zyberlefrun's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in zyberlefrun's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, September 30th, 2004
    6:29 pm
    Public Service Announcement:
    Hadoken some jackass!
    5:51 pm
    Hahahah im a dork
    ZybeRLefruN (5:49:48 PM): steven
    STEVE3bz (5:49:51 PM): steven
    ZybeRLefruN (5:50:22 PM): wow, were gonna be like...80 years old, and we'll be walking through the city and we'll see each other and do that
    STEVE3bz (5:50:33 PM): def
    ZybeRLefruN (5:50:55 PM): and one of us will fall and die of a heart attack right there
    ZybeRLefruN (5:50:58 PM): BUT still say steven
    STEVE3bz (5:51:02 PM): lol
    STEVE3bz (5:51:03 PM): tru

    Who cares what I did in school...honestly.


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Wednesday, September 29th, 2004
    6:02 pm
    Aaaahahahah woooooo
    I prebowled today. 132, 128, 134. 394 series. 131 day average. 121 Overall average (from my scores of 143, 84, and 103 2 weeks ago). Woo. This saturday is last one i'll miss of bowling. Next saturday I can actually go. Hurray!

    Hadoken some jackass!
    Monday, September 27th, 2004
    7:59 pm
    Hahahah im bored
    No one cares bbut Im sharing this with you anyway!! Yay!

    I have to read a 1,138 page book (IT, Stephen King) in 28 days, which is roughly 40 pages a day, so since I love you all (which is no one) so much I'll grace you with my progress! Woo!


    Current Mood: content
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Sunday, September 26th, 2004
    10:39 am
    Hurray for boredom!
    My lj wedding by chynafox
    you will marrycaptainfred
    flower girlmalvada
    best manchiisai_yume
    you will have your last fling with180_by_summer
    secretly wants to marry you themselflakerzfreak
    date of the weddingJune 26, 2032
    number of times you do it on your wedding night38
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Current Mood: complacent
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
    9:54 pm
    Im posting. Be impressed....be very impressed.
    Real post, yay!

    1st: English. Made groups and did this thing with stuff....I dont know, it was like...14 hours ago.
    2nd: Spanish. More stuff...I dont know.
    3rd: Comp. Tech. Did stuffs with computers and yeah. Pulled out parts and stucked them back in.
    4th: Health. Just sat there.
    5th: Bio. Did a lab the whole period.
    6th: Math. Fire drill, test review.
    7th: Global. Half-period tangent, then regular lesson.
    8th: Wind Ensamble. Pep music.
    9th: First free period for me of the entire year. Wooo!

    After 9th, me, zach, zack, mike, and ari went for pizza at la piazza. We went down there, we ate, talked, then me, mike, and zack went back to the high school because we had to be with the rest of the band to play pep music for the football game. It was boring. Stuff happened. Im tired and hungry. Go away.

    Current Mood: gloomy
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
    7:15 pm

    given to me by the coolest person in the world...danielle! =P
    1 Hadoken| Hadoken some jackass!
    Monday, September 20th, 2004
    5:52 pm
    OH NOES!!!111one

    Credits to TJ. Gotta love it.
    Hadoken some jackass!
    12:00 am
    If anyone actually reads this:
    This is going in my xanga as well.

    Answer all questions. Wondering whose most like me...I'll give scores eventually.

    Coke or Sprite?
    Final Fantasy 7 or 9?
    Chrono Trigger or Dragon Warrior?
    Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd?
    Supertramp or Foreigner?
    Atari or NES?
    Castlevania or Zelda?
    Jazz or jazz-fusion?
    Rock or classic rock?
    Mac or PC?
    Breath of Fire or Secret of Mana?
    Simpsons or Family Guy?
    Seinfeld or Friends?
    Terry Goodkind or Robert Jordan?
    Piano or bass?
    Steinway or Clavinova?
    Pacman or Starship Galactica?
    Green or blue?
    Reading or writing?
    Chick Corea or Bach?
    Sonic the Hedgehog or Phantasy Star?
    Sega Genesis or SNES?
    WWI or WWII?
    Hair down or hair up?
    Incense or candles?
    Bath or shower?
    Improv or routine?
    Acting or tech?
    18 Hadokens| Hadoken some jackass!
    Friday, September 17th, 2004
    10:54 pm
    God is on a mission to make my life very ironic....fucker
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
    4:20 pm
    advhafudsogh dgFINALLY
    Im going to have all my ujournal entries back. They'll appear here once the person running this site relocates all the journals.

    Stay posted.....
    1 Hadoken| Hadoken some jackass!
    3:47 pm
    1st period: I forget...
    2nd: Basic work, quick group activity.
    3rd: Got to poke the inside of a computer with metal stuff...
    4th: Watched other people make fools of themselves.
    5th: Stuff...i dunno. And apparently I cant switch into honors bio because aaallll the classes are "full" (bullshit).
    6th: Did homework in class, then just talked.
    7th: Basic work stuffs.
    8th: Pep music.
    9th: New piece, pretty cool.

    Got home to find new part of house is open for use, which is pointless cause its not finished and theres no electricity, but MY ROOM IS OFFICIALLY A HALLWAY! W00T!

