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(3 therapy sessions | stick me on the couch, bud)

don't we all love ferris b. [06 Jul 2004|10:08pm]
[ mood | crisis ]
[ music | get me away from here i'm dying - belle and sebastian ]

Cameron: I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Sloane: College.
Cameron: Yeah, but to do what?
Sloane: What are you interested in?
Cameron: Nothing!
Sloane: Me neither!

(stick me on the couch, bud)

[03 Jul 2004|11:22am]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | there there - radiohead ]

i just wanted to save this clipping - it's also kind of helpful since i didn't have to write anything and it STILL counts as an update! maybe i should update more often...

And To Think, He Could Have Ended Up A Liberal...
From: (tim -------)
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:19:32 -0600
Subject: Love reading your views!

Hey I really enjoy reading your views. In fact, I used to be a Lib like you while in college ... but I eventually grew up ... didn't want to end up like you -- wearing Grateful Dead T-shirts ... waiting to mount that next big march on Kent State ... listening to CSN&Y;'s Four Dead in Ohio 1,200 times a day ... and living with his mother ...... "Mom, can I borrow $500 to start a website?"

DU RESPONDS: So how did you end up? Don't tell me... wearing God Hates Fags t-shirts... picking rubber out of your face after that tire came off Dale Jarrett's Ford on the 115th lap... listening to Jeff Foxworthy's "Games Rednecks Play"... and living with your battered wife... who you won't have sex with because you secretly like men... "Durlene, can I git $10 to grab me a case o' Schlitz...?"

(stick me on the couch, bud)

[27 Oct 2003|05:13pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | my little humidor - galactic ]

vice president dick chaney came to our campus today for a political rally. yee-ha. yeah, i skipped it. it was that, or catch up on hw so i'm not TOO swamped tonight. i've never been more effing repulsed before... i'm not hardcore political like some people here, but i can tell i don't like dick chaney. we got out of school 4 hours early - he DOES get my credit for that.

anyway, all i saw today were haley barbour signs and stickers and godd so much bullshit. and i'm sick of people my age going, "VOTE HALEY BARBOUR" when WE CAN'T FUCKING VOTE YET. 1 more year, honey.. and oh, yeah i STILL won't listen to you.

so everybody here got tickets to go to the rally if we wanted to... some people *cough claire cough* were soooo excited. then, after the thing she walked around carrying a "VOTE HALEY BARBOUR" sign above her head. wtf? she's 16. then she called her mom and was like, "OH MY GOD MOM HE WAS SO GREAT... IT WAS LIKE I SAW THE PRESIDENT, JUST WITH VICE IN FRONT OF IT! HAHAHA! I LOVE HIM AND GOOOO REPUBLICANS!!!!!"

neha and i were choking on our chicken paprika. OMG on other BETTER news john c. FLIPPED OFF THE VICE PRESIDENT OF AMERICA. ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. ahhah.

ariel (yes we have made up) told me the whole thing was a talk on how great Bush and Barbour are and what a great job they're doing in Iraq and how great Ronald Reagan was???!!! i don't get it.

enough about that, BABY. haha i have been so bitter lately... it's like what Bilbo said... "I feel like too little butter scraped over too much bread" or SOMETHING like that. this month has lasted forever. I effing NEED to go home. i'm getting desperate. always on edge. like, i can't sleep anymore - i rest. i'm always just too wired (except not in a good way). waaaay too many essays, tests, and hw.

did i hear wake up at 7:45 for an 8:00 class? hell yeah ya did. AND make it to breakfast. actually i haven't quit taking showers like some people up here. my standards haven't dropped THAT low.
I'm beginning to wonder if i can make it to Thursday. Wednesday night is our Halloween party-- INTER-DORM TRICK OR TREATING, BABY!! yay we get to go to the boy's dormssss. i need a costume! I was thinking of being a dust bunny and somehow attach pillow fluff all over my body. but oh, there's no effing time to do all that. gahhhhhh.

homework time. woah the sky just turned bright pink. hardcore.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

[25 Oct 2003|11:16am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Beautiful - Flickerstick ]

YES, I AM AWAKE AT 11:15 ON A SATURDAY. grrr. why? WHY??? My roommate has had like 800 alarms go off this morning. Then her phone rang. Has she listened to any of them? Noooooooooooope. So she has been sleeping peacefully since 11 last night, but I stayed up until like 2.

Last night we went to Wal-Mart 3 times, ate at Applebees, and THEN rented a mass of Disney movies. Last Thursday we watched The Little Mermaid, so we rented Mulan and Beauty and the Beast. HARRRDDDCOOOORRREEEE.

Anyway, after watching Mulan you can't help but be INCREDIBLY PUMPED UP, riiiight? Well we sure as hell were. We went to my room to pick up some water bottles (yes, we are so hardcore), and of course we were all hyper. BUT, we saw Ariel (my roommate) reading, so we shut up. Then she stormed out of the room cussing... and when we passed her going back we were like, "sorry, we won't be in there anymore- the room's yours" and she fucking SCREAMED, "WAY NOT TO RESPECT ANYBODY, ROOMMATE! YOU STUPID WHORE!"

what the fucking hell?? yeah, the seniors warned me about her crazy mood changes, and now I'm beginning to see them. That totally put a damper on the entire night. So we just went and watched Beauty and the Beast in retaliation. hmph.

mmm downloading guster.

