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[Dec. 2nd, 2003|10:20 am]

by [info]tambayboyz
Just moving out of her parents house, she gonna have to make money somehow. So she applied to "Skippy's Bar" to be a waitress or even a dance stripper. But for the time being, to get the cash flow, she prostituting herself.
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[Dec. 1st, 2003|12:13 pm]

Alice was only 19 years old and had just recently moved out of her parents house. She had hopes of becoming a movie star or something like that.
She had her own little apartment downtown that over looked a car dealership.
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AND IT BEGINS [Dec. 1st, 2003|10:45 am]

[SOUNDS AROUND ME |Finding Nemo]

Once upon a time in the far away land called Boomber Town lived a girl named Alice.............

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