience" that comments here changes as well, which is honestly expected since for example, gamers out there will probably associate with my gaming exploits more then non gamers, poets will associate with my non lyrical prose more then non poets, humorists will associate with my jokes more then republicans...

I can write about how I got to play Mega Man AC last night on the game cube and had the worst time dealing with the backwards controls all the way through Mega Man 1 (Wily's last form kept killing me with that goofy winding shot...) and cursed my luck after finding out I could not play Mega Man 2 until I managed to beat Mega Man 1...

I could also write about this bird that was following me around outside while I was cutting the grass and how even though my mower was running so loud that I could not even hear the radio through my earphones, the bird would just fly and land a couple feet away from me and would just stare at me unafraid. I could probably extrapolate and paint the scene more vividly for you, just for example.

See, I've unexpectedly become a writer in my mind and I'll honestly keep writing what ever I feel like (who's to stop me?), but I do wonder what it about what comes out that sticks to you people?

Come on, I don't need it, but go ahead and feed my ego.

feeling: Fresh cut grass smell... ugh.
now listening to: Cubs game on TV

who I am
A Superintelligent Shade of Blue
User: [info]smartblue
Name: A Superintelligent Shade of Blue
Back August 2004
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