In other news, Will is coming to see me today! And Laura is taking the ACT RIGHT NOW!!! goooo ra-ra! haha everybody at school knows who "RAAA-RAAAA" is. =)
I have to write an essay on "The Merchant of Venice" and how "Shylock is an example of a classic villain" today. This sucks.
i wonder if julio stayed here this weekend.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

[17 Oct 2003|01:20pm]
[ music | instant pleasure - rufus wainwright ]




last night a bunch of us just stayed up and ate s'mores until like 4 a.m. then we got about 3 hours of sleep and we woke up and it was hailing?!111? So they cancelled classes and we were rejoicing and getting ready to go back to sleep and then the announcement was like, "WHOOPS! SORRY 'BOUT THAT, GIRLS! THE RAIN IS SLACKING! YOU CAN LEAVE THE BUILDING! GET UP FOR CLASS!"

i wanted to slap her in the face with the sole of my shoe. but i get out of class at 1 anyway so i just kinda slept through all my classes today.
we had to go to this "southern writers" talk that was at MUW and had all these women reading their poems and stuff... I got the worst crick in my neck b/c i was trying to hold it up without completely leaning on julio and it was hard.
woah... that seems like it was a million years ago.

and my mom sent me a package with a bag of snickers and cashews! she sent it in a gigantic box that said "The Republic of Tea" so everybody was like, "gee emily, ya like tea?"

well now i actually have to clean my room and pack b/c i'm going home with claire tonight! yee-ha

(1 therapy session | stick me on the couch, bud)

yes, sara, I am commenting to your post WITH A SEPARATE LJ ENTRY! [14 Oct 2003|03:38pm]
[ music | placebo - special K ]

dude you should totally learn to play bass and and get annointed by oil or something and since both you and your brother would be in the band you could call yourselves the gillespies and everybody who didn't know it was your last name would be like woah what a cool name i bet it means something insanely deep and you could retort with a hell yeah biatch it means something deep like your mom in bed but they wouldn't understand because nobody understands our mom in bed jokes except maybe walker but anyway you could go on tour with my band emily and the msms nerds but i would have to change my name back to nancy when i'm around the gillespies because my name is always nancy around you isn't it everybody's dream to be in a band?

(1 therapy session | stick me on the couch, bud)

[05 Oct 2003|01:09pm]
[ music | plane crash - moe. ]

LEIK, A W33K3ND UPDAT3 GUYS5!!!111!!!111

Things that have happened this weekend:
1. ate at chinese restaurant and saw TEH SCARIEST teacher who is allergic to soap
2. washed car at car wash with ahmed!1
3. jeffery found $5 on the ground and we used it to buy candy at wal-mart
4. went to see School of Rock (OMMFG NEW FAV MOVIE) with like, half of the msms student body
5. ate an entire bag of sour patch kids and nerds (i even got julio wired)
6. did wheeleys in DA DANJA RAV in kroger parking lot (yeeha)
7. went to wendys -- a bunch of us decided that we're going to make a band... and the name is "Emily and the MSMS Nerds" not implying that i'm not a nerd but since the name "emily" is so not a hardcore band name... yeah. HAHAHALMFDSAKFJDOISFJ and we're going to play music by Ned Zeppelin.
8. went to the thrift store and the guy GAVE ME A FREE SHIRT!!11 justin bought an insanely comfy couch. hmph.
9. went to wal-mart and wendy's again.
10. went to the mall... at bath and body works they have all these scents like "milk", "tomato", "burdock root" and "grapefruit" and justin was like, "*gush* i hope my girlfriends wears more of this "milk" stuff because OHHHH I LOVEEEEE THE SCENT OF MILK."
11. got pulled over by the cops on a deserted country road!! gahh it was so funny... i couldn't hear what he was saying (b/c i'm deaf) but everybody else could, so when he told me to "slow it down a bit" i said "thank you"... and everyone was like, "emily what the hell are you saying..?!" but i didn't get a ticket!!!!!!!!
12. went to the site of an in-use meth lab
13. got SO FUCKING LOST we had to ask directions
15. watched a movie (daddy day care.. decent movie)
16. i have the strange urge to play tennis RIGHT FUCKING NOW so i think i am, dammit.
17. justin, owen, and zach want to go in DA DANJA RAV to some anti-abortion parade at 2:15.... i was like, "umm, okay.."

last night me, sue, hannah, justin, and dicks (zach's last name is dicks) drove around for-ev-er. it is so obvious that zach likes me. I don't want to be TEH BITCH QU33N and totally shoot him down but hmm i don't want him to think i'm leading him on. BECAUSE I'M NOT. i really don't want to think about this, so i'm going to take a shower. peace out.

on the road to another mind crumbling week....

(stick me on the couch, bud)

NEW DAVE MATTHEWS CD TODAY!!!!! [23 Sep 2003|10:35am]
1. We had a party in our room which consisted of 15 girls dancing to the "Cha-Cha Slide".
2. Sometimes we're so loud that people have to tell us to be quiet. Examples:
A. Ariel: hey, there's a new teen girl squad!!
Me: *turns it up all the way and we both screech with laughter*
CL on duty: *walks in* WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!

B. Me: haha I saw a car in the gravel pit that said "I love babies... dead AND alive" (It ACTUALLY said "I love babies.. Born and Unborn"...)
Ariel: *long stare*
Me: What?! It was anti-abortion! *thinks*
Both of us: *laugh for 2 hours straight*
I am TOTALLY getting a bumper sticker that says, "I love babies.. Dead AND alive."

