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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Jeremy's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
    3:51 pm
    Another Candy Run?
    I just talked to Luke.. Ralph and I are making a trip to williston.. He had to call in sick because he was supposed to work tonight.. I have a feeling this'll be another "humdinger".

    I'll leave you with this piece of advice... "Don't lick little indian boys' yam-bags." - Jickjack

    Current Mood: playing !acro on #weed
    Current Music: Eminem feat. Scam - Green and Gold

    (1 vilification | repent)

    Saturday, August 24th, 2002
    2:10 am
    You must check this out. Your life depends on it.

    (1 vilification | repent)

    1:46 am
    Smokin' Chronic
    Ralph and I went to minot again a few days ago. We bought a half ounce of chronic. I smoked a shitload with him over the past few days. I'm really stoned right now.. I feel good.

    Current Mood: ripped to the gord
    Current Music: Jack Johnson - Posters

    (5 vilifications | repent)

    Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
    2:45 pm
    First Day of School (Well.. Not for me)
    School has started again and where the hell am I? Living with my parents, jobless, and haven't begun to start my education past high school. This is gonna suck with everyone gone all day .. or all school year (in college).. I need to kick it in the ass.. What the fuck.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Marilyn Manson - The Reflecting God

    (3 vilifications | repent)

    Monday, August 19th, 2002
    11:58 am
    Candy Run
    The Sound of Sin says:
    's up?
    Jean says:
    not much
    Jean says:
    The Sound of Sin says:
    just got back from a roadtrip with ralph
    The Sound of Sin says:
    Jean says:
    how was that
    The Sound of Sin says:
    it was pretty fucking cool.. we did some dxm and watched pink floyd and wizard of oz.. when we came down, we went to williston
    The Sound of Sin says:
    and drank 2 cases and took some dihydrocodeine's with luke...
    The Sound of Sin says:
    .. then i passed out and the next thing i knew, we were in minot
    The Sound of Sin says:
    so we smoked some dank buds and stayed overnite in a hotel there.. came back today

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Incubus - Pardon Me

    (1 vilification | repent)

    Friday, August 16th, 2002
    12:38 pm
    Monday morning, I took acid.. Tuesday night I took DXM.. Wednesday afternoon and evening I drank beer. Yesterday I shook all day.

    I'm feeling better today.

    Current Mood: complacent
    Current Music: Godhead - Pride

    (4 vilifications | repent)

    Saturday, August 10th, 2002
    1:54 pm
    My trip report lives on...
    I just checked my first/only (so far) trip report submitted to (the best entheogen-oriented website on the net).. It has had 16,664 views since it was posted.. I'm pretty proud of that.. For those of you who haven't read it, i'm gonna post it in here.. The original report can be found here.

    DXM School Trippin'
    DXM & Cannabis
    by Greenjello


    DOSE : 420 mg oral DXM (liquid)

    BODY WEIGHT : 140 lb

    I believe, in Junior High I had my first DXM trip by taking too many cough medicine pills. This trip report covers my first intentional DXM trip.

    It all started Sunday morning at about 4:00 a.m. Being an insomniac, I had tried to go to sleep the night before, without success. I decided I was going to go to school without any sleep, I?d done it before and I was going to do it again. I started to smoke some weed, only a few pinches from my one-hitter and continued to do so, slowly, until about 7:30. For the past few months, I?d been reading about DXM and decided I was going to try it that day.

    At about 8:00 I ?left for school? (class didn?t start until 8:45) and went to a nearby drugstore and picked up a bottle of Vicks 44 Cough Formula (the Vicks equivalent of Robitussin Maximum Cough), drank it quickly right before school. During my first period class, I?m not sure if I felt the effects of the DXM, but I definitely felt something (it could?ve been the weed). It was a nice head buzz. By second period, I was feeling very tired from the night before and I could really feel the effects of the DXM. During 2nd period, one of our state senators visited our school and we were having a lycaeum in the auditorium so we could ask him questions.

    Walking into the school auditorium, I had my first hallucination. It was partially visible, but the sound was more distinct. It was very dark, only a few smaller spotlights lighting the stage. As I walked along the wall I heard a hollow ?Whooshing? sound and out of the corner of my eye I saw a long tunnel. I jumped and turned to look at it and it was gone. I found a seat in the third to the last row and the lycaeum began.

