Ry's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[12 Nov 2003|11:55pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Poison the Well - "Botchla" ]

I really, REALLY want all of the Cursive CDs and Hot Damn! by Every Time I Die. If anybody could hook me up with any of these, I will be super grateful.

4 more happy trees. lets start hackin'.

[11 Nov 2003|01:16am]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | Ben Kweller - "Lizzy" ]

I'm really sick of musical.
I'm growing my hair long again.
I'm in a fighting mood recently.
I'm getting better at guitar since I've been hanging out with Jeremy more often. He's been teaching me lots.
I'm not really sure why I don't update my journal more often. I guess I don't have much to say.
I'm selling stuff that I really like so I can afford Christmas presents for people. Be thankful!
I'm going to bed.

start hackin'.

[08 Nov 2003|01:17pm]
[ mood | numb ]
[ music | Gatspy's American Dream - "Counterfeit Language" ]

I'm falling apart.

When he looks inward, he sees disgust.

7 more happy trees. lets start hackin'.

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