C. Me: *listening to dave matthews - gravedigger on computer* I want this song --*points at different song on computer* played at my wedding!
Ariel: (doesn't see me point) *on the computer - GRAVEDIGGER.. WOULD YOU DIG MY GRAAAAAVE* *long stare*
Me: *dies out laughing*

3. ........yeah. it's crazy. She picked me as her undersecretary of the treasury, and last night we both had to stand up and recite this "oath" ..thing in front of everybody. We were sitting down in these rolly chairs that roll TOWARD each other... and we both tried to get out at the same time so we knocked knees and both fell down. THEN, we were laughing so hard that we couldn't say anything and looked like morons. BUT THAT'S OKAY!

4. I was throwing one of those gooey balls that are attached to a gooey string (you know????) and it stuck to the ceiling. So, instead of standing on my bed with a big broom, we decided to knock it down by throwing things at it. i.e., water bottles, huge books, my can of tea, the clock... As usual, we both got hurt and never hit the gooey ball. Alas.

Anyway, off the roommate subject. EXTENDED WEEKEND STARTING THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 OH THE EXCITEMENT!!!

I discovered that my life is only a clock, counting down to the next break I have. Starting Monday at 7 a.m., I think about getting out of class. That builds to wishing it was the weekend, and THAT to extended weekend. Christmas vaca, spring break, summer vaca, GRADUATION, etc. Then college, then my job. It's all a countdown. Is there any point to my existence? I think not.

ON a sidenote, "they" are making a new bible especially for teens called REVOLVE. It is formatted to look like a teen beauty magazine (cosmo, seventeen). An example of an article is:
You need a good, balanced foundation for the rest of your makeup, kinda like how Jesus is the strong foundation in our lives.
There are over 400 glossy, picture filled pages of this, kids. WAIT, DID I JUST HEAR SOMEBODY SHOOT ME?!?!?!111/
Just incase there is any doubt.. no, I don't own one. I read that in newsweek I think.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

[16 Sep 2003|10:43pm]
[ mood | tarred HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ]
[ music | your winter - sister hazel ]

mmmmmmmm this is the first time in a very long time that I've actually had time to sit down and do the whole livejournal thing. ohh how i've missed thee.
hmm we had a college view today. Like, almost 60 colleges from all over came... yeah, I should really not EVER be allowed into college views. ever. Ok some representatives from Berry College were there, and yeah I'm a dumbass. My friend Will LIVED next to Berry, but he goes to college in Jackson, which is HOW I KNOW HIM. jesus. So yeah, I was like, "Yeah, one of my friends Will goes to Berry College!" and she was like, "Really? I thought I knew everybody in my graduating class, and he wasn't in it."
So then, it dawned on me that 'WAIT. WILL GOES TO COLLEGE HERE. HE JUST LIVED NEXT TO BERRY.'... but I didn't want to be like, "haha... just kidding. no really, i'm just screwing with YOUR BRAIN" so I walked away.


anyway. i feel like i've been kind of shutting out the world the past few days. that's just how i feel. OH, AND WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY I HAVE THE WORST LUCK WITH GUYS. EVARRR. 'NO EMILY' YOU SAY 'I HAVE THE WORST LUCK WITH GUYS' OHHHH HOOOHOOOOO NOOO SIRREE I BEAT YA THERE. *aHEM*

yeah. first of all, how do other girls here actually FIND THE TIME to have a successful relationship? beats me.
LMFAO Everybody's standards here have dropped into FRIGHTENLY LOW DEPTHS. Like, when i first got here i saw all these hideously scary looking guys and was like, "AHHH" but now we're all like, "Heeeeyyy he's lookinggg good!!"
I think I'm going to invest into buying like 5 pairs of scrubs, and wear ONLY THEM. Then I'll take showers at night, and wake up ALREADY DRESSED AND READY TO GO. At 7:50. ohhh yeah. So this is what they meant by NOT FUCKING CARING.

so *ahem* this guy proclaimed his love to me and i fucking completely blew him off. now that i think about it, I'M SO EFFING STUPID. SO SO SO SOS SO. now he thinks i hate him. i told him the truth - that i would be a totally crappy girlfriend here b/c there's always so much going on and all. No time!!! And yes, that's REALLY SAD.

MMMmMMMmmmmmMMMMMMMM THE FRESH SCENT OF NEWLY UPTURNED TAR. JUST LIKE DELICIOUS FRUIT!!!111!! Ariel and I left our windows open last night JUST IN TIME for the tar scent to stick to everything. I love it when they work right outside our windows.

I also love how I am completely out of money. YEESSSS. no more food EVER. except cafeteria food.

This Saturday I'm going on a field trip with the Spanish club to a Latino festival. Our teacher is making us dance. and sell food. OH YEAH, AND I'LL MISS THE CONCERT WITH COWBOY MOUTH, HOOTIE AND THE BLOWFISH AND SOME OTHER BAND THAT IS PROBABLY GOOD. WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.

AAAAHHHHH HUGE CLOUD OF TAR COMING TO ENGULF MEEEE!!!!11111!!!! Now I can't see out of my window.