    By this time, the full effects of the DXM had kicked in. I sat there and listened, but I couldn?t concentrate on what he was saying. I put my head between my hands and sat there for a minute. When I looked up, it looked as if I was still looking at the carpet, like the carpet had attached itself to my vision and it slowly went back down to the floor, out of my vision (as if it had slowly melted back to the floor, it?s quite hard to explain). Later, the senator picked up the microphone stand to move it out of his way and it looked like his shadow wasn?t making the same movements as him. I watched this for a long time and asked someone sitting by me if they saw anything different, and of course, they didn?t. Throughout the rest of the Lycaeum, I saw several light distortions, a common effect of DXM.

    I left the lycaeum and went to my 4th period class, which was a study hall in the computer lab (the lycaeum took up two periods). I just sat there and let my mind wander. It was a very strange experience. I remember asking myself questions about anything, mostly life in general, and looking for answers. Then, I looked up and there was a classmate who had a shirt that read ?Play? and pictured a person hitting a baseball, nothing else. I?m not sure if that is what his shirt had really said, but at the time, that is how I had read it. I stared at that picture which seemed like hours, but after looking at the clock, it was only about 2 or 3 minutes. After staring at it, I snapped to attention and I suddenly knew EVERYTHING. Not that I was thinking any more clearer, or had even really figured anything out, but every question I asked myself, I had an answer for. I had a false sense of enlightenment and I loved it. Looking back, the answers were totally unrelated, but they satisfied my curiosity for the time being.

    After that, I started coming down from the trip. Throughout the rest of the day I had several small visual distortions.

    That night I slept 16 hours and I felt a small ?hangover? from the DXM. It wasn?t a headache, but I felt completely drained of energy and still had the heavy feeling from the day before.

    I would recommend DXM to anyone who?s looking for a legal high. Just get the background information before you try it.

    Exp Year: 2000 ID: 524
    Added: Sep 10, 2000 Views: 16664

    Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the individual authors who submit them.
    Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - tear

    (8 vilifications | repent)

    1:28 pm
    (Can't You) Trip Like I Don't
    Yesterday Drew, Matt, and myself went to Minot in search of a decent amount of schwag. A couple of ounces or so. Instead we ran into dank buds. We weren't complaining. We only got a quarter because they were $60/eighth and there were no deals all the way up. Another thing that was in town was acid.. I should've tried a lot harder to find some of that. I've been looking for acid since the dawn of my drug experience. And there it was in Minot for $10/hit.

    I could be frying right now. Dammit. If I wasn't so high off of KB last night, i would've remembered and gotten some. Maybe I should run back today...

    On a positive note, I made another solid contact last night... One less shot in the dark when I go on pot runs. Generous guy, too.. Drives us across town to hook us up with chronic, getting nothing in return.. And on the way back, he smokes us up with his dank. That's the type of guy to know if you're running a few hours to get drugs.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Current Music: Ours - Sometimes


    3:10 am
    This is my time
    This is my tear
    I can see clearly now
    That this is not a place
    For playing solitaire
    Tell me where you want me
    This is my time
    This is my tear

    Comin' on strong
    Seems to me like
    All the world gets high
    When you take a dare
    Let it rise before you
    This is my crime

    All in all I'm
    Loving every rise and fall
    The sun will make and I will take
    Breath to be sure of this
    In the end
    All will be forgiven when
    Surrender rises high and I
    Gave what I came to give
    Say it now because you never know

    Devil may cry devil may care
    Distiller's got a scream
    And now I know just why
    When she's movin' air
    Can you feel the voltage
    This is my time
    California skies
    Got room to spare
    This is my time

    Take it outside
    Take it out there
    Seems to me like
    All the world gets high
    When you take a dare
    In the final moment
    This is my time

    Current Mood: numb
    Current Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - tear

    (1 vilification | repent)

    Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
    1:05 am
    Looking at himself but wishing he was someone else
    Because the posters on the wall they don't look like him at all

    So he ties it up, he tucks it in, he pulls it back, and gives a grin
    Laughing at himself because he knows he ain't loved at all

