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User:kightp (398581) Paid User kightp
Jezebel's Journal
Confessions of a (real) drama queen
Location:Albany, Oregon, United States
Bio:I'm a 50-something menobabe, theater-geek, Webmama and left-of-Liberal activist living in paradise (a.k.a. Oregon's Willamette Valley). Anything else you need to know you can find out from my Web site, or by asking.

Love is love.

Marriage is a basic human right.
Memories:230 entries
Interests:31: aging with grace, alt.polyamory, anybody but bush again, assemblage, bisexuality, bleeding-heart liberals, bookbinding, canes, chocolate, collage, cooking for friends, creative spontaneity, feminism, gardening, god hates shrimp, hideous pagan rituals, historic homes, hoydenism, human rights, joseph cornell, knitting, live theater, queer politics, redefeat the president, rubber stamping, single malt whisky, stagecraft, talking to spacecraft, united perverts, viola spolin, webwork. [Modify yours]
People232:98, ailbhe, alexanderjasper, alfvaen, amberfox, andyt, anisoptera, annaoj, annburlingham, ariedana, ashley_y, augea, autographedcat, b3agle2, baratron, barbarakitten_t, bcholmes, beckyzoole, beki, best_lj, betnoir, bfly, blaisepascal, boxofdelights, brother_blaze, bsquad, bunyip, byersr, cassini_saturn, catrinka, ccprince, cerval, chakolate, cheshyre, claudia_, clawfoot, clindau, comettour, community_tales, computerchix, crossfire_, curiousangel, curlygrrrl, cymrullewes, dafydd, dandelion_diva, darthgeek, davehogg, dewhitton, dizzdvl, djm4, dmmaus, donpaul, dragon_spirit, droewyn, dubhtaobh, dvmarie, edschweppe, eleccham, eleri, elfs, elgoose, elimloth, elisem, elusis, elynne, eo1_sat, epi_lj, fair_witness, faithwallis, filkertom, firecat, flobglobnobrob, fourgates, fuse_sat, futabachan, gdmusumeci, gh4acws, glinda_w, goes_sat, gravity_probe_b, greenman65, griffen, grillghod, gunhed, helygen, hgs1_sat, homemakerj, hubbletelescope, iamjw, inspace, jackiejj, janetmiles, jenny_junipurr, jennyaxe, jhetley, jhitchin, jilara, jilesa, joedecker, johnchico, johnpalmer, jonsinger, joshbrown, juliansinger, kahnman, karenkay, kath8562, katster, kayre, kengr, klwalton, kobaltraven, kookyfaerie, kshandra, ladysprite, lao_tzu, lblanchard, lcohen, lisajulie, lissamc, lizw, ljgeoff, lniamh, lolleeroberts, lydy, lysana, mactavish, mamatiger, maraud, marileeann, mars3, mars_4, mars_beagle, mars_mgs, marstheredplane, marypcb, max_bialystock, meglimir, micheinnz, mightymutt, misia, mittelschmertz, murphymom, ncc_1701_d, nellorat, nitoda, nolly, nsingman, odanu, okoshun, opportunitygrrl, ororo, pagawne, pameladean, papersky, patgreene, pathfindress, peaberry, pele203, penlyon, perigee, pernishus, persimmon, phinnia, pinkee_1991, pioneer10, pipyn, pleonastic, polyfrog, porcinea, pyrzqxgl, randibeeman, razordemon, red_frog, redbird, rickvs, rivka, rmjwell, rosefox, rosetta_mission, rowanf, rutemple, sailorjim, saluqi, saoba, sassy, sbisson, scooting, secretrapture, seraphimsigrist, serendipoz, serenefood, serenejournal, sevoo, snippy, soho_sat, spiritrover, star_dusting, starcat_jewel, stardustboy, stonebender, supergee, tangentier, teal7, technojce, temujin9, the_curmudgn, thekory, tigerbright, trinker, truepenny, tsjafo, valkyrwench, venera14, voyager_at_90au, voyagerprobe, wandra, wcg, weredonut, western_slope, wild_irises, wispfox, wolfette, woodrunner, wordweaverlynn, wordygrrl, wwax, xiphias, zeldajean, zerbie, ziactrice
Communities29:bean_west, crafty_stuff, dot_bdsm_snark, dot_cattiness, dot_curses, dot_dot_snark, dot_drama_queen, dot_poly_snark, dot_warmfluffy, failed_recipe, food_porn, frozen_desserts, healingpartners, homesushi, kitchen_retards, knit_patterns, knitting, la_flaneuse, metaquotes, news, nospringchicken, p_a, paidmembers, polyamory, pronoia, punk_knitters, queer_marriage, scotchdrinkers, tmi_chix
Feeds14:alanbostick, apod, deanforamerica, justhungry_feed, modrnwrld_blog, mollyivins, officialgaiman, piranha_gooroos, preachermanfeed, respect_otters, rodeoqueen, savagelove, snopesrecentadd, u_f
Mutual Friends:201: 98, ailbhe, alfvaen, amberfox, andyt, anisoptera, annaoj, annburlingham, ariedana, augea, autographedcat, baratron, barbarakitten_t, bcholmes, beckyzoole, beki, best_lj, betnoir, bfly, blaisepascal, boxofdelights, brother_blaze, bsquad, bunyip, byersr, cassini_saturn, catrinka, ccprince, cerval, chakolate, cheshyre, claudia_, clawfoot, clindau, computerchix, crossfire_, curiousangel, curlygrrrl, cymrullewes, dafydd, dandelion_diva, darthgeek, davehogg, dewhitton, dizzdvl, djm4, donpaul, dragon_spirit, droewyn, dubhtaobh, dvmarie, edschweppe, eleccham, eleri, elgoose, elimloth, elisem, elusis, elynne, epi_lj, fair_witness, faithwallis, filkertom, firecat, fourgates, fuse_sat, futabachan, gdmusumeci, gh4acws, glinda_w, goes_sat, gravity_probe_b, greenman65, griffen, grillghod, gunhed, helygen, homemakerj, iamjw, jackiejj, janetmiles, jenny_junipurr, jennyaxe, jhetley, jhitchin, jilara, jilesa, joedecker, johnchico, johnpalmer, jonsinger, joshbrown, juliansinger, kahnman, karenkay, kath8562, katster, kayre, kengr, klwalton, kobaltraven, kookyfaerie, kshandra, ladysprite, lao_tzu, lblanchard, lcohen, lisajulie, lissamc, ljgeoff, lniamh, lolleeroberts, lysana, mactavish, mamatiger, maraud, marileeann, marypcb, max_bialystock, meglimir, micheinnz, mightymutt, misia, mittelschmertz, murphymom, ncc_1701_d, nellorat, nitoda, nolly, nsingman, odanu, okoshun, opportunitygrrl, ororo, pagawne, pameladean, patgreene, pathfindress, peaberry, pele203, penlyon, pernishus, persimmon, phinnia, pipyn, pleonastic, porcinea, pyrzqxgl, randibeeman, razordemon, ...
Also Friend of:8: additive, catchild, guruwench, halostatue, moruiw, pbrim, thornedillusion, txanne
Member of:24: bean_west, crafty_stuff, dot_bdsm_snark, dot_cattiness, dot_curses, dot_drama_queen, dot_poly_snark, dot_warmfluffy, failed_recipe, food_porn, frozen_desserts, healingpartners, homesushi, kitchen_retards, knit_patterns, knitting, p_a, paidmembers, polyamory, pronoia, punk_knitters, scotchdrinkers, tmi_chix, valleyhold
Account type:Paid Account

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