Somebody help me. No, really.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

Ross always puts me back in my place. [28 Aug 2003|11:09pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | DMB - Gravedigger ]

redteemgo: well now IM going to bed
redteemgo: nighty night emilah
Wombat of Desire: aww it's only 11
redteemgo: well I do have to get up at like 7
redteemgo: night
Wombat of Desire: yeah me too
Wombat of Desire: night!
Wombat of Desire: but i guess i'm just a hardass
Wombat of Desire: haha
redteemgo: ooh yeah
redteemgo: hard as butter
redteemgo: in the sun
redteemgo: being rubbed on a fat mans nipples

(2 therapy sessions | stick me on the couch, bud)

[25 Aug 2003|09:06pm]
[ mood | can't breathe ]
[ music | nothing.. it's study hours and I shouldn't be on the compy ]

nrrg monday. This weekend was pretty relaxing. Friday night while people of the, um, ghetto nature had a huge gazebo party, our 'group' of the ...something... nature did.. other.. things.
d00d. The gazebo parties are SCARY. Now, I know I'm from Canton and very sheltered, but STILL. You have to watch out for guys (girls too, i guess) trying to -rape- you. Like, most girls wear shorts underneath their pants b/c the guys try to pull your pants down. crazy kids.

mmmm newly added qualites of Julio:
1. He plays the guitar well. And sings. But the cool thing is, he's never had lessons; he gets the music off the internet and teaches HIMSELF. He writes his own music too.
4. He plays soccer. I've never really known a guy who plays soccer, but up here everybody does. And he's GOOD.
5. ummmmmmmmmmmhejustturned18 (good? i dunno.)

So anyway. Friday night a bunch of guys got their guitars and played while everybody talked. So cheesy. But good.
Saturday I actually got off campus. HOW EXCITING!!! ...except for the fact that we have to walk everywhere. stupid junior plan. Ate lunch at a decent restaurant. mmmmm no cafeteria food.
YAY AND I WENT TO THE THRIFT STORE. I bought Cassandra a tshirt that says "CANADA". It's great. Annnnd for myself I bought 3 tshirts... One is orange and says "Colombus Nissan" on the front and a big 7 on the back. LMFAO I bought a school shirt for the class of 2009 and THE MASCOT IS THE TROJAN. So on the front it says something like "home of the trojans". The last one is blue and says "millers ok tire" on the front and a big 5 on the back. WOOO LITTLE BOY SOCCER LEAGUE SHIRTS.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. THIS IS THE SADDEST THING EVER: WE MISSED THE SHUTTLE TO WAL-MART ON SUNDAY. ARRGGHHH. I had so much to buy. The REALLY sad thing is that we were early, just in the wrong spot. Soooo we saw it drive off without us.
Yay, now I have to eat cafeteria food for all 3 meals. Unless I want to eat pb sandwiches all day. This sucks. AND NO VANILLA COKE. THAT SUCKS MORE.

I think Julio likes Deepa. grrr i really don't like her. And not just because of that. She's just very unlikeable (word?). You (yes, you) wouldn't like her either. I'm so nice.

I actually called some Canton people on Sunday besides Laura. They said I was missed. yee-ha.


(stick me on the couch, bud)

[19 Aug 2003|04:43pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | FIONNNAAAAA ]


God. my live sucks. Well, just the not-seeing-schuyler part of it. But that literally made me almost cry.
2nd question: Why am I still obsessed over Schuyler?

hokay. HAHAHA I HAVE A FUNNY STORY FOR EVERYBODY. Ok yesterday all the computers got viruses since we're all on the same network, (well that's not the funny part), and 2 of my dorm neighbors, Sue and Hannah, had all the computer work service guys in their room, trying to fix the virus. That's a lot of commas.
(The guys are our age, but for their work service, they fix computers.)
Anyway, when there's nobody in the hall and I'm walking to my room, I start like, galloping to save time because I live on the very end. Plus, I was in a great mood and while I was leaping down the hall, I started jumping up to try to hit the ceiling. So picture me racing down the hall, flinging myself up to hit the ceiling. Oh yeah, and I was cracking up (by myself) because I must have looked really funny.
SO. When I passed Sue and Hannah's room in mid-leap, I noticed like 10 people in there. See, usually guys aren't allowed in our dorms, so I was really suprized and I like, yelped. haha I could hear all the guys like, "Woah.."

Yeah, so now I'm known as the crazy girl in room 214. On 'da east side.

Well, it made me laugh. *hmph*


other news: Yay I finally wrote Ross and Ashley back, but now I can't find any envelopes. Only stamps.
other other news: Julio is still v., v., hot. And his name is really fun to say.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

[16 Aug 2003|04:23pm]

Here it goes:
I bought the BEST Harry Potter poster at Wal-Mart just then ($4.00!), and when I got back to the dorm, IT WASN'T IN THE BAG. I DIDN'T GET IT OUT OF THE CART. WHY DOES THIS STUFF HAPPEN TO ME???? I WAS LOOKING SO FORWARD TO HANGING UP MY HARRY POSTER.


other news: Last night Justin and I went to books a million and found JACK HANDEY BOOKS. I TOLD HIM THEY WOULD BE THERE MWAAAHAHAH. We read them for like an hour. Actually it was more like, we would look through them and whenever we found a funny one we'd say it. *snif* But we didn't buy them. They were like $10.00.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

this is my griping post... [15 Aug 2003|11:10am]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | FM 99.9 THE FOX northern mississippi rock station ]

goddd. this has been the hardest week EVARRR. For the past 2 weeks, I've gotten 5 hours of sleep MAX a night. Yesterday I discovered that I'm so dead tired all the time, that I have become immune to alarms in the morning. That said, I overslept AN HOUR AND A HALF and missed half of my first class. ALL RIGHT, A FUCKING TARDY IN MY FIRST WEEK. Fortunately it's just a warning. it was so scary, though. Like, my name was called over the entire fucking school intercom (i was told), then some freakyass old women came and woke me up. Then she told me I had 3 minutes to get to class, so I had to put on some other pants and run to class. THEN, between 2nd and 3rd periods, I had a total of 10 minutes to run to the dorm, take a shower, THEN make it to my next class. Hell yes I did it.

