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Men At Work~Land Down Under |
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I think waiting is one of the most difficult things. It seems to have become more difficult as I've grown older. Waiting for trains, waiting to pay for your shopping, waiting for the new series of The O.C., waiting to cross the road, waiting for the INS office to approve your visa application so you can the hell outta this country! Heh I think we become more and more impatient...(god I am SICK and TIRED of our flat stinking of cigarettes because of that woman downstairs!!! Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!! *runs upstairs to get the nice jasmine smelly air freshner...mmmm, that's better!)...sorry got a bit side-tracked there. >:) I think we become more and more impatient as we grow older because we don't have that sense of immortality. Well, it's more like the complete disregard for mortality. It's not that I used to think "Hmmm, I think I'll take this risk because, hell! I'm immortal!" I just have so much more to lose now and I realize it. I have this desire to live every moment of life to it's fullest and it feels so hard to do that when we have to spend so much of our time working for money. Dave has to do it here and once we're in the States, I'm going to have to go off to work. No wonder there are so many failing relationships in this consumer-ruled society we live in today. There is so much to pay for and to acquire we get tunnel vision and aren't given enough time to focus on all the important, fulfilling, beautiful, exciting, rejuvenating things around us. I only get one hour during the daytime to spend with David at lunchtime. It's always wonderful and we cherish that time but it goes by so quickly. It seems so unfair that we have to be working more than we get to be spending time with our loved ones. I know some people thrive on that but that aint me. I just can't wait until we're in a position where both of us can stay home, most of the time if not full time, together. Relax with each other, laugh with each other, rest with each other, take care of each other, teach each other, love each other. Just more things to be impatient about. We'll work our butts off to reach that goal and until then we'll enjoy all those little moments, ever quick and fleeting as they are...but oh so precious.
Thanks for picking up the mailing tubes, babe. I feel bad that I didn't buy them when I saw them. You're my hero.
Memory of the day: Waiting in line to get into The Cox arena to see Rob Zombie and Korn. The line was like a mile long. Wow! What a show! Now THAT was worth waiting for! :P