    He gets his courage from the can,
    It makes him feel like a man
    Because he's loving all the ladies
    But the ladies don't love him at all

    Cause when he's not drunk
    He's only stuck on himself
    And then he has the nerve
    To say he needs a decent girl

    Looking at herself but wishing she was someone else
    Because the body of the doll it don't look like hers at all

    So she straps it on, she sucks it in, she throws it up, and gives a grin
    Laughing at herself because she knows she ain't that at all

    All caught up in the trends
    Well the truth began to bend
    And the next thing you know, man
    There just ain't no truth left at all

    Cause when the pretty girl walks
    She walks so proud
    And when the pretty girl laughs
    Oh man, she laughs so loud

    And if it ain't this then its that
    As a matter of fact
    She hasn't had a day to relax
    Since she has lost her ability to think clearly

    Well I'm an energetic hypothetic version of another person
    Check out my outsides there ain't nothing in here

    Well I'm a superficial systematic music, television addict
    Check out my outsides there ain't nothing in
    Here comes another one, just like the other
    Looking at himself but wishing he was someone else
    Because the posters on the wall they don't a look alike a him
    He ties it up he puts it in, he pulls it back and gives a grin
    Laughing at himself because he knows he ain't loved at all

    He knows he ain't loved at all

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Jack Johnson - Posters

    (2 vilifications | repent)

    Monday, August 5th, 2002
    11:41 pm
    Nothing worth writing.
    Life is at a standstill.

    Current Mood: depressed

    (5 vilifications | repent)

    Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
    4:41 pm
    Kegger? :/
    Today is Ralph's birthday, i believe. Or maybe it was last weekend? I don't know, but either way he had planned on throwing a kegger tonight. I was supposed to give him a ride to Williston to pick them up but I didn't wake up until 4:30 this afternoon.. Gah.. I hope he got a ride..

    I think I might quit smoking.. I'm gonna see how bad the withdrawls are again.. So far they're not bad and the only reason I've quit smoking at all is because i'm out of money.

    Hmm... More to come..

    Current Mood: sober
    Current Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the Way


    Monday, July 22nd, 2002
    4:15 am
    The Great Hockey Experience
    Yeah, I played ice hockey for the first time in over 1 1/2 half years and after 14 years of steady playing before that... I used to be "good". I wasn't great and I wasn't bad.. I'd like to think that I was an asset to the team, to what ever degree.. But anyway, we played the same team over and over in a Bismarck "Tournament" ... (same team? what a tournament..)

    Well, after not skating for over 1 1/2 years, i played horribly.. At the beginning of the game, i could go hard for about a minute at a time.. After 10 mins I was worthless.... No I was more than worthless.. I was a handicap to the team... I managed to come out of the first game with an assist... I puked 3 times and managed to tough the game out.... But we lost 4-2

    The second game, later that day, i sat out... 5-2 that time..

    The third game, the next day, i think I played much better.. But I still got sick and backed out at the end of the 2nd period... The funny thing is I played better than some of the guys who were in shap on our team. Most of the time we played with 1 1/2 lines (and you should have at least 3) ...We got beat every game.. but if we had ice time all year and a full team, we would've schooled them.....

    That's as far as the games went.. In the offtime, i got baked and really drunk with kris, sam, chad benson, and chris owens.. it was an experience

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Golden Earing - Twilight Zone

    (2 vilifications | repent)

    Wednesday, July 17th, 2002
    12:52 pm
    Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, You Just Keep on Pretending
    Who was born in a house full of pain
    Who was trained not to spit in the fan
    Who was told what to do by the man
    Who was broken by trained personnel
    Who was fitted with collar and chain
    Who was given a pat on the back
    Who was breaking away from the pack
    Who was only a stranger at home
    Who was ground down in the end
    Who was found dead on the phone
    Who was dragged down by the stone.

    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: Pink Floyd - Dogs

    (4 vilifications | repent)

    Sunday, July 14th, 2002
    12:26 pm
    Mexican Raymond and .. ?
    Jared Loucks drew these with my touchpad down in Wahpeton when we were tore up.. The first one is of a dealer we call "Mexican Raymond" .. the second... I don't know what that is..

    I think I was molested last night.. Not good.. I smell like mosquito spray.. I'm gonna go shower.