haha oh yeah and I've gained weight. It's just the "great food" here. LOL it's kinda funny when you think about how different it is here than home. Like, I don't want to use up my cups so I have to drink from all the cartons. Plus, all of my food has gone bad, but I still eat it. It's still probably better than the cafeteria. I haven't done any washes because it costs about 7 dollars and I don't have enough money to just blow on *scoff* washing clothes. Washing sheets is out of the question.
All of my stuff is disorganized. I stay up until 2 every night and wake up at 7. My dorm room smells like wet paint and humidity, which equals farm animals. I'm sure about half of my brain cells have died. I do homework/study from 8-1 every night and I'm STILL failing 2 classes. My trash can is overflowing, so there's trash all over the floor where the sink is. The fresh bananas I bough all broke in half and are rotting in the trash. Making my bed? ha. practice keyboard? ha. oh yeah i quit band. I'm just not a band person.

"So, Emily, what happened today?" you ask?

OKAY I'LL TELL YOU. 1st period- cell biology. On wednesday we had a big homework assignment due, but there was a quiz on it today (friday) so we all assumed that when Dr.-fucking-Davidson didn't ask for it we would just turn it in today, before the quiz. BUT NO. She gave the entire class zeros except for one girl.. MARY. Did Mary tell us when she turned in her assignment on wednesday that, yes, dr. davidson wanted it? NO. I mean, the whole class did it, we just didn't know to turn it in.

Architecture was ok. THEN IN AP CHEMISTRY- 3rd- I failed a moderately easy quiz that I studied for last night for AN HOUR. WHAT IN THE HELL. So I'm typing this during my lunch period because I randomly broke into tears on the way to lunch so I just went back to the dorm. I made a peanut butter sandwich with my old bread and expired peanut butter. Then I drank my old milk from the carton. Oh yeah, and for breakfast this morning I drank my expired orange passion juice from the carton. I'm such a rebel. In 15 minutes I have a Foundations test (just told about it yesterday) and after that I have a Shakespeare quiz. 4 quizzes and a test today. what the fuck.

It's just ironically funny because at home I ate gormet food every night, kept my room clean all the time, and made straight A's. LMFAO Now I'm fat (not THAT much), zitty (from the stress) and sick from all the bad food. YESSSS!!!!

Ok well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit.

Edit 3:08 pm: This has been the hardest day ever, but now that it's over I really don't give a fucking shit what all I failed today. It's just the bliss of knowing that I have 2 FULL DAYS TO SLEEP.

news: parents coming tomorrow for Parent's Day (and I'm actually EXCITED), and I just wrote ross back. That's all the news.

thanks, ljers, for letting me gripe. peace.

(2 therapy sessions | stick me on the couch, bud)

HOKAY HOKAY. [12 Aug 2003|04:15pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | sexy plexy (or sexi plexi)- jack johnson ]

Let's talk about SEX, BABY! New York. (crrraaabbbsss)

NY was such a breath of fresh air. After living in Mississippi with the redneck bastards and listening to their trucks 15 miles away, NY was so... cultured. No rednecks. No southern twangs. Just clean. Cultured.
Yeah anyway. I stayed with my cousin Marissa, and that was OMGSUPERFUN. I know I've told everybody this, but just to reinforce it--YES. MARISSA KNOWS ELIJAH WOOD, HAS MET ORLANDO, HARRISON FORD, AND HALLE BERRY. Jesus, I almost hyperventilated. Marissa and her roommate have a tiny 4 room apartment. But it's Like, there's no need for air conditioners, so they open all the windows and have cool light catchers and sheer curtains and yeah. And the floors are painted lime green. mmm.


BACK TO NY! So, in that tiny apartment it was me, my aunt, my other cousin, marissa, and marissa's roommate (and marissa's boyfriend at some times). Well, we're all close now.

mmmmmmmm we did everything. Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square, SHOPPINGSHOPPINGSHOPPING, Brooklyn Heights, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, WENT TO SEE THE MUSICAL CHICAGO, the United Nations, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Batsheva Dance Performance... the list goes on.

hmm. I just realized that I lent my PERSONAL JOURNAL NOTEBOOK to my guy friend Zach for his use in Yearbook. Boy is he going to have a fucked up perspective of me now. I thought that it was my blank notebook, but obviously I am blind. So now Zach knows everything about me. yay. Never looking at him again.

So. People in NY have a sucky rep of being really fucking mean, but that is sooo not true. I took a car service to Marissa's apartment and accidently left my shirt in it (not the shirt I was wearing hurrrr), and the guy PERSONALLY DELIVERED it back to me on his off day. For no charge. And whenever we brought out our maps, like 10 people would rush up to us and ask if we needed directions. And if I was carrying heavy luggage, people everywhere would ask if they could help me carry it. So no, they aren't bitchy.

The only annoying thing is that my Aunt Laurie has NO SENSE OF DIRECTION WHATSOEVER. One time we walked about 3 miles in one direction, then she goes, "Wait, we're going the wrong direction... let's turn around." Yeah, I wanted to die. Wait, that's wrong. I wanted her to die. Finally I took over the maps and WE NEVER GOT LOST. ahemahemahemhemhem.

Anyway, NYC was great. I would LOOVEEE to live there for a couple of years. Maybe not more than that. Too much of a good thing is bad. I could type soooo much more stuff about NY, but that might be a tad longo/aburrido.

