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Below is user information for Paul Fisher. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:rao (8909) Paid User rao
Name:Paul Fisher
Location:Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
AOL IM:AIM status rao hdc (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 11393649 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status pnfisher (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:fsf systems administrator and programmer. gnu classpath co-founder, and former maintainer. living in cambridge, and trying to find a way back to the Bay.
Interests:147: acc, aclu, altered states, amazon, animaniacs, appalachia, arc, automation, b5, bars, bart, beauty, beer, berkeley, bert and ernie, c, california, calistoga lemonade, catt, cisco, civil liberties, classpath, cnbc, coca-cola, continuations, cooper's bbq, cramer, cream cheese wantons, demos, douglas adams, down comforters, drunken bowling, dvds, ebert, eff, emacs, email, encryption, free software, freedom, friends, fsf, fun, geeks, ghirardelli, gnu, gnu/linux, gnus, godiva, goldfish, gpg, gsm, hacking, hans zimmer, happiness, hdtv, intelligent agents, jim henson, kinks, krispy kreme, lambda, languages, laserdiscs, learning, libertarianism, life, linux, lisp, looney toons, love, lucky charms, lust, maker's mark, markets, morphine, movies, mozilla, mp3s, muppets, music, nature, ncsu, nerds candy, networks, north carolina, npr, oceans, oggs, open-mindedness, outdoors, pachinko, parks, parrot, pasta, peer to peer, perrier, phantasy star, pinball, pink floyd, pinky and the brain, politics, powerpuff girls, privacy, ps2, psychology, pta, public transit, python, railroads, ramen, realmoney, red bull, red hat, reduced carbon, rhiannonstone, road trips, rock and roll, rpgs, rush, san francisco, scheme, sensory experience, sleeping, sms, snmp, sony, sushi, sweet tea, systems, t, tarantino, the earth, the nudes, the simpsons, thinkpads, thomas kemper root beer, toys, trees, uncle wiggly, unix, usenix, waffle house, wile e. coyote, willy wonka, wine, wireless, wolfpack rolls. [Modify yours]
People41:aklikins, alisachan, berly, cbj, chronicfreetime, emc, flavor, flummox, hap, jeni, jessicamelusine, johnsu01, joshuagay, joyce, k8to, kalephunk, katzj, keever, leslieerin, macros, marm0t, mswilson, novalis, nsj, pam, partywhipple, paulv, rao, renfield, rhiannonstone, rollei, rpenguin, shalom, shaynabobayna, spot, stargazer, subbes, theashifaction, wilee, xara_, zeropage
Communities9:babylon5, catt, freescreenings, gameshows, hiptop, libertarianism, logjam, news, odyssey5
Feeds3:alton_brown, lambda_ultimate, perl_dan
Mutual Friends:38: aklikins, berly, cbj, chronicfreetime, emc, flavor, flummox, hap, jeni, jessicamelusine, johnsu01, joshuagay, joyce, k8to, kalephunk, katzj, leslieerin, macros, marm0t, mswilson, novalis, nsj, pam, paulv, rao, renfield, rhiannonstone, rollei, rpenguin, shalom, shaynabobayna, spot, stargazer, subbes, theashifaction, wilee, xara_, zeropage
Also Friend of:3: deviant_, ldy, lisa_goldstein
Member of:9: babylon5, catt, freescreenings, gameshows, hiptop, libertarianism, logjam, mozilla, paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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