    Current Mood: thirsty
    Current Music: Bush - Float

    (1 vilification | repent)

    Friday, July 12th, 2002
    6:36 pm
    One last note, I'm dating Jeri for all who had heard but weren't sure. Better confirm the gossip.


    6:35 pm
    It's All About the Mung
    I just got off of work about an hour ago.. I'm showered, changed, and stoned. So far, the night is off to a good start. I still have no idea where I'm about to end up to tonight. Kris and I never make plans. People just kinda come to us.

    As I typed that, Kendall knocked on the door. Heh.

    I just talked to Luke, he and Charlie will be here in 2 hours.. Better start preparing. I'll leave you with this..

    Think about it. Right now, our government has the recipe for the everlasting Gobstopper right next to the car that runs entirely on your belief in fairies. But do you think the oil companies or the conspiratorial bastards that make Just Regular Gobstoppers will ever let them see the light of day? If so, then enjoy your graham crackers and leash because you're a retard. Their shareholders would lose billions. It's the same in Afghanistan, only instead of oil companies and Willy Wonka controlling everything, the government is in the pocket of the people in charge of chopping the heads off of goats. - Seanbaby

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: KMFDM - Anarchy


    Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
    4:13 pm
    I Found My New Background Image

    Click for a larger image

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Pink Floyd - Let The Be More Light

    (2 vilifications | repent)

    Sunday, July 7th, 2002
    6:51 pm
    Renewed Interest
    I'm going to try to make it a point to write more in here more often. I like to reread my entries months afterwards.. I forget a lot.

    Since Wednesday night up until Saturday evening, it's been one big alcoholic blur. I spent pretty much the whole time at Short Creek. I had a good time, for the most part. I drank so much, I just ate for the first time in a day and a half.. I tried eating last night but about gagged when I got close to the fridge..

    The biggest party was on the 4th.. That was pretty cool but we were extremely unprepared with only two cases of diesel (Budweiser) .. The next night, we got 2 cases of Natural Ice, a 12 pack of Diesel, and then people got us beer assuming we'd want some more... All in all, we had over 10 cases between a handful of people. I think I enjoyed myself more on Friday.

    I had about a 1/4 oz of decent North Dakota schwag, too.. And a dugout partially full with Kine nuggets, which I found only yesterday.. I'd been drinking all morning and afternoon. But when I found the bud, I quit drinking and went around getting all my buddies stoned, going house to house.. I kept smoking at every place.. I had to come home and pass out for 4 hours before getting up and finding my brother..

    Drew and I headed out to Short Creek again.. That shot in the dark turned into a shot in the foot.. Heh.. I guess Jeri and Jackie followed us from Crosby, trying to flash us. We never noticed. Haha.

    We headed back towards Noonan, looking for Kris and Kendall.. Didn't have any luck.. I'd heard that there was gonna be a party at the Clothesline, but I said fuck it.. We didn't have beer and I didn't really want to drink, anyway.. I would've because I don't take Drew out very often..

    From who I talked to, it was a decent party. I guess Kayla wanted me to come out, too.. Hmm.

    The grass was greener
    The light was brighter
    The taste was sweeter
    The nights of wonder
    With friends surrounded
    The dawn mist glowing
    The water flowing
    The endless river
    Forever and ever

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: Pink Floyd - High Hopes

    (2 vilifications | repent)

    2:35 pm
    What Do You Want From Me
    As you look around this room tonight
    Settle in your seat and dim the lights
    Do you want my blood, do you want my tears
    What do you want?
    What do you want from me?
    Should I sing until I can't sing anymore
    Play these strings til my fingers are raw
    You're so hard to please
    What do you want from me?

    Do you think that I know something you don't know?
    What do you want from me?
    If I don't promise you the answers would you go?
    What do you want from me?
    Should I stand out in the rain
    Do you want me to make a daisy chain for you?
    I'm not the one you need
    What do you want from me?

    You can have anything you want
    You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water
    Anything you want

    You can own everything you see
    Sell your soul for complete control
    Is that really what you need?

    You can lose yourself in this night
    See inside there is nothing to hide
    Turn and face the light

    What do you want from me?

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: Pink Floyd - What Do You Want From Me


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