Well now I'm at MSMS! People here are amazing. But, it's kinda weird b/c no one is really better than anyone else here. Hell, we're all overachievers and we fucking know it.
Dorm life kicks ass. I've always been an only child and have had my own room, so I thought that I would HAATEEE it. But it's good! Everybody becomes family, and everybody lives about 2 seconds away. We all get together and do homework on the porch outside, or sit in the big common room and talk/watch movies. common room=harry potter. to me. OMFG AND EVERYBODY LOVES HARRY POTTER. EVERYBODY. WE ALLLL DORK OUT IN THE NAME OF HARRY POTTER. We have big, important discussions about hp.

My roommate Ariel is cool, too. But she's a senior and is not usually in the room, so it's ALL TO MYSELF whenever I'm in it. She's not anything like what everyone said. She has long brown hair, is very sarcastic, and loves Weezer. So that's cool. We've been decorating our room. mmm pictures and posters and jack handey quotes. mmm huge poster of brandon boyd.

The jr/sr class went to White Water in Atlanta last weekend! mmm bus ride at 5 a.m. I sat by the coolest guys. We talked Jack Handey, music, movies, and they read CosmoGirl for the entire ride. soooo funny. They told me I was a "cool girl". wooowww. I think that's b/c I'm the only girl in our grade who knows who Jack Handey and Tenacious D is. That shows how uncultured Mississippi is.

The workload is pretty tough here, but it's not impossible. I'm taking Cell Biology, Architecture U.S. History, AP Chemistry/Organic Chemistry, Shakespeare 1, Foundations of Higher Math/Precalc, MSMS 101, MSMSnet, Spanish 3, Trigonometry, Explorations of Math and Art, Genetics, Late American Fiction, and Instrumental Performance for the keyboard. whew.
buuuuttt that's for the entire year. So everybody who thinks I'm a fucking madwomen for doing all that... some of those are semester courses.


(stick me on the couch, bud)

MMMMM INNNNTERNETTT [11 Aug 2003|06:45pm]

Sooo I am at MSMS FINALLY USING THE INTERNET. We couldn't get our "Ethernet" cords for the first week b/c they thought we would hide in our dorms and not meet new people. Oh poo. BUT ANYWAY. THIS ETHERNET CORD IS THE CORD THAT MAKES YOUR COMPUTER SO SUPERSUPERSUPER FAST. helll yesss. You can download songs in like 2 minutes.

WOW I haven't updated since New York. Right now I'm just soaking up the internet goodness. hmmm dinner time.

EDIT: 11:50 PM
ahh I need sleep. I WILL ACTUALLY WRITE A LONG AND DETAILED POST about dorm life coming up.


yeah anyway. I will also have to update on The Sexiest Man Alive Who Is From El Salvador. He will be my lover. *grinds teeth* WILL. BE. MY. LOVER. haha jk.

I am so going to fail Spanish 3. Oh yeah, and AP Chemistry, Trig, Foundations.... w00t!



(1 therapy session | stick me on the couch, bud)

This is one of those times that you don't think anything worse can happen... but it does. [15 Jul 2003|06:46pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | Fiona Apple - Paper Bag ]

HMM I don't have many "deep" things to write about, so I will enlighten my readers with an experience that happened yesterday.

*snort* Yesterday afternoon I was washing allll of my clothes, so I had to wear clothes that I never wear (while I was washing).
SO, I had on these 4th of July American flag men's boxers that Sara's mom bought for us, and a blue striped way-too-small Limited Too halter top that I have literally had since 3rd grade. Plus, I had my hair in a ponytail, which makes me look a lot like a chicken since my hair is short.
I was in the kitchen, making an avacado sandwich (MMM), singing WHAT'S NEW, PUSSYCATTTTT at the top of my fucking lungs because it was stuck in my head for some God knows reason.

After singing teh chorus like 16 times (all at the top of my lungs... I was home alone), I slammed a huge spoon in a mayonnaise jar and proceeded in holding it above my head like the Statue of Liberty. Then I turned on the radio, and hell, it was a damn good song, so I began dancing around the kitchen waving about a large spoon of mayonnaise. Suddenly, I had the absurd feeling that I was being watched. I swung around just in time to see 2 men (strangers) , standing right outside the kitchen windows, doing a complete doubletake. Flustered, I dropped the enormous spoon of mayonnaise on my shirt, leaving a cubic foot of mayonnaise upon my clothing.
"OH, FUCK!" I proclaimed. "IT'S THE METER READERS!" I knew I had forgotten something, and that was that the meter readers were coming and I needed to direct them to our electricity...meters....thingys.
I raced outside, right as my too-tight mayonnaise halter top decided to untie itself. "WOGGHKKK!" I yelled, trying to (unsuccessfully) right my shirt. The two fine gentlemen (whom, I am sure were very impressed with my performance indoors) probably thought I was calling them, much like a mating call. While tripping over my dogs, who thought I was trying to play, a splinter from the deck managed to slice into my bare foot, making me fall down completely. The pain was unbearable. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I gasped. "DAMMIT TO FUCKING DAMN HELL! THIS IS THE GODFATHER OF ALL SPLINTERS!"
As the 2 men looked on in amazement, I ripped that 3 inch bad boy out, leaving a trail of blood behind me.
"OHKAY, DID YOU FIND THE FRIKKIN' METER?" I screamed with psychotic rage.
"Err, yes... we were just now leaving," one quite handsome boy replied.