    Current Mood: crazy
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Tuesday, September 14th, 2004
    6:50 am
    Possible Schedule Change
    Im switching into honors bio, and there are 2 ways I can do it.

    Method 1:
    4th period all days: Bio Honors
    5th period 1,3,5: Health
    5th period 2,4,6: Bio Honors

    Method 2:
    3rd period all days: Bio Honors
    4th period 1,3,5: Health
    4th period 2,4,6: Bio Honors
    5th period: Math B
    6th period: Comp. Tech.

    The first method would be an easier transition, but the second would make the middle of my day much better.

    Tell me what you think.

    NOTE: Date mix-up fixed. Hopefully. If not, go fuck yourself.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Sunday, September 12th, 2004
    5:26 pm
    Your full name: Bob Bobertson
    Height: 5'9"
    Natural hair colour: brown
    Eye colour: brown
    Number of siblings: One
    Piercings: no
    Braces?: no

    Colour: silver
    Band: Dunno, stuff
    Song: Everlong
    Video game:mario: SSBM woooo
    TV show: Family Guy
    Movie: who knows
    Book: Dreamcatcher
    Food: pizza
    Game on a cell phone: the block blaster thingy..with the bouncing ball
    CD cover: they look funny
    Flower: the good lookin one
    Scent: anything but the perfume people in my school wear...
    Animal: person
    Comic book: Buh
    Cereal: waffle crisp YAY!
    Cartoon: Family Guy

    DO YOU
    Play an instrument?: Baritone Horn, Marching Baritone, Tuba, Valve Trombone
    Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: No
    Like to sing?: No
    Have a job?: I did, and hopefully I'll have another one soon
    Have a cell phone?: no...
    Like to play sports?: no
    Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
    Have a crush on someone?: maybe
    Live somewhere NOT in the united states?: no
    Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: no
    Have any special talents/skills?: im special
    Excercise daily?: no
    Like school?: no

    Sing the alphabet backwards?: no
    Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: yea
    Speak any other languages?: Yes
    Go a day without food?: when i have no choice
    Stay up for more than 24 hours?:yea
    Read music, not just tabs?: yea
    Roll your tongue?: Yea
    Eat a whole pizza?: Proud too

    Snuck out of the house?: No
    Cried to get out of trouble?: no
    Gotten lost in your city?: no
    Seen a shooting star?: No
    Been to any other countries besides the united states?: Bahamas, Mexico, Canada
    Had a serious surgery?: no
    Stolen something important to someone else?:no
    Solved a rubiks cube?: no
    Gone out in public in your pajamas?: no
    have you ever cried over a girl: no
    Cried over a boy?: no
    Kissed a random stranger? No
    Hugged a random stranger? No
    Been in a fist fight?: No
    Been arrested?: No
    Done drugs?: no
    Had alcohol?: no
    Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: not milk
    Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:yep
    Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:no
    Swore at your parents?: no
    Been to warped tour?:no
    Kicked a guy where it hurts?: no
    Been in love? No
    Been close to love?: No
    Ran over an animal and killed it?:no
    Broken a bone?: no
    Gotten stitches?: yep
    Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:No
    Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: if i wanted too
    made homemade muffins?: no
    Bitten someone?: yep
    Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: yep
    Been to niagra falls?: Yes!
    Burped in someones face?: yep
    had the chicken pox?: yep

    Brushed your teeth: in the morning
    Went to the bathroom: recently enough that im not gonna die
    Saw a movie in theaters: ::shrug::
    Read a book: couple of hours ago, Insomnia
    Had a snow day: January
    Had a party: my birthday?
    Had a slumber party: december i think
    Made fun of someone: this morning
    Tripped in front of someone: dont remember
    Went to the grocery store: this morning while job hunting
    Got sick: exactly 1 year 1 day ago
    Cursed: probably sometime today....
    Fruit/vegetables: Fruit
    Black/white: Black
    Lights on/lights off: Off
    TV/movie: tv
    Car/truck: Car
    Body spray/lotion: Lotion
    Cash/check: Cash
    Pillows/blankets: Blanket
    Headache/stomach ache:Headache
    Paint/charcoal: paint
    Chinese food/mexican food: neither
    Summer/winter: Winter
    sun/rain: Rain
    Fog/misty: Fog
    Meat/vegetarian: Meat
    Boy/girl: Im not sure what this means....
    Chocolate/vanilla: Chocolate
    Sprinkles/icing: Icing
    Cake/pie: Aw man this is hard....CakePie!
    French toast/french fries: fries
    Strawberries/blueberries: blueberries
    Ocean/swimming pool: Pool
    Hugs/kisses: hugs
    Cookies/muffins: cookies
    p33n/bewbz: buh?
    Wallet/pocket: Wallet in pocket
    Emo/goth: Goth
    Pink/purple: Purple
    Cat/dog: Cat
    Winter break/Spring Break: Winter break
    How many friends do you have?: More then you do
    Do you have a best friend?: maybe
    Have you ever liked one of your friends?: maybe
    Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?: JK LOL! rofl
    Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?: yea
    What friend have you known the longest?: Tee jay
    Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?: uhhhh
    If so, what is it?:uhhh
    How often do you spend time with your friends?: School, nights, weekends
    Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?: You dont wanna know
    Are you single?: ja
    Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: except for the crazy old ladies with 43 cats
    What is your idea of the best date?: anything that doesn't end with my head feeling like its imploding
    What was your first kiss like?: ...
    How old were you when you got your first kiss?: ...
    If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:no
    Have you ever been dumped?: nope
    Have you ever dumped someone?: no

