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Vibrator Lovers' Journal
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Below are the 19 most recent journal entries recorded in Vibrator Lovers' LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, October 28th, 2004
    6:21 pm
    a true orgasmic story
    I've been having a stressful week at work and I was able to leave the office early today because the impossible project was done. I worked 12 hours yesterday (no overtime pay), I needed a break.

    I am used to my Deep Sea Vibe, and I'm at home, first thing I do is clean it, get everything ready, and I turn it on and find the batteries are low, and don't get a nice vibe when I turn it on maximum. So I get my other set of rechargeable batteries out, put them on the bed. I empty out my old batteries putting them out on the bed, the batteries roll together, and I forget which ones were which! I am freaking out and see that they are mixed! I put in batteries, it is low, finally I try a set of random batteries I pick up with my hand, it is low. I do not have any backup. As I try my last set of batteries, the coils break and I'm like oh fuck!!!!!! I don't have superglue.

    Being the dumbass I am, I make this an excuse to buy a new vibrator, which nothing compares to my old one. I drive through rush hour traffic to my local lovers lane with the goal of getting the same brand. The store is sold out of the Deep Sea Vibe, so I buy what looks like the next best thing. I also buy a finger vibe and batteries, about $140 total. Dumbass.

    I drive back through rush hour traffic, which gives me time to clean my new toy and put batteries in. It was funny, because I was holding the vibe up during stop lights to clean, so I was driving with a vibrator in my hand :) Toy cleaner takes time to dry, and I wanted everything dry and disinfected for when I arrive back into my apartment door,