They both slided their Oakley sunglasses down and started walking away. Suddenly, one of them asks, "Is something burning?"
"HOLY FUCK -- THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!! IT'S ALL WOOD!!" I yelled. Something was definitely smoking. I ran into the cloudy kitchen, smoke alarm going off, just to find the bread for my long-awaited avocado sandwich burned to a crisp.
I carried it outside, cackling, "IT WAS ONLY MY BREAD!!!"
While they backed up their truck in my yard, all I could think was of the missed sandwich. As if on cue, my dog Godiva jumped on my thigh and started madly humping my leg.... just like a goodbye present for the meter readers.

I waved, black toast in hand, dog latched on leg, as they drove into the sunset.

(stick me on the couch, bud)

Finally home! [07 Jul 2003|10:07am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | garbage - cherry lips ]

Summer is.... good.

The week that Sara, Laura and I were counselors at Camp Bratton Green...well, to be blunt.. kicked fucking ASS. Next year we should do like, 3 sessions. The people were awesome, we got to stare at John Allen and Ben.. (mmmmmmm) haha oh yeah the kids were pretty good too.

The only thing that insanely sucks about this summer is the fact that I have to do GEOMETRY. And that, my friends, is kicking my ass. But, as it's my ticket to the next grade, it's, uh, kinda important. I can't believe MSMS doesn't offer something important and MATH-LIKE such as GEOMETRY. ahh, oh well.
Now that the time for me to pack all my stuff and physically LEAVE HOME forr-evv-err (not really) is nearing, nerves are definitely racking.
The two things that really worry me are:
1. That MSMS will be entirely too hard and I'll fail because I've been at Canton Academy my whole life.
2. People there will be waay too nerdy.

Let me elaborate. GEEKS are awesome. Geeks (and yes, I consider myself a geek in many ways) are uh, what makes the fucking world turn. (what the hell did that mean?)
Now, on the other hand, nerds, to me, are people who only think of getting ahead of everybody in the class. With no sense of humor. Who don't listen to music.

Basically, all I want to get out of MSMS is...
a. seeing what it's like to NOT be with Canton people. (Bask in the glory with me for a sec... I don't ever have to associate with anyone I don't want to... who is from Canton.) When I was AT CA, that was hard b/c it was so small (and stupid) that you HAD to. bwahaha. (Don't worry Lua you only have 1 more year!)

b. having a good time with different people, while, yes, *ugh* getting a better education.

Anyway. Just got back from a week at Sara's. That's always really fun. Well, first we went to Memphis. Then, to Texas. We watched some great flicks and we laughed. A lot. Went to some awesome malls. Ate at cool places. Rode around with Ashleigh. Threw firepoppers at people. We (lua, sara, and I) decided that later on in life, we will write a book entitled HIDE THE FOOD! and it will have all of our memoirs from early childhood to like, uh, then. That'll be a best-seller, lemme tell ya.

Hoooooly crapppp on Saturday, Laura's brother and 2 of his (HOTTTT) friends came to visit Sara's brother after a Grateful Dead concert. Then, on Sunday, we drove from Texas to MS with them. That's 8 hours with mmm boys. Jesus, I don't think I STOPPED laughing. They are the funniest people EVARRRR. That was the best ride. Let's see... Thomas, who is 19 or 20, is the epitome of SEX. Longish, kinda curly thick brown hair, dimples, some freckles, GORGEOUS green eyes, not too big or small, not too many muscles but he def. had some.
Since he was a couple years younger than Cliff (Laura's bro) and Chris (but he looked their age) they made him the butt of most of their jokes. I mean, they're not really making fun of him; it's all good-natured and fucking HILARIOUS.

Like, Thomas eats A LOT, but he's not fat. At breakfast he ate 4 pieces of toast, eggs, TONS of hash browns and half the fruit bowl. After that, Chris named him THE BRICKSLAYER. gahhh it's the funniest thing.
And since they've been camping out for a few days (for the concert), Thomas's fingernails had like, found freedom and grown. A lot. They definitely weren't long, but for a guy they were kinda long. So, whenever he got a coke or something, Chris and Cliff would be like, "WATCH OUT, MAN!! DON'T SPEAR THE CAN! I DON'T WANT COKE ALL OVER THE TAHOE!"
And when Thomas stretched they'd be like, "AHH THE LEATHER UPHOLSTERY!"
And Chris told me that the night before (when they went to yet ANOTHER concert with sara's bro), Thomas asked a girl to dance and when he let go of her arm there were 4 little dots with blood gushing everywhere. Thomas was like, "shut up man". Chris exaggerates a lot.

HAHAHA OMOGGFKG hokay. You know when you wake up and your voice is loud and groggy? Well Thomas's voice was like that for the entire trip. And when Chris turned around and asked a question, Thomas was like, "HUH?" except it was SOOOO loud. And Chris stopped and stared at me and said, "That was the hardest 'huh' I have ever heard in my LIFE." It was even funnier b/c Thomas didn't MEAN to say it that loud. Anyway, for the rest of the trip we joked/imitated about how Thomas is a huge hardass with a Godzilla voice.

hahaah This is not funny to anybody except me.

Oh yeah! We (sara, lua, me) burned like 72498374983274 cds. And in the car I was talking about them to Laura, and Cliff was like, "you know, we'd like to hear what you have on these cd's."
That was pretty embarrassing, especially when George Michael - I Want Your Sex came on. But, they graded our cd's with a B. That's good!

hmm. Laura and I were introduced to some different (but good!) music. Said they went to a Grateful Dead concert, we listened to that for a while. Then, it went to Moe, Bob Marley, Homemade Water, Recreational Chemistry (or something like that), Ben Taylor, Blue Oyster Cult, Crackerjack, Jack Johnson....... and more. I kinda want to download some of that... if my limewire wasn't erased. Good shit, huh?