    What time is it now?: 5:21
    What day is it?: September 12th
    Whens the last time you called someone?:i called some stores a few hours ago to see if there were job openings
    How much money do you have right now?: not a lot
    Are you hungry?: Yes, wheres that leftover pizza...
    What are you going to do when youre done with this?: get that leftover pizza
    Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young? what?
    What about sock em boppers?: no
    Are you wearing any socks right now?: Yea

    funny?: at times
    sarcastic?: often
    lazy?: yep
    hyper?: sometimes
    friendly?: for the most part
    smart?: lol
    talented?: oh yes
    dorky?: yes

    Sky dive?: The second I turn 18
    Play strip poker?: no
    Run away?: no
    Curse at a teacher?: No, but I think about it. Often.
    Not take a shower for a week?: No
    Ask someone out?: Eventually
    Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: yea
    Go scuba diving?: Done
    Become a rockstar?: nah
    Have casual sex?: maybe

    What shampoo do you use?: shampooy stuff
    What kind of computer do you have?: I think a very modified Intel
    What grade are you in?: 10th
    Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?: Good idea
    Or just make out?: no
    How many posters do you have in your room?: N/A
    How many cds do you have?: a lot
    What time is it now?: 5:26

    Current Mood: hot
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Saturday, September 11th, 2004
    1:34 pm
    Yeah, why not
    Why cant they have day long coverage about many ceremonies across the country about an event that happened 3 years ago and that people will "Never Forget" (which, btw, is shit cause people will forget) about something good for once? No wonder we keep killing each other, the news is so depressing.

    Current Mood: sore
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Friday, September 10th, 2004
    10:35 pm
    I think I might've posted this before, but if I did, here it is again, if not...here it is.
    I've waited here for you

    Tonight I throw myself in two
    Out of the red
    Out of her head she sang

    Come down and waste away with me
    Down with me
    Slow, how you wanted it to be
    I'm over my head
    Out of her head she sang

    And I wonder
    When I sing along with you
    If everything could ever feel this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    The only thing I'll ever ask of you
    You've got to promise not to stop when I say when

    She sang

    Breathe out
    So I can breathe you in
    Hold you in
    And now
    I know you've always been
    Out of your head
    Out of my head I sang

    And I wonder
    When I sing along with you
    If everything could ever feel this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    The only thing I'll ever ask of you
    You've got to promise not to stop when I say when

    She Sang

    And I wonder
    If everything could ever feel this real forever
    If anything could ever be this good again
    The only thing I'll ever ask of you
    You've got to promise not to stop when I say when

    Foo Fighters - Everlong
    Hadoken some jackass!
    10:25 pm
    What if I had ADD
    If I had ADD and made an LJ entry, that would be I like cookies. Cookies are very fast. I heard the new Volvo can go almost 5000 Volts! Damn, that is one hella shock! Jesus, I dont know lets ride bicicles!

    Current Mood: confused
    1 Hadoken| Hadoken some jackass!
    Thursday, September 9th, 2004
    6:22 am
    Something must have went in my compupter about midnight, I stopped at 12 days 6 hours. I win :)

    100 ENTRIES! w00t.
    Hadoken some jackass!
    Wednesday, September 8th, 2004
    10:08 pm
    4 posters
    When was the last time I had a 4 post day? Especially when 3 of them were before 7 AM....lol. Two were before 2 AM....=P

    Anyway, the lowdown on the classes i had today (still 3 more I haven't taken yet).

    1st period English. Not terrible, but a huge step down the scale from english last year. Only mike to talk to....very sad.
    2nd period Spanish. I cant really like it cause its spanish, but the teachers cool and I love knowing that I get this out of the way bright and early in the morning. So its aaall good.
    3rd period Computer Tech. Very small class. 8 people :). Seems cool, nothing I wasn't ready for.
    4th period Bio. Eggplant Posse, wooooo. Jake wasn't here though :( very sad. But Im sitting practically right next to Lynn so its aaaalll good.
    5th period Bio. Everything I just said, plus Jake decided to show this period :-p hurray.
    6th period Math. My god, I didn't know anyone at all in this class. It seemed alright though...not that worried.
    7th period Global. Found out my teacher....seemed ok. This class is tiny. 10 people. But thats good...after some of the big classes I had last year, its a huge relieve.
    8th period Wind Ensamble. Great..so many friends here. Should be fun :).

    Current Mood: okay
    Hadoken some jackass!
    6:28 am
    Guess not
    Failed in my mission, but still, Im wired like hell, and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damnit.

    I think I made myself clear. Byebye. Wow.....its 6:30 and 3 posts today already.

    Current Mood: hyper
    Hadoken some jackass!
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