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garbage - cherry lips |
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Summer is.... good.
The week that Sara, Laura and I were counselors at Camp Bratton Green...well, to be blunt.. kicked fucking ASS. Next year we should do like, 3 sessions. The people were awesome, we got to stare at John Allen and Ben.. (mmmmmmm) haha oh yeah the kids were pretty good too.
The only thing that insanely sucks about this summer is the fact that I have to do GEOMETRY. And that, my friends, is kicking my ass. But, as it's my ticket to the next grade, it's, uh, kinda important. I can't believe MSMS doesn't offer something important and MATH-LIKE such as GEOMETRY. ahh, oh well. Now that the time for me to pack all my stuff and physically LEAVE HOME forr-evv-err (not really) is nearing, nerves are definitely racking. The two things that really worry me are: 1. That MSMS will be entirely too hard and I'll fail because I've been at Canton Academy my whole life. 2. People there will be waay too nerdy.
Let me elaborate. GEEKS are awesome. Geeks (and yes, I consider myself a geek in many ways) are uh, what makes the fucking world turn. (what the hell did that mean?) Now, on the other hand, nerds, to me, are people who only think of getting ahead of everybody in the class. With no sense of humor. Who don't listen to music.
Basically, all I want to get out of MSMS is... a. seeing what it's like to NOT be with Canton people. (Bask in the glory with me for a sec... I don't ever have to associate with anyone I don't want to... who is from Canton.) When I was AT CA, that was hard b/c it was so small (and stupid) that you HAD to. bwahaha. (Don't worry Lua you only have 1 more year!)
b. having a good time with different people, while, yes, *ugh* getting a better education.
Anyway. Just got back from a week at Sara's. That's always really fun. Well, first we went to Memphis. Then, to Texas. We watched some great flicks and we laughed. A lot. Went to some awesome malls. Ate at cool places. Rode around with Ashleigh. Threw firepoppers at people. We (lua, sara, and I) decided that later on in life, we will write a book entitled HIDE THE FOOD! and it will have all of our memoirs from early childhood to like, uh, then. That'll be a best-seller, lemme tell ya.
Hoooooly crapppp on Saturday, Laura's brother and 2 of his (HOTTTT) friends came to visit Sara's brother after a Grateful Dead concert. Then, on Sunday, we drove from Texas to MS with them. That's 8 hours with mmm boys. Jesus, I don't think I STOPPED laughing. They are the funniest people EVARRRR. That was the best ride. Let's see... Thomas, who is 19 or 20, is the epitome of SEX. Longish, kinda curly thick brown hair, dimples, some freckles, GORGEOUS green eyes, not too big or small, not too many muscles but he def. had some. Since he was a couple years younger than Cliff (Laura's bro) and Chris (but he looked their age) they made him the butt of most of their jokes. I mean, they're not really making fun of him; it's all good-natured and fucking HILARIOUS.
Like, Thomas eats A LOT, but he's not fat. At breakfast he ate 4 pieces of toast, eggs, TONS of hash browns and half the fruit bowl. After that, Chris named him THE BRICKSLAYER. gahhh it's the funniest thing. And since they've been camping out for a few days (for the concert), Thomas's fingernails had like, found freedom and grown. A lot. They definitely weren't long, but for a guy they were kinda long. So, whenever he got a coke or something, Chris and Cliff would be like, "WATCH OUT, MAN!! DON'T SPEAR THE CAN! I DON'T WANT COKE ALL OVER THE TAHOE!" And when Thomas stretched they'd be like, "AHH THE LEATHER UPHOLSTERY!" And Chris told me that the night before (when they went to yet ANOTHER concert with sara's bro), Thomas asked a girl to dance and when he let go of her arm there were 4 little dots with blood gushing everywhere. Thomas was like, "shut up man". Chris exaggerates a lot.
HAHAHA OMOGGFKG hokay. You know when you wake up and your voice is loud and groggy? Well Thomas's voice was like that for the entire trip. And when Chris turned around and asked a question, Thomas was like, "HUH?" except it was SOOOO loud. And Chris stopped and stared at me and said, "That was the hardest 'huh' I have ever heard in my LIFE." It was even funnier b/c Thomas didn't MEAN to say it that loud. Anyway, for the rest of the trip we joked/imitated about how Thomas is a huge hardass with a Godzilla voice.
hahaah This is not funny to anybody except me.
Oh yeah! We (sara, lua, me) burned like 72498374983274 cds. And in the car I was talking about them to Laura, and Cliff was like, "you know, we'd like to hear what you have on these cd's." That was pretty embarrassing, especially when George Michael - I Want Your Sex came on. But, they graded our cd's with a B. That's good!
hmm. Laura and I were introduced to some different (but good!) music. Said they went to a Grateful Dead concert, we listened to that for a while. Then, it went to Moe, Bob Marley, Homemade Water, Recreational Chemistry (or something like that), Ben Taylor, Blue Oyster Cult, Crackerjack, Jack Johnson....... and more. I kinda want to download some of that... if my limewire wasn't erased. Good shit, huh?
It's sad that I've written more on the ride home than anything. But, that's just because it's fresh on my mind. If I had written more stuff on the last month, it would be like 600 pages.
Live loud and be proud! (hurrrrr)