It's sad that I've written more on the ride home than anything. But, that's just because it's fresh on my mind. If I had written more stuff on the last month, it would be like 600 pages.

Live loud and be proud! (hurrrrr)

(1 therapy session | stick me on the couch, bud)

[31 May 2003|11:45pm]
[ mood | yay mood ]
[ music | matchbox 20 - hang ]

wOOt I haven't updated in LIEK FOREVER.


I took Kim with me as an EYC FRIEND =) and uhh like 10 other peeps went. Well, everybody came to realize that Mr. McGee is REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING. Oh well..... but still-- he was awful. He was the only one to fall out of a raft, and he repeated the story of him falling out about 30 times. Here I go--

But anyway, white water rafting KICKS ASS. I highly recommend it to ev-ery-body. It doesn't hurt, and it's exilerating, not scary. =(((( That was the last EYC ever!! That is so sad. Will is getting "a real job."

Sagar had a "get together" for me because I'm like, leaving or whatever. He bought me a hat and I LOVEEE IT.

HOLY FUCK there is this GUY who works at the Underground who is SEX. Yes, that is how I will describe him. Sex.
He's kind of a Schuyler look-alike. Kinda short, black longish wavy/curly hair... perfect skin. Yeah, well, I bought Will a WOCKA WOCKA WOCKA fozzie bear sticker at the Underground (he says that a lot) and I asked The Sex Boy how much it was and he says, "$3.75. But that's too much. I give it to you for 3 dollars." *cute smile*
Who gives a shit it's only 75 cents... HE LOVES ME. That is all.
(I'll just keep telling myself that)

OH YEAH and when I walked in the Underground the first thing I noticed about The Sex Boy was his awesome earrings. Like, the big round Brandon Boyd ones. I told The Sex Boy I liked them and he goes, "Thanks, I worked on them really hard just for you." Except he wasn't sarcastic! =)

d00d my parents just had a party that DIDN'T suck!!! In fact, it was FUN. It lasted until like, 11:30. Colin and his FRIEND THAT IS A GIRL came, and my fav person Allen was there. There was like 11 people in all. Colin kicks ass. So cool. I don't think I stopped laughing for 4 hours.
gahhh I will have to explain everything later. Especially the policeman part!

(stick me on the couch, bud)

By the way, I finally got my own car. [16 May 2003|06:04pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | uncle kracker - drift away ]

Woah, today was the last day of Canton Academy EVER. I mean, HELL YES I'm glad to be out for the summer, but.... I'm leaving the people who have been my best friends since 3- year old kindergarten!
To say the least, I cried like a fucking toddler all day. Plus, Kim was sick and stayed home from school on my last. day. grr.

d00d, yesterday was pretty bad too. When we were leaving school, Katie walked up to me crying, which made ME start crying, saying that she couldn't handle me leaving and all this stuff.

So, yesterday was the first day I ever drove to downtown Jackson by myself in 5 o'clock traffic for my --get this-- PIANO LESSON. Anyway, on the way down there I started crying AGAIN, and being in the middle of the worst traffic ever by myself was insanely nerve-wracking. So the whole piano lesson I was struggling not to cry, and I was really tense b/c of the traffic.... so of course I was screwing up. Yeah, then John asked me if I had had a bad day because I was really "jumpy".

In algebra 2, Sagar told me I should work the last problem on our review sheet on the board instead of him, because it was the last time I would ever work a problem on the board.... yeah, it sounds so corny, but ohmygod I just couldn't quit crying!
Like, I'm the normally-really-happy-person in our grade, so I guess when everyone saw me crying made THEM start crying, because before long our entire Algebra 2 class was sobbing.
All the girls were crowded around my desk telling me how much they'll miss me and not to leave, which was making it WORSE, so I -really- couldn't stop crying.

*snif* At lunch everybody filled up our table and devoted it an "Emily lunch" and everybody bought Nerd ropes since I eat them like they're going out of style, and we all ate them together. Corny, yes, memorable, yes.
LMFAOO Ok, (we're -really- mature at our lunch table) like every day at lunch everybody at our lunch table counts to 3 and then LAUGHS reallyreallyreally fucking loud. For no reason.... it's just soo funny b/c everybody turns around and stares, which makes us laugh HARDER.

gahh it was so funny today... When Katie does her "laugh", she throws back her head and SCREAMS, and then starts laughing. And I taught everybody how to do the Nielsen Horse Laugh, so we all did that too. God it was hilarious. The whole room got quiet and stared.

=( I think I've taken like 40 pictures in the last 2 days. haha I look like crap in all of 'em, b/c I was always crying!! gah, it was awful... everytime I was in the hall someone would come up to me and be like, 'I can't believe you're LEAVING yadda yadda yadda' and then I would start crying AGAIN.
Well... on a happier note, like 50 people signed the sheet that says they can come to visit me at MSMS. Isn't that gay? The school has to have the person's name if they want to come visit me. But everyone's like, already planning 6 months in ahead of who's going to drive everybody on the road trip up there and stuff.

I never EVARRR thought leaving canton would be so hard.

haha I haven't cried this much since watching Ice Age when Diago dies. Except he doesn't in the end. Something tells me my hormones were way out of whack when I watched that b/c I like, sobbed for an hour.

peace out, bruthas. /gayness.

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